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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

this is official figures.. Your opinion doesn't count.
Mildars detection range of a tanksize target is 12 km and is state of the art (latest development) . Our defense industry is building stuff according to Nato standards also.
What has choppers to do with radar tech?

You mean 27 km.
Perhaps it would be prudent to think of what scenarios Apache was used in, and what was necessary at the time.

Today we have more ASW than in the past, so I think it's given that it will be possible to cram more high tech into smaller sizes.

Also, I am sure the Apache has an export version and one only for the USAF.

I don't really care much about the comparison, even though it looks good on paper. What I care about if the numbers Meteksan tells us are true. Which I think they are. And those specs alone are very good.

So what AA are there that can see and hit our Atak before we see them. 27 km that's quite a lot, is it flatland, or are hilly terrain included.
Guys, NEVER believe this guy.

He is also Max Defense, the source i said to never believe. He is an anti government piece, and he is always looking for reasons to get USA selections in the PH as he is rumored to get cuts from them or at least their backers.

He has been disproven time and time again by Secdef Lorenzana here, so just consider his announcements hogwash.

Everytime he is proven wrong, he makes up some reason why the government sucks or is corrupt etc.

Do NOT believe him. He is incredibly toxic, and has even publicly called out people and posted their facebook pictures just because we do not believe his pronouncements.
Guys, NEVER believe this guy.

He is also Max Defense, the source i said to never believe. He is an anti government piece, and he is always looking for reasons to get USA selections in the PH as he is rumored to get cuts from them or at least their backers.

He has been disproven time and time again by Secdef Lorenzana here, so just consider his announcements hogwash.

Everytime he is proven wrong, he makes up some reason why the government sucks or is corrupt etc.

Do NOT believe him. He is incredibly toxic, and has even publicly called out people and posted their facebook pictures just because we do not believe his pronouncements.
Wow that is incredible if true. I hope you are right on this matter. I am deleting my post until I get a better source.
Guys, NEVER believe this guy.

He is also Max Defense, the source i said to never believe. He is an anti government piece, and he is always looking for reasons to get USA selections in the PH as he is rumored to get cuts from them or at least their backers.

He has been disproven time and time again by Secdef Lorenzana here, so just consider his announcements hogwash.

Everytime he is proven wrong, he makes up some reason why the government sucks or is corrupt etc.

Do NOT believe him. He is incredibly toxic, and has even publicly called out people and posted their facebook pictures just because we do not believe his pronouncements.

I don't know much about the situation. However, US / EU based avionics are not used anywhere in the T129. Only the engine comes from the outside, since the writer you trust writes to the memorization without any knowledge, you should never care too much about the source named "Max".
Wow that is incredible if true. I hope you are right on this matter. I am deleting my post until I get a better source.
No, you should keep it for documentation.

He has publicly castrated me for being counter to his opinions. I am part of the FB group called AFP modernization and global defense news, technically which shares more open minded and neutral views vs Max's "liberal/pro western" view.

He has long publicly attacked the duterte government, despite us being strongly supportive of him. He is a typical liberal (yellow in our turf).

Couple months ago, MD kept posting how "there is no competition already, as the philippine airforce selected USA something something" then our secdef publicly said that "we are committed to atak" which showed up in a number of public articles. then MD as usual will say something that "philippine armed forces are stupid" or "there is an issue somewhere corruption bla bla"

But if you think about it, the more expensive offer of usa choppers is much more open to corruption and pocketing due to the higher potential cost.

I will go out on a limb here, I have a couple of people I know in our department of defense, but I am not privy to their knowledge. Just casual chatting with these people. They have a low, low opinion of Max Defense. His Max Montero is his bashing trash talking account.
I don't know much about the situation. However, US / EU based avionics are not used anywhere in the T129. Only the engine comes from the outside, since the writer you trust writes to the memorization without any knowledge, you should never care too much about the source named "Max".

He has popular defense FB page and I think it is the most popular defense forum for Philippino, many Indonesian also follow this page.

He has popular defense FB page and I think it is the most popular defense forum for Philippino, many Indonesian also follow this page.


I know his page, but he uses random / memorized patterns without even knowing the details. Don’t think what will I say as racism but when you look at the forums of the countries on your side, it becomes clear that they do not really understand anything. Only Indonesians, Malays, and Filipinos are fighting each other.
I know his page, but he uses random / memorized patterns without even knowing the details. Don’t think what will I say as racism but when you look at the forums of the countries on your side, it becomes clear that they do not really understand anything. Only Indonesians, Malays, and Filipinos are fighting each other.

Indonesian and Filipinos are rarely fighting in the internet, those Philippino at Max Def forum also show that pattern. Indonesia and Malaysia do have some rivalry in the internet in the past, but not anymore lately.
I know his page, but he uses random / memorized patterns without even knowing the details. Don’t think what will I say as racism but when you look at the forums of the countries on your side, it becomes clear that they do not really understand anything. Only Indonesians, Malays, and Filipinos are fighting each other.

This exactly. He always says "some source" but those never get confirmed officially, and rarely ever go true, especially with the current selections. The moment we selected a non-thales system for the recvent jose rizal frigates and went for a korean one, he automatically made some "issues" and cried corruption and meddling, when the senator and secdef denied such claims.

Indonesian and Filipinos are rarely fighting in the internet, those Philippino at Max Def forum also show that pattern. Indonesia and Malaysia do have some rivalry in the internet in the past, but not anymore lately.

It is pretty divided here, with the pro government people like me, and the libtards on the other side. MD is pretty much liberal-USA sided, plus the rumors that he has cuts whenever USA selections are made. He is sort of an internet lobbyist to a degree.

Max's followers are quite the sheep. They just eat up whatever he says without critical thinking. He said USA UK avionics on the ATAK, knowing his followers will not even check that the T129 has turkish avionics for the most part. They will just eat up what he said in the tweet.
Salam brothers,If Turkey delivered T-129 to Pakistan on time then this problem will be resolved by its own self...:turkey::pakistan:
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