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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

^^We are back to square one ......
@Horus @Arsalan @Signalian @Gryphon @Oscar
Was expected!!
That is the reason i was being relatively quite about it. Now do not want to rub noses of a few in it by saying "i told you so". talking about the guys who have linked almost every other military hardware produced in the world with Pakistan.

lets see what our response to this is,,, Asking US to allow re-sale (both Turkey and Pakistan doing it)
Waiting for Turkish Engine (new untested machine)
Go for Chinese option (not sure how much of those problems have been resolved in Z10 M though reports suggest that PAA trails and feedback formed the basis of that modified version)
It was expected as advised by china don't depend on west especially united states or britain. We knew this could happen . lets see how turks deal with it. It must feel like a slap to the face to turks when they can't sell their own product to an ally because of another ally.

Turks should ditch usa and nato, when the time comes. Cuz they are unreliable.

Good thing we have kept all options open with russian and chinese choppers.
Go for Chinese option (not sure how much of those problems have been resolved in Z10 M though reports suggest that PAA trails and feedback formed the basis of that modified version)
Z-10 could be employed in about 75-80% of Pakistan other then Northern Areas, FATA and some part of Balochistan so this should be our immediate option, btw I always wonder how Chinese are using it in Tibet region .... ??

And for medium to long term we should form a JV either with Turkey for Atak-II or with China for their next gunship program and must close the door of blackmailing by USA neither they are releasing AH-1Z nor they are letting the Atak deal concluded
They just try everything to stop TR but in my opinion this is best favor they could've done to TR!
TR has to stay focused on domestic R&D and put all money into, I think the next best thing is to stop F35 del. To TR so you can sue them for breaking the contract, at same time invest all that money in TF-X dev. and force it to the max!
^^We are back to square one ......

Z-10 could be employed in about 75-80% of Pakistan other then Northern Areas, FATA and some part of Balochistan so this should be our immediate option, btw I always wonder how Chinese are using it in Tibet region .... ??

And for medium to long term we should form a JV either with Turkey for Atak-II or with China for their next gunship program and must close the door of blackmailing by USA neither they are releasing AH-1Z nor they are letting the Atak deal concluded

I am more concerned about the AH-1Z, since those were supposed to be PAA's heavy attack helicopters.

In case of T129 ATAK, the situation appears to be moving towards re-trials. The Chinese sensed it much earlier.

CHINA eyes second Attack Helicopter opportunity

Published in Show Daily 2018 - Day 2

By Asian Military Review - November 28, 2018


The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is hopeful it will have a second chance to win a contract to supply the Pakistani Army with its upgraded Z-10ME attack helicopter, company officials said on the sidelines of the Airshow China exhibition in Zhuhai.

The company had earlier dispatched three army aviation Z-10s to Pakistan for testing by the army in 2016. However, the service eventually selected the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) T129 ATAK attack helicopters because the Z-10s reportedly did not meet performance and reliability requirements for austere environments.

AVIC subsidiary Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) then went back to the drawing board with detailed test data accumulated from in-country testing and rolled out the new Z-10ME, which is believed to feature a more powerful 1,200kW engine as well as an extensive active and passive defensive aide suite.

These include a new missile approach warning system (MAWS) and radar warning receiver (RWR), revised and upturned engine nozzles to channel hot exhaust gases upwards to reduce the helicopter’s infrared signature. It will also have dust filters for the twin intakes to reduce power loss from sand and particulate contamination of the engine.

The Z-10ME is also outfitted with appliqué armour panels attached to the fuselage just immediately under, and slightly forward of, both cockpit’s side windows to improve crew survivability from ground fire.

With the US government cancelling $300 million worth of funding and equipment that had earlier been approved under the Coalition Support Fund and Foreign Military Financing schemes, Pakistan’s plan to acquire 30 T129 and 12 US-made Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters is now in question. As a result, there could be a window of opportunity for China to initiate anther push to export the Z-10 to Pakistan.

CHINA eyes second Attack Helicopter opportunity | asianmilitaryreview.com

It's really a 4D chess move by the clown that calls himself "Trump". So the US is in a trade war with China - best move? Block Turkey from selling their heli's to Pakistan so China can swoop in. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Just as ATAK was starting to see very serious interest from a lot of countries uncle sam steps in and MAKES SURE that no one dares consider buying it from Turkey.

This was such a great opening for Turkey, getting her feet in the door of global military sales.

Damn it :(
So a TAI official goes out and spills the beans to an Russian news agency known for its fake news but doesn’t talk to Turkish or Pakistani news about it? Again let me get this straight. According to this an TAI official went to TASS and was like “what’s up guys let’s talk about ATAK Export even though it has nothing to do with Russia” but no Turkish or Pakistani journalist got the same treatment?

Yeah not buying it.

Russia has been pumping fake news about Turkey ever since their conflict with Ukraine in the Black Sea to sabotage what is left of the Turkish-American relationship. This is just another step in it.

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