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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Source for this supposed 10k fighting force?
There are some 4 K Hezies (I guess aftre KHAPUASS offensive they boosted this number to 6 K), 2 K IRGC, 10 K Iraqis, 4 K Afghans fighting in Syria for Assad. At least half of them must be in S Aleppo now.
There are some 4 K Hezies (I guess aftre KHAPUASS offensive they boosted this number to 6 K), 2 K IRGC, 10 K Iraqis, 4 K Afghans fighting in Syria for Assad. At least half of them must be in S Aleppo now.

Brilliant analysis and number making.


ISIS textbooks in Aleppo. Guess who is the writer? You guessed right, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.


No, ISIS has nothing to with Saudi ideology at all.
Just because an Israeli Jihadist fan mentions it, does not make it "official". There are no 10k Iranian troops.
I did not say 10K Iranians, I said 10K Shia mercenaries/terrorists.

These are only Iraqi Shia jihadist groups fighting in Syria:

Said Shuhada
Saraya al Talia al Horasani
Asaib al Ahl Al Hoqq
Kafeel Zaynab
Kataib Hezbollah
Harakat Najaba
I did not say 10K Iranians, I said 10K Shia mercenaries/terrorists.

These are only Iraqi Shia jihadist groups fighting in Syria:

Said Shuhada
Saraya al Talia al Horasani
Asaib al Ahl Al Hoqq
Kafeel Zaynab
Kataib Hezbollah
Harakat Najaba
lol. And how many real Iranian official soldiers ? (not militia)
I believe Russian Intelligence is also playing a huge role. Russian Satellite Intelligence and AWACS up in the Air have spotted weaknesses within the Rebel Lines that has been exploited by the SAA. Classic Russian Strategy

Thats exactly what the al nusrah or fsa have been doing for the past 2 years. truck bomb and attack lightly defended areas. This can only happen with battlefield satellite intel of how the offensive and defensive units are positioned. @500 can tell you more about how that works.
500 knows how to troll and keep some lifeless idiots busy in a stupid forum wasting their whole life.
lol. And how many real Iranian official soldiers ? (not militia)
As I said around 2 K Iranians total (IRGC, former IRGC, Basij, former Basij, Quds force, former Quds Force, volunteers, former volunteers, terrorists, former terrorist, advisers, former advisers, generals, former generals and so on and so forth)

At least 54 confirmed Iranians killed since 7 Oct based on open sources:

Iranian casualties in Syria megathread : iranpolitics
You are proud that your side is going to torture a journalist and then execute him?
A journalist who carries firearms. Sure, "journalist."
Well considering the *** wiping your boys have been getting lately i guess anything can be considered as good news at this point. :lol:
Last time I checked, Iran hasn't advanced since 2 days ago. Russian airstrikes killed more civilians than rebels. You call that a victory?

Russian airstrikes on Ma'arat al Nouman killed 17 children in a school. Would post pictures but too graphic.
A journalist who carries firearms. Sure, "journalist."
Any picture of this 'captured' journalist yet? After all, terrorists release photos even when they fart, why haven't they released any pics of him yet?

500 knows how to troll and keep some lifeless idiots busy in a stupid forum wasting their whole life.

@500 's online time on this forum exceeds many of other members here, so he is basically wasting his own life to troll others on an 'stupid forum'? Totally makes sense.
Could this be the pivotal point in this conflict? Picture from earlier today from the G 20 summit.

ISIS has this aura of invincibility, n a massive propaganda machine, nobody has been able to strip them from it so far, the muslim leadership be it Arabic or Turkish is unwilling to react n fill the vacum caused by these tribulations, their objective is simple n precise, to bring about the apocalypse, create as much chaos n death untill it reachs the Arabic peninsula, causing the Mahdi to emerge then pledge allegiance to him, n at the same time dragging the "Romans" to a ground war in Sham, it's so clear right now that they have a true game changing WMD, unlike Saddam ironically ,that is the "lonely wolves", they can force the west n the east to their knees, with about 60 million muslims in Europe n 15 in Russia, they can force them to a truce n then prepare for their most awaited war, that is scary for one who's an eschatologist.one could argue WW3 has already begun .
They are the enemies of Syrians plotting on a table

Indo Europeans want their share of the ME. Indo Europeans always claim they were the first to inhabit the ME.

Russian planes bomb FSA in Kafr Zita


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