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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

This editorial is a joke, just like all the arguments made by all the Flips in here.
1) How can you describe a slaughter like an "action movie"? the boat was riddled with 50+ bullets from the Starboard side of an UNARMED fishing boat.
2) The fishing boat began running b/c from experience the 65 year old man didn't want to be arrested on a trumped up charge of "Forgery" of a fishing permit he paid a hefty price for to the Flip govt.
3) The boat was in disputed territory, so if you manuns think its okay to arrest and shoot at fishing boats in disputed water, then Taiwan should be allowed to do the same, so then I guess it depends on who has a better and more discipline military (I think everyone knows the answer).
4) the shooting occurred during a chase, as admitted by the manun rogue soldiers, who actually caught up to the fishing boat as the shots were fired at the starboard side of the fishing boat, which means they fired at close range.

Of course these preliminary statements are disturbingly lacking in details, which would take more than "3 pages" to fill, one cannot help but ask: was it necessary to shoot at a fishing boat engine 52 times with unidentified high-power guns, like the M60, with metal piercing rounds, at close range, and at UNARMED CIVIILIANS???


Truth hurts!!!!:cry::no:
believe me, it is in disputed waters. If not, then it will not be a dispute any more from now.

if you look at the images. the incident took place well within PH waters. no one country can invoke their EEZ inside other countries' territorial waters.

Even the TW government don't dispute this anymore, only the media.
if you look at the images. the incident took place well within PH waters. no one country can invoke their EEZ inside other countries' territorial waters.

Even the TW government doesn't dispute this anymore, only the media.

Who are you kidding? Even the USA says it's disputed waters. Who do the Philippines have now? Repent!
1. Our government authorities can be really insensitive.
2. where did you get that info. can you please give us links to that.
3. Maps that were shown to the Taiwanese public made it look like the incident took place far from the nearest Philippine coast.
a clearer satellite imagery.
1.bp.blogspot.com/-6WUIBiYCk9Y/UY9JXiLtQ8I/AAAAAAABGt8/bu4MoF848zc/s1600/Taiwanese%2BFishermen%2BShoot%2BDead%2Bby%2BPhilip pine%2BCoast%2BGuard%2B%2509in%2BBalintang%2BChann el%2Bin%2Bthe%2BPhilippines-725051.png

Info. an M60 can fire hundreds of rounds per minute.

If you carefully read the excerpt you posted. the shooting was justified if there was really an attempt to ram the CG ship.

you people have no logic or common sense:

1) Taiwanese fishermen interviewed by Taiwan media who lives on Xiao liuchio islands have all experienced arrests and extended jail times (2+ months) by your coconut, manun Fisheries on trumped up charges of "forgery" of fishing permits, which they legally bought from the same manun Dept. of Fisheries, at a premium, for the last 20 years. This is a routine that has gone on unnoticed by the world until now.

2) How can you look at a map and determine what is disputed and undisputed waters? You are so ******* stupid I'm not even gonna do your home work for you. Do yourself a favor and study more and save your self the embarrassment.

3) If what you say is true, that an M60 can fire hundreds of rounds per minute, then the question becomes do none of these manuns on board carry a lesser weapon? like a hand gun? Any gun can easily pierce through fiber glass and damage an engine part. Why can't you take care when you are shooting at civilians knowing you are threatening their lives???

4) WTF are you talking about read the post carefully if there is an attempt to ram? even assuming there was an attempt to ram then it is more likely that the shooting was a retaliation and not self-defense, b/c the boat was running away so how were the manun rogue soldiers in danger??

you people have no logic or common sense:

1) Taiwanese fishermen interviewed by Taiwan media who lives on Xiao liuchio islands have all experienced arrests and extended jail times (2+ months) by your coconut, manun Fisheries on trumped up charges of "forgery" of fishing permits, which they legally bought from the same manun Dept. of Fisheries, at a premium, for the last 20 years. This is a routine that has gone on unnoticed by the world until now.

2) How can you look at a map and determine what is disputed and undisputed waters? You are so ******* stupid I'm not even gonna do your home work for you. Do yourself a favor and study more and save your self the embarrassment.

3) If what you say is true, that an M60 can fire hundreds of rounds per minute, then the question becomes do none of these manuns on board carry a lesser weapon? like a hand gun? Any gun can easily pierce through fiber glass and damage an engine part. Why can't you take care when you are shooting at civilians knowing you are threatening their lives???

4) WTF are you talking about read the post carefully if there is an attempt to ram? even assuming there was an attempt to ram then it is more likely that the shooting was a retaliation and not self-defense, b/c the boat was running away so how were the manun rogue soldiers in danger??


1. that may be true.

2. it would be disputed if taiwan owns the islands surrounding the area where the incident took place. that area would also be disputed if there were no islands between the two countries.

3. who would know if the boat was made of fiberglass or not? where's your "logic" there. The captain was is the engine room. They tried to shoot the engine. Humans don't have X-ray vision.

4. that's your assumption. it can be true or false. i'm still waiting for that supposed video evidence that would absolve the CG.
1. that may be true.

2. it would be disputed if taiwan owns the islands surrounding the area where the incident took place. that area would also be disputed if there were no islands between the two countries.

3. who would know if the boat was made of fiberglass or not? where's your "logic" there. The captain was is the engine room. They tried to shoot the engine. Humans don't have X-ray vision.

4. that's your assumption. it can be true or false. i'm still waiting for that supposed video evidence that would absolve the CG.

you people have no logic or common sense:

1) Taiwanese fishermen interviewed by Taiwan media who lives on Xiao liuchio islands have all experienced arrests and extended jail times (2+ months) by your coconut, manun Fisheries on trumped up charges of "forgery" of fishing permits, which they legally bought from the same manun Dept. of Fisheries, at a premium, for the last 20 years. This is a routine that has gone on unnoticed by the world until now.

Why you need a fishing permit if you are in your territory, So this means a permit to poach inside Philippines water..:hitwall:
Why you need a fishing permit if you are in your territory, So this means a permit to poach inside Philippines water..:hitwall:

they only bought the permits to avoid a conflict, you coconut

they only bought the permits to avoid a conflict, you coconut

but, its okay, now, b/c from now on they will not need a permit from your pseudo-government/ regime
That "video" would really clear things up. It would prove their innocence or guilt.

Those saying that it would be doctored or manufactured clearly won't accept anything less than a guilty verdict. the PH authorities would look like fools if they do those kinds of things.

they only bought the permits to avoid a conflict, you coconut

but, its okay, now, b/c from now on they will not need a permit from your pseudo-government/ regime

i'm still waiting for links to that interview. even links to previous accounts of harassment by PH authorities. it's good to hear the stories of both sides.
That "video" would really clear things up. It would prove their innocence or guilt.

Those saying that it would be doctored or manufactured clearly won't accept anything less than a guilty verdict. the PH authorities would look like fools if they do those kinds of things.

i'm still waiting for links to that interview. even links to previous accounts of harassment by PH authorities. it's good to hear the stories of both sides.

nice to have people like you around here, so that we can have some intelligent discussion, too much trolling around atm
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