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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What will that mean? Will they go westward to Homs? And if they do, do you think they have manpower to manage offensive there?

They would probably consolidate their gains by taking over Deir ez Zor airport before pushing westwards.

Kurds launched a new offensive. IS may have to divert some of their forces to the north. Western mercenaries, PKK members originated in Turkey flocking into Syria. 7 of 8 YPG members killed a few days ago in Hasakah were from Turkey.
@Saho @Alienoz_TR

I agree with Alienoz, Saho. Kurds are making gains in Syrian front so it will be difficult for them to launch offensive in Homs. The West knows if they are able to take Homs then they cut of SAA from Hama which will help rebels in Idlib take it over and the conflict will be over from there. So they probably will heavily assist Kurds in coming days to distract them from Homs. In Iraq Kurds also seem to be making gains or at least holding their ground and it is causing IS trouble.

US combat aircrafts are bombing Nusra and FSA targets in Idlib. Surprising.

8 Turkish mujahideen were killed during US airstrikes.


Last Syriac family leaving PYD-controlled town in Al-Hasakah
The last Christian Syriac family remaining in Amouda, a town in northern Al-Hasakah, has posted a “for sale” sign on both their house, seen above, and business properties aspublished by the Assyrian Democratic Organization’s Facebook page.

The announcement in the PYD-controlled town comes five days after an explosive device blew up outside one of the Jerjes family’s stores, destroying it completely. No one has claimed credit for the incident.

“The PYD [the Kurdish Democratic Union] which has pushed the family to put up their house and lands for sale,” Abu Jad al-Hasakawi, a local activist, told Syria Direct on Thursday.

The Syriac Network for Human Rights reported that the bombing in Amouda was a message from the Asayishe [PYD’s police force] to the Syriacs, reporting that Asayish forces have been exerting pressure on the Jerjes family for some time to sell their property in order to clear the city of Syriacs.

“This is the policy of the Kurdish Protection Units to make those who oppose its policy and refuse its decisions emigrate,” Ali al-Harith, a correspondent for the opposition Step Agency in Al-Hasakeh , told Syria Direct on Wednesday.

The Jerjes family was known as supporters of the towns anti-regime protests, which may have increased the PYD’s antagonism towards the family, the Syriac Network also reported.

-May 20, 2015

Last Syriac family leaving PYD-controlled town in Al-Hasakah - Syria Direct

So much for PYD-Sutoro alliance!!!

This is expected, I told everyone here from the very beginning that eventually West will side with Assad/Iran in Syria. By the looks of it, seems like they trying to stall rebel gains and want conflict prolonged. Yesterday they targeted IS in Homs, they don't want Hama/Homs to fall this quickly. So unless there is Western ground invasion or international one, Assad will fall prior to 2016 if rebels keep this up and keep coordinating.

Latest news is that there will be international meeting in Paris on June 2 regarding Syria/Iraq. I guarantee you that will be bad news for revolutionaries. I just want to see what Arab reaction will be.
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This is expected, I told everyone here from the very beginning that eventually West will side with Assad/Iran in Syria. By the looks of it, seems like they trying to stall rebel gains and want conflict prolonged. Yesterday they targeted IS in Homs, they don't want Hama/Homs to fall this quickly. So unless there is Western ground invasion or international one, Assad will fall prior to 2016 if rebels keep this up and keep coordinating.

Latest news is that there will be international meeting in Paris on June 2 regarding Syria/Iraq. I guarantee you that will be news for revolutionaries. I just want to see what Arab reaction will be.

IS official news agency Aamaq reports that IS managed to kill 50 Assad troops in Sweida. (Aamaq reports usually comes true)
@Saho @Alienoz_TR

I agree with Alienoz, Saho. Kurds are making gains in Syrian front so it will be difficult for them to launch offensive in Homs. The West knows if they are able to take Homs then they cut of SAA from Hama which will help rebels in Idlib take it over and the conflict will be over from there. So they probably will heavily assist Kurds in coming days to distract them from Homs. In Iraq Kurds also seem to be making gains or at least holding their ground and it is causing IS trouble.

tbh, I belive IS has now stopped launching big attacks on the Kurdish regions mainly because of the coalition support which is giving them a very bad time(heavy weapons useless) so that's why they have switched their resources away from Kurds. In Iraq, IS no longer attack Peshmerga as much as they used to.
IS official news agency Aamaq reports that IS managed to kill 50 Assad troops in Sweida. (Aamaq reports usually comes true)

Where is Sweida?

Template:Syrian Civil War detailed map - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyways, everyone here take a look at this map. If this map is accurate, look at road along Homs which both black and green dots are. Seems green and black dots will converge over time. This means regime will be cut off from Hama somewhat, at least big portion of that road. This will probably be beginning of Hama offensive, which will be game changing for conflict if they take it over.

tbh, I belive IS has now stopped launching big attacks on the Kurdish regions mainly because of the coalition support which is giving them a very bad time(heavy weapons useless) so that's why they have switched their resources away from Kurds. In Iraq, IS no longer attack Peshmerga as much as they used to.

How do you think Kurds will be in post Assad conflict? Will there be agreement or will Kurds be under greater threat of offensive?

That's "سويداء". It's both a city (Druze majority) and a province in Syria. It's located in Southern Syria close to the Jordanian border.

I don't think that the West is pro-Assad. It's just that they are afraid of what groups like ISIS, Al-Nusra and groups ideologically not that far away from those 2 could do on the long run should they end up ruling Syria.

Whatever happens I see no future for Al-Assad and his regime which is the most important thing here. They cannot prevent Syrians from being masters in their own house. Just delay it at most.

Nice avatar @Serpentine . Good to see you supporting Arab groups. Maybe you have been hiding your Arab identity all along? Where you not from Bushehr? I think that there are quite a lot of Arabs there and surely people of Arab descent.
8 Turkish mujahideen were killed during US airstrikes.

This is just for show, U.S ignores them for months and launches false flag attacks every once in a while. They ain't folling anyone. But little is better than none. Still good hunting.

Nice avatar @Serpentine . Good to see you supporting Arab groups. Maybe you have been hiding your Arab identity all along? Where you not from Bushehr? I think that there are quite a lot of Arabs there and surely people of Arab descent.
Thanks, I know you are trying to troll me, but I consider it as a compliment. No I'm not an Arab, but even if I was, there is nothing wrong with it, unlike you, I don't care about races, rather actions of people.

Btw, are concerned about destruction of Palmyra ancient city? It's one of the best treasures in Arab world.
This is expected, I told everyone here from the very beginning that eventually West will side with Assad/Iran in Syria. By the looks of it, seems like they trying to stall rebel gains and want conflict prolonged. Yesterday they targeted IS in Homs, they don't want Hama/Homs to fall this quickly. So unless there is Western ground invasion or international one, Assad will fall prior to 2016 if rebels keep this up and keep coordinating.

Latest news is that there will be international meeting in Paris on June 2 regarding Syria/Iraq. I guarantee you that will be bad news for revolutionaries. I just want to see what Arab reaction will be.
Yeah same here, they have given up on FSA because all of the opposition urban cities are under control by Zahran Alloush led Islamic Front, Al Qaeda Nusra and ISIS, they are more dominant force so they no longer rely on secular opposition.

Also, it is undoubtedly Assad will fall in 2016 after all the rapid loss. His Iraqi cronies (milita admitted it on FB) are going back to Iraq to defend due to heavy losses by Iraqi govt but there will be a bigger problem when Assad falls. A civil war 2.0 will most likely erupt within the opposition rank because of ISIS and there are too many opposition groups who are divided over politics which is a problematic.

That's "سويداء". It's both a city (Druze majority) and a province in Syria. It's located in Southern Syria close to the Jordanian border.

I don't think that the West is pro-Assad. It's just that they are afraid of what groups like ISIS, Al-Nusra and groups ideologically not that far away from those 2 could do on the long run should they end up ruling Syria.

Whatever happens I see no future for Al-Assad and his regime which is the most important thing here. They cannot prevent Syrians from being masters in their own house. Just delay it at most.

Nice avatar @Serpentine . Good to see you supporting Arab groups. Maybe you have been hiding your Arab identity all along? Where you not from Bushehr? I think that there are quite a lot of Arabs there and surely people of Arab descent.

Thanks for info. ISIS/Nusra aren't only ones with Islamic banners. Almost every group in syria holds Islamic banners. That's what bothers West, they don't want Islamist controlled Syria, whether ISIS or not. They see no difference, except that ISIS is more likely to try destabilzing neighboring countries. They don't have to support Assad directly, but they see that fall of his regime will be bad for their interests. And that shouldn't be problem for us Arabs, we need to accept that we don't share same interests. I know fall of Assad will upset Jordan/Egypt but other Arab nations won't be upset. That's a maybe though.

Anyways, Syrian army looks to be collapsing to be honest. In a way I don't blame the army itself, I blame their leadership for taking Iranian anti-Arab/sectarian approach. Iran in beginning wanted to have influene in the crackdown and the prolnged war. But it was very counterproductive, and now after Iran led SAA to bad path. SAA will collapse and Iran won't do nothing about it. Same way Iran encouraged Houthi's in yemen to go on offensive, and then began doing war games near Saudi Arabia. Now Houthis are on their own.

Yeah same here, they have given up on FSA because all of the opposition urban cities are under control by Zahran Alloush led Islamic Front, Al Qaeda Nusra and ISIS, they are more dominant force so they no longer rely on secular opposition.

Also, it is undoubtedly Assad will fall in 2016 after all the rapid loss. His Iraqi cronies (milita admitted it on FB) are going back to Iraq to defend due to heavy losses by Iraqi govt but there will be a bigger problem when Assad falls. A civil war 2.0 will most likely erupt within the opposition rank because of ISIS and there are too many opposition groups who are divided over politics which is a problematic.

I agree with, although let's wait for international reaction to Assad's fall. It may be possible that West will announce sanctions on Syrian groups plus launch military operations very soon after his fall, trust me on this. This will distract rebels/ISIS from civil war and will cause problems for Jordan if Jordan is used as base for attacks on opposition.
Thanks, I know you are trying to troll me, but I consider it as a compliment. No I'm not an Arab, but even if I was, there is nothing wrong with it, unlike you, I don't care about races, rather actions of people.

Btw, are concerned about destruction of Palmyra ancient city? It's one of the best treasures in Arab world.

No, just having a bit of fun. Nothing personal as usual. Got no problem with any user here on PDF although my Berber brother Ceylal is very interested in me.

Well, I just know that Bushehr has a pretty significant Arab community or at least had. Maybe they have become Persianized by now, not sure. Just like many other areas of Southern Iran. After all it's a neighboring region.

You know just like me that there is tons of World UNESCO Heritage Sites in the Arab world and other world famous historical sites.

Some of the most famous on the planet in fact!

Despite this, yes I am concerned just like with the events in Iraq. I am not the only one that is that. Most locals are and many historians. It's a shame and shows that their barbarism and actions have nothing to do with Islam as those monuments were left alone by all Muslim Caliphates, Empires, Muslim ruling dynasties, local people, migrants, Muslims, Christians, Pagans etc. alike. until they arrived in the summer of 2014.

It can always be rebuilt.


I think that the West should realize that the majority of the world want/believe in other systems than those they consider to be the sole truth.

While they are negotiating with an actual Islamic state (or so it claims to be) like Iran, so-called Islamic groups (we all know how it is in the Arab world during war, most groups will clinch to Islam and religion as this is a very big motivation) made up by mostly young Syrians are branded alongside ISIS just because they happen to be against the criminal Al-Assad regime and happen to take guidance in their own religion. A religion that 90% of all Syrians follow.

I do not believe that the Western plots on this front will succeed. At most delay the obvious. Look no further than Iraq post 2003.
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8 Turkish mujahideen were killed during US airstrikes.


Last Syriac family leaving PYD-controlled town in Al-Hasakah
The last Christian Syriac family remaining in Amouda, a town in northern Al-Hasakah, has posted a “for sale” sign on both their house, seen above, and business properties aspublished by the Assyrian Democratic Organization’s Facebook page.

The announcement in the PYD-controlled town comes five days after an explosive device blew up outside one of the Jerjes family’s stores, destroying it completely. No one has claimed credit for the incident.

“The PYD [the Kurdish Democratic Union] which has pushed the family to put up their house and lands for sale,” Abu Jad al-Hasakawi, a local activist, told Syria Direct on Thursday.

The Syriac Network for Human Rights reported that the bombing in Amouda was a message from the Asayishe [PYD’s police force] to the Syriacs, reporting that Asayish forces have been exerting pressure on the Jerjes family for some time to sell their property in order to clear the city of Syriacs.

“This is the policy of the Kurdish Protection Units to make those who oppose its policy and refuse its decisions emigrate,” Ali al-Harith, a correspondent for the opposition Step Agency in Al-Hasakeh , told Syria Direct on Wednesday.

The Jerjes family was known as supporters of the towns anti-regime protests, which may have increased the PYD’s antagonism towards the family, the Syriac Network also reported.

-May 20, 2015

Last Syriac family leaving PYD-controlled town in Al-Hasakah - Syria Direct

So much for PYD-Sutoro alliance!!!
Kurds are very known in this policy of stealing it like they did to the Assyrians
in hakkari today they will claim these lands as kurdish and the Syriacs as geusts

As for the turkish mujaheddin part I shit on all the 8 of them
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