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Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

No, you just tell me your version of "truth" in other word lies. While I only stated facts Why should I care about the state of your military when its yours that is currently being questioned here.

Your light manufacturing capacity is nothing compared to China & the weapons you bought or will buys is still insignificant to contain the PLA. That's the truth. This "Barbarians" managed to colonized Madagascar & became the center of vast trading empires. While you will always be remembered as a Chinese Colony not worth mentioning. I mean that seriously Vietnam civilization is just a footnote in our history books. If it does mentioned it usually followed by the Chinese empires.

"You snooze you lose" or my favorite "don't cry over spilled milk"
Are you butthurt that I easily show how Vietnam can defeat the Chinese land, air, and sea forces? Looks like you need to re-read my post again . We spend a fraction of our economy on military purchase and we can easily counter them. Indonesia on the other, does not even make it to our history book LOL

To say we rob you is exaggerating. The place is dispute and has no human presence. The French robbed us and they wrongly gave to South Regime who cannot defend, then deserve to lose it. You must take future consideration.
It was never a dispute, our fishermen have been fishing around that islands since who knows when. The islands were under our administration until the French colonized us.
It was never a dispute, our fishermen have been fishing around that islands since who knows when. The islands were under our administration until the French colonized us.
Go learn history on neutral western source and not your government source. There was an Indian in here suggesting that Japan is the last legal occupier of Paracel because they have completed jurisdiction. Guess what? Japan used Hainan jurisdiction to establish their justification on Paracel. As for traditional fishermen right. If you come back to big brother, we can negotiate and make the Paracel delimitation so your fishermen can freely fish in the area without subject to foreign harassment and arrest. Good deal or not?
Are you butthurt that I easily show how Vietnam can defeat the Chinese land, air, and sea forces? Looks like you need to re-read my post again . We spend a fraction of our economy on military purchase and we can easily counter them. Indonesia on the other, does not even make it to our history book LOL

You are Insane therefore your opinion does not matter. Just look at the state of your armed forces compared to the Chinese. There's no doubt who's going to win. Everybody on the planet knows who is going to win & I just explained it to you that you can't. That's the truth.

Of course not your Communist system prohibited you from learning actual history.
You are Insane therefore your opinion does not matter. Just look at the state of your armed forces compared to the Chinese. There's no doubt who's going to win. Everybody on the planet knows who is going to win & I just explained it to you that you can't. That's the truth.

Of course not your Communist system prohibited you from learning actual history.
There is no doubt that we're going to win

Go learn history on neutral western source and not your government source. There was an Indian in here suggesting that Japan is the last legal occupier of Paracel because they have completed jurisdiction. Guess what? Japan used Hainan jurisdiction to establish their justification on Paracel. As for traditional fishermen right. If you come back to big brother, we can negotiate and make the Paracel delimitation so your fishermen can freely fish in the area without subject to foreign harassment and arrest. Good deal or not?
That islands were under the administration of many imperial dynasty; the last one is the Nguyen dynasty. When the French colonized us, we did not have direct admin over the island until colonialism ends.
There is no doubt that we're going to win

Now that is a clear sign of insanity if I ever see one & this is coming from a guy who sometimes think he's a cat. Now if you excuse me I will lick myself clean because licking myself is more productive compare to teaching an Insane man how to see reason.
That islands were under the administration of many imperial dynasty; the last one is the Nguyen dynasty. When the French colonized us, we did not have direct admin over the island until colonialism ends.
No one cares of imperial era day offshore territories because the lack of direct administration, recognition by others, and real permanent residents. The fact is Paracel does not have permanent human presence historically suggest to me it is just a temporary fishermen base for Chinese and You Vietnamese. Remember Paracel comprises various other small islands. You may have presence in one or two, but it does not mean you control all of Paracel's Islands. The proximity favors Hainan and its geographic nature derived from Hainan through continent drift.
Then don't call me Indons dems fighting word in here.... Yuon.

You can't hit what you can see AWACS anyone. LOL electronic decoys only work when the enemy are not trying to hit static targets. The first wave of Bombardments is enough to cripple more than half of Vietnamese fighting forces, bases & installments unless you can move those around they're sitting ducks. Then the navy will came in VN Sea to finish the job. This is once again the truth. You can't accept it then get out of here.

LOL delusional Yuon. This is why I pick on your kind. Not because I like the Chinese as you claim, but your kind just continuously spat bullshits. I mean just look at what just you posted. While I only use truth or bend it a little to suit me. Here's the thing about the Vietnam war you guys don't want to remember....


The only reason you "won" is just because the US public is weary of war. Trust me if its continued Nixon will roast your Grandpa with his Napalm & hung Ho Chi Minh in the middle of Saigon.

Do not occupy your mind with the event of 1979 because the PLA are vastly different compared to those time. They abandon their Human wave tactics for a more leaner, meaner & tech oriented army. Instead look at operation desert storm. Saddam Forces were powerful than you guys & guess what happens to them.

Which is why you will never see this kind of soldiers again

Instead you will be greeted with this.

Mind you its just a small comparison on the vast technological differences between you guys.
it is a myth that American troops had not lost any battles in Vietnam. here is a list of 70.

Lost Battles of the Vietnam War

America lost 56,000 men, hundreds thousands were wounded. thousands of aircrafts and tanks went lost.
the dollar collapsed. the economy suffered, with the governement incurring billions of debts because of the war.
the moral of the US army collapsed.

After the lost war, the US army abandons the general conscription and establishes volunteer army.
Go learn history on neutral western source and not your government source. There was an Indian in here suggesting that Japan is the last legal occupier of Paracel because they have completed jurisdiction. Guess what? Japan used Hainan jurisdiction to establish their justification on Paracel. As for traditional fishermen right. If you come back to big brother, we can negotiate and make the Paracel delimitation so your fishermen can freely fish in the area without subject to foreign harassment and arrest. Good deal or not?

Chinese sea pirate has his big mouth.
No Chinese ever needs to steal from a Viet ... who would steal from a beggar?

But you won't be allowed to get off scot-free for your thievery and general thuggish behavior.
No Chinese ever needs to steal from a Viet ... who would steal from a beggar?

But you won't be allowed to get off scot-free for your thievery and general thuggish behavior.

Islands belong to Viets. From many hundred year we didn't hve troubles with China about Islands. It is just recently China claim it and occupied with force. Chinese are invaders in our Islands.
Islands belong to Viets. From many hundred year we didn't hve troubles with China about Islands. It is just recently China claim it and occupied with force. Chinese are invaders in our Islands.

You are invaders in our islands and play the victim
No Chinese ever needs to steal from a Viet ... who would steal from a beggar?

But you won't be allowed to get off scot-free for your thievery and general thuggish behavior.
since when a Taiwanese like you copies the bad habit of using abused language from mainlanders?

You are invaders in our islands and play the victim
stop smoking opium. you had never been on the islands before you took them from us by force.
since when a Taiwanese like you copies the bad habit of using abused language from mainlanders?

stop smoking opium. you had never been on the islands before you took thyem from us by force.
you have notstep on every piece land of viet. Right?

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