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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Prophet Muhammad (saws) was an Arab and his family is Arab too. Makkah is an Arab city too. Let's just face the reality. Every non-Muslim and non-ME people would call them religiously, culturally and linguistically conquered people by Arabs. It's just pure facts.

Even their Shia Arab buddy (best one) Nasrallah says it openly during rallies.

Nothing more to say buddy.

But because it's a controversial topic for Muslims it's not discussed in the open but that makes it not any less correct.

You should really stop being an advocate for those creatures. You are an Lebanese and Iraqi. Arab and Semitic. You have no ties to Iran. Your peoples and culture influenced them 1000 times more than the other way around. They have nothing on you so to speak. So why all that strange advocating for them, Salman?

Look none of us here have a problem with Shia Arabs. Only those that are Wilayat al-Faqih slaves but even they will get a chance of renouncing their affiliation to those demonic Mullah's.
My point that many of them in here on in other websites such as YouTube say they follow arab faith

The one in here like JUBA said they follow religion made by arabs:lol:

I know Mecca and hijaz and quraish,Quran and the prophet family are arabs

But saying that they pray toward arab land is like saying Egyptians and Syrians praying toward KSA and worship the saudis or saying that the arab tribes worship quraish

and nasrallah is wrong he try to justifiy his alliance with iran by saying that iran is Islamist and not nationalistic which is wrong because majority of iranians are secular nationslists athiests more than they are Islamists
dont post racism and sectarian hatred
and dont quote such posts

Bans will follow for anyone continuing with off-topic ranting and racism . No excuses accepted and no exceptions

if you want to be respected then start respecting yourself stay civilised, dont flame dont offend and post responsibly and disagree gracefully

try that trust me it will feel much better than racist slurs and sectarian insults.
My point that many of them in here on in other websites such as YouTube say they follow arab faith

The one in here like JUBA said they follow religion made by arabs:lol:

I know Mecca and hijaz and quraish,Quran and the prophet family are arabs

But saying that they pray toward arab land is like saying Egyptians and Syrians praying toward KSA and worship the saudis or saying that the arab tribes worship quraish

and nasrallah is wrong he try to justifiy his alliance with iran by saying that iran is Islamist and not nationalistic which is wrong because majority of iranians are secular nationslists athiests more than they are Islamists

They have a problem calling Islam an Arab religion (in fact Islam, Christianity and Judaims are all Abrahamic/Semitic religions and that's a fact) but they have no problem calling their dead Zoroastrianism an Persian/Iranian religion? Hypocrisy much? I think so.

Egyptians are fellow Arabs and Semites. They are not foreigners to us.

Of course but what he said about the culture, religion (he forgot language) and pretty much everything else is correct. Iran today looks nothing like Sassanid Iran. That Iran is gone. Forever. And that's what their little flock of nationalists can't ever forgive/forget. Those nationalists probably have Arab ancestry too to make matters worse.:lol:

Cheers Salman, let's return to Syria. Those Farsis make us talk about their land all the time in Arab related topics.

In reality we would not care about them the slightest as @BLACKEAGLE told had it not been for their Mullah's. No reason to. Give me just 1 reason why we should care about them? It's not us that were conquered by them on all fronts and they were not the ones that forever changed our society completely.

Simple their butthurt has no cure and I LOVE it.:lol:

Of course Iranians (whatever ethnicity) that are not hostile towards us are not included here. I have nothing against them and would have nothing against cooperating with them and doing business. The Iranians (mostly Iranian Arabs, Persians and Lurs) in the GCC are by large good people. Sadah families in Iran must also be respected.

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They have a problem calling Islam an Arab religion (in fact Islam, Christianity and Judaims are all Abrahamic/Semitic religions and that's a fact) but they have no problem calling their dead Zoroastrianism an Persian/Iranian religion? Hypocrisy much? I think so.

Egyptians are fellow Arabs and Semites. They are not foreigners to us.

Of course but what he said about the culture, religion (he forgot language) and pretty much everything else is correct. Iran today looks nothing like Sassanid Iran. That Iran is gone. Forever. And that's what their little flock of nationalists can't ever forgive/forget. Those nationalists probably have Arab ancestry too to make matters worse.:lol:

Cheers Salman, let's return to Syria. Those Farsis make us talk about their land all the time in Arab related topics.

In reality we would not care about them the slightest as @BLACKEAGLE told had it not been for their Mullah's. No reason to. Give me just 1 reason why we should care about them? It's not us that were conquered by them on all fronts and they were not the ones that forever changed our society completely.

Simple their butthurt has no cure and I LOVE it.:lol:
The point is they originated in Semitic lands but they are from god they were not made by Semitic people even if majority of the prophets are Semitic
The point is they originated in Semitic lands but they are from god they were not made by Semitic people even if majority of the prophets are Semitic

Of course but you got my point here. They deny our ancient religions that more than 2/3 of the planet follows (!) while they have no problem calling Zoroastrianism as an Iranian religion. It's just hypocrisy. They know that their influence on this front (as all others) are not even anywhere close to the influence of us Arabs and Semites so they are hypocrites on this front. It's just a defensive mechanism.

Do you think that the West (US) will send troops to Syria? Also how long do you believe that Al-Assad can keep going? What should the ordinary Alawi do? Should they be more vocal against the Al-Asasd regime and try to bet on more horses at once? I mean reach their hands out to the Syrian opposition?
It seem this camel urine drinker is obsessed with Persians and Iran. In all his posts he is mentioning Persians/Iranians. This guy has inferiority complex coming out from every essence of his sand dwelling being. Talking about "ancient arab" civilization etc. Dude, when the Persians were a civilization, you saudis were and still are lizard hunters and playing around with camel urine as your science, this is when Persians invented the likes of Algebra.

The reality is this. An average Iranian sees your lot as the lowest humans and would not even piss on you to set you off fire. The only Iranians which have any sort of relations with your kind are the mullas whom are actively trying to kill your kind. This is the reality on the ground. You talk to an average Iranian about saudis and the first thing they think about is this below:

Saudi running after this camel/mate/family member /whatever the heck your people do with your camels :lol:

Saudi Researchers Want Clinical Trials for Camel Urine Cancer Cure | The Mary Sue

Camel kissing:

Saudi Arabia: Farmers flout Mers warning by kissing camels - BBC News

You're a little kid in the west whom has seen how Iranians view his kind and now his behind is burning on epic proportions. You're nothing to us kid, you need to stop talking about Persians/Iranians because to us, you're worth less than dog faeces. Only thing you are good for is killing each other, which is exactly why I like the mullas as they're instrumental in more of your kind dying day by day ;)

Ooookay that's a bit much really. Even if what you said were true, Iran has to live in the world. It has to live with a couple hundred million Arab neighbors. So even if that's how the average Iranian thinks, that should change. Making jokes about other religions/people is fine, the whole world does that. But that kind of thinking is not sustainable.
As entertaining this is, I'd like to add that Zoroastrianism is a modified(persified) version of Mithraism which was the native religion of north-west iranian groups such as Kurds, Gilakis and Talysh.
Saudi isn't a race, it's the name of the country that is the birth of Islam for all humanity.

All of the races are the same, it's your actions that define you.

As one guy said: "I pity the person whose pride stem from either two things: A Biological coincidence, or a Geographical one.."
What happened here? :lol:

Both you afro-Arabs and Indo-Iranians need to cut it out. We Palestinians are the ultimate mixture race of Greek, Lebanese, Turkish, Levant, etc....We have highest literacy rate in the whole region. And IQ. :lol:


Joking aside, siege of Jisr Al Shugur ended badly for the SAA. Almost all besieged soldiers in the hospital were killed after a trap setup by rebels.
It seem this camel urine drinker is obsessed with Persians and Iran. In all his posts he is mentioning Persians/Iranians. This guy has inferiority complex coming out from every essence of his sand dwelling being. Talking about "ancient arab" civilization etc. Dude, when the Persians were a civilization, you saudis were and still are lizard hunters and playing around with camel urine as your science, this is when Persians invented the likes of Algebra.

The reality is this. An average Iranian sees your lot as the lowest humans and would not even piss on you to set you off fire. The only Iranians which have any sort of relations with your kind are the mullas whom are actively trying to kill your kind. This is the reality on the ground. You talk to an average Iranian about saudis and the first thing they think about is this below:

Saudi running after this camel/mate/family member /whatever the heck your people do with your camels :lol:

Saudi Researchers Want Clinical Trials for Camel Urine Cancer Cure | The Mary Sue

Camel kissing:

Saudi Arabia: Farmers flout Mers warning by kissing camels - BBC News

You're a little kid in the west whom has seen how Iranians view his kind and now his behind is burning on epic proportions. You're nothing to us kid, you need to stop talking about Persians/Iranians because to us, you're worth less than dog faeces. Only thing you are good for is killing each other, which is exactly why I like the mullas as they're instrumental in more of your kind dying day by day ;)
We speak on Syria leave the troll wars for moment

You can discuss it in different thread
All of the people in these pictures are beautiful. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
LOL he is posting photos of illegal Horn of Africa migrants and Afro-Arabs. That's all he has been doing, kawli filth.

Not one single genuine Arab or Saudi Arabian.:lol:
Don't humor him, soon he will see Arabs from Ahwaz knocking on his door.:-)
You goat hurdlers will always remain stateless. The best you can do is make claims such as jews built perepolis or Kurds are medians :lol:
You pathetic morons are nothing. I remember when the Israeli President was congratulating nowrus to Persian people, kurds starting crying and saying "what about us". You people cannot even get your freedom from turks, pathetic!
Keep stealing history/making up stories in your fantasy, only there will you people actually have a state.

and I remember when the Canadian President was congratulating Newroz to the Kurdish people in Kurdish. I also remember when Shahram Nazeri started singing Kurdish nationalist songs in Kermashan and you persians started shitting your self out of rage all over internet and media :bounce:
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