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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

Nothing will come out of it other some fine choice of words and grandstanding from the Taiwanese government. The strong US-Philippine bond and the Mutual Defense Treaty that both nations have guarantee that all this will just be talk. The United States' relationship with Taiwan in hinged in containing China by arming the Taiwanese, however, I think the the bond with the Pinoy goes deeper regardless of the Pinoy's irresponsibility.

No two strong allies of the US goes head to head. It'll never happen.
No need to invade Philippine. Just arrest and put the Philippino military on trial will do. If they are found guilty, execute them.
Please do so see what happens? i mean you had the nerved to condemn us while you try to ram a philippine ship wow but of course we fell sorry for the lose of live but we will protect ourselves and besides it was in our waters what gives your country the right to demand things from us.
The Philippines is the most 'barbaric' country in the South China Sea

The PLA Navy should patrol the Taiwan province-Philippine sea border to defend against Philippine government terrorists that shoot unarmed Taiwanese fishermen.


China, Taiwan protest fatal shooting of fisherman by Philippines - latimes.com

"The Philippines is the most 'barbaric' country in the South China Sea,’’ editorialized the Communist Party-run Global Times on Friday. "If it is confirmed the Philippine navy is behind the shooting, the mainland should show its stance by intensifying navy activities in the disputed water between the mainland and Philippines."
Wow they threat us with war, called our country part of theirs and ramming and shooting filipinos fishing vessels in Philippine waters too afraid to follow international law by going ITCLOS and stealing our natural resources and now calling us barbaric for enforcing our laws in our own waters because taiwanese were stupid enough to under mind us by ramming a small PCG doing its job thinking it belongs to pathetic country anyway but got shot by going this stupid act and now your telling us were barbaric wow its like a theft insults his victim for being rob by him and shot at him for comic effect typical commie imperial propaganda.
The Philippines can never be touched. She is too precious and too strategically important in American Strategic interests for it to be touched by any foreign power. Any foreign power who dares touch the Philippines shall suffer the full might of the United States Navy, Air Force and the Army.

United States conducted the largest naval invasion in human history back in 1944 to retake the Philippines from the Japs. That illustrates the shear will of our resolve to preserve Philippine-American homeostasis.

Taiwan, because it is subservient to its American Daddy, will not do anything. Else it will be punished. As for China, LOL. Well, c'mon. The 7th Fleet will eradicate the PLAN from the face of the earth if need be.

^^ lol funny indeed..

Indeed. The moral of the story is that our Pinoy buddies got their revenge. Come hell or high waters, they shot at a Chinese alright...hahahaha! :omghaha:
The Philippines is the most 'barbaric' country in the South China Sea

The PLA Navy should assume responsibility for patrolling the Taiwan province-Philippine sea border to defend against Philippine government terrorists that shoot unarmed Taiwanese fishermen.


China, Taiwan protest fatal shooting of fisherman by Philippines - latimes.com

"The Philippines is the most 'barbaric' country in the South China Sea,’’ editorialized the Communist Party-run Global Times on Friday. "If it is confirmed the Philippine navy is behind the shooting, the mainland should show its stance by intensifying navy activities in the disputed water between the mainland and Philippines."

as far as I know the China's diplomatic normalcy with the Philippines has not been restored:
1. HK is still holding the most serious travel warning to the people. The unrepentant pinoy government still does not apologize for their wrong doings in the tragedy
2. Since the Wangyan dao stand-off, China has restricted our trade and tourism with the Philippines
3. Taiwan should increase the pressure on the phillippines governmemt and the usa + japanese. The latter 2 supply arms to the philippines. Taiwan should put all trades and travelliing with the Phillippines on hold until the philippines apologises, compensate to the victims' family adequately, has the murderers tried and be charged with the most severe crime in homicide cases
The Philippines can never be touched. She is too precious and too strategically important in American Strategic interests for it to be touched by any foreign power. Any foreign power who dares touch the Philippines shall suffer the full might of the United States Navy, Air Force and the Army.

United States conducted the largest naval invasion in human history back in 1944 to retake the Philippines from the Japs. That illustrates the shear will of our resolve to preserve Philippine-American homeostasis.

the yankies were kicked out of the philippines sometime ago.

Taiwan, because it is subservient to its American Daddy, will not do anything. Else it will be punished. As for China, LOL. Well, c'mon. The 7th Fleet will eradicate the PLAN from the face of the earth if need be.

subservient to the american daddy like indians, japanese and s koreans - what a pity

if the 7th fleet approaches the area, PLAN will make sure you'll be greeted the best treat of our weaponry. You only know too late you are making steel coral reefs at the bottom of the ocean by the encroachment

Indeed. The moral of the story is that our Pinoy buddies got their revenge. Come hell or high waters, they shot at a Chinese alright...hahahaha! :omghaha:

take a shower! how is that funny for you immoral incapable blood thirsty people?
as far as I know the China's diplomatic normalcy with the Philippines has not been restored:
1. HK is still holding the most serious travel warning to the people. The unrepentant pinoy government still does not apologize for their wrong doings in the tragedy
2. Since the Wangyan dao stand-off, China has restricted our trade and tourism with the Philippines
3. Taiwan should increase the pressure on the phillippines governmemt and the usa + japanese. The latter 2 supply arms to the philippines. Taiwan should put all trades and travelliing with the Phillippines on hold until the philippines apologises, compensate to the victims' family adequately, has the murderers tried and be charged with the most severe crime in homicide cases

Well go ahead means no more drugs and cheap goods industries killer and trouble makers and crimes (majority of Taiwanese) something with you mainlanders who cares about you people your not important to us so take your money and go and besides you guys are hypocrites remember the call for boycott for the philippines and yet tours double anyway so thanks for the publicity suckers.
the yankies were kicked out of the philippines sometime ago.

subservient to the american daddy like indians, japanese and s koreans - what a pity

if the 7th fleet approaches the area, PLAN will make sure you'll be greeted the best treat of our weaponry. You only know too late you are making steel coral reefs at the bottom of the ocean by the encroachment

take a shower! how is that funny for you immoral incapable blood thirsty people?

The United States is in the Philippines as we speak vis a vis the Visiting Forces Agreement, not to mention our bases interspersed throughout the islands.

Don't make me laugh about your comment on the PLAN. The 7th fleet , alone, is more than capable of eradicating the entire PLAN from the face of the earth. Your insignificant navy is substandard and does not have the war experience nor the capability to dare even approach the might of the USN. You cannot even recapture Taiwan for the past 6 decades , which has a diminutive navy, how can you even dare consider taking on the Gargantuan United States Navy. Squatted like flies if you dare talk back.

No power in this earth , aside from God, can challenge the might of the American Hyperpower. :azn:

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