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syrian opposition uses chemical weapon in Aleppo


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi has described militants’ use of chemical weapons as the "first act" by the opposition interim government.

The Syrian minister also said Turkey and Qatar, which support militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, bear "legal, moral and political responsibility" for the chemical attack in the northern city of Aleppo, which killed 16 people and injured 86 others.

PressTV - Use of chemical weapons, "first act" by opposition interim government

west couldn't defeat Syria by normal weapons, now decided to use WMD, shame on all of them and their poppets.
this is what you are and this what we expect from you.
25 Killed by Rocket with Chemical Materials Fired by Terrorists in Aleppo Countryside

Terrorists on Tuesday launched a rocket containing chemical materials on Khan al-Asal area in Aleppo Countryside.

The explosion of the rocket claimed the lives of 25 martyrs, while 110 citizens were injured, many of them in critical condition.

Foreign Ministry.. Syria has warned of offering Chemical weapons to terrorists

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Tuesday sent two identical letters to President of the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General stating that in a dangerous escalation to the crimes perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups in north Syria, they launched a missile at 7,30 in the morning from Kfar Dael region into Khan al-Asal area in Aleppo governorate.

"The missile fell in a region populated by civilians on a 300- m distance from the post of the Syrian Arab army soldiers," the Ministry said in the letters.

It added that after the missile was exploded, a dense smoke has occurred which led to direct faint cases among citizens who were subjected to inhale those gases. The missile explosion and the gases have led to the martyrdom of 25 citizens until now while more than 110 others between civilians and soldiers were injured who were admitted to Aleppo hospitals.

"In two previous identical letters sent to President of the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General on December 8th, 2012 issued by document 917/2012 S 628/ 67, Syria expressed its serious fear of offering chemical weapons to the terrorists by some countries which support them to accuse the Syrian government of using such weapons," the Ministry said.

It added that Syria has warned of the danger of failure to confront the possibility of reaching banned kinds of weapons to the hands of al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra, particularly after these groups have seized a private factory in East Aleppo which contains tons of the poisonous chlorine material when terrorists threatened to use chemical weapons they make in a lab near Turkish Gaziantep city to claim that the Syrian government has used such weapons.

"Video tapes broadcast at that time on websites have showed the way of manufacturing the poisonous gases through chemical materials received by al-Qaeda from a Turkish company as they were tested on creatures," the Ministry said.

It affirmed that Syria, who reiterates its commitments announced scores of times through diplomatic channels that it will not use those chemical weapons, if found, against its people, will go ahead in its constitutional commitment to pursue the terrorists and their supporters to maintain the country's safety and security.

The Ministry went on to say that Syria calls on the international community to seriously move to prevent those terrorist groups from perpetrating more dangerous crimes against Syrian people through putting an end to the military, financial, political and logistic support offered by the countries which back those terrorist groups, particularly Turkey, Qatar and some western states without thinking in the repercussions of that support on the innocent Syrian civilians whom bloods are shed at the hands of the terrorist groups.

Health Ministry Calls on UN to Pay Attention to Terrorists' Flagrant Crimes against Defenseless Civilians

In a statement, the Health Ministry called upon the UN and its health and humanitarian organizations to pay attention to the flagrant crimes committed by terrorists against defenseless civilians, demanding that they pressure the countries that are openly arming and funding armed groups to stop their support immediately.

The Ministry affirmed its commitment to providing citizens' health needs, particularly in light of the current events.

The Ministry said that the citizens who were affected by the missile attack in Aleppo and were rushed to the hospitals are suffering from cases of unconsciousness, pupil contraction, neurological symptoms, rapid pulse, breathing irregularity, murmurs in lungs, and general weakness, in addition to a decrease in cholinesterase efficiency in patients' plasma.

The statement affirmed that all health workers in the hospitals to which the injured civilians were rushed are in a state of alert and that they took all the necessary measures to save the patients' lives who are being treated, adding that some of them have been discharged after their condition improved.





Faction of the FSA are clearly implicated in using chemical weapon against innocents Syrian. Lybian are notorious in this kind of past beheaviour...
After a 10 year war/occupation in Iraq, the death of over a million people including thousands of US soldiers, all based on patently false claims of the nation possessing “weapons of mass destruction,” (WMDs), it is outrageous hypocrisy to see the West arming, funding, and politically backing terrorists in Syria who in fact both possess, and are now using such weapons against the Syrian people.

At least 25 are reported dead after a chemical weapons attack targeting Syrian soldiers was carried out by NATO-backed terrorists in the northern city of Aleppo.

Aleppo is located near the Syrian-Turkish border. Had Libya’s looted stockpiles of chemical weapons been shipped to Syria, they would have passed through Turkey along with weapons sent from Libya by the US and thousands of Libyan terrorists who are admittedly operating inside Syria, and would most likely be used to target cities like Aleppo.

Worse yet, any chemical weapons imported into the country would implicate NATO either directly or through gross negligence, as the weapons would have passed through NATO-member Turkey, past US CIA agents admittedly operating along the border and along side Western-backed terrorists inside Syria.

Libya’s WMD’s are in Terrorist Hands

Libya’s arsenal had fallen into the hands of sectarian extremists with NATO assistance in 2011 during the culmination of efforts to overthrow the North African nation . Since then, Libya’s militants led by commanders of Al Qaeda’s Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) have armed sectarian extremists across the Arab World, from as far West as Mali, to as far East as Syria.

In addition to small arms, heavier weapons are also making their way through this extensive network. The Washington Post in their article, “Libyan missiles on the loose,” reported:

“Two former CIA counterterrorism officers told me last week that technicians recently refurbished 800 of these man-portable air-defense systems (known as MANPADS) — some for an African jihadist group called Boko Haram that is often seen as an ally of al-Qaeda — for possible use against commercial jets flying into Niger, Chad and perhaps Nigeria.”

While undoubtedly these weapons are also headed to Niger, Chad, and perhaps Nigeria, they are veritably headed to Syria. Libyan LIFG terrorists are confirmed to be flooding into Syria from Libya. In November 2011, the Telegraph in their article, “Leading Libyan Islamist met Free Syrian Army opposition group,” would report:

Abdulhakim Belhadj, head of the Tripoli Military Council and the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, “met with Free Syrian Army leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey,” said a military official working with Mr Belhadj. “Mustafa Abdul Jalil (the interim Libyan president) sent him there.”

Another Telegraph article, “Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels,” would admit

Syrian rebels held secret talks with Libya’s new authorities on Friday, aiming to secure weapons and money for their insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

At the meeting, which was held in Istanbul and included Turkish officials, the Syrians requested “assistance” from the Libyan representatives and were offered arms, and potentially volunteers.
Later that month, some 600 Libyan terrorists would be reported to have entered Syria to begin combat operations and have been flooding into the country ever since.

Image: Libyan Mahdi al-Harati of the US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf)

-listed terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), addressing fellow terrorists in Syria. Harati is now commanding a Libyan brigade operating inside of Syria attempting to destroy the Syrian government and subjugate the Syrian population. Traditionally, this is known as “foreign invasion.”


Washington Post’s reported “loose missiles” in Libya are now turning up on the battlefield in Syria. While outfits like the Guardian, in their article “Arms and the Manpads: Syrian rebels get anti-aircraft missiles,” are reporting the missiles as being deployed across Syria, they have attempted to downplay any connection to Libya’s looted arsenal and the Al Qaeda terrorists that have imported them. In contrast, Times has published open admissions from terrorists themselves admitting they are receiving heavy weapons including surface-to-air missiles from Libya.

In Time’s article, “Libya’s Fighters Export Their Revolution to Syria,” it is reported:

Some Syrians are more frank about the assistance the Libyans are providing. “They have heavier weapons than we do,” notes Firas Tamim, who has traveled in rebel-controlled areas to keep tabs on foreign fighters. “They brought these weapons to Syria, and they are being used on the front lines.” Among the arms Tamim has seen are Russian-made surface-to-air missiles, known as the SAM 7.

Libyan fighters largely brush off questions about weapon transfers, but in December they claimed they were doing just that. “We are in the process of collecting arms in Libya,” a Libyan fighter in Syria told the French daily Le Figaro. “Once this is done, we will have to find a way to bring them here.”

Clearly NATO’s intervention in Libya has left a vast, devastating arsenal in the hands of sectarian extremists, led by US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf)-listed terrorist organization LIFG, that is now exporting these weapons and militants to NATO’s other front in Syria. It is confirmed that both Libyan terrorists and weapons are crossing the Turkish-Syrian border, with NATO assistance, and it is now clear that heavy weapons, including anti-aircraft weapons have crossed the border too.
The Guardian reported in their November 2011 article, “Libyan chemical weapons stockpiles intact, say inspectors,” that:

Libya’s stockpiles of mustard gas and chemicals used to make weapons are intact and were not stolen during the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, weapons inspectors have said.

But also reported that:
The abandonment or disappearance of some Gaddafi-era weapons has prompted concerns that such firepower could erode regional security if it falls into the hands of Islamist militants or rebels active in north Africa. Some fear they could be used by Gaddafi loyalists to spread instability in Libya.
Last month Human Rights Watch urged Libya’s ruling national transitional council to take action over large numbers of heavy weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, it said were lying unguarded more than two months after Gaddafi was overthrown.On Wednesday the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, said the UN would send experts to Libya to help ensure nuclear material and chemical weapons did not fall into the wrong hands.
And while inspectors claim that Libya’s chemical weapons are in the “government’s” hands and not “extremists’,” it is clear by the Libyan government’s own admission, that they themselves are involved in sending fighters and weapons into Syria.

It remains to be seen where these chemical weapons came from. Should they appear to be from Libya’s arsenal, NATO, especially the US and Turkey, would be implicated in supplying Al Qaeda terrorists with WMDs, the very scenario the West has been paralyzed in fear over for the past 10 years, has given up its liberties, and spilled the blood of thousands of its soldiers to prevent.

The implications of Western-backed terrorists using chemical weapons, regardless of their origin, has cost the West its already floundering legitimacy, jeopardized its institutions, and has further shook the confidence of the many shareholders invested in them – politically, financially, industrially, and strategically. Such shareholders would be wise to begin looking for exits and cultivating alternatives outside the Wall Street-London international order.
At least 25 are reported dead after a chemical weapons attack targeting Syrian soldiers was carried out by NATO-backed terrorists in the northern city of Aleppo.

What baseless vitriol

It's assad bashar who has been oppressing his people and bombarding them with iranian and hezbollah weaponary as he seeks to claim majority rule over the country with his minority band of subservients.

The chemical arsenal of the syrians has already been confirmed by their previous assertion they would use it on israel and is not based on high fetched claims of libyan infiltration
What baseless vitriol

It's assad bashar who has been oppressing his people and bombarding them with iranian and hezbollah weaponary as he seeks to claim majority rule over the country with his minority band of subservients.

The chemical arsenal of the syrians has already been confirmed by their previous assertion they would use it on israel and is not based on high fetched claims of libyan infiltration
In Iran-Iraq we saw this BS too, Iraq used chemical weapons but western countries accused Iran for killing it's own people. UN never condemned Iraq for chemical weapons till war was over.
Syrian government has asked UN observers to investigate these attacks but I assure you UN will never start these investigations till war is over.
In Iran-Iraq we saw this BS too, Iraq used chemical weapons but western countries accused Iran for killing it's own people. UN never condemned Iraq for chemical weapons till war was over.
Syrian government has asked UN observers to investigate these attacks but I assure you UN will never start these investigations till war is over.

Yes, but this was different
Iraq had no choice fighting a country with a bigger population, cause most iraqi shias, kurds of iraq did not join Iraq’s army.
Either be overrun and defeated or use chemical weapons.
Useless war anyway.

That was a border war, this is in cities, chemical weapons will kill more civillians then armed groups
Yes, but this was different
Iraq had no choice fighting a country with a bigger population, cause most iraqi shias, kurds of iraq did not join Iraq’s army.
Either be overrun and defeated or use chemical weapons.
Useless war anyway.

That was a border war, this is in cities, chemical weapons will kill more civillians then armed groups
and that's their main goal, to terrifying people to give up their government. without people support, Syrian government wouldn't survived so far.
also what border war? you have forgotten Halabcheh Chemical Bombardment? 5,000 dead and 7,000 injured in just one city, and that was because of cooperating of this people with Iran.
Halabja was 1 event, I’m talking about the use of chemical weapons in the south, the lowlands of khuzestan and near Iraq.
I can start aguing with you about the halabja thing, but wrong thread for it.
What baseless vitriol

It's assad bashar who has been oppressing his people and bombarding them with iranian and hezbollah weaponary as he seeks to claim majority rule over the country with his minority band of subservients.

The chemical arsenal of the syrians has already been confirmed by their previous assertion they would use it on israel and is not based on high fetched claims of libyan infiltration

but it was your terrorist pals they even have a thing for gassing rabbits. The survivor even states she wants the FSA dead ********.com - West Turns a Blind Eye that Their Terrorists in Syria Used WMDs, Against all Evidence you're just making yourself look bad
Yes, but this was different
Iraq had no choice fighting a country with a bigger population

Sorry but you are defending the undefendable, Saddam renegged the Algiers accord of 1975 that was signed with the Shah thar addressed and solved all the border claims between the two countries, which to say the least was favorable to Iraq. He went to war , believing that Iran was in disarray and would collapse under the Iraqui onslaught. He was wrong...He used chemical weapons against Iran and against his own people...

cause most iraqi shias, kurds of iraq did not join Iraq’s army
Military service was instituted in form of draft that applied to all Irakis. A lot of shia, kurds died the same way that sunis died. I start sounding like all of you.:hitwall:
What baseless vitriol

It's assad bashar who has been oppressing his people and bombarding them with iranian and hezbollah weaponary as he seeks to claim majority rule over the country with his minority band of subservients.

The chemical arsenal of the syrians has already been confirmed by their previous assertion they would use it on israel and is not based on high fetched claims of libyan infiltration

Baseless vitriol? That does not shock anybody in this forum where reality is seen thru a kaleidoscope...Videos of ******** showed, beside published articles , FSA and alike threatening to use chemicals smuggled from Turkey, on anyone that does not espouse their ideas... And Libyan arsenal is in the hand of the djihadists.
Where did the freedom and democracy band wagon go ..they don't seem to be in this thread :disagree:
Yes, but this was different
Iraq had no choice fighting a country with a bigger population, cause most iraqi shias, kurds of iraq did not join Iraq’s army.
Either be overrun and defeated or use chemical weapons.
Useless war anyway.

That was a border war, this is in cities, chemical weapons will kill more civillians then armed groups
then why Saddam used those weapons against Cities ?
Halabja was 1 event, I’m talking about the use of chemical weapons in the south, the lowlands of khuzestan and near Iraq.
I can start aguing with you about the halabja thing, but wrong thread for it.

no it was not only Halabche after all that was an Iraqi City before that Iraq used chemical weapon against many small iraqi Kurdish villages and even before that Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian cities like Sardasht , Khoramshahr and Marivan .also in 1991 Saddam again used those weapons in Najaf and Karbala
Despite all the vitrol and the usual ctrl-c ctrl-v presstv crowd has any one yet proved a chemical weapon attack happened?

Look at the pictures provided as "evidence" do you let kids in the room with some one exposed to chemical weapons do you let grandma hold the drip for some one who could be contaminated?

From the CDC guidelines

Emergency Room Procedures in Chemical Hazard Emergencies: A Job Aid
On this Page
PreparationsWhen Victim ArrivesInitial TreatmentNerve Agent ProtocolChlorine ProtocolLewisite ProtocolPhosgene ProtocolMustard ProtocolPreparations

1. Try to determine agent identity.

2. Break out personal protection equipment, decon supplies, antidotes, etc.

3. Is chemical hazard certain or very likely?


• Don personal protective equipment.

• Set up hot line.

4. Clear and secure all areas which could become contaminated.

5. Prepare to or secure hospital entrances and grounds.

6. Notify local emergency management authorities if needed.

7. If chemical is a military agent and Army has not been informed. call them.

8. If an organophosphate is involved, notify hospital pharmacy that large amounts of atropine and 2-PAM may be needed.

When victim arrives
(Note: A contaminated patient may present at an emergency room without prior warning.)

9. Does chemical hazard exist?

•Known release/exposure (including late notification)
•Liquid on victim's skin or clothing
•Symptoms in victim, EMTs, others
•Odor (H, L, phosgene, chlorine)
•M-8 paper, if appropriate
YES: Go to 10.

NO: Handle victim routinely.

10. Hold victim outside until preparations are completed (don personal protective equipment to assist EMT’s as necessary).

Note: Don personal protective equipment.

See any one wearing any thing more than a paper face mask. Half of them arent even wearing gloves.

If they looked like this i could belive they suspected chemical weapons.

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