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T-84 oplot M fails testing what now for the army, in terms of tanks?

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Actually , Peleng of Belarus has been supplying many sights for Russian MBTs and AFVs for many many years now. Russians are pretty good with armour but quite weak in optics and sights.

As far as I know Russian industry have some defficiency for advanced chip technologies as well so outsourcing own designed chips to Israel like countries for production. Some Russian members I have talked underlined cost issues of producing chips at home so producing them at foreign bases which is cost/effective. At a likely strong embargo, It seems that Russia will fall into serious difficulties.
About Oplot-M, Thermal sight looks quite big which enables to block back gun.

This was decided to allow commander to aim HMG at +60 degrees high with panoramic sight -

It semsn that T-90MS has two sight system commander/gunner unlike Oplots.

How can you imagine a tank without gunner sight system ?

Oplot has panoramic sight -

Gunner day channel sight and laser missile guiding with -

and night - low visibility sight (thermal chanel) -
This was decided to allow commander to aim HMG at +60 degrees high with panoramic sight -

How can you imagine a tank without gunner sight system ?

Oplot has panoramic sight -

Gunner day channel sight and laser missile guiding with -

and night - low visibility sight (thermal chanel) -

It is not possible a tank without gunner's sight indeed but What I am talking is two seperate but full capable periscopes which have all day/night sight functions for commander and gunner, two seperate control unit for commander and gunner + auxiliary sight unit for gunner and two seperate fire control system for commander and gunner under a common 360 degree IR situation awareness + four radar for target detection + 360 degree IFF systems + LWR. Both periscopes controlled by fire control system can be switched to eachothers in acordance with neccesity of conditions. Panoramic periscope have automatic search and tracking functions. When It is needed, The stabilized gun locating at the top of turret can be controlled by commander's fire control system which allows commander to direct 120mm gun + co-axial machine gun + RCWS on same target or operate them seperately. Fire control systems' electronic boxes and integrated circuits have spares inside of tank and When It is needed, The electronic units can be changed with spares. That's what Aselsan developed for Altay under the name of new generation fire control system.

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TAKS for Altay


Tank command control Information system has four seperate screening unit for driver + gunner + loader + commander.


All crew members will have opportunity to receive informations taken from 360 degree active/passive sensors and situation awareness systems on their own monitors.

Altay will have a similar digital map technology like STM FocusFlite. Same company is charged to developed it. All 4 crew have their own screens and the system provides software based numerical encrypted communication. The system provides terrain information, friend and foe positions, 3D numerical battlefield map, mission planning, integrated with ADOP-2000 and MSYS tactical field command and control.

With integration of four Akkor C band radars, Altay will have reached impressive monitoring opportunity against all type of missiles/munitions.


Munitions having Rf seeker on heads to be placed at the top of turret will destroy all type of missiles/munitions from HEAT to ATGM, RPG.

Destroyed LAW munition in trials

A highly precision stabilized gun system called SARP will be the small arm of tank in urban warfare.


At a likely subsystem cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey, The systems told above will be on the table for Pakistani tank upgrade solutions.

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What is the rubber for?

additional protection against top attack weapons and to defeat detection by battlefield radar, anti-radar coating is provided and the tank turret is fitted with a collar of rubber skirts which hang from the turret front and reduce the radar signature ! Dont know why Alkhalid Tank does not have this feature ! @Dazzler
The factory that made the steel plate for Ukrainian armor is out of commission after being hit by about 160 artillery shells. They cant make ANY armor plate now or anymore engines for tanks.

Ukrainian members, That is true ?
It's a fake.

Nice to see you Frontline posters here, keep on ! Salute !

by the way to all members bharatfuckshut.com(bharatrakshak.com IDF) is burning because of Pakistans acquire of all new weapons for Army, Air Force and Navy !
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TAKS for Altay


Tank command control Information system has four seperate screening unit for driver + gunner + loader + commander.


All crew members will have opportunity to receive informations taken from 360 degree active/passive sensors and situation awareness systems on their own monitors.

Altay will have a similar digital map technology like STM FocusFlite. Same company is charged to developed it. All 4 crew have their own screens and the system provides software based numerical encrypted communication. The system provides terrain information, friend and foe positions, 3D numerical battlefield map, mission planning, integrated with ADOP-2000 and MSYS tactical field command and control.

With integration of four Akkor C band radars, Altay will have reached impressive monitoring opportunity against all type of missiles/munitions.


Munitions having Rf seeker on heads to be placed at the top of turret will destroy all type of missiles/munitions from HEAT to ATGM, RPG.

Destroyed LAW munition in trials

A highly precision stabilized gun system called SARP will be the small arm of tank in urban warfare.


At a likely subsystem cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey, The systems told above will be on the table for Pakistani tank upgrade solutions.

Pak is using turkish subsystems on his AK tanks used to french Thales all replaced by turkish been discussed on other PDF forum
india has yet to produce or develop a decent "APDS" ... This has been discussed to death .. @Dazzler. What was the highest penetration value claimed by indian ? 400ish?

Oplot M weights around 51 tons... AK at 48.

Also remember our bridging system over canals and rivers can't take weights over 55 tons.
Pak is using turkish subsystems on his AK tanks used to french Thales all replaced by turkish been discussed on other PDF forum
could you point me to the thread?
TAKS for Altay


Tank command control Information system has four seperate screening unit for driver + gunner + loader + commander.


All crew members will have opportunity to receive informations taken from 360 degree active/passive sensors and situation awareness systems on their own monitors.

Altay will have a similar digital map technology like STM FocusFlite. Same company is charged to developed it. All 4 crew have their own screens and the system provides software based numerical encrypted communication. The system provides terrain information, friend and foe positions, 3D numerical battlefield map, mission planning, integrated with ADOP-2000 and MSYS tactical field command and control.

With integration of four Akkor C band radars, Altay will have reached impressive monitoring opportunity against all type of missiles/munitions.


Munitions having Rf seeker on heads to be placed at the top of turret will destroy all type of missiles/munitions from HEAT to ATGM, RPG.

Destroyed LAW munition in trials

A highly precision stabilized gun system called SARP will be the small arm of tank in urban warfare.


At a likely subsystem cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey, The systems told above will be on the table for Pakistani tank upgrade solutions.


Sorry mate, Altay is not an option for pakistan. Live with it.

In the couple years we have seen many Pakistani/Turkish Forumers that are eager to see a potential purchase/production of the Altay Tank for Pakistan, However do you know if the Pakistani army realisticly considered Altay as an option ever?

In the couple years we have seen many Pakistani/Turkish Forumers that are eager to see a potential purchase/production of the Altay Tank for Pakistan, However do you know if the Pakistani army realisticly considered Altay as an option ever?
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