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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

U hate NATO so much that u went to live there.
It is not because they are your friends that they are mine. Ask your older, they will set you straight on the subject...I like the US, her citizens have the same believe than mine...I dreamed to live here since I was in the second grade..

I never claimed that rebels will take Damascus soon or something like that. Quite on contrary. Show me one my prediction that did not come true.
I don't have the time to go thru thousand of pages ...You know well that you took your desire to see Assad and SAA completely wiped of the face of the earth for reality, and you are not the only one for that matter...4 years later, Assad and the SAA are still kicking and alive...

And BTW Syria actually indeed ceased to exist. We have now Alawistan, Rebel enclaves, ISIS Califate, Kurdistan.
Sorry to disappoint you, but Syria will emerge from this limping but victorious..
Alliance artillery pounding insurgents in Ghab plain offensive. Iranian Sayyad 2 large caliber sniper rifle at 0:27.

insurgent TOW anti tank guided missile team shot an Alliance tank outside of Kafr Nabodea

Alliance attack helicopters hunt down insurgents in Ghab offensive

insane Alliance BM-30 Smerch anti personnel cluster munitions decimating insurgent front line

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What do Syrians think of Assad?
Refugees speak:
Care about refugees? Listen to them.

Meanwhile, Russia "humanely and accurately strikes terrorist positions" by flattening the entirety of Al Arbaeen town in Hama with MRLS strike, either TOS-1 thermobaric rockets or Grad cluster rockets.
SAA just captured Atshun village from rebels in Hama, and is still advancing, all confirmed by SOHR

32 of just our jets which is not even 5 % of total VVS strength is already starting to make difference, so much for the "failed birthday offensive."

Hey 500 where are you? :partay:
SAA just captured Atshun village from rebels in Hama, and is still advancing, all confirmed by SOHR

32 of just our jets which is not even 5 % of total VVS strength is already starting to make difference, so much for the "failed birthday offensive."

Hey 500 where are you? :partay:

SOHR that is a still propaganda website hahaha even it confirm
i am then wondering what is happening in ground to the terrorist
flattening the entirety of Al Arbaeen town in Hama with MRLS strike, either TOS-1 thermobaric rockets or Grad cluster rockets.
**** yeah !!

Go Russia, that's the only language these disgusting islamist jihadi pigs understand.
Salma is very strategic , Fall of this town will end terrorists' presence in Latakia and will also pave the road for liberating Jisr Al Shughur that can secure western provinces .

Too much work needs to be done , The first one is finding a solution for TOWs and the second is making the best possible cooperation between allied forces in order to reduce casualties and get the best result .

With fall of Erdo gone and his terrorist government in coming election , we might see less support for Al Qaeda and their allies in Syria .
Four and a half years Syria war and there are still some people posting in this thread.....seriously, what's wrong with you all?!
Russian strategy gives 4 in 1 results on the Syrian battlefield
They throw old ammo , tested new tactics ,new weapons and have practice in real time on real targets
That's a clean hit.
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