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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

70 bodies of SAA soldiers arrived in Tartus from Shaer fields.

‫#‏طرطوس‬ الآن : تزف محافظة طرطوس اليوم الثلاثاء عند الساعة العاشرة والنصف صباحاً 70 شهيداً من شهداء حقل الشاعر من المشفى العسكري .
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Okay, Keeping your rhetoric aside, Why Sunni's in army deserted if Assad army were so innocent and was reacting in defense only? Shows how much you lie. Shameful. Person living in america and pretends he knows the whole thing.

Just Like assad army killed 2 dozen students in FSA held area by bombing a school, what do you expect FSA would do, shower rose petals on your educational institutions and engineers? You are such a hypocrite and shameless creature, you wont condemn or say Assad army is against education when they bomb schools !

And don't preach me Protests were not peaceful. I'm following these protests from 2011 and I vividly remember how Assad army opened fire on protests which happened at Eid Ul Fitr.

and when Assad would prosecute the rapists and killers in it's own army ? When Assad would prosecute each nd every member of Shahbihaa. There are survivors accounts of how Shabiha raped women and girls !

first of all the Syrian government never bombed any schools... that last attack you're talking about happened in Qabun, and guess what? Qabun is in government held territory... so you must be joking or dumb enough to believe that the government is bombing itself...
and you seem to ignore all the school bombings by your beloved F$A terrorists in Homs, last month they killed 46 school kids, where are your tears? enough of your BS...

and the number of defectors are very small... the Syrian army is still mainly composed of Sunnis... there is a thread that opened last week about how Alasad support comes from Sunnis... or you don't want to see facts thus you ignore reality and believe lies from terrorists sites and western propaganda? what is it with you people? why can'y you understand Alasad can't last a minute without the Syrian people support...

yeah so peaceful protests that they were killing innocent people....I suggest you re watch those videos, and if by peaceful protests you means knives and guns and burning down government institutes then they are peaceful, very peaceful indeed... I gave a you a video that has the first "peaceful" protests, watch it...
Turks Died Too

The column of Armen Vartanian ’96 [“The Armenian Genocide,” April 27] is not historically accurate with regard to the sufferings of Armenians during the First World War or the historical research surrounding the issue. We would like to begin by outlining what happened in Anatolia during the years of 1915-1924.
The Ottoman Empire was a multi-ethnic, multi-religious empire that at its height spanned from the Danube River in Europe, to North Africa, to as far as the Caucasus and Iraq. In accordance with the laws of the Koran, the rights of all minorities were respected. The Ottomans were the most lenient of all empires concerning its religious minorities. The Ottomans expected the payment of taxes, but otherwise left the religion and cultures of its conquered territories intact. This was, in fact, what made it so easy for minority groups to succeed when the Ottomans became weak. Furthermore, many Christians and Jews achieved high government posts, and during the Spanish persecution of the Jews, the Ottoman Empire became a safe haven for them. Armenians and Turks have lived together peacefully for over 600 years. To quote Voltaire, “The great Turk is governing in peace twenty nations of different religions. Turks have taught to Christians how to be moderate in peace and gentle in victory.”

In the years leading up to World War I, however, the Ottoman Empire grew increasingly weak, and provinces began to secede. When World War I began, the Ottomans sided with the Germans, and the German defeat left the Ottomans in shambles. Under the Treaty of Sevres, the Allies conspired to use the nationalist tendencies within the Ottoman Empire to destroy it. Under Sevres, the Turkish people would have no nation, and Anatolia would be colonized by Europe. Thus, the Christian minorities of the Ottoman Empire, including the Armenians, were encourage to rebel, and were given ample support to do so. Vartanian’s assertion that Armenians were unarmed is a joke.

Armenians joined with the Russian forces, and grouped into guerrilla bands. They began attacking the Turkish Army in the rear, and even before the Russo-Armenian forces arrived, they succeeded in capturing Van, massacred its entire Muslim population, and razed the entire city. They then proceeded to “soften up” the area, and in the process killed thousands of Turks and Kurds. There was a massive flow of refugees into Central Anatolia, who survived under extremely harsh conditions.

At this point, the Ottoman Government faced severe problems. The Army was being attacked by Russo-Armenian forces in the North and Armenian guerrillas in the South. On the other hand, there were the many Armenian communities who appeared uninvolved in the fighting, but in fact were providing food, shelter and new recruits to the guerrillas. The Muslim populations were beginning to react in kind, and the region was rapidly falling into full-fledged inter-communal warfare.

After much hesitation, the Ottomans decided to relocate the Armenian communities to Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, which at that time were still Ottoman provinces. Ottoman archives chronicling this decision show that this decision was not punitive, and that Ottoman soldiers were ordered to escort the Armenians and protect them from any vigilantes. As it turned out, though, this decree had tragic consequences, not just due to the warfare in the region, but due to disease, harsh weather, exposure and hunger. However, a few facts should be noted. First, most Armenian casualties occurred in regions where Ottoman control was the weakest. Secondly, a great many Turks and other Muslims also died from the same causes.

When the Ottoman Army returned to the north, the onset of the Russian Revolution forced the retreat of the Russo-Armenian forces to what is currently Armenia. During this retreat, many atrocities were committed against Turks and Kurds, including the burning of mosques full of women, children, and old men, gouging eyes, and burying people alive.

At the close of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was no more. The Ottoman Sultan fled Istanbul on a British ship, and Turkish people were left to fend for themselves against the invasion of the British, French, Australian, Italian, Russian, Greek, and Armenian forces. The Turks fight for independence raged on for several years under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Many more Turkish people died in this struggle, not just from war, but from hunger and disease. There is not one single Turk alive today who did not lose relatives during the Independence War. The Independence War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne, in which the modern day borders of Turkey were recognized, and the Allies abandoned all claims on Anatolia.

Thus, there was neither any planned execution of Armenians, nor such an intention.

Demographic studies by Professor Justin McCarthy show that roughly 600,000 Armenians died during the struggles as compared to almost 3 million Muslim deaths. Vartanian claims that 1.5 million Armenians were killed -- however, according to census figures of the British as well as the Ottomans, there were never more than 1.3 million Armenians in Anatolia. Additionally, Vartanian refers to U.S. Ambassador Morgenthau. It should be noted though that Morgenthau was a racist, who believed that Turks were an inferior race and openly printed that Turks had “inferior blood.” One cannot expect accurate reporting from such a biased man, yet it is his reports on which much of the Armenian accounts are based on. Vartanian also refers to a remark by Adolf Hitler, as though somehow the psychotic ravings of a man known for exterminating the Jews can be relied on for accurate history.

He also asserts that “claims against the Armenians are purely anecdotal.” I highly doubt that the mass of evidence can be referred to as anecdotal: there are eyewitness accounts of Russian soldiers, demographic evidence, reports from Allied soldiers, photographic evidence, as well as testimonies from the Turkish refugees. Seventy American scholars -- including Prof. McCarthy of the University of Louisville, Prof. Bernard Lewis of Princeton, and Prof. Sandford Shaw of the University of California at Los Angeles -- testified in 1988 in front of the House International Committee that there was no genocide of Armenians. The Clinton Administration continues to back the Turkish people on this issue, because it knows the truth: there was no Armenian genocide.

Turks Died Too - The Tech

Ofcourse you will be biased about this since your are supporting Assads genocide on muslims in Syria with more than 100'000 dead till now, more Turks died in WWI than Armenians, nobody asked them to revolt and burn Turkish/Kurdish villages.
you serious? you know the Armenian genocide started in 1915 in Istanbul heck even before ( Hamidian massacres)... Armenians were forced to go to Syria for shelter.... and when Ottoman were losing the war with Russia they started blaming Armenians because they were Christians... and much more... I suggest you start with acknowledging there problem first.... the genocide didn't start in early 1900's it started before that, in the lat 1800's...

no matter what you're trying to justify here... you can't hide the facts... and that bombing of Armenian church and burning documents is all about AKP trying to hide history... so tell me what does the F$A terrorists benefit from burning Armenian documents?

and the genocide that is going on in Syria, is again done by the Turks supporting terrorism, just like how Ottoman allowed the Kurds to kill Christians and promising them their own country, now same thing going in Syria and Iraq... AKP is supporting I$I$ for the same reason...
you serious? you know the Armenian genocide started in 1915 in Istanbul heck even before ( Hamidian massacres)... Armenians were forced to go to Syria for shelter.... and when Ottoman were losing the war with Russia they started blaming Armenians because they were Christians... and much more... I suggest you start with acknowledging there problem first.... the genocide didn't start in early 1900's it started before that, in the lat 1800's...

no matter what you're trying to justify here... you can't hide the facts... and that bombing of Armenian church and burning documents is all about AKP trying to hide history... so tell me what does the F$A terrorists benefit from burning Armenian documents?

and the genocide that is going on in Syria, is again done by the Turks supporting terrorism, just like how Ottoman allowed the Kurds to kill Christians and promising them their own country, now same thing going in Syria and Iraq... AKP is supporting I$I$ for the same reason...

Rewriting of the history by Syrianlion.....
you serious? you know the Armenian genocide started in 1915 in Istanbul heck even before ( Hamidian massacres)... Armenians were forced to go to Syria for shelter.... and when Ottoman were losing the war with Russia they started blaming Armenians because they were Christians... and much more... I suggest you start with acknowledging there problem first.... the genocide didn't start in early 1900's it started before that, in the lat 1800's...

no matter what you're trying to justify here... you can't hide the facts... and that bombing of Armenian church and burning documents is all about AKP trying to hide history... so tell me what does the F$A terrorists benefit from burning Armenian documents?

and the genocide that is going on in Syria, is again done by the Turks supporting terrorism, just like how Ottoman allowed the Kurds to kill Christians and promising them their own country, now same thing going in Syria and Iraq... AKP is supporting I$I$ for the same reason...
Apart from your fabricated history, wasnt you ignoring me? :D
Apart from your fabricated history, wasnt you ignoring me? :D
fabricated? of course you don't know anything since Turkey been trying to hide the truth, thus most Turks never heard of Hamidian Massacres ... I think you should be ashamed of yourself that non Turk knows more about your history...
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