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T-50 Fighter To Feature Higher Stealth Capabilities


Jun 24, 2012
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T-50 Fighter To Feature Higher Stealth Capabilities

Sukhoi Aircraft has introduced the new design solutions to increase the stealth capabilities of T-50 by managing to greatly reduce the effective surface scattering of the fighter, which is the basic element for visibility on aircraft radars.

An average value of this indicator for the T-50 fighter is between 0.1 and 1 square meter.

In order to achieve this level of stealth, designers moved all weapons to the inside of the plane and also changed the shape of the air intake channel, also lining its walls with a material that absorbs radio waves.

The company claims that this new design has increased the capabilities of T-50, comparing the visibility of the American fifth-generation F-22 fighter which is 0.3-0.4 square meters, according to PAK FA chief designer Alexander Davidenko.

Rostec enterprises produced the main parts of the T-50. The company Radioelectronic Technologies created the avionics and other radio-electronic needs for the fifth-generation aircraft.

Link - T-50 Fighter To Feature Higher Stealth Capabilities
So this means the Russians have yet to master the stealth capabilities. :coffee:
Chinese have the advantage of Huge industrial base and $$$.

and Russia has not???? :omghaha:

by the way,we were expecting Structural changes for next prototypes...we'll soon get a glance to it.

by the way,thats from Jane.........


Details of the Sukhoi Design Bureau's work on the stealthy aspects of the T-50 PAK FA fighter aircraft emerged in late December 2013, when the company's patents were published.

According to the patent paperwork, taken together, all of the stealthy measures offer significant improvements over legacy fighter designs. The papers claim that the radar cross-section (RCS) of an Su-27 was in the order of 10-15 m 2 , with the intention being to reduce the size of the RCS in the T-50 to an "average figure of 0.1-1 m 2 ".

In common with other low observable aircraft designs, this reduction is achieved throught the use of radar-absorbing and radar-shielding materials and coatings, panel shaping (especially around the air intakes) and in the design of the junctions between moving elements, such as flaps and hatches.

In particular, the patent spells out the benefits of internal weapons carriage, s-shaped engine air ducts, (which were considered but are actually not implemented in the production PAK FA), and the use of radar blockers. It adds that the inlet guide vanes of the engines' compressors generate "a significant portion [up to 60%] of the radar cross-section of the airframe-powerplant system in the forward hemisphere" and that this is reduced by using radar-blocking devices and radar-absorbing coatings in the walls of the air ducts.

The shape of the airframe reduces the number of directions that radar signals are reflected in with the angles of sweep of the wings and the tail plane's leading and trailing edges, the edges of the air intakes and hatch covers being reduced and deflected from the aircraft's axis. Viewing the aircraft from the flank, the fuselage sides, lateral edges of the air intakes and vertical empennage are all deflected at the same angle.

Some openings and slots on the airframe's surface - such as the boundary-layer bleeds on the sides of the air intakes and the openings on the upper fuselage immediately aft of the cockpit - are covered with a thick grid, featuring a mesh of less than one quarter of the wavelength of a search radar, which reduces the reflections from these uneven surfaces. Gaps between the airframe elements are filled with conducting sealants, while the glazing of the cockpit canopy is metallised.

The surfaces of the PAK FA's own five radar arrays are also angled off from the vertical plane, helping to 'deflect' enemy radar signals. The covers of the radar arrays are selective, letting through their own signals, but blocking other frequencies. Additionally, the array compartments are edged with radar-absorbing 'curtains' to reduce possible leaks of these amplified signals.

Antennas are recessed from the surface of the skin to reduce protuberances (the vertical empennage serves as a communications antenna), while the turret of the aircraft's nose-mounted infrared search-and-track (IRST) sight is rotated backwards into a cruise position, exposing its rear hemisphere, which is covered with a radar-absorbing coating.

The release of this list of patents follows the July 2013 release of documentation covering the configuration of the fighter's integrated avionics suite.

There are currently five T-50 prototypes - the latest, T-50-5, first flew on 27 October 2013 - supporting the development programme and they are believed to have undertaken over 300 sorties to date.

In the 'Schedule of Activity for the Russian Ministry of Defence for 2013 to 2020' published in mid-2013, the PAK FA's Initial Operational Capability and the launch of full-scale series production is scheduled for 31 December 2016. The Russian National Armament Programme stipulates that 60 production PAK FA fighters will be delivered between 2016 and 2020.

The assembly of aircraft T-50-6-1 is nearing completion and three further aircraft (T-50-6-2, T-50-7 and T-50-8) are in build. One of the T-50-6 aircraft is intended for static trials and the other one is intended for flight testing.


The PAK FA's designers have paid close attention to stealthy features, which include the use of radar-absorbent coatings on the reverse of the nose-mounted IRST, the widespread use of baffles and the use of absorbent coatings in the air intakes and at the junctions between moving surfaces. (Sukhoi)

PAK FA stealth features patent published - IHS Jane's 360
Russian use plasma stealth tech

If they succeed , it will be a revolution, no need to care about the shape.
The Russians like to brag about their capabilities,same with the Indians。:omghaha:
So this means the Russians have yet to master the stealth capabilities. :coffee:
they are talking about 'average' stealth of whole aircraft and 0.1 rcs is considered very good in average. Those 0.001 like figures are rcs from front and not average for whole aircraft which is always much higher.
Russian use plasma stealth tech

If they succeed , it will be a revolution, no need to care about the shape.

fanboy stuff...there is no proof that Plasma tech is applicable on aircraft.
Russian use plasma stealth tech

If they succeed , it will be a revolution, no need to care about the shape.

How you propose to create a layer of ionized gas in front of an aircraft with limited power generated from the aircraft? And how you suppress the IR signature of the ionized plasma?
I always knew that the PAK-FA was a LO and not VLO aircraft.

This should really help Pakistan as it can induct VLO J-31 and have a massive advantage over the PAK-FA.

The better J-31 will help Pakistan offset the Indian numerical strength in the PAK-FA.
And thats why china has copied everything from Russia to produce the sub-standard products .. :disagree:

But they failed to copy properly. J 20 has problem in everything from Engine, to location of engine, Weapon bay, Wings, fuselage. There is not even a single part which is not ill designed.
I always knew that the PAK-FA was a LO and not VLO aircraft.

This should really help Pakistan as it can induct VLO J-31 and have a massive advantage over the PAK-FA.

The better J-31 will help Pakistan offset the Indian numerical strength in the PAK-FA.

J- class fighters use Russian engines- AL-31, without the Russian engines..J-class program is as good as dead.
J- class fighters use Russian engines- AL-31, without the Russian engines..J-class program is as good as dead.

WS-15(J-20) and WS-13A(J-31) are in development and should be ready towards the latter part of the decade.

Both AL-31 and RD-93 are wholly unsuitable to power the Chinese 5th generation fighters.

India has just been had by investing 5 billion in a non-stealthy fighter's R&D and also committing 20-25 billion more in buying them.
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