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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Moderate terrorists: In a coordinated attack with ISIS, Jund al-Aqsa, Nusra and other terrorist groups launched an attack around Khanasser to cut sole SAA land route to Aleppo. Nusra, Jund al-Aqsa attacked from West, ISIS attacked from East, and the road is cut off as of now, clashes already going on.

Let this be another confirmation that there is no moderate terrorists in Syria, as Nusra and Jund al-Aqsa perfectly planned this op with ISIS, especially to those idiots that think ISIS and rebels are actually sworn enemies and are not the same ideologically.

I can posy a video of ur freedom fighters in 8raq the up holders of khonenis morals
Skinning people, but wait that don't count because u bitch and whine only about what u are told to bitch and whine about.

Wish u could get a life, maybe u could give a shit or 2 about people who are being killed in the name of a dictator by the forces of evil thay u so vigorously support.
u bitch and whine only about what u are told to bitch and whine about.
mate just look @ what you did,he aint any tom dick-----being an intel mod, he deserves some respect,plz:)
Moderate terrorists: In a coordinated attack with ISIS, Jund al-Aqsa, Nusra and other terrorist groups launched an attack around Khanasser to cut sole SAA land route to Aleppo. Nusra, Jund al-Aqsa attacked from West, ISIS attacked from East, and the road is cut off as of now, clashes already going on.

Let this be another confirmation that there is no moderate terrorists in Syria, as Nusra and Jund al-Aqsa perfectly planned this op with ISIS, especially to those idiots that think ISIS and rebels are actually sworn enemies and are not the same ideologically.
Ah yes, Rebels are totally planning offensives with ISIS....
but when SDF, Regime, and ISIS all attack rebels at same time, it's pure coincidence.
Okay Farsi.



Key Findings:
  • Most respondents recognized the seriousness of the sectarian situation in Syria and are aware that its causes are linked to the state and political authority. Most respondents (65.3%) still call for a State based on citizenship and equality and deem it the optimal solution to overcome the sectarian problem. This study also demonstrates that the Syrian government and its institutions constitute an essential source of sectarian discrimination, spread and development of feelings of injustice, and distrust among individuals of different sects.
  • The Syrian Arab Army ranked first in being responsible for sectarian discrimination, 60% of respondents mentioned it, followed by the intelligence services (55.3%) and government departments (52.8%). The least mentioned contribute to sectarianism was the FSA (14%).
  • The majority of respondents, which amounts to 67.6%, said there is one or more particular sect that benefits from the political authority than others. Nearly all respondents referred to the Alawites and Shiites.
  • The answers provided by Sunni respondents demonstrate a near-consensus on supporting the 2011 demonstrations of the opposition, whereas Alawites’ and Shi’a’s answers demonstrated a position against them. More than half of Christian respondents and the largest proportion of Murshidis support them (48.4%) whereas a very considerable proportion of Druze and Ismaili respondents opposed them.
  • About three-quarters of respondents said they had been subjected to sectarian discrimination (personally or a family member or relatives), and only 28.5% said they have never been exposed to it.
Darayya has been under siege for 1,185 days. 6,500 Barrel bombs have been dropped on it. Regime still hasn't taken it.

Meanwhile, @Serpentine 's pro-ISIS rebels have completed a 5 day offensive against ISIS in Eastern Qalamoun.

Rebels recaptured Afai mountain (near Nasiriya airbase), Jabal Zubajdi, Jabal Khaymur, and Muhasan Flat lands. Rebels also captured Al Abda (an oasis.) Jabal Butum is contested.


Rebels captured Khirbet Butaimah, recaptured the air defence barrier, and clashes are ongoing for the Tall Rishah Intersection.

Source for the gains is @BosnjoBoy on twitter.

1961 Parliament of Syria:

2012 Parliament:

There are 30 Shia terrorist groups in Syria.
23 are Iraqi. The rest are Lebanese (2), Iranian (2), Afghani (1), Yemeni (1), or Syrian (1).
But these shia terrorist groups who cut people like Kabab are not terrorists to little Serpy. In fact they are the pinnacle of Secularism.

Map of Dara'a situation:
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They all are terrorist scum. Although not as scum as Assadist Nazis who starve kids.
Assad must haunt your night that he is still at the command! Syria , the SAA are not going anywhere, they will come out stronger and they will dampen any hegemony Israel is dreaming to implement in the area...
Using "NAZI" to describe Syrian fighting for Syria and accusing them to starve their children, is this a PTSD you are suffering from what you did to GAZA and those four little kids playing on the beach ? You know shifting blame and characterisation is a gilt in itself! How much tipana boy is paying to spill your venom?
Assad must haunt your night that he is still at the command!
Assad is no one. 2/3 of Syria is controlled by Rebels, ISIS, Kurds. Remaining 1/3 is controlled by Soleimani and Putin.

Syria , the SAA are not going anywhere, they will come out stronger and they will dampen any hegemony Israel is dreaming to implement in the area...
SAA is dead. They need Iraqi, Lebanese and Afghan mercenaries to fight own peasants. How can be anything more pathetic than this?

Using "NAZI" to describe Syrian fighting for Syria and accusing them to starve their children, is this a PTSD you are suffering from what you did to GAZA and those four little kids playing on the beach ? You know shifting blame and characterisation is a gilt in itself! How much tipana boy is paying to spill your venom?
Assad is Nazi, using Nazi methods (starvation, gassing etc). Not a single person starves in Gaza.


Someone where asked what happened to 800 ISIS "in pocket". Well they captured Khanasser today.

BTW Jund Al Aqsa denies involvement in the attack.


So all stories about combined rebel - ISIS offensive were false.
We support moderate Sunni clans to protect our North boarder against Hezbollah / Iran.
What they gain by following a Man half the world wants to go? (As sycophants looks for gain)

Sorry, but as always you are biased. I don't know why you biased toward a party even you are not from Syria or ME.
Check if you want I found some media

What do you think sycophants say to praise their leaders?


YPG has access to Javelin ATGM ?
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Rumours :

Reports that multiple Israeli airstrikes struck Hezbollah positions in Fleita and Qara in western Qalamoun in rural Damascus earlier today.

Reason may be :

U.S. intelligence has documented meetings between PKK and the IRGC.
CIA has found the PYD coordinated with Russia

"U.S. intelligence has documented meetings between the Kurds’ [& the IRGC]... the PKK...CIA has found [the PYD] coordinated with Russia..."

Kerry to Russia: War in Syria ‘Can Get a Lot Uglier’ | Foreign Policy
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