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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

The envoy of the Philippines apologized. Our president apologized. The Philippines has done enough in taking steps to apologize even disregarding the fact that national territory was crossed. We have also conveyed sympathies to the fisherman's bereaved family and would provide financial assistance.

I hope Taiwan will re-calibrate their way of thinking and approach on the issue as their temper-driven actions might lead to far greater and long-term consequences. I know there are many good people in both sides, so it's time to heal the wounds and make peace. By learning from this incident hopefully measures can be taken so that such things do not happen again.

Well said, BUT, we are beyond the apology stage. retaliation by refusing joint investigation is not conducive to peace or demonstrate good faith. If anything, it shows PH has something to hide, and most likely tampering with evidence right now. the only important thing is determine culpability. PH's own statement of innocence and "unintentional" sounds like hogwash, although its truth should not yet be ruled out until an investigation should be had.

No its called criminal fishing its called being a bully its called disrespect a.k.a its criminal to do things to your neighbors waters naturally this would happen i sympathized with the family of the dead man but the fact remains what the hell are you people doing outside of your country's waters? from Vietnam, Japan, Palua and now to the Philippines you and your mainland brothers show no respect and no remorse to anyone you simply do not care enough to care you think your superior to all see what it got you now inncent people are paying the price for your peoples pigheadedness that poacher and the hundereds of filipinos now suffering in your demon country my prayers go to them please send them home wala kayo awa may araw rin kayo mga hayop kayo!

people like you do not deserve a response. YOu should understand that under no circumstances can you kill an unarmed fisherman. That makes you no different from the pirates of smolia.

As far as the information that I ve collected so far:

1. the Taiwanese investigation team was turned away for not having co-operations from the filippino government which promised to provide support to the Taiwanese Investigation Team before they flied to the Philippines
2. The filippino reports use degrading terms to describe the Taiwanese fisherman
3. no evidence of "ramming" was reported from the Taiwanese investigator on the fishing boat
4. PSG used heavy weaponry against the unarmed fishermen in a small boat
5. Evidences available to the Taiwanese and media show that the case is a "cold blooded" murder in a disputed area on the high sea
6. So many days have passed, where is the video that the PCG claimed they have in possession

Our coastguard followed the rules of engagement. Warnings shots were even fired. But your st-p-d poacher, Hung, didn't budge and tried to ram his ship. What do you expect our coastguard would do, eh? He got what he asked for. Of course, he'd be sh*t


But before that will happen. I'll make sure to shoot you first on your head LOL

You don't even have a country of your own. You're just renegades. That's what you are. Thieves.

sure, you can try, except, oh no, you have no control over your own waters now.. poor poor manun
Intercept trips? how????? TAIWAN HAS NO CAPABILITY. China alone keeps your military busy right??? And TAIWAN will face the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY for sure. Taiwan is NOT a recognized STATE so better BEHAVE okay?

"Its time for Philippine to surrender the criminals inside its military" I guarantee you 300%, it won't happen...keep on dreaming!

Yea, I agree, cus PH is a country of thugs, pirates and hookers.

Intercept trips? how????? TAIWAN HAS NO CAPABILITY. China alone keeps your military busy right??? And TAIWAN will face the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY for sure. Taiwan is NOT a recognized STATE so better BEHAVE okay?

"Its time for Philippine to surrender the criminals inside its military" I guarantee you 300%, it won't happen...keep on dreaming!

Yea, I agree, cus PH is a country of thugs, pirates and hookers.

no different from Singapore in 1965, before its founding.
Anyway I just hope this will end soon.

Let time do the healing.

Time will only cut the wounds deeper.The only way for Philippine to hear the wound is to apologize sincerely, compensate and turn over the murderer.

If the Philippine do not turn over the murderers, then Philippine is harboring murderers, which is a crime in itself. Taiwan should start blockading Manila and start arrest Filipino coast guards. Sink any Filipino ships that try to run the blockade. Then there will be healing as justice is served.
Taipei-Manila Row: Incident does not surprise a veteran captain once detained in Philippines

Watching TV news reports about the ongoing diplomatic row between Taiwan and the Philippines, veteran seafarer Chang Chang-lung (張昌隆) said he was not at all surprised.

“The trouble is due to the problem of overlapping maritime jurisdictions. If the issue is not resolved, tragedies such as this will occur again,” said Chang, a seasoned sea captain from Pingtung’s Hengchun Peninsula, who has had three perilous encounters with Philippine marine authorities.

The 58-year-old Chang has been a fisherman since his youth.

He recalled his first encounter with a Philippine vessel in 1991, when his ship sailed to about 20 degrees north latitude, a marine area Pingtung sailors call Toudiapsuan (陶疊山) in Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese).

Chang said a Philippine naval vessel started approaching his ship at high speed, and he turned his ship around to get away.

“However, our boat was too slow. The Philippine vessel then started shooting at us with machine guns. All of us hid inside the boat’s cabin,” Chang said. “When we got back home, we counted more than 30 bullet holes in the boat.”

After that, Chang said he spent more than NT$3 million (US$100,370) to purchase a new fishing boat with a bigger engine.

“However, in 1997, in the same stretch of water, we were chased by Philippine naval ships and pursued by a military helicopter. Luckily we managed to escape without much damage [to the boat],” the captain said.

A third encounter came in 2001, which he described as a terrible nightmare for him and his crew.

Chang said they had just started to fish early in the morning and did not notice armed men approaching their boat in sampans. The men came aboard to search the boat.

“They had guns, so we could not put up a fight,” Chang said.

“They had a dynamite stick with them and planted it in our cabin as false evidence. We were accused of fishing illegally using dynamite, even though we have not caught anything yet,” Chang said.

His ship and crew were detained and taken to the port of Aparri, at the northern tip of Luzon Island.

Chang said they were put under house arrest for six months and the Philippine authorities demanded US$100,000 for their release.

They were only released to board a flight “to escape back to Taiwan” after paying NT$600,000 (US$19,960) in bribes to Philippine officials, through the assistance of well-connected Chinese Filipinos, Chang said.

“Along with my confiscated ship and the money spent on bribes during our six months in detention, this ‘accidental journey’ cost me about NT$5 million,” he added.

After hearing of his experience, the fishermen of Hengchun Peninsula were scared and nobody dared go into that stretch of water again, he said.

“Since then, only fishermen from Donggang [東港, another Pingtung port to the northwest of Hengchun] would go there, but they are gambling with their lives,” Chang said.

“The Philippine navy always gives us trouble. They have about 17 islands in that stretch of marine territory and they have five different naval units stationed around there,” he said.

“Even with a signed agreement on fishing around one of the islands, Philippine naval units from the other islands would still give us trouble. Filipino fishermen would report Taiwanese fishing boats’ position to their naval units. It was impossible to safeguard ourselves over there,” Chang added.

He also denounced the behavior of Filipino seamen, which he described as “atrocious.”

"When these navy sailors and officers came aboard our boat, they would loot almost everything we had, from raincoats and videotapes to food, tissues and other materials," Chang said.

"If we were lucky, we were allowed to leave and go home, otherwise they would plant evidence against us and confiscate our boat. They would strip the boat’s engine and all the usable instruments. Then they would demand that we pay a heavy fine," he added.

Chang recalled elderly fishermen advising them to keep about NT$500,000 in cash on board, so if their boat was detained by Philippine seamen, giving them the cash usually could ensure the crew’s safety and the boat’s release.

"However, the overlapping economic exclusion zones of Taiwan and the Philippines are troublesome. If our own government does not take strong action to resolve the matter, Taiwanese fishermen may have to give up this large fishing area. Or else, the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 27 incident will not be the last," Chang said.

This is not the first and won't be the last incident

unless both governments enter into an agreement, and if you think an agreement can only be entered in with china, you are just ignoring reality

Well said, BUT, we are beyond the apology stage. retaliation by refusing joint investigation is not conducive to peace or demonstrate good faith. If anything, it shows PH has something to hide, and most likely tampering with evidence right now. the only important thing is determine culpability. PH's own statement of innocence and "unintentional" sounds like hogwash, although its truth should not yet be ruled out until an investigation should be had.

people like you do not deserve a response. YOu should understand that under no circumstances can you kill an unarmed fisherman. That makes you no different from the pirates of smolia.


Oh please who's uncivilized now?

The Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) confirmed reports that some overseas Filipino workers (OFW) in Taiwan were physically assaulted amid rising tensions after the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman in disputed waters by Philippine coast guards.

However, MECO Chairman Amadeo Perez clarified that these are isolated incidents in the two fisherman districts of Pingtung and Kaohsiung, according to GMA Network's "Saksi" newscast on Friday.

The violence against Filipinos in Taiwan stemmed from the alleged shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman suspected of poaching on May 9, 2013 by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in the Batanes channel.

One Filipino claimed that he was ganged up by a dozen Taiwanese gangsters armed with wooden bats.

“May dumating na mga ganster naka-motor. Anim po [ang motor at] may mga sakay bawat [motor na] dalawang katao,” he recalled.

He said that he was lucky to have not sustained a fatal wound during the attack.

“Pauwi na po ako may umikot sakin kaagad. Alam ko na titirahin ako [kaya] nasalag ko po. Kung di ko po nasalag sa ulo ang tama ko,” he said.

Perez said that the gangsters were Taiwanese juvenile delinquents who target other nationalities including Filipinos, Vietnamese and Indonesians.

“Pero ngayon naka-concentrate sila sa pilipino,” Perez said adding that the tension between the two countries may have caused the gangster to single out Filipinos.

There was also an OFW who reported that small rocks were hurled at her while she was riding a scooter bike.

Denied service

Some Filipinos claimed they are being denied service in markets where Taiwanese refuse to sell them food while criticizing their nationality.

In Pingtung, Taiwanese rallyists burned the Philippine flag and an effigy of Philippine President Noynoy Aquino III to show their protest.

Amid the violence and rising tension, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou called on his countrymen for the proper treatment of Filipinos.

Apology demanded

Taiwan demands an apology from the Philippine government and rejected two personal envoys sent by Aquino to express the country's regret and sorrow.

“[Ang gusto nila] magsalita siya [Aquino] at sumulat ng formal letter of apology
which cannot be done because of protocol,” Perez explained.

The Philippine recognizes Taiwan as a province of China due to the one-China policy.

Paralyzed economy

Perez said in an interview with Saksi's Kara David that Taiwan's economy may be paralyzed if they decide to relieve OFWs from their work sector.

“Pag inalis nila yung Pilipino worker it will take them months or even years to train new workers,” Perez said adding “Mapaparalyze ang negosyo nila.”

There are around 85,000 OFWs working in Taiwan 72 percent of which are in the manufacturing industry according to Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz.

Baldoz said that there are around 2,500 Filipinos deployed monthly to Taiwan

may araw rin kayo mga hayop!
How many times you need to be informed? Oh well this is getting nowhere.

Since the investigation is ongoing. Let us just wait for the official report on the incident and find out what really happened then we'll see where the blame lies. If it was the fault of our coastguard then they should be given appropriate punishment. I think your investigator team didn't go through proper channel. Well they have to go through the proper process to request a party to investigate. You don't just drop by and demand this. By the way the purpose of the investigation is not to pamper the media so don't expect YouTube to be a public court.

As I said this is nothing but a pathetic attempt by Ma administration to bolster his failing popularity. As the article states, he is being pressured to react strongly by the Taiwanese opposition, which will milk this incident for all it's worth and by the Taiwanese media, who as we have seen are extremely prone to sensationalism and exaggeration, playing on the nationalism for ratings.

Well I hope this incident will pass soon and Taiwanese will off discrimination against Filipinos. Also measures can be taken by both sides to ensure no repetitions of this kind. Peace.

Just one thing, "proper channels"? are you kidding me? PH first invited a joint investigation, only to revoke the invitation when investigators arrived. So, your invitation is really no invitation at all.
If you really made those request just like when ma said he not against filipinos and taewanese made a little witch hunt for filipinos afterwards what bunch of hypocrites

If you really made those request just like when ma said he not against filipinos and taewanese made a little witch hunt for filipinos afterwards what bunch of hypocrites


Do you know how hard it is to control each and every citizen of your country? the beating of innocent Filipinos in Taiwan was wrong, but that was not the intention of the Taiwanese government, and the government has put such incidents on high alert, making prosecution of such mob actions a high priority.

oh, I forgot zero wing is a mindless minion who cannot be reasoned. Why do I even bother to respond to you.
malaya, the main issue is whether it was "deliberate" or not so.

filipino president said "unintentional death" of taiwanese, but many disagree with that statement, do you understand? it is like a slap to the face along with half an apology.

i mean, don't get me wrong, i want relations to be good again, but first must resolve whether deliberate killing or not.

Not only that, the word "UNINTENTIONAL" was used even BEFORE they began the investigation. So, who is predisposed to making conclusory statements before the finding of facts?

and, the words "FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE" is a slap in the face to the family of the dead fisherman, as though they are pan handlers asking for a hand out.
But, of course the U.S. has no time for niceties, b/c it is busy with its internal problems, so it doesn't want to hear bickering from both sides.

Therefore, if Taiwan wants to get on the good graces of the U.S., then it should tone down. But, if Ma doesn't care what the U.S. thinks, then he should employ any means, including subterfuge and arm forces, to accomplish his goals. This is a test for Ma's intelligence and temperament. Let's see what a Harvard Grad is really made of.

However, so far Ma has not demonstrated any cunningness, but only inexperience with this kind of scenarios.
First of ALL to begin with

What the heck was the TAIWANESE fishing vessel doing in the Philippine TERRITORIAL WATERS in the first place??? ANY GOOD EXCUSE???

What's the matter? YOU can't find a good excuse of why the PCG couldn't amicably take care of the one old fishermen? Can't find an excuse why your PCG aren't bloody murderous? Can't find an excuse why the PCG are so incompetent that they can't even board a simple fishing boat?

In the event when someone outside crosses into the islands under your jurisdiction, it is the Coast Guard job to take care of the matter amicably as possible. They could of fire warning shots out of harms way and then board the ship to arrest said person.

But that's not what your PCG did, did they? Oh no, they down right continuously fired shots even as the old fishermen was trying to flee, Your coast guards chased him down as he was fleeing and incidentally killed him.

And let us not forget this is ONE old fishermen, whose nationalistic views clouded his sense of safety, not 100, not 50, not even 5, but ONE UNARMED OLD MAN. This one old man probably, stubbornly crossed into the islands because he wanted to make a Implied statement to the west that China will not stand by and lose territory OR he genuinely accidentally crossed the overlapping area, I mean for godsakes he is an old man which is not too far fetch that he may suffer from memory problems which could be another factor of him crossing.

But either way, the islands are under Filipino jurisdiction, which means the Philippine government should of just arrested him. There is no excuse, this was a poor conduct by the the so called "trained" PCG.

And VIOLENTLY RAMMED? are you kidding me, there isn't even a single dent mark, only 45 bullet holes, and that's not even counting the missed shots ( I bet they are over 100 ). Shame on those trigger happy "coast guards".

1. The Taiwanese vessel REFUSED to STOP ILLEGAL FISHING in the Philippine EXCLUSIVE ZONE when they were found by the BFAR.

2. The Taiwanese vessel ignored "MULTIPLE" WARNING SHOTS from the BFAR

3. The Taiwanese vessel ignored warning through PA system from the BFAR

4. The Taiwanese vessel resisted to stop and engaged the BFAR in a high-speed sea chase

5. The Taiwanese vessel tried to RAM the BFAR boat.

The CHASING CAN JUSTIFY the SHOOTING alone , but when they tried to "RAM" the BFAR boat, that was the BEST JUSTIFIED REASON FOR THE SHOOTING

I've seen many cases like this in AMERICA..... If you DO NOT STOP once the cops have notified you, YOU GET SHOT. What more if you TRY TO KILL A COP??? Would you expect them to do nothing???? This is NOT NEW anymore and TAIWAN IS JUST OVER REACTING


But, of course the U.S. has no time for niceties, b/c it is busy with its internal problems, so it doesn't want to hear bickering from both sides.

Therefore, if Taiwan wants to get on the good graces of the U.S., then it should tone down. But, if Ma doesn't care what the U.S. thinks, then he should employ any means, including subterfuge and arm forces, to accomplish his goals. This is a test for Ma's intelligence and temperament. Let's see what a Harvard Grad is really made of.

However, so far Ma has not demonstrated any cunningness, but only inexperience with this kind of scenarios.

For the Nth time, the US DEPARTMENT OF STATE again declines to condemn Manila over shooting

Despite strong pressure and repeated efforts, the US has again declined to issue an outright condemnation of the Philippines for shooting a Taiwanese fisherman.

However, US Department of State spokesperson Jennifer Psaki has confirmed that Washington is now trying to play a role in calming the growing crisis.

“We regret the tragic death of a Taiwan fishing boat master during the May 9 confrontation at sea with a Philippine patrol vessel,” Psaki said on Monday.

“The United States has been in touch with both the Philippine government and the Taiwan authorities regarding the incident,” she said.

Psaki said that the US welcomed the Philippine government’s pledge to conduct a “full and transparent” investigation.

While the State Department has refused to give details, sources with knowledge of the situation told the Taipei Times that US diplomats are currently talking to both sides and strongly urging caution.

Asked if the US was worried about a possible escalation, Psaki said: “We continue to urge all parties, in any scenario, to ensure maritime safety and to refrain from provocative actions.”

“The Philippine government is going to be conducting an investigation and they will be working with the Taiwan authorities to establish what happened in this case,” she said.

Pressed to condemn the Philippine authorities for firing on the Taiwanese boat, Psaki appeared to equivocate.

She was asked to explain what actions Taiwan had taken that the US was concerned about when only one side — the Philippines — had actually done any shooting.

“When you’re warning both sides, you’re giving an equivalency. What is the Taiwanese action that you’re concerned about?” Psaki was asked.

“The Philippine government is looking into this case — I don’t want to get ahead of their process of investigating what happened,” she said.

At a regular daily press briefing, Psaki was again pressured to be more specific.

“The Taiwanese fisherman was unarmed. It’s a fishing boat — small compared to the government vessel that the Filipinos had. When you say confrontation, only one side was shooting the other, using a machine gun. Fifty-nine bullet holes were found in that small boat. I want you to comment on the fact that someone opened fire in the South China Sea,” a reporter said.

Psaki said that she was just making a broad point that both sides should refrain from provocative actions.

“I’m not going to speculate on this specific case,” she said.

Asked where, in the US’ view, the shooting took place, Psaki said: “The precise location of the incident is not yet clear, although it appears the incident took place in or near disputed waters, where both claim fishing rights.”

Psaki said that the US regretted the “tragic death” and encouraged “peaceful negotiation and peaceful resolution.”

“When you see people doing things that run directly counter to behavior that would lead to stability, are you going to stand up and point that out, and hold these governments to account? You’re holding the victimizer and the victim to equal account, so it doesn’t seem to match,” the reporter said.

Psaki replied: “There will be an investigation run by the Philippine government into what happened here. I don’t think that is holding both sides to the same account.”

In a final effort the reporter asked: “Would you condemn the killing of an innocent fisherman, unarmed, in this incident? Or would you condone that?”

malaya, the main issue is whether it was "deliberate" or not so.

filipino president said "unintentional death" of taiwanese, but many disagree with that statement, do you understand? it is like a slap to the face along with half an apology.

i mean, don't get me wrong, i want relations to be good again, but first must resolve whether deliberate killing or not.

Oh c'mon, the Philippines has already APOLOGIZED.

The Taiwanese President is hyping the incident to GET his RATINGS UP!

The real true winner here is CHINA.

Again,the Philippines has already apologized.


one bright side on this filippino created parody is Taiwan is united against external brutality! Whether you like it or not, Mainlanders are on your side!

No! Filippinos are not treating Taiwan on equal footing! Their president is a jerk who cannot face reality to render sincere apology to the President and People of Taiwan + adequate compensations and other valid terms that Taiwan has been demanding

Whether you like it or not.

Taiwan will chose the Philippines over COMMUNIST CHINA in the end.

And I guarantee that 400%.
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