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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

ANNA News. Deir Ezzor - An Unsubdued City (English Subtitles)
Are they the SAA? Damn they got slaughtered by the dozen...
Yes. They were trying to advance from Brigade 39. JAI also released videos of destroying a T-72 and BMP on the same front

Yes, I think Republican guards. Various similar ambushes against Jaish al-Satan militias have been conducted in Ghouta, killing hundreds of them.
And video evidence seems to always escape, right?

"putin side iraqi shia rockets" :omghaha:

but damn, wth are those things :o: ? they look like improvised hell cannons on dumpster trucks.
IRAMs, called Volcano rockets. Same rockets used to deliver Sarin on Adra and Eastern Ghouta

More than 300 members of the al-Nusra Front terrorist group were killed in clashes near the Syrian city of Retyan in the Aleppo province.


Syrian Army Cuts Al-Nusra Militants' Supply Line Between Aleppo and Turkey
The death of the militants occurred as a result of heavy fighting near the city of Retyan in the province of Aleppo, a source told TV channel Al-Mayadin under condition of anonymity.

The Syrian armed forces were said to have eliminated 300 fighters during the fierce fighting in the area over the last few days.

"The militants have confirmed the death of 300 al-Nusra Front in the battle for Retyan in the north of Aleppo," the channel reported, citing the source as saying.

Last week, the government forces cut off the main supply routes of terrorists in the Aleppo province. With the help of Russian military forces and local militias, the Syrian military also managed to break the four-year blockade of two cities, with an overall population of around 70,000 inhabitants.

On Friday, the government troops continued their offensive to the north of the province toward the Turkish border. Terrorists active in the area fled in large groups, leading to the liberation of large parts of the region, the Syrian military reported on Tuesday.

Read more: Al-Nusra Front Confirms Deaths of 300 Terrorists in Syria's Aleppo
Source: Sputnik....

Ashrar al-Sham announced it sent 100 troops to Rityan, but none came back. :lol: you can already imagine how many Nus-Rats were killed, since they are the backbone of terrorists in Aleppo province.
-None- of the Ahrar al Sham outlets I follow have said anything about any counterattack on Rityan. Yet here you are claiming they sent 100 troops. Provide evidence, Farsi

Rebel commander doesn't move an inch when airstrikes hit his position:

UN Report on Assad's war crimes:
UN report: Syrian government actions amount to 'extermination' | World news | The Guardian

This was the same UN that removed stuff from Madaya report at the request of Assad regime. Who knows what else they removed from *this* report.

Report by HRW on cluster bomb attacks by Russia:
Russia/Syria: Daily Cluster Munition Attacks | Human Rights Watch

Remember, HRW is totally not neutral and is Soros owned, Saudi funded, Zionist owned, but they also criticize America, but the Iranian argument is always right.

Civilians in Ibtaa burn regime flags, after their so-called "surrender" to regime:
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The Damascus-led army and Russian aerial forces are apparently close to freeing Syria's largest city of Aleppo, raising hopes that Raqqa, the unofficial capital of Daesh's crumbling Islamic state, could be next.

"After losing up to 60,000 soldiers in five years of fighting, the Syrian army has suddenly scored its greatest victory of the war – smashing its way through Jabhat al-Nusra and the other rebel forces around Aleppo and effectively sealing its fate as Russia provided air strike operations outside the city," English journalist Robert Fisk asserted.



Thanks to Russia's military engagement, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has in recent weeks turned the tide of the war against numerous radical groups, who are trying to oust Bashar al-Assad.

In the last 48 hours alone, the SAA is reported to have taken the key town of Ta'ana and the strategic Barlaheen hilltop in the Aleppo province under control, killing and wounding scores of terrorists, as well as destroying militant infrastructure and military hardware elsewhere.

The decisive victory of the Syrian Arab Army in Aleppo could well deal a fatal blow to the terrorist group that is rapidly losing territories it once claimed in Iraq and Syria.


Fighters from the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) marching in Raqqa, Syria
Daesh "must be learning of the extraordinary developments of the past few hours with deep concern. The everlasting Sunni 'Islamic Caliphate' in Syria doesn't look so everlasting anymore," Fisk added.

Many experts believe that militant losses on the Syrian battlefield are the primary reason why the Saudi-backed umbrella opposition group left Geneva, instead of making an effort to find a compromise with Damascus. The new facts on the ground in Syria could also explain why Turkey and Saudi Arabia appear to be on the verge of sending ground troops to the war-torn country.

Read more: After Freeing Aleppo Syrian Army, Russian Aircraft Could Focus on Raqqa
If could be. But ambushes in urban areas are much easier to execute.
True but the way these guys just jumped in front of that GPMG emplacement,one would think that they were just trying to commit suicide there by achieving Shahadat or something rather than try and fight their enemies!!SAA or RG,they really let themselves go in this one,not really a good show of their counter ambush drills. :(
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Moderate terrorists: Jaish al-Fath orders that anyone who tries to deliver anything, including food and medicine to besieged towns of Fuaa and Kafraya, will be executed immediately. But of course, you don't see useless UN and piss activists or Europeans and Americans crying over this.

Moderate terrorists: Jaish al-Fath orders that anyone who tries to deliver anything, including food and medicine to besieged towns of Fuaa and Kafraya, will be executed immediately. But of course, you don't see useless UN and piss activists or Europeans and Americans crying over this.

Assad has more than enough transport helicopters to provide 10 meals each person there a day. Including foreign mercenaries.

Every time u cry about Fua u are crying that u cant barrel bomb civilians enough. Nothing else.
Very foolish to just jump in a killzone. Either they all were mad or pushed to death by some foolish officer.

True but the way these guys just jumped in front of that GPMG emplacement,one would thought they were just trying to suicide rather than fight!!SAA or RG,they really let themselves go in this one,not really a good show of their counter ambush drills. :(

Are they all high rank officer or mixed?
All in February (last 9 days)?
Iranain invaders eliminated by Syrians in February:

View attachment 292665 View attachment 292666 View attachment 292667

Their own time is near that's why frustrated decisions.
Moderate terrorists: Jaish al-Fath orders that anyone who tries to deliver anything, including food and medicine to besieged towns of Fuaa and Kafraya, will be executed immediately. But of course, you don't see useless UN and piss activists or Europeans and Americans crying over this.

Ultron banned?
I am missing his post flood already.
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