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Increasing Number Of Afghans, Pakistanis Killed In Syria Buried In Iran

Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani (left) with Afghan Alireza Tavasoli, commander of the Fatemiyoun Brigade, who was killed fighting in Syria.

April 25, 2015

An increasing number of Afghans and Pakistanis killed in the fighting in Syria have been buried in Iran in recent months.

There is little information about the circumstances of their presence in Syria and their subsequent deaths in the fighting.

They appear to be among recruits by the Islamic republic to help the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fight the rebels. Last year, The Wall Street Journal reported that Iran had been recruiting thousands of Afghans to fight in Syria, offering them financial rewards and residency.

Iranian media often cover large funerals held for them in Iranian cities, usually attended by local and religious officials. The reports refer to them as the "defenders of the Sayeda Zeynab shrine," a group believed to have beenestablished by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). The group also includes Iranian fighters.

Fatemiyoun Brigade

On March 1, Iranian hard-line websites reported that an Afghan named Alireza Tavasoli, who was described as "one of the bravest commanders" in the fighting in Syria, had been killed in Daraa.

Tavasoli was the commander of the Fatemiyoun Brigade that, according to Iranian media reports, is made up of Afghan volunteers who fight in Syria to protect holy Shi'ite shrines. Tavasoli, known as "Abu Hamed," was reportedly a resident of the Iranian city of Mashhad and a graduate of a university in Qom.

The hard-line Rajanews.ir said Tavasoli was trusted by the commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani. The website posted a photo of Soleimani and Tavasoli in military uniform.

The report said Tavasoli was buried along with six other Afghan fighters in Mashhad.

Zeynabiyoun Brigade

Iranian hard-line media has reported that Pakistanis killed in the fighting in Syria and buried in Iran were members of the Zeynabiyoun Brigade, which has reportedly been established by Pakistanis fighting in Syria.

On April 9, seven Pakistanis killed in Syria were buried in Qom.

The hard-line Mashreghnews.ir website identified them as Taher Hossein, Jamil Hossein, Javid Hossein, Bagher Hossein, Seyed Razi Shah, Ghader Ali, and Ghabel Hossein, and said they were from Pakistan's Parachinar region.

Two weeks later, on April 23, Iranian media reported that five more Pakistanis killed in combat in Syria had also been buried in Qom. The reports said a large number of citizens, including Pakistanis residing in Qom, had attended the procession.

The names of the two brigades that include Afghans and Pakistanis have relatively recently popped up in Iranian hard-line news sites.

Ali Alfoneh, senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, says establishment of the Fatemiyoun and Zeynabiyoun brigades suggests that the number of Afghans and Pakistanis who have joined the fighting in Syria has increased.

Alfoneh believes that the Afghans and Pakistanis are being buried in Iranian cities and the presence of Iranian officials and their families at their funerals is evidence that they have been recruited from among the country's refugees and immigrants.

Alfoneh has documented in the past two years the case of about hundred Afghans killed in Syria and buried in Iran. "There has been a rising trend, which seems to be because of several military setbacks for the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria and advances of the opposition in the field," Alfoneh told RFE/RL in a telephone interview.

Reports suggest Iran provides Syria, its main regional ally, with financial support and military advisers. Iran denies reports that its forces are fighting in Syria to keep Assad in power.

Iranian officials have also dismissed reports suggesting Tehran is recruiting Afghans living in Iran to fight in Syria.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari

I wasnt expecting such quick collapse of Assad crime family.

IS launched counteroffensive against PKK in Hasakah as 21 May 2015.

IS suicide bomber blew up more than 12 PKK members in northern countryside of Hasakah in 20 May 2015.

There will be a Kurdistan if Assad collapses + million arab refugees (with Isis elements inside) will storm Turkey. The existing refugees in Turkey will stay there and start family. No one wants to go back into ISIS-land.

Also if Turkey works against YPG goals in Syria, PKK will be activated in Turkey. If Turkey becomes anti-ISIS we will see suicide bombings by sunni arab refugees in Turkey. Isis has sleeper cells there. So there is no fish to catch for Turkey out of the dirty waters of Syria. Your smile will change into tears.
There will be a Kurdistan if Assad collapses + million arab refugees (with Isis elements inside) will storm Turkey. The existing refugees in Turkey will stay there and start family. No one wants to go back into ISIS-land.

Also if Turkey works against YPG goals in Syria, PKK will be activated in Turkey. If Turkey becomes anti-ISIS we will see suicide bombings by sunni arab refugees in Turkey. Isis has sleeper cells there. So there is no fish to catch for Turkey out of the dirty waters of Syria. Your smile will change into tears.

I dont share your opinion.
There will be a Kurdistan if Assad collapses + million arab refugees (with Isis elements inside) will storm Turkey. The existing refugees in Turkey will stay there and start family. No one wants to go back into ISIS-land.

Also if Turkey works against YPG goals in Syria, PKK will be activated in Turkey. If Turkey becomes anti-ISIS we will see suicide bombings by sunni arab refugees in Turkey. Isis has sleeper cells there. So there is no fish to catch for Turkey out of the dirty waters of Syria. Your smile will change into tears.

If assad collaps and look what i found out...:-)

Iran: Israel would be at risk if Assad falls | The Times of Israel

I wasnt expecting such quick collapse of Assad crime family.



IS launched counteroffensive against PKK in Hasakah as 21 May 2015.

IS suicide bomber blew up more than 12 PKK members in northern countryside of Hasakah in 20 May 2015.

Is there anything important about that border crossing? I doubt it, besides the fact it may prevent Iraqi militias from supporting Assad through Iraqi border. It appears that SAA withdrew and didn't find it as important as other areas. It does seem SAA performance has been weak lately, and that Iran gave up on Syria. So probably morale is low and most people are relocating to Lebanon or preparing exit strategy. Syria is lost war.
Is there anything important about that border crossing? I doubt it, besides the fact it may prevent Iraqi militias from supporting Assad through Iraqi border. It appears that SAA withdrew and didn't find it as important as other areas. It does seem SAA performance has been weak lately, and that Iran gave up on Syria. So probably morale is low and most people are relocating to Lebanon or preparing exit strategy. Syria is lost war.

Losing the control of Syrian-Iraqi border is embarressment for both Assad and Abadi governments.
Losing the control of Syrian-Iraqi border is embarressment for both Assad and Abadi governments.

ISIS is moving fast, the rebels in north need to be this way too. There should be no time to waste. Any gains by rebels in north? Anyways, looks like ISIS might send some fighters towards Damascus if they have the manpower.
Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fighting the extremist group.
Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad | World news | The Guardian

Next time try better :)...
Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fighting the extremist group.
Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad | World news | The Guardian

Next time try better :)...

So Iran is allied with the US and Israel after all and so much for Death to America chants.
ISTANBUL: Islamist rebel leader walks back rhetoric in first interview with U.S. media | Syria | McClatchy DC

In his interview with McClatchy, he adhered to the moderate line: “If we succeed in toppling the regime, we will leave it to the Syrian people to choose the form of state they want,” he said. “As for coexistence with minorities, this has been the situation in Syria for hundreds of years. We are not seeking to impose our power on minorities or to practice oppression against them.”

Another aide said that Alloush, to improve his image, was ready to dispense with the black and white Islamic flag and adopt the Syrian flag used by other rebel forces.

Whatever comes of the shift in his public stance, Alloush doesn’t expect to receive any aid from the U.S. government.

“Frankly speaking, the current administration is a hindrance to the Syrian people,” he said. “It prevents it from getting its freedom.”

He charged the U.S. with maintaining a “double standard” – ousting Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein under the pretext that he had chemical weapons while not punishing Assad even after he’d used chemical weapons. He also said the U.S. had blocked a shipment of anti-aircraft weapons that had been due to come from Libya.


Zahran is smart, don't give up your rights. This is hilarious, so if he holds up Islamic flag that means international community won't accept them? :rolleyes:

And no Islamic state allowed, of course, the US wants completely secular pro-US/Israel regime in power. That is not going to happen. Syria will be an Islamic state and Turkey/Saudi Arabia will make sure it recieves the aid it needs.

Of course, read the bold part. This is absolute proof that US opposes rebel victory.
Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fighting the extremist group.
Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad | World news | The Guardian

Next time try better :)...

So you confirmed that you are helping israel:-).
History has proved that you can't be an ally of Iran and win anything.
at least they are not traitors like the hashimates(ghashimates)

So you confirmed that you are helping israel:-).
Do you have problem??

ISTANBUL: Islamist rebel leader walks back rhetoric in first interview with U.S. media | Syria | McClatchy DC

In his interview with McClatchy, he adhered to the moderate line: “If we succeed in toppling the regime, we will leave it to the Syrian people to choose the form of state they want,” he said. “As for coexistence with minorities, this has been the situation in Syria for hundreds of years. We are not seeking to impose our power on minorities or to practice oppression against them.”

Another aide said that Alloush, to improve his image, was ready to dispense with the black and white Islamic flag and adopt the Syrian flag used by other rebel forces.

Whatever comes of the shift in his public stance, Alloush doesn’t expect to receive any aid from the U.S. government.

“Frankly speaking, the current administration is a hindrance to the Syrian people,” he said. “It prevents it from getting its freedom.”

He charged the U.S. with maintaining a “double standard” – ousting Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein under the pretext that he had chemical weapons while not punishing Assad even after he’d used chemical weapons. He also said the U.S. had blocked a shipment of anti-aircraft weapons that had been due to come from Libya.


Zahran is smart, don't give up your rights. This is hilarious, so if he holds up Islamic flag that means international community won't accept them? :rolleyes:

And no Islamic state allowed, of course, the US wants completely secular pro-US/Israel regime in power. That is not going to happen. Syria will be an Islamic state and Turkey/Saudi Arabia will make sure it recieves the aid it needs.

Of course, read the bold part. This is absolute proof that US opposes rebel victory.
What are you talking about turkey and ksa will help to establish islamic state in Syria
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