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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The Russian air force and Syrian regime forces killed 35 civilians in western Aleppo & Idlib today. 11 in Kafr Ta'al, 9 in Kafr Nouran and 9 Maardabseh. In Kafr Nouran, Russian incendiary munition burned the victims alive. You can find the graphic videos by searching كفر نوران


The Russian air force and Syrian regime forces killed 35 civilians in western Aleppo & Idlib today. 11 in Kafr Ta'al, 9 in Kafr Nouran and 9 Maardabseh. In Kafr Nouran, Russian incendiary munition burned the victims alive. You can find the graphic videos by searching كفر نوران



It is not clear whether is harder in Idlib... to die or to live... There is no need to translate what the Syrian mother says, even though no one hears this is an understandable what she saying to the world.
Maarat an Nouman:

May 2018:

May 2019:

Dec 2019:

Putin and Khamenai stole money from their poor, used these money to slaughter and displace hundreds of thousands Syrians. And all this in order that corrupt inbred dictator could add some more ruins to his failed Alawi empire.
I’m a doctor who’s seen the world’s worst humanitarian crises – but the suffering I’ve seen in Syria is unprecedented

I stood in the muddy field of one of the 1,150 camps for the internally displaced people in Idlib. It was raining and the mud was a couple of feet deep. It’s very cold here in January, but children were walking in light shoes and slippers.

Just three weeks before my medical mission, there was another large displacement of Syrian civilians. I wondered how would people live inside these tents in the blistering weather. Ali, a 10-year-old boy, told me he dreams of living in a warm house once again, that prospect remains a distant possibility.

After nine years of suffering, it looks as if the international community and the United Nations have left the Syrian people on their own. Even proper tents to give some warmth, usually provided by UNHCR, were not available when I was there.

In the last month, 359,000 civilians, including 165,000 children, have been displaced and more than 60 hospitals have been bombed since May 2019.


what do u mean ? didn't Putin won the war ?
Putin got just ruins. Now he needs to pay billions of dollars each year to Assad merely to prolong his agony. Once he stops paying Assad will collapse. If u consider it a victory then its a victory.

40 bastards dispatched to hell by Muajideens. It is well over due since so many civilians been martyred in Idlib by bombings.

In Idlib 76 percent are women and children. May Allah help brave men who are defending their families against tyrants and their filthy sectarian supporters.

I hope some Ruski dogs taste the hell soon.
"The EU will keep the sanctions against the Assad regime (Sham) under review as long as these brutal attacks continue," it added.
u know what this means, everything is going according to Allah's plan :pop:
What are you trying to imply? I dont understand..
EU and US dont give a crap as long as Muslims are dying. The way US shook hands with Russians when Turks were giving a safe haven to Syrians in their own country tells alot about this game of hypocrisy going on in Syria.
Now if you worship some other being whos plan is to make millions of Syrians suffer by the hand of a fking rat like Assad then sorry to break it to you, you are worshipping the devil not Allah.
What are you trying to imply? I dont understand..
EU and US dont give a crap as long as Muslims are dying. The way US shook hands with Russians when Turks were giving a safe haven to Syrians in their own country tells alot about this game of hypocrisy going on in Syria.
Now if you worship some other being whos plan is to make millions of Syrians suffer by the hand of a fking rat like Assad then sorry to break it to you, you are worshipping the devil not Allah.
I was referring to the hadith about the siege of sham from the Romans after the siege of Iraq by the Ajam(the UN) which has already occurred, I taught u knew it,anyways Syrians and Palestinians will not suffer forever.
Militant Attack in Idlib Kills 40 Syrian Forces

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A multi-pronged attack by terrorists in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib killed up to 40 Syrian soldiers and wounded 80 others.

Syria’s official news agency SANA cited a military source as saying that militants launched “fierce attacks with large numbers” on the country’s army positions in the northwestern province early on Thursday.

SANA said the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, launched the attacks with the use of various types of weapons, including booby-trapped vehicles, to break through some of the army’s positions in the areas of al-Samaka and al-Tah in Idlib.

The agency added that the Syrian army units redeployed and stopped the attackers from further advancing.

Clashes were still ongoing between the army and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists along the lines of confrontation, according to SANA.

On Wednesday, the Syrian army units had responded to earlier attacks by the terrorist group on several areas in Idlib, inflicting heavy losses on them in terms of the personnel and equipment.

On August 5 last year, the Syrian army announced the start of an offensive against foreign-sponsored militants in Idlib — the last major stronghold of militants in Syria — after they failed to honor a ceasefire brokered by Russia and Turkey and continued to target civilian neighborhoods.

Under an agreement reached in Sochi, Russia, in 2018, all militants in the demilitarized zone that surrounds Idlib and also parts of the provinces of Aleppo and Hama had been supposed to pull out heavy arms by October 15 that year.

Syrian authorities have opened three humanitarian corridors for civilians from areas controlled by foreign-sponsored militants in the northwestern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib to leave and move to government-controlled parts of the country.

Foreign-backed militancy, supported by the United States and many of its Western and regional allies, erupted in Syria in 2011.The Takfiri terrorists overran large swathes of Syria’s territory before being swept out by government forces and allies.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:45 A.M.) – On Friday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) scored a big advance inside the Idlib Governorate after launching a powerful attack along the southeastern front-lines.

Led by the 25th Special Mission Forces Division (formerly Tiger Forces) and 5th Corps, the Syrian Arab Army attacked two separate axes in southeastern Idlib, as they attempted to advance towards the key city of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man.

According to a military source near the front-lines, the Syrian Arab Army was able to capture several towns and villages, including Ma’ar Shamarin, which is located just 3 kilometers away from Ma’arat Al-Nu’man’s southeastern axis.

In addition to Ma’ar Shamarin, the Syrian Army also captured Deir Sharqi, Taqanah, Al-Hadithi, Tal Kursiyan, Abu Jarif, and Tal Khatrah, with the latter three previously captured by the jihadist rebels prior to Friday’s offensive.

The Syrian Arab Army quickly halted their advance after capturing these towns and villages in order to secure these sites, something which they failed to do two weeks ago.

With this latest advance, the Syrian Arab Army now finds themselves within striking distance of Ma’arat Al-Nu’man’s outskirts, marking the first time that they are within sight of the city since they were forced to withdraw during Jabhat Al-Nusra’s Wadi Al-Deif campaign in 2014.

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