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T-4MS: the Soviet Union built the fastest aircraft in the world

simple Brain

Oct 12, 2014
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T-4MS: the Soviet Union built the fastest aircraft in the world

14:07 April 19, 2017 / Updated 14:13 19 April 2017

Many believe that the fastest planes are fighters, but a few decades ago in the Soviet Union heavy missile was created with which to compete in speed could not any fighter in the world. We are talking about an airplane Pavel Sukhoi T-4MS. Federal News Agency offers to get acquainted with one of the fastest aircraft in the world.
In 1963, the Soviet military set the task: to create a strategic reconnaissance aircraft shock-complex, which is in the range of up to 7000 kilometers will be able to find and destroy any target. In particular this applies to the carrier battle groups of the potential enemy.

Super-plane T-4MS

T 4MS created on a "tailless" with a central portion of the fuselage and wings which have been integrally formed. In addition, the integrated part of the wing fastened swivel console. Purging models of this arrangement in wind tunnels allowed to realization of high aerodynamic quality values both at subsonic flight speeds, and no supersonic.

It should be noted that under the new "integral" layout designers managed to reach a solution of the elastic deformation of the wing problem. The relatively small size of the area of the wing along with a hard carrying case provides the possibility to fly at high speeds near the ground. Furthermore, rotary wing console T-4 MS can change sweep from 30 to 72 degrees.

Engineers "Sukhoi" the entire 1971 have been working on the final design of aircraft project "dvuhsotki". This increase aerodynamic efficiency by varying the thickness and shape of an airfoil; study of the effect on the functioning of the bevel wing feathers and powerplant; increase subsonic cruising speed when using supercritical profiles; selection wing shape with the aim of improving the stability and controllability; through the optimal design-lift mechanism airframe mass increase fuel output.

As a result, the layout refinement T 4MS variants appeared "dvuhsotki" with horizontal tail surfaces and a long nose. For example, an arrangement №8 had a needle-like nose. However, the arrangement was adopted with slabovystupayuschim lantern and elongated nose.

A crew of three was located in the cab without the speaker lantern. Great attention is paid to the designers reduce radar visibility. The machine to be fitted with four engines NK-101, 20 are thrust, which have a variable degree of bypass.

However, when all the pros machine never went into production because the "Sukhoi" was uploaded by other equally important government orders, in particular, the Su-27 and the modernization of frontline attack aircraft Su-17M and Su-24. Transition "Sukhoi" in "heavy" aircraft would put these programs at risk.

And even worse it is plain wrong since it was never build !
Not even the Russians claim it was the fastest in the world.
SR-71 was faster even though it was designed way earlier.


Since the airframe is unbuilt, the reported speed is 3200km/h, which mean at least there are 4 platform from the USAF that are faster and had actually been built.

XB-70 - Speed Mach 3.1 (3309 Km/h)


X-2 - Speed Mach 3.2 (3,370 Km/h)


A-12/D-21 - Speed Mach 3.3 (3540 Km/h)


SR-71 - Speed Mach 3.3 + (3540 Km/h)

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