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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

fishing in disputed waters is a stealing? how about Taiwan arrests all fisherman who come close to the 20th parallel and call them thieves?


Now you are bragging the 20th parallel line.....

FYI all COUNTRIES (maybe except CHINA) recognize the Islands as part of the Philippines. The ISLANDS were NEVER PART ON CHINA or TAIWAN. Under International LAW especially the LAW of EFFECTIVITIES (EFFECTIVE JURISDICTION), Taiwan HAS NO CHANCE AT ALL.

WTF are you talking about, half the time you don't even make sense. Take a chill pill and get with the program man.

would any Filipino care to respond to this msg? Or are you going to say he is an imposter?

I could just create an account and NAME IT TAIWANESE. you know.

Plus look at the posters PROFILE, NAME, and # of posts. VERY WU MAO-LISTIC.


Its time for Taiwan to institute put a no access zone around Luzon. And blockade Manila. Any ship that tries to run the blockade will be sunk. Until the compensation is paid in full. The compensation should be around $30 million.

Hahaha YOU CANT EVEN ARREST a single FILIPINO in the Area lol, and ALSO your SHIPS are too WORRIED of CHINA. Trust me, your DREAM will NEVER EVER COME TO REALITY:coffee:
. .
Well isn't it when the Philippines under the Marcos administration signed the UNCLOS, the Philippines specifically excluded the disputed areas in the South China Sea's because Marcos intended to negotiate those areas separately?

Official maps of the republic of the Philippines also did not include said disputed areas. Philippine public awareness only increased during the past decade or so, isn't it? Prior to that most Filipinos did not know nor cared for those disputed areas.

I WAS NOT talking about the SOUTH CHINA SEA. I specifically mentioned NORTHERN AREA (TAIWAN-PHIL borders).

Please re read my posts. thanks

I posted this picture in this forum half year ago,
I suppose it is enough reality to you. :coffee:


First of all, the texts on the pictures you posted are UN READABLE. Also, I seriously dont get your point.
. .
First of all, the texts on the pictures you posted are UN READABLE. Also, I seriously dont get your point.

[Oh Hi
How is that possibly unreadable.

How is it even difficult for you to get.
Reread your posts, take a look at my identity cards and see who you are talking to. :coffee:
Ok, let me tell you this.....

The real True Winner if the PH-TAIWAN Spat continues is CHINA.

China has been waiting for this to happen.


The Philippines and Taiwan HAD a VERY STRONG AND GOOD RELATION before the incident.

The Philippines SUPPORTED the REPUBLIC of CHINA during the CHINESE civil war.

Taiwan and the Philippines are BOTH U.S. Allies.

The TAIWANESE President and MEDIA hyped up the INCIDENT. I don't know if the TW President needed his ratings UP or something.

Taiwan has SPATS with her neighbors.

Japan in the NORTH



Philippines in the SOUTH.

To make it more complicated, NOT many COUNTRIES recognize TAIWAN or would dare to SUPPORT IT by any means.

If TW continues to DAMAGE its VITAL relationship with its DEMOCRATIC ALLIES due to OVER REACTING and PRIDE,

don't be surprised one day, if you don't see any JAPANESE or FILIPINO TEARS the day CHINA invades you.

You are putting SANCTIONS against the Philippines and wanting to break TIES.

The day CHINA invades you, the ISLANDS of the Philippines will be useful as FUEL Stations for U.S. WAR PLANES and WAR SHIPS. The Philippines is a key MILITARY STRATEGIC support to TW.

Also, US and PHILIPPINE troops train on a REGULAR BASIS. Filipino soldiers are TRAINED to operate AMERICAN WAR EQUIPMENTS including jet fighters as the US AND PHIL have MUTUAL DEFENSE treaty (U attack one, u attack both; one goes into war, the other one automatically goes into war also) Filipinos dont need really HEAVILY armed equipments to help the US win a war. US has a lot already, but the MANPOWER of Filipino soldiers especially the AMERICAN trained once will give them a big boost when the US goes to war with ANY COUNTRY not specifically in defense of the Philippines (e.g Iraq, Korea, Vietnam invasion)

And who knows,maybe one day, the Philippines will get its MILITARY HAY DAY STATUS. As the Philippines is CURRENTLY the 5th RAPIDLY DEVELOPING COUNTRY in the WORLD not just in ASIA- the modernization of its armed forces is ongoing. I am not bragging but I have DATA to support this. Before the Philippine MARSHAL LAW was imposed during the MARCOS DICTATORSHIP ERA (1970s), the WHOLE ASIA knew that the PHILIPPINES was the 2nd wealthiest and the 2nd MOST MILITARY equipped NATION after JAPAN as we had more than 200 jet fighters and bombers back then. During the 50's and 60's, SINGAPORE, SOUTH KOREA were NOTHING compared to the economy of the Philippines and in fact MANY KOREAN economics teachers teach about this......but i am not going into more details....the bottom line is, KNOW WHO IS YOUR REAL FRIEND when CRISIS COMES.

Now that CHINA has finally seen an OPPORTUNITY, I SEE CHINA'S Invasion of TAIWAN NEARING.

Think now and don't over react before its too late.


Phil-Taiwan Spat: The real WINNER IS COMMUNIST CHINA
[Oh Hi
How is that possibly unreadable.

How is it even difficult for you to get.
Reread your posts, take a look at my identity cards and see who you are talking to. :coffee:

You dont have to post your identity cards. Reading HK blogs and sentiments are good enough.

Also, reread what I said first about HK and CHINA before you waste your time posting irrelevant stuff.
I'd agree. That is one mistake Ma has made, keep demanding for an apology, when the real issues are determining if the shooting was warranted and compensation.
Yes and he is acting very irrational and lack of prudence. Instead of cooling down the tensions, he keeps ratcheting it up. President Ma is barking to restore confidence from his people, at the expense of the Philippines. It would have been proper if Mr. Ma lets the investigation take its course and do it in a civilized manner.

74 % of Taiwanese dissatisfied with President Ma: Poll
Ma Ying-jeou marks 5th anniversary in office on May 20

Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2013-05-17 03:57 PM

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – About three quarters of the public were dissatisfied with President Ma Ying-jeou as his fifth anniversary in power approached, the opposition Democratic Progressive Party said Friday.

Ma was first sworn in as president on May 20, 2008, while his second and final term started on the same day last year.

Only 18.7 percent were satisfied with his rule, 74.8 percent disapproved of him, while 49.6 percent predicted his performance would only deteriorate during the three years he still had left, the DPP said. Only 25.1 percent were optimistic that the final years of Ma’s rule would show improvements.

Opposition spokesman Lin Chun-hsien said that 45.1 percent of respondents said they were ‘very dissatisfied’ with Ma, 29.7 percent were ‘somewhat dissatisfied,’ 15.4 percent were ‘somewhat satisfied’ and 3.3 percent were ‘very satisfied.’

When different aspects of government were taken into consideration, Ma received a negative rating in every single one of them, but it was the highest for his management of the economy, with 78.1 percent giving him bad marks, Lin said.

Ma received a negative rating for his handling of the nation’s finances from 76.4 percent of respondents and for his campaign against corruption from 76.2 percent, the DPP poll showed.

The president was named as the worst politician of the ruling Kuomintang by 37.3 percent of poll respondents, with 17.4 percent naming KMT lawmakers in general.

The DPP said the poll was conducted May 14-15, when Ma’s government announced sanctions against the Philippines over the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman.

Earlier in the week, Ma received only 46.5 points out of a possible 100 in the Taiwan Mood Barometer Survey conducted by Taiwan Indicators Survey Research.

A report in the China Times Weekly magazine said that KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan and his supporters were maneuvering to have New Taipei City Mayor Eric Liluan Chu replace Ma as party chairman in elections scheduled for July.

Chu spent at least one hour meeting with representatives of KMT youth groups with close links to Lien’s son Sean Lien at his government office on May 8, the magazine reported.

The mayor, who has frequently been named as a potential KMT presidential candidate for 2016, said he would respect Ma’s leadership of the party but nevertheless complained about his performance, the magazine reported.

KMT politicians reportedly fear that Ma’s low ratings will drag them down in local and regional elections scheduled for late next year.

74 % of Taiwanese dissatisfied with President Ma: Poll - Taiwan News Online
Anyway 74% of Taiwanese are dissatisfied with President, Ma. He's got to do everything and anything to gain favors from the public by sensationalizing this incident.

I hardly think the moment happened like a movie scene. If I had to use a movie to describe it, I would probably say the "Killing Field" to describe what had happened - 42 out of 52 shots aimed at the Captains cabin, while he was running away, not presenting any danger to anyone. Even assuming , for the sake of argument, that he ignored the blare horn and continue to fish, and then try to back up the ship and try to ram the 80ton steel ship with his 30 ton fiberglass boat on high seas, risking killing his son and son in law, in order to run away from the PCG boat, the coastguard said they backed up, and then went forward (as though they peeled rubber) almost hitting the coastguard ship, and but for the coastguard's quick reverse, the fishing boat 1/3 the size would have collided with the coastguard. B/c the fishing boat resisted the warning to stop, they ordered the shooting..
1) how fast was the fishing boat going when it shifted from reverse to forward that almost collided with the coastguard? such that the coastguard had enough time to reverse the gear to avoid collision? remember, this all happened on water, not land.
2) If a collision was avoided, how was the coastguard in danger when it gave chase? it was the one chasing, not being chased, and there was no other information provided that would indicate a danger to the coastguard. Are you saying they were going so fast on water that the boat could have flipped over? that's absurd.
3) If the coastguard intended to shoot the engine, why did 42 of the 52 bullets landed in the captain's cabin? and then, they claim "accidental" killing. How can it be accidental when you aimed most of your shots at the captain?
Poaching is one issue, ramming your boat with the intent to harm or evade apprehension is another. The bullet was not intended for the fisherman, it was intended for the motor of their boat. The fisherman was accidentally hit. If it was intentional then none of those fishermen will survive. The bullet holes are located at the front, side and at the back of the boat. Not on the deck where the passengers are located. Has anyone really seen how much a 30caliber machine gun can do? 52 shot holes.

IF the coast guards wanted to kill the fisher man intentionally I would say that at least 60% of those bullets would have hit that fisherman and yet it's located at the front of the boat indicating that the fisherman's boat was FACING THE COASTGUARDS boat in RAMMING position.

Now Aguino is telling the world press that Ma is jealous of Aguino for having such high ratings in his own country, unlike Ma, and say the sanctions are a way to bully the smaller country. He has turned this serious matter into a circus sideshow between him and Ma.
by the way, where is the video to prove the PCG story to NBI? I don't think they will produce that for a while, and when they do, its probably heavily edited, and the one minutia part that supports the story will appear blurry and questionable, leaving all viewers in a quandary.
President Ma has demanded an apology, compensation, fishing rights, etc within the deadline it imposed regardless of the result of investigation. His reaction to the situation is strange and irrational because such demands are normally raised after the result of investigations. The Philippines already have done enough in taking steps to apologize (disregarding the fact that National Territory was crossed). Taiwan should re-calibrate their way of thinking and approach on the issue as their temper-driven actions might lead to far greater and long-term consequences.

If Taiwan continues this hot-headed attitude towards the issue instead of settling it with diplomacy, then it should better prepare itself to how the international community will respond to the actions it is taking - a response that might affect the 'Taiwan dream' of state recognition.
You dont have to post your identity cards. Reading HK blogs and sentiments are good enough.

Also, reread what I said first about HK and CHINA before you waste your time posting irrelevant stuff.

Indeed I don't, but since you mention 'reality', therefore I gave you 'reality'. How is that even irrelevant :coffee:
Reading blogs and sentiments right? There are huge amount of racists cursing around and enjoy causing conflicts in the internet such as in 4chan, 'reality' you say.
There are independence movement in Ryukyu, unlike HK, their action is even official. Should I as a foreigner represent all the people of Ryukyu, jump to Ryukyu and clam that Ryukyu is not Japan.
I/normal People would never come to a Ryukyu people and rudely tell him if he is a real people of Ryukyu or not , therefore I suppose you have to stop acting like an emperor of Macau&HK, being rude and tell us HK & Macau citizens what is "true" and what is not "real" :coffee:
Why would an unarmed boat attempt to ram a ship with eight times its volume (remember, half length also means half beam and half draft -- not to mention one is fiberglass and the other one is metal). That doesn't make sense. Why are the other Filipinos taking that at face value? Why would anyone believe a crazy story like that? Do you realize how stupid you're making us look to other nationalities? Have you never been bullied by a PNP cop before who lied about what he was doing to get away with it?
Do you not realize that fishing in someone else's waters doesn't justify killing them? Are you serious that 52 bullets isn't a lot (remember, shooting at moving targets in the wavy seas is hard, if there are 52 holes there are hundreds that missed). Are you sure that chasing the small boat for hours and shooting it the whole time means we showed restraint instead of making us look like crazy murderers? Do you realize that claiming self defense only works if the other party was capable of killing us or causing damage?
Or are you just blindly defending and posturing because one side has the Filipino flag on it.
This is a really bad year to be a Filipino on the internet. First it was that stupid business in Sabah and then now this
Hmm mrunong k mgsalita wikng Pinoy or kht ano?

An act of ramming could turn your unarmed vessel into a weapon and it also a threat to our coast guard.

When their fishing vessel tried to ram our coast guard ship, it's already a sign of no respect to the authorities. The intention really was to disable the fishing vessel. Unfortunately, the fisherman got hit and died. The Philippines has already apologized and they don’t want to accept it. So it’s their problem


The Taiwanese vessel was in the Balintang Channel well inside the Philippine territorial waters. An apology was sent for the death caused by the incident and an investigation is underway.


Taiwan Government is really escalating the situation on purpose. Their people is also becoming violent against Filipinos in Taiwan.




Well calm and considered action is needed. No need to add fuel to the fire. We want peace. We don't demean any human life. We respect all human lives.That is why our government apologized. It is a formal public apology.
PCG men say they acted in self-defense
By Nancy C. Carvajal
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Saturday, May 18th, 2013

MANILA, Philippines—It was self-defense.

That’s how Philippine Coast Guard officers aboard a Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel described their action during an encounter with a Taiwanese fishing boat off Balintang Island in northern Philippines last week.

The coast guards submitted their report on the encounter to their commander, Rear Adm. Rodolfo Isorena, a copy of which has been submitted to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), which President Benigno Aquino III has ordered to look into the circumstances of the May 9 incident that led to the shooting death of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng and to new tensions between Taiwan and the Philippines.

A source who has knowledge of the investigation told the Inquirer yesterday that the coast guards and two BFAR employees aboard the surveillance vessel MCS-3001 admitted firing on the Taiwanese fishing boat Guang Ta Hsin 28, but only in “self-defense.”

“The fishing boat with passengers speaking a foreign language approached at full speed and attempted to ram the Philippine vessel, but the bigger [BFAR] vessel was able to [maneuver and the fishing boat missed it by a meter],” the source said.
There had been warnings from the Coast Guard before that, the source said.

The coast guards heard on their radio an instruction in “a foreign language” then the fishing boat sped toward the MCS-3001.
Warning shot

Using their vessel’s public address system, the coast guards ordered the fishing boat to stop, the source said.

“But the fishing boat did not heed the order and continued to speed toward the Philippine vessel, forcing it to fire a warning shot,” the source said.

Then the near-miss, and a shirtless crew member of the fishing boat coming out on deck and making motions as if daring the coast guards to come after his boat, the source said.

The fishing boat sped off and the MCS-3001 went after it, firing at the boat’s engine to stop the vessel.

But the coast guards gave up the chase when they saw eight to 10 more fishing boats where the Guang Ta Hsin 28 was headed.
It is unclear whether the shirtless man who taunted the coast guards was Hung and how the fisherman was hit.

But the Taiwanese government is demanding, among other things, a formal apology from the Philippine government for Hung’s death, compensation for the fisherman’s family, and the arrest and punishment of the killers.

To pressure the Philippines, Taiwan froze the hiring of Filipino workers.

President Aquino sent a letter to the Taiwanese government on Wednesday, but Taipei rejected it for being “insincere” and suspended official and trade exchanges, economic cooperation projects, tourist travel to the Philippines, and staged naval exercises in waters near the Philippines to show its anger over the killing of Hung.

Drill ignored

Malacañang ignored the naval exercises, which it said on Friday were held outside Philippine territory.

“As long as the activity is within their borders, or in the high seas, then that should not be a concern for us,” deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte told reporters.

But she said the government was preparing for “contingencies” following Taiwan’s imposition of retaliatory measures on the Philippines.

Valte said the Department of Labor and Employment was looking at “alternative markets” for Filipino workers whose job applications had been frozen.

Valte said the Philippine government had “done enough” by apologizing for Hung’s death. But she said she did not know how Mr. Aquino took Taiwan’s rejection of his apology.

Avoiding escalation

Asked about China’s backing Taiwan in this controversy, Valte said the President had given instructions to “avoid escalation.”
Malacañang also ignored the arrival of Taiwanese investigators on Wednesday to join the Philippine investigation of the incident.
Valte quoted Justice Secretary Leila de Lima as saying that the Taiwanese investigators first have to make arrangements with the Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei before coming to Manila.

De Lima yesterday said the Taiwanese investigators were free to investigate the killing of Hung, but how much access they would be allowed here depended on how much access NBI investigators would be given in Taiwan for their own investigation of the circumstances surrounding Hung’s death.

The NBI is sending a team to Taiwan to talk to the crew of the Guang Ta Hsin 28 and inspect the boat as part of the Philippine investigation.

No joint probe

“We shall see up to what extent the cooperation between the two investigative teams would be. But it’s not going to be a joint [probe],” De Lima said.

“We can allow them to inspect the Philippine Coast Guard-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources vessel. But they should also allow us to inspect the Taiwanese fishing vessel, and, if possible, [the inspections should be] simultaneous,” she added.

NBI Director Nonnatus Rojas and Virgilio Mendez, the bureau’s deputy director for regional services and leader of the investigative team, presented at a news conference yesterday 15 high-powered firearms used by the coast guards during the encounter with the Taiwanese fishing boat.

The NBI officials, however, declined to go into specifics, just saying that the coast guards claimed “provocation.”

Video of encounter

Mendez confirmed that the NBI has a video of the encounter at sea, but the authenticity of the video had yet to be established.
“We want to interview the person who took that video first, and determine if it is really relevant to this investigation,” Mendez said. With reports from Michael Lim Ubac and Jerome Aning
Former envoy Lauro Baja tells Taiwan to 'remember who its friends are'
Friday, 17 May, 2013, 4:49am

A former top Philippines diplomat has urged Taiwan to "remember who its friends are", in comments that appear to suggest Taiwan is ungrateful for Manila's longstanding support for its political autonomy.

"Taiwan should remember we were the first ones to have these informal relations with them and we have substantial relations with them in terms of trade," said Lauro Baja, the former Philippines ambassador to the United Nations.

Baja said he decided to speak out as a citizen because of what he perceived was Taiwan's "overreaction" to the death of one of its fishermen on May 9 when a Philippines coastguard vessel fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat that Manila said was inside Philippine territory.

Baja said that, contrary to Taipei's claims that the incident occurred in disputed territory, Taiwan had long recognised the area as a part of Philippine waters.

"If you recall, during the time of [President] Cory Aquino, there was some sort of corridor established for Taiwanese fishermen" to pass through that area, he said. But Baja, once foreign affairs undersecretary for policy, did not know the status of that agreement because "it came from Malacanang Palace and did not pass through the DFA [Department of Foreign Affairs]".

"With their entity being a province of China, giving sanctions and refusing to receive the representative of the president, what is that? Sometimes I feel we have these things coming to us because of our very timid diplomacy," Baja said.

Rex Robles, a retired Philippine Navy commodore and security consultant, also pointed to the corridor agreement as proof that Taiwan recognises Philippine sovereignty over that area.

"I think everyone has forgotten about the safety corridor which Cory Aquino signed during her term. It allowed Taiwanese fishermen to pass through Philippine waters on their way to the Pacific Ocean," he said.

Robles said if Taiwan believed the area was theirs, in the first place, "why will they sign that MOU [Memorandum of Understanding]?"

Robles said he was "puzzled over the Taiwanese government's overreaction" and called for a thorough probe.

Outrage over Taiwan's Manila bashing and reported incidents of violence against Filipinos in Taipei spilled over yesterday to the social media.

Rafael Alunan, a businessman and former cabinet minister, wrote on Facebook: "China will take over Taiwan one of these days, and I will not shed a tear. Even without that formal takeover, they seem to be in bed together applying the same tactics against us and Japan in our respective territories."

International law expert Harry Roque noted that Taiwan has no legal leg to demand a fishing agreement with Manila because "Taiwan is not an independent state and should not expect to be treated as such".

Former envoy Lauro Baja tells Taiwan to 'remember who its friends are' | South China Morning Post
Filipinos no longer welcome in Taiwan restaurants, says Meco exec
By Yolanda Sotelo
Inquirer Northern Luzon
Friday, May 17th, 2013

DAGUPAN CITY – Filipinos have been refused service in restaurants and supermarkets, as tensions continue to rise over the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard in the Balintang Channel last week, said Amadito Perez Jr., chair of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (Meco).

Many such cases have occurred in the hometown of Hung Shih-cheng in Taiwan, he told the Philippine Daily Inquirer in a telephone interview from Taipei.

“We have received numerous reports of harassment, particularly from Kaoshiung City, where the slain fisherman resided.

Emotions are running high there and you can feel the animosity toward the overseas Filipino workers,” he said. “Some restaurants refuse to serve food to Filipinos and some supermarkets won’t let Filipinos inside to buy groceries. They (Taiwanese) cast angry glances at Filipinos. I advised them to just buy from the markets and not to wander around, to stay at home if they have nothing important to do outside.”

The Meco is verifying these reports, including claims that some migrant workers were beaten up by Taiwanese residents, he said.
“The situation is tense. The Filipinos are afraid to lose their jobs. I advised them to stay calm and never to retaliate no matter the provocation,” Perez said.

There are 90,000 Filipino workers in Taiwan, 10 percent of whom are domestic workers.

Perez said he was informed of factories that have put out news releases threatening to terminate the contracts of Filipino workers because of the death of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng.

But the factories that issued the threats did not come from the electronic sector, which employs 25,000 Filipinos, he said.

“We have good workers in the electronic sector. The Taiwanese cannot just fire them or their electronics sector would be paralyzed. But there are factories in other sectors that may send our workers back home,”
he said.

The Taiwanese government has stopped issuing working visas to Filipinos and has advised tour agencies to cancel tours to the Philippines, he said.

Taiwanese tourists rank fifth on a list of top foreign tourists who frequent the Philippines.

The Meco was ready to evacuate Filipino workers if needed, “but we are proceeding with caution,” Perez said.

He admitted he was not spared from the prejudice. He said when he tried to check in at a Taiwanese hotel, he was informed that there was no vacant room.

“There was a small hotel that accepted us. But they told us later they could not accommodate us because of the many reporters outside the hotel and the guests were complaining of being disturbed,” he said.
Local reporters have been hounding Perez there since the incident happened.

Filipino attacked in Taiwan
Posted by Online on May 18th, 2013

The Manila Economic Cooperation Office (MECO) in Taipei, Taiwan has confirmed reports that an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) in Kaoshiung was hit in the arm with a baseball bat by an angry Taiwanese.

The attack was apparently in retaliation to the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard during an encounter in overlapping waters of the two countries last week.

This was the first time that MECO confirmed reports about violence against Filipinos in Taiwan.

MECO Executive Director Antonio Basilio said the OFW suffered a bruised shoulder but has been discharged from the hospital already. “The OFW is now in our office in Kaoshiung,” Basilio said.

He further added that there are scooter-riding gangs who victimize foreigners with drive-by muggings.

Earlier, in order to legally address all the allegations of discrimination, MECO Labor Representative Rey Conferido called on OFWs who have been harassed or insulted by a Taiwanese to send such information, including the name and contact details of the accused, to his office. (Roy C. Mabasa)

Filipino attacked in Taiwan | Tempo - News in a Flash

Philippines rejects Taiwan "murder" claims
POSTED: 18 May 2013

The Philippines Saturday rejected Taiwan's allegations that its coastguards had intentionally murdered a Taiwanese fisherman whose death has triggered a major diplomatic spat.

MANILA: The Philippines Saturday rejected Taiwan's allegations that its coastguards had intentionally murdered a Taiwanese fisherman whose death has triggered a major diplomatic spat.

The 65-year-old fisherman was shot dead by Philippine coastguards who said his vessel intruded into Philippine waters.

Chen Wen-chi, head of the Taiwan team investigating the May 9 incident, said most of the bullets had hit the fishing boat's cockpit where its crew hid.

"By combining the... evidence, it clearly shows that the Philippine law enforcers were intentionally shooting the Guang Ta Hsin 28 crew members, which indicates their intent of murder," Chen told a news conference in Manila.

The shooting, which Manila insists occurred inside Philippine territorial waters but which Taipei counters happened within its exclusive economic zone, has led to Taiwanese sanctions against its neighbour.

President Benigno Aquino's spokesman Ricky Carandang rejected the murder allegations.

"There is an investigation ongoing so any premature statements that tend to confuse the issues and inflame passions should be avoided," Carandang told AFP.

Manila has warned its 87,000 nationals who work in Taiwan to stay indoors after a Filipino man was allegedly hospitalised in a baseball bat attack in Kaohsiung city.

Chen's comments echoed those made by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in Taipei on Friday.

"If (Philippine) civil servants used automatic weapons to fire at unarmed and provocative fishing boats, this was not carrying out their job duties. This is cold-blooded murder," Ma said.

Aquino made a "personal" apology on Wednesday over the "unintended" death arising from the patrol's duty of protecting Philippine waters against illegal fishing.

Taiwan has rejected the apology. It recalled its de facto envoy, banned the hiring of new Philippine workers and staged a military drill in waters off the northern Philippines earlier this week.

The Philippines officially recognises Beijing over Taipei but maintains trade ties with the island.

Chen, of the Taiwan justice ministry's department of international and cross-strait legal affairs, said her team was flying back to Taiwan immediately because their Filipino counterparts showed a "lack of sincerity and credibility".

Philippines rejects Taiwan "murder" claims - Channel NewsAsia
Indeed I don't, but since you mention 'reality', therefore I gave you 'reality'. How is that even irrelevant :coffee:
Reading blogs and sentiments right? There are huge amount of racists cursing around and enjoy causing conflicts in the internet such as in 4chan, 'reality' you say.
There are independence movement in Ryukyu, unlike HK, their action is even official. Should I as a foreigner represent all the people of Ryukyu, jump to Ryukyu and clam that Ryukyu is not Japan.
I/normal People would never come to a Ryukyu people and rudely tell him if he is a real people of Ryukyu or not , therefore I suppose you have to stop acting like an emperor of Macau&HK, being rude and tell us HK & Macau citizens what is "true" and what is not "real" :coffee:

Not to brag but I have HKonger friends as well and they dont have to show me their birth certificates or any sort of identifications, their opinions are enough. And for me talking to them is more realistic than reading your post. At least I know they are real, but you? who knows, just saying.....:coffee:
Former envoy Lauro Baja tells Taiwan to 'remember who its friends are'
Friday, 17 May, 2013, 4:49am

A former top Philippines diplomat has urged Taiwan to "remember who its friends are", in comments that appear to suggest Taiwan is ungrateful for Manila's longstanding support for its political autonomy.

"Taiwan should remember we were the first ones to have these informal relations with them and we have substantial relations with them in terms of trade," said Lauro Baja, the former Philippines ambassador to the United Nations.

Baja said he decided to speak out as a citizen because of what he perceived was Taiwan's "overreaction" to the death of one of its fishermen on May 9 when a Philippines coastguard vessel fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat that Manila said was inside Philippine territory.

Baja said that, contrary to Taipei's claims that the incident occurred in disputed territory, Taiwan had long recognised the area as a part of Philippine waters.

"If you recall, during the time of [President] Cory Aquino, there was some sort of corridor established for Taiwanese fishermen" to pass through that area, he said. But Baja, once foreign affairs undersecretary for policy, did not know the status of that agreement because "it came from Malacanang Palace and did not pass through the DFA [Department of Foreign Affairs]".

"With their entity being a province of China, giving sanctions and refusing to receive the representative of the president, what is that? Sometimes I feel we have these things coming to us because of our very timid diplomacy," Baja said.

Rex Robles, a retired Philippine Navy commodore and security consultant, also pointed to the corridor agreement as proof that Taiwan recognises Philippine sovereignty over that area.

"I think everyone has forgotten about the safety corridor which Cory Aquino signed during her term. It allowed Taiwanese fishermen to pass through Philippine waters on their way to the Pacific Ocean," he said.

Robles said if Taiwan believed the area was theirs, in the first place, "why will they sign that MOU [Memorandum of Understanding]?"

Nice article, like what I've posted earlier

Taiwan recognized the area as PHILIPPINE territory

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