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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Captured Israeli Flag Officer Sequestered to Prevent Israeli Raid

Captured Israeli Colonel Yossi Elon Shahak from the Golani Brigade
exposed Israel’s conspiratorial role in the Middle East Region by citing that ISIS and other terror organizations are enslaved to its orders. Israel was behind the abolishment of the precious historic monuments and the theft of masterpieces in Iraq and Syria.


Golani Brigade detaining children on the occupied West Bank, known as Israel’s most cowardly and brutal

Moreover, it runs sleeper cells with the cooperation of the treachery coalition to bring to ground what is left from the Middle East. The final goal is total destruction for the emergence of the Satan from the black hole that will rule the world.

Obama-Putin Road map

In the same context, the Vienna accord draws a new Sikis-Pico map as the main players entered the game directly. All countries will have to make painful concessions, and division of Syria and/or Iraq is the worst scenario that will be awaiting the victim and the victimizer.

Further notes from the Shahak interrogation:

Information Office of Foreign Affairs Commissioner in the USA Parliament (international) and European Department for Security and information Secretary General Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said confirmed that the Israeli prisoner captured by the popular army in Iraq on Oct. 19, 2015 Colonel Yossi Elon Shahak, whose military NO is (AZ 231434) with sequence (RE34356578765) from the Golani Brigade.

Shahak has been removed from his detention few days ago and moved sequestered . US International Parliament private sources say that a regional power which is coordinating with the Iraqi popular army in Iraq stood in on the details of Shahak ‘s case before being transferred and has listened to the statements that he made.


[ Editor’s note: We are assuming that Iranian military intelligence handled the interrogation of Shahak.]

In his statements, Shahak pointed out that Israeli security agents monitored and developed plans for ISIS field operations in order to ensure that the organization would stick to the larger plan designed for the Middle East.

He added that part of the plan was the bombing of all monuments and religious sites, and if the plan was botched, then it could be resorted to ruins theft, in order to eliminate all Arab and Islamic cultural inheritance.

Shahak further noted that Israel directed ISIS to commit crimes under the slogans of Islam in order to eliminate calls for peaceful dialogue between the religions. According to Shahak, ISIS’ acts of theatrical terror were intended to panic the European Union, already deeply stressed by Islamic expansion in the West.

The contrived refugee crisis was, as Shahak continued, simply another step in the planned “clash of civilizations” with Israel as “last man standing.”

The detainee said that there was a plan for instigating a sectarian sedition in some areas in order to stoke Sunni-Shiite civil strife. This is done to facilitate the Region Division Plan that falls within the three stages, starting from Syria, but it was derailed in Iraq by the popular army during the presence of the US military in Baghdad.

Also, in order to bring the project into activation, The Yemeni front was opened, taking advantage of the various religious doctrines there, where there are sleeper cells working for Israel, in coordination with an Arab country, to facilitate the movement of entry and exit of those cells and the supply of fighters with all the necessary devices and military equipment.

In a separate context , MFA Bou-Said pointed out that the “YINON” plan is still workable for the Middle East and the Vienna agreement has not brought anything new in this regard, but there are very dangerous points that serve as the project foundation stone, such as the rights of the ethnic and religious sects are reserved without addressing their political freedom.

In addition, the plan will leave ISIS as the only source of “official” terrorism while inviting other parties, all covertly controlled, to start a political dialogue with the Syrian government, for the future of Syria and the region, noting that many of these parties belong to internationally banned groups and their programs are religious extremist.
Tank, destroyed, TOW, Hamah:

Truck, destroyed, TOW, Latika:

14.5 machinegun, destroyed, Faggot, Latika:

Rebels yesterday took Tall Othman hill and Al Bani in Hama:

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

In Tall Othman 4 T-72 destroyed 3 captured. Overall situation in N. Hama for rebels now it is even better than before the KHAPUASS offensive.
4 tanks destroyed, 3 tanks, 1 BMP, 1 bulldozer and ammo captured.

Ammo depot, captured, Hamah:

Their god will not save them. They will get themselves killed with such reckless behavior.
You should ask god to save the few working brain cells in your head. as I have credible doubts that those cells are infected with fungus.:coffee:
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How old are you?

Russia and Iran will not allow the war in Syria to end. Indo Europeans will continue to bleed Arabs in Syria until they can settle in a depopulated Syria. Don't forget, the capital of Iran were once in present day Iraq, at Babylon and Ctesiphon.
Syrian terrorists are really good for testing weapons on them...
Russians are fulfill all expectations, but they still not practice hard s..
Probably still going on foreplay...
Rebels take Morek, that's second town Assad lost since Putin's intervention. No single town captured yet.
TOW is wiping them out. I even wonder why Asad is still using tanks in this war.
Syrian rebels take Tall Othman in Hama province, and seize 3 tanks:
They also took several positions around Morek.

Took SAA 8 months to recapture Morek, let's see how long it takes rebels. Not long :)
What did I say? Rebels took Morek today. :yahoo:

The thermal sights and Sayad-2s that @ultron was having hard ons about, rebels
captured some today in Aleppo :)


Also, a MiG-21 was shot down over Kafr Naboudah today. Confirmed by regime media, even.

Another report of another MiG being downed over Morek, but that's unconfirmed.

Meanwhile, Neo-Nazis in Europe support Assad:
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