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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assad Uses Armenian Foreign Minister’s Visit to Blast Turkey
President Assad used the visit of Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian to denounce Turkey on Wednesday.

Assad “underlined the important of combating terrorism effectively instead of just announcing intention to fight terrorism while supporting it covertly”.

He then linked the Syrian crisis to Turkey’s killing of 1.5 million Armenians a century ago:

The suffering that the Armenian people experienced throughout their history is being experienced today by the Syrian people at the hands of the same murderous and terrorist sides, but now they are using different methods and have different goals.

Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem echoed:

If the international community had imposed the necessary punishment to the butchers who committed the massacres against Armenians in the early 20th century, then their descendants today in Turkey wouldn’t have dared to commit massacres via their pawns in Syria.

The question now is: what will the international community do to the new butchers?
No, Iran/Shia are US camp.

As far as I remember it was Arab leaders who gathered in Camp David a couple weeks ago .... in US .


The 'palestinians' were the biggest whores for Iranian policy. It's amazing how one of their internet foot soldiers now goes to great lengths to distance himself and 'palestinians' from Tehran :lol:
Leader of al Qaeda in Syria warns Alawite minority: TV - Yahoo News

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's Syria wing Nusra Front said members of the Alawite minority sect should renounce President Bashar al-Assad and change their beliefs in order to be safe, the group's leader said in footage broadcast on Wednesday.

"If they drop weapons, disavow Assad, do not send their men to fight for him and return to Islam then they are our brothers," Abu Mohamad al-Golani told Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera in a rare interview. Assad is a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam.

Golani said Alawites were part of a sect that had "moved outside the religion of God and of Islam." He said his Sunni Muslim militant group was not at war with Christians.

You're a joke. One day you're against any foreign intervention under any pretext. The other you're for. Your whole argument against ISIS at one point was because of foreign fighters joining their ranks. .

What are you babbling about fool? I'm against ISIS because they are foreign when did I say that, don't make sh** up ! So If ISIS were all syrians that would be justified? I'm intrigued, what are the arguments FOR ISIS according to your post?

Furthermore comparing houthis to ISIS and JAN? You should be last last one talking about terrorists. The most famous saudi is Bin laden. The most famous terrorist attack was perpetrated by vast majority of saudis. The bulk of ISIS fighters are saudi same with the pro ISIS tweets. Even a saudi user on here Rakan vowed to put on explosives. Either there is something wrong with saudi society which draws them to ISIS or their belief are the same just different politics. Even a saudi user Rakan vowed to put on explosives

Hows the beheading goings, I heard you need more executioners. I'm pretty sure ISIS won't let women drive either.
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Brother, Dr.Thax.

I could be wrong about about the situation in Syria. There is no advance by Rebels on IS but you are right, it was the Suunis who drove ISI out in Iraq 7 years ago. Today's situation is much more complicated than before. You are making it sound like IS can be handled easily but they're not, they're much more effective unlike Al Qaeda nor other ineffective Jihadi fronts who does not have any influence over tribal leaders or managed to established its state in the last 13 years, they are a failed organization. IS managed to kept the population total under control by using "you are either with us or with them" strategic and expanded its influence in the unstable Levant (Sham), Iraq and the growing influence in the North West Africa in just two and a half years.

They will never allow Assad or Syria to fall first while the existing opposition Fronts are still out there for various reasons that I believe it could be:

- They have learnt their lesson in Iraq during Sahwat era. They know if Assad falls first, everyone will be heavily supported by the int'l community and would be pointing their guns at them so they are trying to avoid what happened 7 years ago and defeat Rebels entirely and dismantle their groups first and forced them to pledge allegiance or the Rebels would be killed entirely as I said they are using the "you are either with us or with them" strategic.

- This is why they are successful in Iraq at the moment, they managed to weaken and abolished the Sahwat movement at the end of 2013 which led to the fall of Fallujah. They fought them before fighting the Iraqi government because they see them as a direct threat far more than the Iranian led Iraqi government, even if the government are extremely hostile toward IS, and look how they progressed in Iraq after Sahwat fell.

- This is the very same strategic they are using in Syria and what's even worse is that both Assad regime and IS are fighting the Rebels at the same time unlike what happened in Iraq when unified force were against ISI 7 years ago. An exhausted, fractured and a vulnerable Rebel force would be weak by the time IS advance toward to Aleppo or elsewhere on the Western region which can be a disaster. IS would rather deal with them first than Assad at last.

This is the ugly truth, they are not some pseudo wackos popping out of nowhere. They're known to mastermind strategic. This is why Syria is so complicated and unpredictable, no one knows what's going to happen next. They usually over hyped and underestimate one and another's ability but they don't really know what will happen next.
We have made gains against ISIS in the following areas:
- Western Qalamoun
- Eastern Qalamoun
- Cells in Dara'a, Quneitara, Eastern Ghouta
- Northern Aleppo (Sham Front took ~5 villages a week ago from ISIS)
and so on...
We realize ISIS wants to get rid of us, which is why we're fighting them. Thing is, Assad is still the main foe and the main mass-murderer. Most Syrians are united against him, and with that unity against him once he is gone ISIS will lose any legitimacy whatsoever, as their whole reason for coming to Syria was to "remove Assad," yet as we see now their whole reason was to make their own state in a land that isn't theirs.

Mate, IMO when Assad is gone. Turkey could give much more support to Rebels be it munitions, artillery strikes, air support, providing Intel, etc...)
Wallahi you guys have provided us with a lot. I have no idea how we can repay you guys. Helped us in our fight against the worshippers of Shaytan and helped our families in the fight against poverty. We can't thank you enough.
Syrian air force Su-24 strike plane attacking terrorists


Syrian army heroes defend Jisr al-Sho`our hospital from terrorists


Iranian Mahajer 4 drones pass locations of terrorists to Syrian army artillery

Syrian army sniper killing terrorists. Don't know what gun that is.

Syrian air force Su-24 strike plane attacking terrorists


Syrian army heroes defend Jisr al-Sho`our hospital from terrorists


Iranian Mahajer 4 drones pass locations of terrorists to Syrian army artillery

Syrian army sniper killing terrorists. Don't know what gun that is.

Striking terrorists. I'm sure my family and the thousands of other families killed by those planes were terrorists.
Protecting Jisr al Shughour hospital? HAHAHA. If you haven't noticed, they fled like rats. 118 confirmed dead as of 2 days after they fled, and rats are still being found dead or captured all over. What a great "defence."
ArmaLite, aka AR. Looks heavily modified. And I'm sure the women and children he shot were terrorists too.
Edit: The total number is 208 dead Assadists and 65 captured as of now. Lovely lovely defence :)
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We have made gains against ISIS in the following areas:
- Western Qalamoun
- Eastern Qalamoun
- Cells in Dara'a, Quneitara, Eastern Ghouta
- Northern Aleppo (Sham Front took ~5 villages a week ago from ISIS)
and so on...
We realize ISIS wants to get rid of us, which is why we're fighting them. Thing is, Assad is still the main foe and the main mass-murderer. Most Syrians are united against him, and with that unity against him once he is gone ISIS will lose any legitimacy whatsoever, as their whole reason for coming to Syria was to "remove Assad," yet as we see now their whole reason was to make their own state in a land that isn't theirs.
There are three problems:

- The mass murdering Tyrannical regime is handling territories to ISIS with barely any clashes so that the world could divert attention between ISIS and Muji forces. Have anyone noticed this? In the Damascus news on the net, SAA claimed they gave ISIS the last checkpoint between Iraq and Syria last week so that they could get into Jordan to spread choas which means the world will forget Assad, this will benefit him just like Iraq today when the world uses to "ISIS" in a fear propaganda tone everyday to make Bashar the Butcher look like a "good guy".

- Maybe this is because the Butcher is losing rapidly on the North (?). I'm convinced Aleppo will fall before the end of 2015 but who will own them 'completely'? The tyrannical regime giving Aleppo to ISIS and probably goes back to defend the coast while Mujis fought exhaustly. A mini 'civil war' could be inevitable if ISIS has former Assad territories for free and on the other side, the Mujis on the liberated territories who went through force.

Again, I find this so complicated ever since Da'esh came in. Syrians are been annoyed in all corners; SAA, ISIS and the Iranian backed terrorist (Hezbushaytan, Iraqi militia, Afghan etc) and billions of blood money coming from Tehran.
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