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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Reuters / Tuesday, January 10, 2017
A Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighter reacts as he mourns near the body of his brother, who was an FSA fighter and died during an offensive against Islamic State fighters to take control of Qabasin town, on the outskirts of the northern Syrian town of al-Bab, Syria. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi
Reuters / Tuesday, January 10, 2017
A Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighter reacts as he mourns near the body of his brother, who was an FSA fighter and died during an offensive against Islamic State fighters to take control of Qabasin town, on the outskirts of the northern Syrian town of al-Bab, Syria. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi
Friendly fire. Rip
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Daesh rats had a bad night.

Syrian Army ambushes ISIS reinforcement convoy in east Aleppo, scores killed

- The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) had a rough night in east Aleppo, thanks in large-part to the Syrian Arab Army's rocket battalion.

ISIS was attempting to reinforce the Al-Bab countryside from their positions in the Deir Hafer Plains, when the Syrian Arab Army's rocket battalion caught the terrorist convoy heading through the village of Umm Al-Mari, south of Deir Hafer city.

According to a military source in east Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army's rocket battalion scored a direct hit on 5 vehicles carrying Islamic State reinforcements, killing and wounding a large number of these militants.

Umm Al-Mari, which is located approximately 3km from the Syrian Army's positions is located along an alternative supply road to the Islamic State's front-lines in the Al-Bab Plateau.

Due to the Kurdish offensive near the Tabaqa Dam, the Islamic State has been forced to find an alternative supply route to their fighters in the eastern countryside of Aleppo; this is especially important near Al-Bab, where they are currently under attack by the Turkish Army.

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Shutup cyber Jihadiii

come on dude have mercy on him they lost aleppo and other places sso you have be soft on them plus they are getting paid not us :)



Assad u support is 100% foreign stooge. Even most of his fighters are foreigners.

Yea because Israel doesn't have foreigners in their ranks. Every time I see "Israeli" soldiers I see a bunch of Etheopians . Some of Most powerful people in Israel, such as military leaders and heads of state were born in the Soviet Union or other places.

I have even seen Israeli fighter pilots speak perfectly clean Russian, which is impossible for none Russian born people.

At least 11 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants were killed in northern Syria in the last 24 hours as part of Turkey’s ongoing Euphrates Shield operation, according to a Turkish General Staff statement released on Jan. 11.

Turkish Air Forces also hit 12 ISIL targets in Syria’s al-Bab region, including six weapon pits, two control points and three shelters used by the jihadists.

The statement said the Turkish army’s efforts in supporting Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters in liberating al-Bab, a strategic city for ISIL, were ongoing.

The operation began late August 2016 to improve security, support coalition forces, and eliminate terror threats along the Syrian border using FSA fighters backed by Turkish artillery and jets.

Besides ISIL, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military wing, People’s Protection Units (YPG) forces, are also regarded as terror organizations by Turkey due to their links with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

The statement also added that Turkish jets have decided not to conduct airstrikes on three ISIL targets in the evening on Jan. 10, because the targets were close to places where civilians lived.

Whats ur obsession with crying? U spent billions of dollars on degenerate terrorists and inbred Assad without achieving anything. Your country sinks into drugs, unemployment and turns into desert. You migrated to Germany, but thats not a reason to cry all the time.

I could migrate in Germany like u with ease. But I dont want it. We have fine economy here.
Lool eventhough I do agree with your point to some extent, I must say that you can't blame him for emigrating just like hundreds of thousands of Iranian's have done. The country is facing economic issues and unemployment etc. So it's not a matter you should be making fun of. Many countries in the region are not that lucky to have high living standards like Israel and gulf states to some extent. So I don't think we should be making fun of these poorer developing countries. Afterall, any of us could have been born there, everybody at the end of the day only cares more about living a good life with his familly , so obviously there are always migrate from developing world who would migrate to richer countries. Can't blame them to be honest. Geopolitical matters not when you and your family can't afford to live a good life. The common poor man doesnt care about geopolitics or Syria or Iraq civil wars etc
So you should know that given a choice nobody(well, almost) will want to live outside his home country , most of the times it's economic issues that make people immigrate. So we shouldn't make fun of that to be honest. :)
Yea because Israel doesn't have foreigners in their ranks. Every time I see "Israeli" soldiers I see a bunch of Etheopians . Some of Most powerful people in Israel, such as military leaders and heads of state were born in the Soviet Union or other places.

I have even seen Israeli fighter pilots speak perfectly clean Russian, which is impossible for none Russian born people.
What u are babbling? They are all Israeli citizens.

Lool eventhough I do agree with your point to some extent, I must say that you can't blame him for emigrating just like hundreds of thousands of Iranian's have done. The country is facing economic issues and unemployment etc. So it's not a matter you should be making fun of. Many countries in the region are not that lucky to have high living standards like Israel and gulf states to some extent. So I don't think we should be making fun of these poorer developing countries. Afterall, any of us could have been born there, everybody at the end of the day only cares more about living a good life with his familly , so obviously there are always migrate from developing world who would migrate to richer countries. Can't blame them to be honest. Geopolitical matters not when you and your family can't afford to live a good life. The common poor man doesnt care about geopolitics or Syria or Iraq civil wars etc
So you should know that given a choice nobody(well, almost) will want to live outside his home country , most of the times it's economic issues that make people immigrate. So we shouldn't make fun of that to be honest. :)
Simply he start attacking me, I just noted that if his country was not spending tens of billions $$$ suppoting terrorists and failed dictators probably he would not need to emigrate.

Fried Hezbie terrorists. Thats beautiful:



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