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Featured Syria's air defenses respond to Israeli missile attack over Damascus

As expected. Israel mad at Iran so it bombs poor Arabs,Afghans and Pakistanis.

Have the Syrians received the Bavar missile defence system?

The contract was signed on 8 July. It is impossible to transfer AD units and train Syrians within 2 weeks time.

You can be expecting results in about 6 months time. Until then Israel will continue bombing poor Arab and Afghans and claim they killed 20000000000000 Iranians. :lol:

As expected. Israel mad at Iran so it bombs poor Arabs,Afghans and Pakistanis.



Well they have killed tons of Iranian Generals and military officials in Syria, that is apart from mysterious explosions in your very homeland but we have to yet to see any response from Iran...It seems like Iran is more interested in sparking sectarianism and proxy wars across Muslim world than fighting the country they shout at day and night "Marg bar"...
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Well they have tons of Iranian Generals and military officials ,that is apart from mysterious explosions in your very homeland but we have to yet to see any response from Iran...It seems like Iran is more interested in sparking sectarianism and proxy wars across Muslim world than fighting the country they shout at day and night "Marg bar"...
bla bla arab and israeli propaganda.
I remember someone have open a topic about Israel fighters going low like, Bavar was used but another propaganda?
Syrian airdefense systems successfuly repels Israeli attack in Syrian airspace. These images shows Syrian airdefenses actively destroy Israeli launched missiles.








The Bavar systems must be deployed ASAP.

Unless the Bavars are being updated and upgraded, which a new member hinted at, you should not use your best against Isreal. Khordad 15 and 3rd should be deployed, and each Isreal attack studied with full data sent to Tehran for further developing the Bavars and other ADS.

The data on the attack in Syria is almost more important than the ADS. As they would be used to develop better ADS for Iran.
Israelis have been pounding iranian targets and killing iranians for a decade now and strangely iran never retaliates.
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