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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines



The huge Taiwanese fishing boat could definitely sink our fiberglass CG ship. It's definitely a LIE what the Taiwanese are portraying that Guang Da Xing No. 28 is too small to pose a danger to our CG ship.
Actually, It Was the Philippines That Bungled the Crisis with Taiwan

By Dennis Halpin

Responding to a recent piece in The Diplomat, Dennis Halpin argues that the missteps were Manila’s.

In his article “How Taiwan Bungled the Philippine Crisis” on May 21, J. Michael Cole indicated that Taipei missed a golden opportunity to de-escalate the situation. That was when Philippine President Aquino dispatched MECO Chairman Amadeo Perez to Taipei to convey his “deep regret and apology over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.”

The fact is that the personal apology conveyed by Mr. Perez for the Philippine Coast Guard’s “unintended” killing of a Taiwan fisherman is certainly not enough of an assurance for Taipei to begin healing its wounds. It is, instead, another attempt by Manila to evade the Philippine government’s responsibility in this tragedy.

Nuance is critical in diplomacy. Unfortunately, from day one, Manila has misused its diplomatic language in an attempt to reassure Taipei and, as a consequence, has bumbled into an avoidable row. “The propitious time to cease escalation,” as described by Mr. Cole, quickly passed by in the first few days. Manila missed a golden opportunity to seize the initiative and defuse the situation.

On May 10, one day after the Taiwan fisherman’s body was taken back to Taiwan and the public's outrage began to boil over, President Aquino’s Deputy Spokesperson Abigail Valte defended the Philippine Coast Guard against the alleged “aggressive act” of the Taiwan fishing boat GDX 28. “It was an aggressive act. The ramming of the boat into our vessel was certainly an aggressive act, so the PCG responded accordingly,” she said. Obviously Manila was trying to paint the PCG's killing as an act of self-defense against an aggressor

That approach was badly received by the Taiwan public. If Manila is really serious about conducting a transparent and impartial investigation of the killing, as previously promised, how could the Philippine government prejudge the Taiwan fishing boat as the aggressor and certify its “ramming” into the PCG, given that Manila's investigation was not yet even completed? At this stage, Taiwan has a legitimate concern over Manila’s attitude regarding the investigation of its own officials.

After all, this situation is not too complicated for the public to understand. The claim that the attack was necessary to prevent a ramming of the Philippine’s Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel by the Taiwan fishing boat appears ludicrous given the disparity in size and weight between the two ships. The Philippine government vessel was roughly six times the size of the Taiwanese fishing boat. In addition, according to Taiwan's initial investigation, there is no evidence of any ramming found at the fishing boat to support Manila's claim of self-defense.

In addition, fifty-nine bullet holes from Philippine officials’ automatic weapons fire were found to have punctured the fishing boat’s cockpit, where the crew of father and son were hiding. This clearly demonstrates that Philippine Coast Guard personnel showed no restraint whatsoever in their sustained shooting barrage into an unarmed vessel. The excessive use of force by the Philippine Coast Guard is a serious violation of international law. Mr. Cole, in his article, also agreed at least that it was a disproportionate response by the Philippine authorities.

Manila’s "finger-pointing" rhetoric greatly raised Taipei’s concerns and was viewed by Taipei as a counterproductive attempt to preclude the Philippine government’s responsibility to hold the perpetrators accountable. In the meantime, Beijing jumped in to strongly condemn Manila’s misconduct as “barbaric,” which also escalated the media's sensationalistic coverage of this tragedy in Taiwan.

The death of any country’s citizen overseas under disturbing, non transparent circumstances naturally draws the deep interest and concern of that nation’s people. An example of popular outcry over the killing of a citizen overseas involved the disappearance of American high school student Natalee Holloway under highly suspicious circumstances on the Caribbean Dutch Island of Aruba in the spring of 2005. Her case became a media sensation in the United States. The Dutch and Aruban authorities, seeing the high level of interest of the American people in the case and the potential adverse effects on bilateral relations, including tourism, quickly agreed to bring the FBI and other American official partners into the investigation.

According to some Philippine news reports, the FBI in fact has even undertaken many joint investigations with the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation and its National Police not only in incidents involving Americans killed in the country, but also in other cases, such as the alleged hacking by Filipino Muslim terrorists of a US telecom firm's website.

Given the experience of other past criminal investigations, including that into the disappearance of U.S. citizen Natalee Holloway, the failure to gather and provide evidence, including that of a forensic nature, as soon as possible, greatly impedes a successful investigative outcome. Taiwan was asking for no more than this.

On May 11 the public outcry in Taiwan was already high. Understandably, Taipei was very concerned with Manila’s evasive attitude in handling this crisis. As the aggrieved party, Taipei urged Manila on May 11 to agree within seventy-two hours to conduct a joint investigation, in addition to asking for a formal apology. Taipei also requested Manila to start negotiations of a bilateral fishery agreement to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again in the future.

During this seventy-two hour period from May 11 to May 14, there was only silence between Taipei and Manila. If, at this critical moment Manila had taken immediate, consistent and concrete steps to build mutual trust with Taipei, the standoff would have been largely resolved. Taipei needed to be reassured but, regrettably, Manila kept sending the wrong signals.

First, the Philippine Representative to Taiwan Antonio Basilio was not fully authorized by Manila to negotiate with his Taiwan counterparts. Basilio’s proposals were repeatedly overturned by his home office, as demonstrated in his four response letter drafts to his Taiwan counterparts. These responses deteriorated from his first version of offering a formal governmental apology down to his final offer of the Filipino people’s nonofficial apology. As time passed, Basilio’s credibility was also dramatically eroding. Manila’s flip-flopping enhanced Taipei’s perception that the Philippines lacked the political will to settle this dispute expeditiously.

By the morning of May 15 both sides had exhausted their energy but the impasse remained. Taiwan Foreign Minister David Lin was severely criticized by the Taiwan public for being overly accommodating to the Philippines. After realizing all its requests would be put on hold, Taiwan announced its first stage of sanctions against the Philippines, effective on May 15 as previously scheduled. Unexpectedly the bigger shock came from Manila right away.

Right after Taipei’s announcement of its first stage of sanctions on May 15, President Aquino’s Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda announced that President Aquino had appointed MECO Chairman Amadeo Perez to be “his personal representative who will convey his and the Filipino people’s deep regret and apology to the family of Mr. Hung Shi-chen as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.” As soon as the words “unintended loss of life” were uttered by Lacierda, his obviously insensitive response to the victim’s family immediately alienated the Taiwanese people. Manila’s previous goodwill gesture was totally overshadowed by its questionable attitude of defining the killing as an “unintended loss of life.”

Unfortunately the Aquino administration seemed careless regarding the nuances of its diplomatic message. Manila kept insisting that its “one China policy” places restraint on its offering of an official governmental apology. The personal apology with the unwelcome mention of “unintended loss of life,” delivered by Perez in Taipei, in fact just added salt to Taipei’s wounds. Manila’s self-descriptive “one China policy” should not be used as an impediment to block Perez from simply stating an apology “on behalf of the Philippine government.”

Manila’s repeated contention that the death of Taiwan fisherman Hong Shi-cheng represents “unintended loss of life” contradicts Philippine official claims that an ongoing investigation of the incident is being conducted. The fact that Manila has put forward the conclusion on unintended loss of life before the investigation is completed raises Taipei’s legitimate concerns about the transparency and credibility of the entire Philippines-based investigation progress. Manila’s self-defense approach is to put the cart before the horse and is viewed by Taipei as one more counterproductive attempt to preclude the Philippine government’s responsibility under international law. Another misstep by the Aquino government was made later by Philippine Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, when she refused to conduct a joint investigation with Taiwan and not even to meet with the Taiwanese investigators in Manila.

If the golden opportunity to de-escalate this row between Taipei and Manila really came at the time when Manila sent Perez to Taiwan on May 15, as Mr. Cole indicated, then Manila’s above self-contradictory messages and its evasive and non-credible manner have seriously damaged its own ability to achieve the goal it desired. Accepting Perez’s conditional and half-hearted apology would violate Taipei’s public pledge to get to the bottom of the case, which the victims and their family members involved in this tragedy deserve. With very limited options, Taipei announced the second stage of sanctions against the Philippines at the end of May 15.

As Mr. Cole mentioned, this Taiwan-Philippine dispute can be “a case study in how initially skillful diplomacy can quickly be undermined by missed opportunities.” However, it takes two to tango. Only by working constructively together can Taipei and Manila heal the still open wounds of this tragic incident and begin the restoration of a tranquil and positive bilateral relationship.

Fishing is one of the key conflict drivers in the South China Sea and fishing disputes in the area are on the rise. Several events in recent years highlight the significant role that fishermen and fishing activities play in territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

The long-term solution remains, of course, the negotiation of a bilateral Taiwan-Philippines fishery agreement, as Taiwan proposed, along the lines of that signed between Taipei and Tokyo this April. It effectively facilitates a rules-based mechanism to manage potential conflict. Resolution and final closure of this avoidable and heartbreaking tragedy requires a two-way street of communication and mutual cooperation.

Dennis Halpin was a House Foreign Affairs Committee senior committee staff member advising on Asian issues for over twelve years. Before that Mr. Halpin was a foreign service officer posted overseas in Taipei, Beijing and South Korea (Seoul and Pusan).

Actually, It Was the Philippines That Bungled the Crisis with Taiwan | The Diplomat

Washington urged to help resolve Taiwan-Philippine row

Washington, May 28 (CNA) A member of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday urged the U.S. State Department to help Taipei and Manila find a mutually acceptable resolution to their dispute over a Philippine patrol boat's attack on a Taiwanese fishing boat earlier this month.

Republican Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia said it was disheartening to see two friends and allies of the United States in conflict.

"I urge the State Department to support a peaceful resolution to this tragic incident within the relevant international laws and treaties," Kingston said in a letter to Joseph Yun, acting assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.

"I value the relationship the United States holds with both of these states and hope we can facilitate a mutually supported resolution between Taiwan and the Philippines," he added.

The May 9 attack, which took place in waters where the exclusive economic zones of the two countries overlap, left 65-year-old fisherman Hung Shih-cheng dead and triggered a diplomatic row between Taiwan and the Philippines.

Taiwan has demanded that the Philippine government offer an official apology, punish those responsible, compensate the victim's family and open bilateral negotiations on fishing rights.

Despite offering an apology in the name of its President Benigno Aquino III on May 15, Manila nevertheless described the killing as an "unintended loss of life" and did not address the three other demands to Taiwan's satisfaction.

To show its displeasure with what it perceived as Manila's insincere manner in handling the case, Taipei imposed a series of retaliatory measures against the neighboring country the same day.

In an article published Tuesday in The Diplomat, a Tokyo-based current affairs magazine covering the Asia Pacific region, American foreign affairs expert Dennis Halpin argued that it was the Philippines that bungled the crisis with Taiwan.

Halpin said Manila has misused diplomatic language from day one in its attempt to reassure Taipei and by defining the killing as "unintended," the Philippine government was attempting to evade its responsibility in the tragedy, which he said "just added salt to Taipei's wounds."

"Manila missed a golden opportunity to seize the initiative and defuse the situation," said Halpin, who was a foreign service officer posted overseas in East Asia and a senior House Foreign Affairs Committee staff member advising on Asian issues.

"If, at this critical moment, Manila had taken immediate, consistent and concrete steps to build mutual trust with Taipei, the standoff would have been largely resolved," he said.

He said Manila's contention that the killing was "unintended" contradicted Philippine official claims that an ongoing investigation of the incident was being conducted, because it put forward the conclusion before the investigation was completed.

"Manila's self-defense approach is to put the cart before the horse and is viewed by Taipei as one more counterproductive attempt to preclude the Philippine government's responsibility under international law," he noted.

Also, Halpin said Manila's claim that the attack was necessary to prevent a ramming of its vessel by the Taiwanese fishing boat "appears ludicrous," given that the Philippine vessel was roughly six times the size of the Taiwanese fishing boat.

The 59 bullet holes found to have punctured the fishing boat's cockpit were evidence of excessive use of force by the Philippine Coast Guard, which is a serious violation of international law, he said.

(By Tony Liao and Y.F. Low)

Washington urged to help resolve Taiwan-Philippine row | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
Pity for the fishermen. Killed by cold blooded coast guards, commanded by corrupted men who can't even run a nation properly.

I support a condemnation and sanctions on the Philippines. In fact, kick them out of the UN and make Taiwan a sovereign nation.
You have some serious severe inferiority complex amigo. You're in the wrong place. Sorry we're not doctors. :omghaha:

Taiwan is in denial. WTF? it's a shame for the entire world that the result was not in favor of them despite of their premature over-reaction....but that's the truth..they make a joke of the day for me. :rofl:
Actually, It Was the Philippines That Bungled the Crisis with Taiwan

By Dennis Halpin

Responding to a recent piece in The Diplomat, Dennis Halpin argues that the missteps were Manila’s.

In his article “How Taiwan Bungled the Philippine Crisis” on May 21, J. Michael Cole indicated that Taipei missed a golden opportunity to de-escalate the situation. That was when Philippine President Aquino dispatched MECO Chairman Amadeo Perez to Taipei to convey his “deep regret and apology over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.”

The fact is that the personal apology conveyed by Mr. Perez for the Philippine Coast Guard’s “unintended” killing of a Taiwan fisherman is certainly not enough of an assurance for Taipei to begin healing its wounds. It is, instead, another attempt by Manila to evade the Philippine government’s responsibility in this tragedy.

Nuance is critical in diplomacy. Unfortunately, from day one, Manila has misused its diplomatic language in an attempt to reassure Taipei and, as a consequence, has bumbled into an avoidable row. “The propitious time to cease escalation,” as described by Mr. Cole, quickly passed by in the first few days. Manila missed a golden opportunity to seize the initiative and defuse the situation.

On May 10, one day after the Taiwan fisherman’s body was taken back to Taiwan and the public's outrage began to boil over, President Aquino’s Deputy Spokesperson Abigail Valte defended the Philippine Coast Guard against the alleged “aggressive act” of the Taiwan fishing boat GDX 28. “It was an aggressive act. The ramming of the boat into our vessel was certainly an aggressive act, so the PCG responded accordingly,” she said. Obviously Manila was trying to paint the PCG's killing as an act of self-defense against an aggressor

That approach was badly received by the Taiwan public. If Manila is really serious about conducting a transparent and impartial investigation of the killing, as previously promised, how could the Philippine government prejudge the Taiwan fishing boat as the aggressor and certify its “ramming” into the PCG, given that Manila's investigation was not yet even completed? At this stage, Taiwan has a legitimate concern over Manila’s attitude regarding the investigation of its own officials.

After all, this situation is not too complicated for the public to understand. The claim that the attack was necessary to prevent a ramming of the Philippine’s Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel by the Taiwan fishing boat appears ludicrous given the disparity in size and weight between the two ships. The Philippine government vessel was roughly six times the size of the Taiwanese fishing boat. In addition, according to Taiwan's initial investigation, there is no evidence of any ramming found at the fishing boat to support Manila's claim of self-defense.

In addition, fifty-nine bullet holes from Philippine officials’ automatic weapons fire were found to have punctured the fishing boat’s cockpit, where the crew of father and son were hiding. This clearly demonstrates that Philippine Coast Guard personnel showed no restraint whatsoever in their sustained shooting barrage into an unarmed vessel. The excessive use of force by the Philippine Coast Guard is a serious violation of international law. Mr. Cole, in his article, also agreed at least that it was a disproportionate response by the Philippine authorities.

Manila’s "finger-pointing" rhetoric greatly raised Taipei’s concerns and was viewed by Taipei as a counterproductive attempt to preclude the Philippine government’s responsibility to hold the perpetrators accountable. In the meantime, Beijing jumped in to strongly condemn Manila’s misconduct as “barbaric,” which also escalated the media's sensationalistic coverage of this tragedy in Taiwan.

The death of any country’s citizen overseas under disturbing, non transparent circumstances naturally draws the deep interest and concern of that nation’s people. An example of popular outcry over the killing of a citizen overseas involved the disappearance of American high school student Natalee Holloway under highly suspicious circumstances on the Caribbean Dutch Island of Aruba in the spring of 2005. Her case became a media sensation in the United States. The Dutch and Aruban authorities, seeing the high level of interest of the American people in the case and the potential adverse effects on bilateral relations, including tourism, quickly agreed to bring the FBI and other American official partners into the investigation.

According to some Philippine news reports, the FBI in fact has even undertaken many joint investigations with the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation and its National Police not only in incidents involving Americans killed in the country, but also in other cases, such as the alleged hacking by Filipino Muslim terrorists of a US telecom firm's website.

Given the experience of other past criminal investigations, including that into the disappearance of U.S. citizen Natalee Holloway, the failure to gather and provide evidence, including that of a forensic nature, as soon as possible, greatly impedes a successful investigative outcome. Taiwan was asking for no more than this.

On May 11 the public outcry in Taiwan was already high. Understandably, Taipei was very concerned with Manila’s evasive attitude in handling this crisis. As the aggrieved party, Taipei urged Manila on May 11 to agree within seventy-two hours to conduct a joint investigation, in addition to asking for a formal apology. Taipei also requested Manila to start negotiations of a bilateral fishery agreement to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again in the future.

During this seventy-two hour period from May 11 to May 14, there was only silence between Taipei and Manila. If, at this critical moment Manila had taken immediate, consistent and concrete steps to build mutual trust with Taipei, the standoff would have been largely resolved. Taipei needed to be reassured but, regrettably, Manila kept sending the wrong signals.

First, the Philippine Representative to Taiwan Antonio Basilio was not fully authorized by Manila to negotiate with his Taiwan counterparts. Basilio’s proposals were repeatedly overturned by his home office, as demonstrated in his four response letter drafts to his Taiwan counterparts. These responses deteriorated from his first version of offering a formal governmental apology down to his final offer of the Filipino people’s nonofficial apology. As time passed, Basilio’s credibility was also dramatically eroding. Manila’s flip-flopping enhanced Taipei’s perception that the Philippines lacked the political will to settle this dispute expeditiously.

By the morning of May 15 both sides had exhausted their energy but the impasse remained. Taiwan Foreign Minister David Lin was severely criticized by the Taiwan public for being overly accommodating to the Philippines. After realizing all its requests would be put on hold, Taiwan announced its first stage of sanctions against the Philippines, effective on May 15 as previously scheduled. Unexpectedly the bigger shock came from Manila right away.

Right after Taipei’s announcement of its first stage of sanctions on May 15, President Aquino’s Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda announced that President Aquino had appointed MECO Chairman Amadeo Perez to be “his personal representative who will convey his and the Filipino people’s deep regret and apology to the family of Mr. Hung Shi-chen as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.” As soon as the words “unintended loss of life” were uttered by Lacierda, his obviously insensitive response to the victim’s family immediately alienated the Taiwanese people. Manila’s previous goodwill gesture was totally overshadowed by its questionable attitude of defining the killing as an “unintended loss of life.”

Unfortunately the Aquino administration seemed careless regarding the nuances of its diplomatic message. Manila kept insisting that its “one China policy” places restraint on its offering of an official governmental apology. The personal apology with the unwelcome mention of “unintended loss of life,” delivered by Perez in Taipei, in fact just added salt to Taipei’s wounds. Manila’s self-descriptive “one China policy” should not be used as an impediment to block Perez from simply stating an apology “on behalf of the Philippine government.”

Manila’s repeated contention that the death of Taiwan fisherman Hong Shi-cheng represents “unintended loss of life” contradicts Philippine official claims that an ongoing investigation of the incident is being conducted. The fact that Manila has put forward the conclusion on unintended loss of life before the investigation is completed raises Taipei’s legitimate concerns about the transparency and credibility of the entire Philippines-based investigation progress. Manila’s self-defense approach is to put the cart before the horse and is viewed by Taipei as one more counterproductive attempt to preclude the Philippine government’s responsibility under international law. Another misstep by the Aquino government was made later by Philippine Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, when she refused to conduct a joint investigation with Taiwan and not even to meet with the Taiwanese investigators in Manila.

If the golden opportunity to de-escalate this row between Taipei and Manila really came at the time when Manila sent Perez to Taiwan on May 15, as Mr. Cole indicated, then Manila’s above self-contradictory messages and its evasive and non-credible manner have seriously damaged its own ability to achieve the goal it desired. Accepting Perez’s conditional and half-hearted apology would violate Taipei’s public pledge to get to the bottom of the case, which the victims and their family members involved in this tragedy deserve. With very limited options, Taipei announced the second stage of sanctions against the Philippines at the end of May 15.

As Mr. Cole mentioned, this Taiwan-Philippine dispute can be “a case study in how initially skillful diplomacy can quickly be undermined by missed opportunities.” However, it takes two to tango. Only by working constructively together can Taipei and Manila heal the still open wounds of this tragic incident and begin the restoration of a tranquil and positive bilateral relationship.

Fishing is one of the key conflict drivers in the South China Sea and fishing disputes in the area are on the rise. Several events in recent years highlight the significant role that fishermen and fishing activities play in territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

The long-term solution remains, of course, the negotiation of a bilateral Taiwan-Philippines fishery agreement, as Taiwan proposed, along the lines of that signed between Taipei and Tokyo this April. It effectively facilitates a rules-based mechanism to manage potential conflict. Resolution and final closure of this avoidable and heartbreaking tragedy requires a two-way street of communication and mutual cooperation.

Dennis Halpin was a House Foreign Affairs Committee senior committee staff member advising on Asian issues for over twelve years. Before that Mr. Halpin was a foreign service officer posted overseas in Taipei, Beijing and South Korea (Seoul and Pusan).

Actually, It Was the Philippines That Bungled the Crisis with Taiwan | The Diplomat

Washington urged to help resolve Taiwan-Philippine row

Washington, May 28 (CNA) A member of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday urged the U.S. State Department to help Taipei and Manila find a mutually acceptable resolution to their dispute over a Philippine patrol boat's attack on a Taiwanese fishing boat earlier this month.

Republican Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia said it was disheartening to see two friends and allies of the United States in conflict.

"I urge the State Department to support a peaceful resolution to this tragic incident within the relevant international laws and treaties," Kingston said in a letter to Joseph Yun, acting assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.

"I value the relationship the United States holds with both of these states and hope we can facilitate a mutually supported resolution between Taiwan and the Philippines," he added.

The May 9 attack, which took place in waters where the exclusive economic zones of the two countries overlap, left 65-year-old fisherman Hung Shih-cheng dead and triggered a diplomatic row between Taiwan and the Philippines.

Taiwan has demanded that the Philippine government offer an official apology, punish those responsible, compensate the victim's family and open bilateral negotiations on fishing rights.

Despite offering an apology in the name of its President Benigno Aquino III on May 15, Manila nevertheless described the killing as an "unintended loss of life" and did not address the three other demands to Taiwan's satisfaction.

To show its displeasure with what it perceived as Manila's insincere manner in handling the case, Taipei imposed a series of retaliatory measures against the neighboring country the same day.

In an article published Tuesday in The Diplomat, a Tokyo-based current affairs magazine covering the Asia Pacific region, American foreign affairs expert Dennis Halpin argued that it was the Philippines that bungled the crisis with Taiwan.

Halpin said Manila has misused diplomatic language from day one in its attempt to reassure Taipei and by defining the killing as "unintended," the Philippine government was attempting to evade its responsibility in the tragedy, which he said "just added salt to Taipei's wounds."

"Manila missed a golden opportunity to seize the initiative and defuse the situation," said Halpin, who was a foreign service officer posted overseas in East Asia and a senior House Foreign Affairs Committee staff member advising on Asian issues.

"If, at this critical moment, Manila had taken immediate, consistent and concrete steps to build mutual trust with Taipei, the standoff would have been largely resolved," he said.

He said Manila's contention that the killing was "unintended" contradicted Philippine official claims that an ongoing investigation of the incident was being conducted, because it put forward the conclusion before the investigation was completed.

"Manila's self-defense approach is to put the cart before the horse and is viewed by Taipei as one more counterproductive attempt to preclude the Philippine government's responsibility under international law," he noted.

Also, Halpin said Manila's claim that the attack was necessary to prevent a ramming of its vessel by the Taiwanese fishing boat "appears ludicrous," given that the Philippine vessel was roughly six times the size of the Taiwanese fishing boat.

The 59 bullet holes found to have punctured the fishing boat's cockpit were evidence of excessive use of force by the Philippine Coast Guard, which is a serious violation of international law, he said.

(By Tony Liao and Y.F. Low)

Washington urged to help resolve Taiwan-Philippine row | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

And yet it was taiwan who called it that and wanted to use force and threaten a real country with its economy which was dependent on people they were threatening which in our books is called kayabagian (arrogance) and katagahan (stupidity) and beaten up innocent people who was the contributors of the economic successes typical chineses and please stop with US connection already they said they were concern that's it they are not siding with us or you especially you playing the victim while the reason is because of your disregard of others is just typical of all of you chinese hence you think your far better of your neighbors again trouble making fools its just so typical mode of operation for your arrogance , If you have no evidence just constant stereotyping or your so called logic which is just unacceptable because historical title and legal jurisdiction is two different things but you people have been told this over and over again and yet nothing now a man's life was wasted due to your peoples arrogance and lack of respect for neighbors heck you can't even tell difference between murder and homicide well its your cross to bear.
[To whom it may concern]

1. When the $$ from Taiwan is needed, Taiwan is considered as a country, when there is a conflict, Taiwan suddenly becomes part of China, interesting;
2. Hail the Phil the greatest country in the world. Its people are most important as hell as well and everybody needs them. Bow down to the best country all of you.
3. "Typical Chinese", hmm, yet someone keep calling other people racist and stereotyping in its any single post, kind of cute isn't it.
4. Ouch I am so sorry I don't know that simply posing third-party opinion/analysis/criticize is not allowed in this forum. Also I don;t know that people should only believe in whatever you tell the people since your are the most kick-*** country in the world. Evidence right? I am still waiting for the video. I'm sure that would be so interesting.
5. blah blah blah. Trouble marking right? I have heard that some country just recently invaded its neighbor's land and kill their locals. But it is the best coutry in the world, it has the right to criticize the others no matter how bad itself also is.
6. I don't really want to talk to a guy who have been using insulting words to other people for months, have no shame that laughing at other people's death, yet playing victim by calling other racist blah blah while doing the same thing or even worse.

Anyway I have promised myself that never get serious and waste so much time on a troll who can do nothing but acting like a broken radio. Lalala~
[To whom it may concern]

1. When the $$ from Taiwan is needed, Taiwan is considered as a country, when there is a conflict, Taiwan suddenly becomes part of China, interesting;
2. Hail the Phil the greatest country in the world. Its people are most important as hell as well and everybody needs them. Bow down to the best country all of you.
3. "Typical Chinese", hmm, yet someone keep calling other people racist and stereotyping in its any single post, kind of cute isn't it.
4. Ouch I am so sorry I don't know that simply posing third-party opinion/analysis/criticize is not allowed in this forum. Also I don;t know that people should only believe in whatever you tell the people since your are the most kick-*** country in the world. Evidence right? I am still waiting for the video. I'm sure that would be so interesting.
5. blah blah blah. Trouble marking right? I have heard that some country just recently invaded its neighbor's land and kill their locals. But it is the best coutry in the world, it has the right to criticize the others no matter how bad itself also is.
6. I don't really want to talk to a guy who have been using insulting words to other people for months, have no shame that laughing at other people's death, yet playing victim by calling other racist blah blah while doing the same thing or even worse.

Hahahahaha typical just typical
Taiwan probers leave Manila with controversial video of shooting incident
Mark Merueñas,GMA NewsMay 31, 2013 9:50am

(Updated 12:26 p.m.) After nearly a week-long investigation in the Philippines, the Taiwanese team probing the May 9 killing of a fisherman left Manila on Friday with the most contentious piece of evidence – a purported video of the incident recorded by the Philippine Coast Guard.

The video may or may not be the smoking gun that will prove innocence or guilt. Both Philippine and Taiwanese authorities are mum about its specific contents, although Philippine officials have suggested the video will support their contention that the Coast Guard fired in self-defense and that the Taiwan boat was inside Philippine territorial waters.

Asked what the particular purpose of the Taiwanese team was in getting a copy of the video, Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) chairman Amadeo Perez said: "Maybe they need it for them to complete their investigation."

Apart from the video provided by the Coast Guard, the Taiwanese team carried with them various documents and testimonies they obtained from their four-day investigation in Manila.

"Iyong video (na) ibinigay ay pinakita muna uli sa Coast Guard at kinopya at signed by Coast Guard," Perez said. He added that the Department of Justice (DOJ) gave the permission to give the Taiwanese a copy of the video for the sake of "transparency."

The seven Taiwanese investigators and prosecutors left Manila at 10:30 a.m. via China Air, he said.

Taiwan probers leave Manila with controversial video of shooting incident | News | GMA News Online

What's taking so long for the Taiwanese to upload the video??? Are they still editing the portion of the video when the Taiwanese fishing boat tried to ram our Philippine CG ship???
Boat ‘did not ram Philippine vessel’
Fri, May 31, 2013
‘REVEALING’:Taiwanese investigations appear to contradict Manila’s initial account of the shooting, while Philippine investigators are examining bullets found on the boat

Staff writer, with CNA, Manila and Taipei

Boat ?did not ram Philippine vessel? - Taipei Times

This is how Taiwan would save face...thru half-truths. Deceitful Taiwanese media.
Cool down now sir, as a joint investigation I am sure the whole process will have been monitored and recorded by the other side's delegate.
Military response will not benefit anyone, more diplomatic response is needed in my humble opinion.

It would be the good course of action but MA is just using the incident to get political mileage to the public in the expense of my countrymens safety and what little diplomatic relations we have.
'Unintentional shooting' of Taiwanese fisherman clearly happened within PH - De Lima
By: Marlene Alcaide, InterAksyon.com
June 3, 2013 2:18 PM

MANILA – The May 9 "unintentional" shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman off Batanes waters clearly took place within Philippine territory, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said Monday.

Ahead of any release of official findings from either the Philippine of Taiwan sides, De Lima said the global positioning system (GPS) of the Philippine Coast Guard ship involved in the incident showed that the Philippine vessel never left national waters.

The justice secretary said Taiwanese and Filipino investigators will meet again to discuss their respective conclusions. Even before such a meeting could be scheduled, however, De Lima insisted Philippine forces never left the country's boundaries.

"When everything is prepared and everybody's ready to issue a report, there will be a meeting," she said in Filipino. Asked if the results of the investigation may yet change, De Lima said it depends on the National Bureau of Investigation. But until the NBI director signs it, she added, the report can still be revised.

In an earlier press conference by the NBI, officials said the investigations of Taiwan and the Philippines are separate. They said they would stand by the results of their own probe.

De Lima also refused to comment on the reported plan of the slain Taiwanese fisherman’s family to file a case in Manila.

“At this point I cannot be confirming or denying anything'" De Lima said. "Let’s just wait for (the report). It's difficult to be commenting on things (that are still on the drawing board)."

After the incident, Taiwan stopped issuing visas to Filipino tourists and workers. It has asked the Philippines for: an official apology, compensation for the victim's family, prosecution of the one(s) who killed the fisherman, and talks on a fishing agreement.

Taiwan rejected the Philippines' apology for calling the incident an "unintentional" shooting.

'Unintentional shooting' of Taiwanese fisherman clearly happened within PH - De Lima - InterAksyon.com
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