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Syrian Rebels test the chemical weapons to use on Syrian civilians

What about the 40,000 people that have died? All terrorists?

that number is OVER ESTIMATED.... the one who is killing innocent Syrians are those freedom fighters aka FSA aka terrorists just to blame the Syrian government and to gain international sympathy and support... if the west and gcc, turkey and etc end their support to those terrorists the bloodshed in Syria will stop...
Part of them are civilians killed by terrorists. Army doesnt target civilians, terrorists do. Plus we dont know the real casualty numbers, whatever West/arabs media is reporting are fictional numbers.

Besides, it wasn't Syrians or the Syrian government who started this ugly war. The West, Israel, Arab puppets and Turkey conspired and attacked the Syrian state and innocent civilians. It's all about perpetuating western and zionist hegemony and domination in the region. The whole Arab Spring is a bad joke, it's rather an Arab Winter. What is so hard to understand?
that number is OVER ESTIMATED.... the one who is killing innocent Syrians are those freedom fighters aka FSA aka terrorists just to blame the Syrian government and to gain international sympathy and support... if the west and gcc, turkey and etc end their support to those terrorists the bloodshed in Syria will stop...

They won't stop, they are absolutely relentless and determined to install a western puppet regime. Because Iran and Syria are the only two "non-puppet" states, which is totally "unacceptable" for the West and their little illegal entity.

US Troops Mass on Turkey's Syrian Border

You have to be a monumental idiot if you think US supports the small elements of terrorists among the rebels. regardless of this " dubbed " over video. but ultimately you brought this upon yourself by acting like equal savages...

WE do not in anyway support Ji-hadist any less than we support genocidal dictators. You WILL NOT find us a party of support for savagery on either side.

You have to be a monumental idiot if you don't know that this is all about western imperialism and zionism. It's about installing puppet regimes serving the West and their little illegal entity. The rest is irrelevant.. who has/is going to use this or that weapon.. who cares....
Then how come there is still something called THE SYRIAN ARMY, that's kicking the terrorists out of the country....

The Free Syrian Army is getting the upper hand now despite the lack of military support from foreign powers, and even though your collapsing regime is getting all the military help he need from Iran, Russia and China you still can't even capture a single territory from the Free Syrian Army and Aleppo is still free from your terrorism in fact most of the fights now are around your regime capital soon enough you're God aka "Assad" will be hanged from his ugly 2 meter long nick.

you keep showing me some western propaganda... those people sold their dignity and their country for $$$
again even the west admits that FSA is not composed of Syrians....http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...amists-seek-turn-syria-into-sharia-state.html

What western propaganda ? are you saying there was never was a defect in your terrorist regime ? LOL are you really that brainwashed ? Also i'll take God's sharia law over man made law any day in the week.

And the GCC openly said it many times in many conference... go to youtube and look Qatar talking about arming FSA and much more....

You still failed to provide me with a single source where GCC governments said that they support FSA with any piece of weapon, as i said earlier if you have a source please share it with us i'll be extremely happy if that was true.
P.S. Its ironic to see yet another Saudi so brainwashed, that he doesnt even know Saudis, Qatar, etc. are openly supporting terrorists.

I still demand a proof where GCC governments said they supported the Free Syrian Army with weapons, can you provide it ? or are you just talking with your A$$ ?
Besides, it wasn't Syrians or the Syrian government who started this ugly war. The West, Israel, Arab puppets and Turkey conspired and attacked the Syrian state and innocent civilians. It's all about perpetuating western and zionist hegemony and domination in the region. The whole Arab Spring is a bad joke, it's rather an Arab Winter. What is so hard to understand?

Only the lowest of the low see the suffering of innocent people and still spread his ****** propaganda you should be ashamed of yourself, there are about 12,000 innocent Syrians killed before the Free Syrian Army was established, Who killed them ?? It's Assad brutal and terrorist regime, the ones you support.
Only the lowest of the low see the suffering of innocent people and still spread his ****** propaganda you should be ashamed of yourself, there are about 12,000 innocent Syrians killed before the Free Syrian Army was established, Who killed them ?? It's Assad brutal and terrorist regime, the ones you support.

Just put the blame on Evil America and evil zionists/Israel and all other devilish stuff man..That way its easy to digest lack of comprehension
Shame on you testing your **** on those innocent rabbits......Go F yourself.
You have to be a monumental idiot if you don't know that this is all about western imperialism and zionism. It's about installing puppet regimes serving the West and their little illegal entity. The rest is irrelevant.. who has/is going to use this or that weapon.. who cares....

Make sure you have gone for a fitting of your tin foil, while living off the welfare of the west.

I know who cares when a Muslim dictator uses chemical weapons on fellow Muslims. at least you have confessed up to that...
The Free Syrian Army is getting the upper hand now despite the lack of military support from foreign powers, and even though your collapsing regime is getting all the military help he need from Iran, Russia and China you still can't even capture a single territory from the Free Syrian Army and Aleppo is still free from your terrorism in fact most of the fights now are around your regime capital soon enough you're God aka "Assad" will be hanged from his ugly 2 meter long nick.

What western propaganda ? are you saying there was never was a defect in your terrorist regime ? LOL are you really that brainwashed ? Also i'll take God's sharia law over man made law any day in the week.

You still failed to provide me with a single source where GCC governments said that they support FSA with any piece of weapon, as i said earlier if you have a source please share it with us i'll be extremely happy if that was true.

You cant even debate without insulting people... this is my last reply to you kid.... if your claims are true that FSA controls Aleppo then, why there is outside opposition? why dont they return back to "Liberated" parts you are talking about??

Enough lies....

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You cant even debate without insulting people... this is my last reply to you kid.... if your claims are true that FSA controls Aleppo then, why there is outside opposition?

What difference does it make ? the outside opposition are diplomats not military man why would they be in Syria while they can have better efforts to serve the revolution from outside, plus if they were here your regime will try to assassinate them by planting spies in the FSA, however most Military "NOT diplomatic" defectors are in Syria fighting your savage regime.


Nice to see our Libyan brothers are fighting against your terrorist regime and protecting the innocent Syrian people.

PS: You still did not provide me with any source that proves your claims that GCC governments openly said that they supplied weapons to the Free Syrian Army, I'm still waiting.
What difference does it make ? the outside opposition are diplomats not military man why would they be in Syria while they can have better efforts to serve the revolution from outside, plus if they were here your regime will try to assassinate them by planting spies in the FSA, however most Military "NOT diplomatic" defectors are in Syria fighting your savage regime.

Nice to see our Libyan brothers are fighting against your terrorist regime and protecting the innocent Syrian people.

PS: You still did not provide me with any source that proves your claims that GCC governments openly said that they supplied weapons to the Free Syrian Army, I'm still waiting.

what a hypocrite didn't you just say there are no foreigners in FSA... and now you support that there are foreigners in Syria??

like I said all you have to do is go to youtube and google... this is the search results.... enjoy


and here is your people's claim



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