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Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

you government has to pay every cents back for the damage the vn mobs have caused.

it is really good for your economy.

btw, after such disaster, it is also really good for the investor's confidence in investing in vn. :rofl:

No VNese care to retake Itu-aba isl now. We accidentally smashed and burned their companies, but they still dont hate VNese, so we think TWese can be good friend of VNese :cheers:

I really encourage you to try that.

We should take back our Ba Binh island from Taiwan when they face a military invasion from China. The distant between Taiping to Taiwan is 2000 km; meaning they need serious refuel for their jets. I don't think Taiwan airforce has any tanker to do refuel. With no jet from Taiwan; the job of defending Taiping will be depended on their navy only. As of NOW, Vietnam's 24 Su-30 can fire a total of 96 standoff Kh-59MK antiship missiles and our Su-22 can fire 40 Kh-28 missiles in one salvo. That's a total of 136 antiship missiles to fire at Taiwan's navy. Our Navy's 4 missiles boats + 2 corvettes + 2 submarines can fire another 92 antiship missiles as well. That's a total of 228 anti-ship missiles that our Navy and Airforce can fire in one salvo at Taiwan's Navy (If Taiwan still has any Navy left for confronting us). This is NOW; in 2016 our Navy and Airforce will be able to fire a combine 396 antiship missiles at the enemies in one salvo. Taiping island is a few nautical miles from our Son Ca island; our special forces will do the job of taking it over.

Ba Binh island belongs to Vietnam and we have very right to take it back.

That's Ba Binh/Taiping island, in the foreground is our Son Ca island

No VNese care to retake Itu-aba isl now. We accidentally smashed and burned their companies, but they still dont hate VNese, so we think TWese can be good friend of VNese :cheers:

Accidental ? So that the resulting chaos generated LOOTING?
We should take back our Ba Binh island from Taiwan when they face a military invasion from China. The distant between Taiping to Taiwan is 2000 km; meaning they need serious refuel for their jets. I don't think Taiwan airforce has any tanker to do refuel. With no jet from Taiwan; the job of defending Taiping will be depended on their navy only. As of NOW, Vietnam's 24 Su-30 can fire a total of 96 standoff Kh-59MK antiship missiles and our Su-22 can fire 40 Kh-28 missiles in one salvo. That's a total of 136 antiship missiles to fire at Taiwan's navy. Our Navy's 4 missiles boats + 2 corvettes + 2 submarines can fire another 92 antiship missiles as well. That's a total of 228 anti-ship missiles that our Navy and Airforce can fire in one salvo at Taiwan's Navy (If Taiwan still has any Navy left for confronting us). This is NOW; in 2016 our Navy and Airforce will be able to fire a combine 396 antiship missiles at the enemies in one salvo. Taiping island is a few nautical miles from our Son Ca island; our special forces will do the job of taking it over.

Ba Binh island belongs to Vietnam and we have very right to take it back.

That's Ba Binh/Taiping island, in the foreground is our Son Ca island

you seem to have a good battle plan :partay:

Very funny, can't image why vietnamese are such fool, really polluted by Orange agent? or VCP brainwashing propaganda?
No, the article says clear Taiwan considers China as a serious threat for the country survival, but sees Vietnam in a better light. The world knows you are keen on confrontations. The Taiwanese, your chinese brothers and sisters, know you better than anyone else.

I wish Taiwan good luck for their incoming military excise :azn:
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Of all the potential hot-spots for China to test its investment in building up its military since watching Iraq get embarrassed in 1991, I dont think Taiwan will be their choice.

They are looking for an enemy to demonstrate their new capabilities to the world. They will not choose one that could escalate as bad as Taiwan could.

Mostly because if Taiwan gets damaged, we would have spend time rebuilding it afterwards. This is actually one of the main reason mainland China is keeping Taiwan economically afloat by purposely over-importing stuff. The same applies to Vietnam to a lesser extent mainly because a chaos in the neighboring states may spill over in form of refuges, etc.

Personally, I don't think China is actually looking to make an Iraq style demonstration, but if it becomes necessary, Philippines would be the most likely target since it has relatively small amount of trade with China and separated by a sea barrier that the aftermath won't spill over.

Yes, that is the Chinese position.

This is also the US' official stance and vast majority of the nation's stance.

I am a little surprised on some of the scenarios that are dreamed up here. What? Just because Taiwan and Mainland China isn't under the same government right now by doesn't mean that Mainland China would sit around if anything happened to Taiwan held territories. Diaoyu island is a good example as it was a Taiwan held island and the moment Taiwan showed that it couldn't hold it, mainland China rolled in and took over the work. Basically, any action against Taiwan held islands would be essentially the same against Mainland held islands.
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TPP is the key target. Taiwan, Korea, is hurry up to deep invest to Vietnam factories for textile and electronics.
China did the same for textile ...

The rule of origin not allow imported materials from China like other FTAs . The materials must produced in Vietnam

If delay that, China would observe the huge loss of sale on textile because the output market is so huge ... Taiwan, Korea would take the bigger part

Without deep investment to Vietnam, China get nothing from export textile, electronics ... to USA, America continental.

That's why no war, more cooperation from Taiwan, Korea,
No, the article says clear Taiwan considers China as a serious threat for the country survival, but sees Vietnam in a better light. The world knows you are keen on confrontations. The Taiwanese, your chinese brothers and sisters, know you better than anyone else.
I wish Taiwan good luck for their incoming military excise :azn:
I just interested in why are you so exciting on the article, because they think you are lower threat to them? so what? what can be proved?

we will take Itu Aba back. problem is when.
Oh, the problem also is that time is not decided by you.
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I just interested in why are you so exciting on the article, because they think you are lower threat to them? so what? what can prove?

Oh, the problem also is that time is not decided by you.

we have right to take back.
Hollow word.
You of course think you have, you can do it, build your strengh, before that preparing million coffins for you people, if need, can imported from China.

don't troll.

Itu Aba is part of territory of Vietnam from long time in the past. Taiwan robbed 1956. We have to take back. soon or late.
don't troll.

Itu Aba is part of territory of Vietnam from long time in the past. Taiwan robbed 1956. We have to take back. soon or late.
A troller tell me don't troll, interesting!

Could don't post hollow word from your mouth, you know so boring.
China is big boy but bad boy. Chinese hooligan can not understand what does it mean.
no need to talk to that stink-grape, he's nobody to howling anything about Chinese this or that ... :D
China is big boy but bad boy. Chinese hooligan can not understand what does it mean.
If you think boring hollow word can make you win, you win.

no need to talk to that stink-grape, he's nobody to howling anything about Chinese this or that ... :D
So high level comments, and you high-level comments, this is list you had called me: Spouting shit, Shit, mock-grape, stink-grape, more?

I am howling? who are howling in the case, the world know, hehe!
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