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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Today there was another attack against airport in Damascus targetting ammo that would be used against daesh and nusra terrorists after ceasefire currently holds with fsa terror groups.

The pattern seems to be clear israeli planes cant enter Syrian airspace because of high altitude air defences are in place and cant risk their planes pilots. Targets are determined by spy sats constantly warching. Simply attacks are made from israeli or Labennon airspace by cruise missiles or long range missile-glide bombs like popeye.

Possible measures.
-Store ammo inside underground tunnels and underground fortified bunkers. Spy sats cant do a jack seeing them if they could they would have already destroyed ammo in Palestine.
-High altitude sams are necessary and they are already there so planes cant risk close range bombing by flying inside Syria. Even to test their ecm it would be a coin toss risking many planes pilots for low number of targets.
-There seems to be issues with shorad defenses like pantsyr against cruise missiles. This can however be a low rcs ammunition possibly by applied ram coating or paint to popeye or other israeli cruise missiles.New pantsyr or Chinese fm 90 shorad variants need the option to operate in L band or longer wavelengths for point defense.
-China long ago tested a laser to dazzle optics in spy sats. israeli sats would be a good target practice to test similar systems.
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Assad u support is 100% foreign stooge. Even most of his fighters are foreigners.

Sounds more like isis and the rest of the "moderate" head choppers.....um I mean opposition
Today there was another attack against airport in Damascus targetting ammo that would be used against daesh and nusra terrorists after ceasefire currently holds with fsa terror groups.

The pattern seems to be clear israeli planes cant enter Syrian airspace because of high altitude air defences are in place and cant risk their planes pilots. Targets are determined by spy sats constantly warching. Simply attacks are made from israeli or Labennon airspace by cruise missiles or long range missile-glide bombs like popeye.

Possible measures.
-Store ammo inside underground tunnels and underground fortified bunkers. Spy sats cant do a jack seeing them if they could they would have already destroyed ammo in Palestine.
-High altitude sams are necessary and they are already there so planes cant risk close range bombing by flying inside Syria. Even to test their ecm it would be a coin toss risking many planes pilots for low number of targets.
-There seems to be issues with shorad defenses like pantsyr against cruise missiles. This can however be a low rcs ammunition possibly by applied ram coating or paint to popeye or other israeli cruise missiles.New pantsyr or Chinese fm 90 shorad variants need the option to operate in L band or longer wavelengths for point defense.
-China long ago tested a laser to dazzle optics in spy sats. israeli sats would be a good target practice to test similar systems.

You said exactly the same thing on another thread on here . Copy paste?
What's the point you are trying to make anyway? I'm sure the Syrian regime is aware of all the counter measures they need I suppose .

Sounds more like isis and the rest of the "moderate" head choppers.....um I mean opposition
To be honest, both sides do have foreign fighters and militias who want to wage jihad and die as "matyrs", be it the Syrian regime army and it's foreign fighters /militia's or the syian opposition/rebels. The conflict is a total mess. Reason these foriegn fighters/militias are often the most dedicated/effective in fighting than regular Syrian army since these foreign fighters believe in what they are fighting for and so their moral is very high.

However, one thing is sure now, Syrians have no real say in how this conflicts plays out anyway. Their destiny will be(is being) determined by world and regional powers and their proxies. This is all thanks to Assad and his greed for power.

So Syrians can only watch and hope for the best. This can be seen by the fact that any negotiations/resolutions is being debated/signed and agreed between western powers (U.S,U.K,France etc), Russia, Iran, Turkey or gulf states to some extent (usually backdoor). The non existent Assad regime is just a figure head now. Lol it's sad but that's the sad truth. The country with never be the same again. It will probably divided into spheres of influence with large autonomy/Semi independent states/region. :). However, if that means this can finally lead to peace then I believe it's a good thing. :)

Simply he start attacking me, I just noted that if his country was not spending tens of billions $$$ suppoting terrorists and failed dictators probably he would not need to emigrate.

Fried Hezbie terrorists. Thats beautiful:



Well, eventhough I do agree with your point, but you have to note that the Iranian government after the "Islamic Revolution" indulge in a path of exporting it's Islamic version of Revolution to the entire region, eventhough this had little success other than the creation of groups like hezbollah and making regiona countries like Iraq,KSA,gulf states nervous. But it did cause a radical change in Iran's relations with the entire world and it's neighbours. Since there was a change in ideology, values, thinking,foreign and domestic policies etc etc, leading to Iran being more and more involved in middle eastern countries affairs. This has persisted to this day. So it all depends on how we look at things. So you might be blaming the mullahs for spending billions supporting terror groups and militias like Hezbollah , Hamas, sending foreign shia fighters from Afghanistan, Pakistan,Yemen,Lebanon,Iraq, etc to fight in Syria for their economic and diplomatic woes. However, you can't blame the common man for this, the common man as o said before doesn't care about all these geo political stuffs, he merely cares about having a well paid job and providing for his family . Thqts ultimately what matters at the ed of the day. Reason you see people migrating even from the so called anti western developing countries like Cuba, N.Korea, Iran , Zimbabwe etc to the West. At the end of the day it's how well your people(living standards standards) live that matters. :). So blaming government policies for such conditions is one thing, but to blame or laugh at the common man who immigrated away from his country in search of greener pastures overseas is not a good thing to do IMO.Just saying.
/ .

To be honest, both sides do have foreign fighters and militias who want to wage jihad and die as "matyrs", be it the Syrian regime army and it's foreign fighters /militia's or the syian opposition/rebels. The conflict is a total mess. Reason these foriegn fighters/militias are often the most dedicated/effective in fighting than regular Syrian army since these foreign fighters believe in what they are fighting for and so their moral is very high.
Agreed both sides have foreign fighters both side used barrel bombs but main difference is SAA is using foreign fighters against Alqaeda and isis gangs which is a good thing and just like Aleppo majority of Sunnis civilans choose to move to Liwa AL taweed controlled Palestinans SAA areas means they are loving SAA foreign fighters and thease foreign fighters work under Syrian commanders objectives which means to clean aleepo from Alqaeda Isis and crossbreed gangs that's a good thing
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Agreed both sides have foreign fighters both side used barrel bombs but main difference is SAA is using foreign fighters against Alqaeda and isis gangs which is a good thing and just like Aleppo majority of Sunnis civilans choose to move to Liwa AL taweed controlled Palestinans SAA areas means they are loving SAA foreign fighters and thease foreign fighters work under Syrian commanders objectives which means to clean aleepo from Alqaeda Isis and crossbreed gangs that's a good thing
That's not entirely true, the Syrian regime has been fighting and killing any party or group that opposes it, even the FSA who was formed at the beginning of the uprisings by mostly Syrian soldiers who refused to follow orders and shoot at their own people thus defecting to the opposition. So the Syrian government has been fighting the opposition wayyyyy before anything like ISIS ever came into existence.if anything ISIS has been of great help to the Assad regime, since it has helped him in labelling anybody that opposes his government as a ISIS sympathiser/terrorists. Lol To be honest though ISIS has helped not just the Assad regime but also other world and regional powers to get involved in Syria using ISIS as a justification/excuse. Lol

Plus, the fundamental reasons for the Arab uprisings are still even more present in Syria , just like they were in Egypt , Tunisia, Yemen etc. Assad should have just left power like Mubarak did(though forced to by his army), Ben Ali, or Saleh(though forced as well.lol ). He has only himself to blame for the current situation of his country. Egypt will be in the same situation if not for the Egyptian army being more professional and skilled to act decisively to remove Mubarak from power and refusing to shoot and kill its own people who rose up back then. The after shocks(civil wars) are all just secondary effects of brutal dictationships and greedy dictators.:)
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This is real Assad Army:


What u show on ur pic as rebels is a small Jaysh Muajereen wa Ansar group with several hundred fighters out of over 100,000 rebels.
If even a small terror group like this is full of foreign fighters then one can only wonder how many thousands/tens of thousands[?] there are in total in the larger groups,not much of a home grown revolution it seems.
What u are babbling? They are all Israeli citizens.

Simply he start attacking me, I just noted that if his country was not spending tens of billions $$$ suppoting terrorists and failed dictators probably he would not need to emigrate.

Fried Hezbie terrorists. Thats beautiful:



*feels attacked* :undecided:


This is real Assad Army:


What u show on ur pic as rebels is a small Jaysh Muajereen wa Ansar group with several hundred fighters out of over 100,000 rebels.
If even a small terror group like this is full of foreign fighters then one can only wonder how many thousands/tens of thousands[?] there are in total in the larger groups,not much of a home grown revolution it seems.
Tiny JMA is only foreign group fighting for rebels. On the other hand for Assad are fighting dozens of foreign organizations each of many thousands.

*feels attacked* :undecided:


Funny avatar. :rofl: :enjoy:

WASHINGTON: The US on Thursday blacklisted 18 senior Syrian officials it said were connected to the country’s weapons of mass destruction program after an international investigation found Syrian regime forces were responsible for chlorine gas attacks against civilians.

The action marked the first time the US has sanctioned Syrian military officials for the government’s use of chemical weapons, according to a Treasury Department statement.

A joint inquiry by the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) found that Syrian regime forces were responsible for three chlorine gas attacks and that Daesh militants had used mustard gas, according to reports seen by Reuters in August and October.

Chlorine’s use as a weapon is banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention, which Syria joined in 2013. If inhaled, chlorine gas turns into hydrochloric acid in the lungs and can kill by burning lungs and drowning victims in the resulting body fluids.

Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government has denied its forces have used chemical weapons.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons,” Ned Price, a White House National Security Council spokesman, said in a statement. “The Assad regime’s barbaric continued attacks demonstrate its willingness to defy basic standards of human decency, its international obligations, and longstanding global norms.”

Following the reports of the international inquiry, Britain and France circulated a draft resolution to the UN Security Council in December that would ban the sale or supply of helicopters to the Syrian regime and blacklist 11 Syrian military commanders and officials over chemical weapons attacks during the nearly six-year war.

A vote on the draft resolution has not yet been set, but diplomats said Syrian ally Russia, one of five council veto powers, has made clear it opposed the measures.

Ten of the individuals sanctioned by the US on Thursday are listed for designation in the draft resolution, which — if adopted — would subject them to a global travel ban and asset freeze.

Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said in November that there was “just not enough material proof to do anything” and described the French and British bid to impose UN sanctions as a “misplaced effort.”

Syria agreed to destroy its chemical weapons in 2013 under a deal brokered by Moscow and Washington.

The Security Council backed that deal with a resolution that said in the event of non-compliance, “including unauthorized transfer of chemical weapons, or any use of chemical weapons by anyone” in Syria, it would impose measures that could include sanctions.
This unfortunately is true


Iraq's former national security advisor Mowaffak al-Rubaie had warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against supporting "jihadi" militants who later become leaders in the Islamic State (IS), the former top Iraqi official said.

The alleged support and training for the militants took place in Syria and was carried out by government security forces who reportedly wanted to keep American troops busy fighting in Iraq following the 2003 US-led invasion of the country.

"I went and met President Bashar al-Assad twice, and presented him with material evidence, documents, satellite pictures, confessions, all sort of evidence that his security forces were involved in active (sic) and transporting jihadist from Syria to Iraq," Rubaie told Al Jazeera, in the first of a two-part documentary entitled Enemy of Enemies: The Rise of ISIL aired earlier this week.

"And also, there were training camps with names and locations. He (Assad) was in total denial of that. I remember telling him that this will - in no time – backfire on Syria," he added.
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