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Tahir ul Qadri demolished by Chief Justice at the Supreme Court Day 1

brave heart meeded to do that?
zafar shb stil in PTI?
as PTI already has seen what happen in asghar khan case, why no politician couldnt been aressted, & why not PTI press that issue?

I dont know if he is in PTI or not. I just know he is always near the government since Ayub times...

Late M.D. Tahir used to file petitions all the time... :lol: so its not a matter of courage but wisdom of not letting anyone get away, if elections are delayed, again Zardari/Nawaz would make excuses...

lets play with whatever we got, if they have chosen a battle ground, let us fight with passion !!

P.S. Asghar Khan case is a muk mukka between ppp and pmln that is why no probing by government...


& sure no politicians & govt officials including judges should allowed to do politics & govt duty, & even if they hve thier dual nationl wives, sons , daughters, brothers?:lol:

put some sense into your posts, a military service guy cannot marry a foreigner without permission, if he is dual national or even born in other country, he has to give in his other nationality...
I dont know if he is in PTI or not. I just know he is always near the government since Ayub times...

Late M.D. Tahir used to file petitions all the time... :lol: so its not a matter of courage but wisdom of not letting anyone get away, if elections are delayed, again Zardari/Nawaz would make excuses...

lets play with whatever we got, if they have chosen a battle ground, let us fight with passion !!

P.S. Asghar Khan case is a muk mukka between ppp and pmln that is why no probing by government...

put some sense into your posts, a military service guy cannot marry a foreigner without permission, if he is dual national or even born in other country, he has to give in his other nationality...

put some sense into your posts, a military service guy cannot marry a foreigner without permission
sorry friend, its time to sleep, i never mentioned any thing called militry! wake up plz:lol::lol::lol::wave:
put some sense into your posts, a military service guy cannot marry a foreigner without permission, if he is dual national or even born in other country, he has to give in his other nationality...

According to law any one who bad mouth army shall be hanged as traitor.

Applying constitution to target others ? I hate PTI because it is controlled by hindu agents.
S.M.Zafar himself wants to be CEC.

by the way if he think that it was unconstitutional tou bawa ji petition dair kerni thi na jab appointment hoi thi?

i give you what you asked and now you came with pathetic allegation? How about now you prove what you claim?

Every one knows CJ is in bed with Gillani and Zardari. They regualrly visit each other and discuss the policies to keep control.

Why do you think.. worst govt. is completing its 5 years? with open corruption no one is arrested?
NRO expired by every one is free? Why do you think provinces are being divided? Why do you think lolypop of NFC awards was never challenged? Why do you think Tsunami receded before starting and most of above... why N.Sharif is saying that i'm leader of opposition and i have no objection to EC? and IK also shows confidence on same commission formed by Zardari!

Public will never know it... Malik Riaz opened this secret and today he has to pay fine of 200 kanal house to the ruling mafia.
As a student I am confused by your statement.

A dual national is a national in each respective country individually, enjoying the same legal rights and responsibilities as any other citizen, except where clearly prohibited by law. For example, a dual national cannot be a member of parliament in Pakistan.

While the Chief Justice may be right in pointing out his doubts about Dr. Qadri's motives, he is wrong in placing limits on what a dual national can or cannot do without providing a reference to the law.

He did not do that when dismissing the petition, or did he?

The CJP did not dictate what a dual national can do. Qadri, not CJP file the petition under article 184(3) of the constitution where he raised a matter of "Public importance". Article 184(3) specifically deals with matters of public importance not personal importance.

Hence as an oath taker to the queen, someone who has pledged allegiance to a foreign leader, we cannot safely assume he is not under foreign dictates ordered by the Queen to raise this issue as he is not solely a representative of Pakistani public, he is also a representative of the Canadian public.

CJP gave a very well worded and clearly defined short order available for download on the Supreme Court website. It had nothing to do with placing extra limitations on dual nationals other than reiterating that they can't run for office, and hence they can't interfere with the ECP, which deals with elections.
acted impartialy , by taking sumo =moto in his own sons case?why?
but cant see ecp , wrong creation wow?:lol::wave:

Well his involvement ensured that there WAS a case against his son, prior to which there was no case.

It feels like I'm talking to someone with ADHD - the CJP didn't say ECP wasn't wrongly created, he said Qadri's petition is not maintainable since he has taken an oath of allegiance to the Queen and his petition that Qadri himself filed for Article 184(3), raises issues of Public importance and he cannot raise an issue of public importance since he belongs to the public that is a subject to the queen too.
^^ Saeen, the oath of Queen was not conflicting with petition against unlawful ECP.

IMO, it shall be Queen worrying more about alligience rather than CJ.

In between some Canadian member mentioned that there is no mention of Queen in Canadian oath.

RPP case = He ordered for his arrest, he can't go and arrest him himself
Swiss case = He can't order Swiss government to reopen cases, however he opened the door for another government to come and open a new case
Hazara Killing = He can't go and start policing himself. He made the relevant orders and if they are not implemented, he can only chase after now higher ups
Target Killings = He can't go police Lyari
Missing persons = He freed many people and even brought the ISI to task

All the cases you mentioned are just nonsense. The cases were very competently handled AS PER LAW. This is a Supreme Court, please learn a thing or two about the three branches of government and get an education on what all the judicial branch of the government covers.

The problem with having this debate with you is either you are highly illiterate on these matters or you're just throwing a massive rondhi. Choose.

^^ Saeen, the oath of Queen was not conflicting with petition against unlawful ECP.
Actually the explanation was quite apt, that it was. Since the petition filed by Qadri himself cites that he needs to raise a matter of public importance as per Article 184(3), his dual nationality and oath of allegiance is an issue of contention.

In between some Canadian member mentioned that there is no mention of Queen in Canadian oath.

Quote from Wikipedia:

swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.

CJP gave a very well worded and clearly defined short order available for download on the Supreme Court website. It had nothing to do with placing extra limitations on dual nationals other than reiterating that they can't run for office, and hence they can't interfere with the ECP, which deals with elections.

I think that explanation makes sense, only if one assumes that the CJ is correct in extending the ban on dual nationals on being elected to the entire electoral process, from start to finish. However, then the right to vote of a dual national is in jeopardy as well, but that is a basic right of a citizen. After all, what better way to influence an election than actually voting in it?
Actually the explanation was quite apt, that it was. Since the petition filed by Qadri himself cites that he needs to raise a matter of public importance as per Article 184(3), his dual nationality and oath of allegiance is an issue of contention.

I still failed to see the connection... since you have posted the oath.. read it and tell us how does it conflicts with matter in hand.
Dual nationals are the people who are sitting in public institutions and spending state money, making policies, amending laws and issuing rulings.
Why officials are exempted from this conflict? as their job is dealing and handling public interest!

Quote from Wikipedia
I was refering to the statement of a Canadian flag member... i do read what you posted. Clearly one is wrong here.
I think that explanation makes sense, only if one assumes that the CJ is correct in extending the ban on dual nationals on being elected to the entire electoral process, from start to finish. However, then the right to vote of a dual national is in jeopardy as well, but that is a basic right of a citizen.

CJ does not need to issue ruling on election of dual nationals... because Dr. TuQ was not filling nomination papers.

Where as all parliament members are dual nationals, hardly one or two are not. How do you think they made there way to parliament and now you think judiciary will not accept papers of dual nationals? they will but that member will be black mailed all of his time in parliament and when he will go astray by-elections is the ultimate justice, this is called complete control.
You know what! This is a typical arrogant Pakistani trait that you will see in every official in Pakistan government.

Contribution of overseas Pakistani go unrecognized. I m fine with the fact that dual nationals must not hold public office. But in Pakistan, we have Asim Hussain, Rehman Malik and Altaf Hussain doing politics and running government too.

Its strange that those who have given more to the country than taken are looked down as suspicious while those who looted the country, created chaos in our cities and ran away from the country seeking asylum abroad are given top positions in the government and have massive say in the country's politics.

If Tahur ul Qadri's petition was not maintainable, then how come a government run by shady characters who are dual nationals too be sustainable.

Dual nationals dont even get to vote in the country. They only get bad mouthing from people in Pakistan.

Just for clarification, in the oath of Canada, there is no pledge to allegiance to the Queen to England. Dont know where this has got into stupid and rigid official minds of Pakistan.

Pakistan has a deal in place with atleast 16 Nations where citizens can be dual nationals. Who is CJ to question if Pakistanis wants to go abroad for better Jobs-businesses to support their large families and friends in Pakistan, nobody goes outside to khowar one self but to support families and what is wrong if someone goes outside to earn better income isn't that every other person wants. Let me ask CJ would you summon governor of sindh with Canadian passport. How can nawaz sharif & family not being citizens of UK open billions of pounds worth businesses and purchases of properties when in a split of a second UK govt can seize it and nawaz & family won't have anything left unless his entire family has citizenship of that country, same goes for zardari. Ask MK or all other Pakistanis outside how difficult the procedure is to buy financed car or house or even credit line if you are not a citizen of that country so how did these moron politicians buy billions of dollars worth properties and businesses in a land where they are not citizens? Damn right they are passport holders of those Nations.

Awesome, you still can't question the loyalty of overseas Pakistanis, by your own mouth you said you went to earn a good income which you won't find in Pakistan that is what all overseas Pakistanis went for and there is nothing bad about it we do support Pakistan. I and my family can prove loyalty to my country by throwing in genuine Receipts of payments to cancer hospitals and fatimid foundation in the face of CJ, can CJ prove his loyalty how much did he pay as zakat.

Infact CJ not only insulted all Pakistanis living abroad but he indirectly insulted minorities and questioned their loyalty as well. Tomorrow CJ would even ask ok so you are a hindu or a christian or a sikh with a Pakistani passport but still you need to prove your loyalty to Pakistan. CJ had gone all time low he has lost his credibility severely among overseas Pakistanis.

Taking an Oath doesn't make you an evil person, living in a country you are required by law to be a good person/citizen after all you went there to and get citizenship for a good cause not to spread corruption/chaos.

CJ is completely adrift in his assumptions. By the logic CJ's oath to become CJ/in Judiciary is Flawed and False because the laws/constitution says Islamic rules and laws and judiciary is made up 90% of british laws, why would CJ follow and give verdicts according to british judicial laws and system, by the Logic we have british rules of law and system in place rather than full islamic rules and governance laws this makes all Pakistan being loyal to British Queen...
Well his involvement ensured that there WAS a case against his son, prior to which there was no case.

It feels like I'm talking to someone with ADHD - the CJP didn't say ECP wasn't wrongly created, he said Qadri's petition is not maintainable since he has taken an oath of allegiance to the Queen and his petition that Qadri himself filed for Article 184(3), raises issues of Public importance and he cannot raise an issue of public importance since he belongs to the public that is a subject to the queen too.

It feels like I'm talking to someone with ADHD !!!
Its not feeling ,I am sure, you got that?
Well wht was the dam public intersts in his sons case, who ended up in calling police,FIA,NAB discreditables?
Instead he went to mohtasib,shoaib sadle?
Who was a close friend of CJ & his family attending marrige ceremonies of cj famly?
I am sure, you got some thing, some rellationship to CJ & his family?lol lol lol
Some times its just basic instinct, to be on the top, in life & its not just how well versed you are , or educated you are ?
How come CJ & thugs were asking qadri that how any muslim can take oath of allegiance to the Queen,wht that meant to the muslims living in the countries where queen is the law & constitution?
Hope you got the point!
Part of the problem is our outdated constitution, & our uncompleted laws, which every one has their own meanings,in their self intersts???
With this verdict CJ has just defended ,his own thinkable political future as another rafeeq tarrar to amir-ul-momenin NAWAZ tind?lol
^^ Saeen, the oath of Queen was not conflicting with petition against unlawful ECP.

IMO, it shall be Queen worrying more about allegiance rather than CJ.

In between some Canadian member mentioned that there is no mention of Queen in Canadian oath.

There is clearly mention but that doesn't make someone being a dual national as not loyal to Pakistan, same as someone cannot declare another muslim as kafir.

How does CJ operate under the British India Judicial system being implement by Pakistan.

Here is straight from supreme court of Pakistan's website:

On independence, the Government of India Act 1935 was retained as a provisional Constitution. As a consequence, the legal and judicial system of the British period continued, of course, with due adaptations and modifications, where necessary, to suit the requirements of the new Republic. This way, neither any vacuum occurred nor any break resulted in the continued operation of the legal system. The judicial structure remained the same.
I think that explanation makes sense, only if one assumes that the CJ is correct in extending the ban on dual nationals on being elected to the entire electoral process, from start to finish. However, then the right to vote of a dual national is in jeopardy as well, but that is a basic right of a citizen. After all, what better way to influence an election than actually voting in it?

That's why I said read the short order, the CJP categorically said that the right to vote would remain unaffected. Thereby making this decision specific to matters of public importance.
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