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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

39th Victory Anniversary of Iran's Islamic Revolution Marked in Syria (+Photos)

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – Syrian people on Friday held a rally inside the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Zeynab (SA) in the capital's southern suburbs, marking the 39th anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

According to Tasnim dispatches, senior Iranian officials attended the public gathering in Damascus to cherish the memory of the Islamic Revolution victory.

Hojatoeslam Seyed Abolfazl Tabatabaie, the representative of Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Syria, and Javad Torkabadi, Tehran’s ambassador to Damascus, were among keynote speakers at the event.

Hundreds of people attended the celebration at the historic Sayyidah Zeynab Mosque in southern Damascus.


An art exhibition was also held on the sidelines of the event, portraying the sacrifices and efforts of Syria and Iranian soldiers in their fight against Daesh Takfiri terrorists.

The crowd of demonstrators in the rallies paid tribute to the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, under whose leadership the revolutionary movements triumphed over the despotic regime of Pahlavi on February 11, 1979.

Imam Khomeini had lived many years in exile, in Iraq and France, before returning home and leading a historical revolution that overthrew Pahlavi regime.

The 10-day period from the return of Imam Khomeini until the revolution’s victory is celebrated annually in Iran, and is known as the Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn).


BEIRUT: More than 30 Daesh militants were killed in fierce clashes on Saturday in the northwestern province of Idlib.That group is dominated by Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate of Daesh.

Troops loyal to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad launched an offensive on Idlib December to retake the southeast of the province controlled by another group , the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS).

An alliance of rebels overran Idlib in 2015, but since then, hard-liners have expanded their control and the influence of mainstream rebels has shrunk drastically.

The latest fighting comes after the rebel army said on Friday it had routed Daesh from the neighboring Idlib provinces of Hama and Aleppo.


Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army fighters stand around a pickup truck with a mounted weapon in the town of Marea in northern Aleppo countryside, Syria on Saturday. (REUTERS)

Sources Saudi Military

‘More strikes against Iranian positions likely as Tehran seeks to destabilize region,’ says analyst

“We can expect more strikes against Iranian positions on Syrian soil in the future as Tehran seeks to further destabilize the region,” said Oubai Shahbandar, a Syrian-American analyst and fellow at the New America Foundation’s International Security Program.

The escalation also shows that “Iran is at the helm of what remains of Assad’s military, and has supplanted any semblance of sovereignty,” he said.

“The Assad regime’s military suffered a major blow as a result of Iran’s military incursion. The airforce counterattack destroyed a significant portion of Assad’s long range SA-5 integrated air defense network outside Damascus.”

Gerald Feierstein, the US Ambassador to Yemen and director for Gulf affairs at the Middle East Institute, said: “Even though both sides are indicating that they don’t seek an escalation, the heightened tensions and the proximity of all of these forces are a clear threat.

“These kind of incidents can spin out of control with unintended consequences. The possibility that Russia and the US could be pulled into a confrontation Israel, Syria and Iran should make everyone very worried.”

In Washington, the Pentagon said: “We share the concerns of many throughout the region over Iran’s destabilizing activities that threaten international peace and security, and we seek greater international resolve in countering Iran’s malign activities.”

Other analysts said they did not expect further escalation for now, but suggested the heavy anti-aircraft fire showed Syria was more emboldened to stop Air strikes.

9 Turkish soldiers also martyred during ongoing operation


Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) neutralized at least 39 PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists during the ongoing operation in Syria’s Afrin that also left nine Turkish soldiers martyred Saturday, according to Turkish military.

In a statement, the Turkish General Staff added 11 other Turkish soldiers were also injured in the operation.

Earlier, the military said in a separate statement that an ATAK helicopter crashed at around 1 p.m. (1000GMT) during Afrin operation Saturday; two pilots were martyred.

So far, nearly 1,180 terrorists have been neutralized during the Operation Olive Branch, which was launched on Jan. 20 to remove PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as protect Syrian people from cruelty and oppression of terrorists.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, the military said.

The military has also said that only terrorist targets are being destroyed and "utmost care" is being shown to avoid harming civilians.

Afrin has been a major hideout for the PYD/PKK terrorists since July 2012 when the Assad regime in Syria left the city to the terror group without a fight.


At least 1,266 PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh terrorists have been "neutralized" since the beginning of Operation Olive Branch in Syria's Afrin, the Turkish General Staff said Sunday.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

In a statement, the military said the Turkish Armed Forces had destroyed 19 PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh terrorist targets and "neutralized" 86 more terrorists during operations since Saturday.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh terrorists from Afrin, northwestern Syria.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as to protect Syrians from terrorist oppression and cruelty.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey's rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, it said.

The military also said only terror targets are being destroyed and the "utmost care" is being taken to avoid harming civilians.

Turkish jets on Sunday destroyed terror targets in northwestern Syria within the range of southern Turkish border districts of Hatay, according to Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground.

Turkish artillery units hit enemy forces in rural western Afrin within range and sight of Hatay’s Reyhanli, Hassa and Kirikhan districts.

As Turkish Armed Forces continued to deploy military vehicles at the border close to the operation area, smoke was seen rising from various fields in Syria.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear Daesh terrorists from Afrin, northwestern Syria.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as to protect Syrians from terrorist oppression and cruelty.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey's rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, it said.

The military also said only terror targets are being destroyed and "utmost care" is being taken to avoid harming civilians.




AZAZ, Syria

Turkish and Free Syrian Army forces on Sunday cleared another village from terrorists in northwestern Syria, near the Turkish border.

According to an Anadolu Agency correspondent in the region, the armies launched a joint operation in the village of Hec Iskendere in the west of Jinderes, western Afrin.

Since the beginning of the operation, the Turkish Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army have managed to capture 48 different strategic areas from terrorists including a town center, 31 villages, three rural areas and 13 hills.

Turkey on Jan 20. launched Operation Olive Branch to removeDaesh terrorists from Afrin.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as to protect Syrians from terrorist oppression and cruelty.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, it said.

The military has also said that only terrorist targets are being destroyed and "utmost importance" is being put on avoiding harming civilians.

Afrin has been a major hideout for the PYD/PKK since July 2012 when the Assad regime in Syria left the city to the terror group without a fight.


Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar on Sunday paid a visit to southern Hatay province to inspect troops taking part in Operation Olive Branch in Syria's Afrin.

According to a statement by the Turkish General Staff, Akar was accompanied by Commander of the Turkish Land Forces Gen. Yasar Guler and Turkish Air Forces Commander Gen. Hasan Kucukakyuz.

They met the troops and were briefed regarding the ongoing operation.


As Turkish Armed Forces continued to deploy military vehicles at the border close to the operation area, smoke was seen rising from various fields in Syria.

Meanwhile, a total of 12 Turkish soldiers were killed and 11 others were wounded in “Operation Olive Branch” carried out by the Turkish army in Syria’s Afrin district on Feb. 10 and Feb. 11, the Turkish Armed Forces announced in separate statements.

Three Turkish soldiers were killed and five soldiers were wounded in Afrin on Feb. 10, an initial military statement said.

A follow-up statement released on the same day said two more Turkish soldiers were killed and four were wounded in the military operations.

Another statement said four soldiers were killed and two more were wounded.

The soldiers were killed in clashes with People’s Protection Units (YPG) militants around a hill near Afrin.

Two Turkish Armed Forces personnel were killed when an attack helicopter crashed in Afrin during the ongoing operation on Feb. 10, Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said.

One chopper belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces was “shot down” during Turkey’s “Operation Olive Branch,” Erdoğan said on Feb. 10, speaking in Istanbul.

“[The perpetrators] will pay a heavy price [for downing the Turkish helicopter],” Erdoğan said, speaking at a provincial meeting for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

“Of course, all of this will happen. We are at war,” Erdoğan added.

On Feb. 11, one Turkish soldier was also killed in a clash with YPG militants.

Funeral ceremonies were held for 12 killed soldiers in their hometowns as numbers of Turkish figures from the political and business community expressed their condolences.

The Turkish General Staff on Feb. 10 also said at least 1,141 YPG militants have been “neutralized” since the beginning of “Operation Olive Branch” in Afrin.

In a statement, the military said the Turkish Armed Forces had “destroyed” 36 YPG targets and “neutralized” 79 YPG militants in airstrikes that were carried out overnight on Feb. 10.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched “Operation Olive Branch” to clear YPG militants from Afrin in northwestern Syria.
This Assad backed militias don't know the people they should be targeting? How can they be messing with coalition forces considering the imbalance of power? Moreover, to make things worse, I'm sure he didn't get Putin's approval for this mission. Well, too bad he got the results he should have expected.

To be honest, Assad is not the only one who has been using ISIS and other radical groups for his own interests when iyt suits him(its true that he was the first to use this jihadists groups when he freed many of them from Syria's prison at the beginning of the uprising, in other to tarnish the reputation of the genuine Syrian opposition and label them ALL as fanatics/islamist/jihadists etc from the start. However, we cant blame him that much, put yourself in his shoes, if you were a dictator and tyrant like Assad whose family has ruled the country with an iron fists under a state of emergency for over half a century, will you not have used any means whatsoever to stay in power and maintain your privileges? So from his point of view, its understandable.
At the end of the day, it worked quite well for him and has helped keep him in power and led to the intervention of many foreign and regional powers as the war raged on without any clear winner.
That's geo politics for you, it has never been a clean game and never will it be. No player is innocent.

Thanks to Assad.:enjoy:
Egypt and Tunisia would have ended up the same way if their tyrants were not deposed/fled from power more quickly and had their army decided to kill/shoot on their own people when they rose up.:bounce:

The Assad terrorist regime actually supported Al Qaeda in Iraq since the US invasion. The Assad regime as you rightfully asserted has been supporting ISIS in Syria to be his ideal opponent, a useful figleaf whose a tool in propaganda to justify the thwarting of Syrian freedom.

Assad quietly aids YPG against Turkey

US-backed YPG in northern Syria says it has reached agreements with the Russian and Iran-backed regime of Bashar al-Assad to allow reinforcements to be sent to Afrin, to sustain their war against Turkey.

YPG is regarded by Turkey as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has fought a three-decade armed conflict in Turkey and is regarded as a terrorist group by the US and the European Union.

Kino Gabriel, spokesman for the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), said to Reuters news agency that YPG has reached an understanding with the Assad regime.

"There are different ways to get reinforcements to Afrin, but the fundamental route is via regime forces. There are understandings between the two forces ... for the sake of delivering reinforcements to Afrin."

While YPG depends on Assad to reach Afrin, Damascus also needs the YPG's cooperation to source grain and oil from areas of the northeast under Kurdish control, the source added.

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Members of Free Syrian Army (FSA), backed by Turkish Army, patrol at the front line, within the "Operation Olive Branch", launched in Syria's Afrin region, in Azez region of Aleppo, Syria on February 11, 2018.

Turkish soldiers and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters have cleared Sheran town's Serincek village of PYD/PKK terrorists in northwestern Afrin region, according to Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground on Sunday.

Serincek village is located northeast to Afrin.

Earlier on Sunday, Turkish military and the FSA captured Hec Iskendere village in the west of Jinderes in Afrin.



On Saturday, 11 Turkish soldiers, including two pilots were martyred in northwestern Afrin during Operation Olive Branch.

About the attack, the source said a Turkish commando team were on a hill at an altitude of 1,027 meters near a village when a civilian group of 70-80 people approached their location at noon.

The team at first fired warning shots to stop the civilians from coming nearer.

But after the group ignored the warning shots, the Turkish team comprising 16 commandos moved to halt the group. It was then that hand grenades were thrown at the commando team from among the civilians, the source said.

Around 40 PYD/PKK terrorists were neutralized by more commandos who arrived at the scene while the other terrorists fled, the source added.

A few hours later, the region was completely cleared of terrorists, including the area where civilians were used as "human shields" to carry out such kind of attacks, it said.

HATAY, TURKEY - FEBRUARY 11: A photo taken from Turkey's Hatay province shows military vehicles are being transported to border units as Turkish Armed Forces hit PYD/PKK terror group targets within the 'Operation Olive Branch' launched in Syria's Afrin, on February 11, 2018. Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch on January 20 in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region; the aim of the operation is to establish security and stability along Turkish borders and the region as well as to eliminate PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh terror groups, and protect the Syrian people from the oppression and cruelty of terrorists. ( Eren Bozkurt - Anadolu Agency )

'Operation Olive Branch' to Afrin

'Operation Olive Branch' to Afrin

'Operation Olive Branch' to Afrin


The coffin of Koray Karaca, a soldier who was killed during Turkey’s military action in Syria’s Afrin region, is carried by a ceremonial guard of honor during his funeral ceremony in Istanbul. (Reuters)

ANKARA: The Turkish army on Monday said 31 soldiers had been killed since Ankara launched its offensive against a Kurdish militia in Syria last month.

Another 143 Turkish soldiers were wounded in the operation dubbed “Olive Branch” which began on January 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia in the western region of Afrin, a statement said.

While the United States has given armed support to the YPG against the Daesh group in Syria, Turkey says the militia is a “terrorist” offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

The PKK, proscribed as a terrorist organization by Ankara and its Western allies, has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state.

Turkey has been supporting Syrian rebels with ground troops and air strikes during the operation which Ankara has threatened to extend eastwards toward other YPG-held towns.

Turkey suffered its bloodiest day on Saturday when 11 military personnel were killed, including two after a helicopter taking part in the offensive was downed.

Some 1,369 “terrorists” had been neutralized during the operation, the army said, referring to those killed but also those captured or wounded.

It was not immediately possible to verify this figure.

But according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 152 YPG fighters and 165 Turkey-backed Syrian rebels have died in the operation.

The Observatory said at least 74 civilians have been killed in the operation so far.

Turkey has repeatedly insisted it is taking all the necessary precautions to avoid harming civilians and says there have been no civilian casualties to date.

At least seven civilians have been killed in Turkish border towns after rockets were sent from Syria in attacks Ankara blames on the YPG.


BEIRUT: The Syrian Kurdish militia partnering with the U.S-led coalition to fight Daesh militants said Monday that it is holding a “huge number” of foreign fighters in Syria and none of their home countries want them back.

More than half of those detained in the battle against Daesh in Syria are foreign fighters from all over the world, including Russia, Europe, China

The future of those militants remains unclear and the process for bringing them to justice unsettled amid a debate, mostly in Europe, about whether they should be allowed to return home.

Hemo provided no figure for the number of detainees captured by his forces in Syria but added it was a burden to keep them.

“We suffer from the large number of Daesh detainees that we have now,” Hemo said, using the Arabic acronym for IS.

Hemo said there is a “huge” number of IS foreign fighters and administrators from all over the world. Most of them are from Russia, Europe and other countries, he said.

Captured two British men last month, and US officials interrogated them and identified them with biometric data and other tools. It was the most high profile capture publicly announced. British officials said they don’t want the two men, who were part of a cell that executed foreign hostages, to return home.

US officials say the two men represent just a small portion of the hundreds of foreign-born IS terrorists that were captured or killed since October 2017

Two French nationals, including a woman listed as a key recruiter, appeared in videos posted online last month to speak about the conditions of their detention in Syria.


Turkish military on Monday asserted determination to continue its ongoing counter-terror operations within the country.

In a statement issued on Monday, Turkish General Staff said 16 terrorists have been "neutralized" in operations held between Feb. 3-11 against PKK terrorist group’s targets and its routes in Turkey's southeastern Diyarbakir and Hatay provinces and northern Iraq region.

"8 infantry rifles, 16 light weapons -- including 8 RPG-7 launchers -- 682 kilograms of ammonium nitrate, 7.5 kilograms of demolition block, 14 pieces of RPG-7 rocket launcher propelling cartridges, 3 igniters, 13 hand grenades, 3 pieces pf 82-mm mortar ammunition, 5325 variety of kinds and lengths of light weapon ammunition... were seized" during the operations against PKK terrorist targets added the statement.

A total of 15 recovered improvised explosive devices; 64 weapon pits, shelters, caves and depots used by the terrorists were destroyed in the operations.

Two Turkish soldiers were martyred during the operations.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey as well as the U.S. and the EU. In its terror campaign against Turkey, which has lasted for more than three decades, over 40,000 people have been killed.

Airstrikes on PKK targets in southeast Turkey and northern Iraq, where the terror group has its main base in the Qandil region near the Iranian border, have been carried out regularly since July 2015, when the PKK resumed its armed campaign.

Since the group resumed its armed campaign in July 2015, more than 1,200 people, including security forces personnel and civilians, have lost their lives.




AZAZ, Syria

Turkish soldiers and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters have cleared Muhammadiyah village and Amarah Hill of terrorists in western Afrin region, according to Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground on Monday.

Jandaris town's Muhammadiyah village is located in the west of Afrin.

Since the beginning of the operation, 51 different strategic areas have been captured from the clutches of terrorists, among them a town center, 33 villages, three rural areas and 14 hills.
Israel squares off for showdown with Iran in Syria
by Farah Najjar
7 hours ago

Israel has viewed Iran's growing footprint in neighbouring Syria with alarm [File: Omar Sanadiki/Reuters]
A surge in Israeli-Syrian cross-border incidents has turned into the "biggest" confrontation between the two countries in decades and confronted Russiawith a new dilemma: how to preserve its ties with both sides.

The tit-for-tat attacks, which started on Saturday and continued until the following day, have been accompanied by a war of words, with Benjamin Netanyahu warning that Israel would continue to strike against any aggression.

"We dealt severe blows to the Iranian and Syrian forces," Netanyahu said, referring to Iranian bases present inside Syria.

The toughest Israeli aerial assault on Syrian and Iranian bases was reportedly in response to Syrian forces shooting down an Israeli fighter jet on Saturday and claims that an Iranian drone entered Israeli airspace.

The attacks, which killed at least six Syrian troops and allied militia members, targeted areas near the Syrian capital Damascus, with Israel warning about increased Iranian involvement along its borders with Syria and Lebanon.

A statement by the pro-government military alliance in Syria had said that the drones were being used against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group fighters.

WATCH: Netanyahu - Air raids dealt serious blow to Iran, Syria (2:48)

But Israel's chief military spokesperson said Israel held Iran directly accountable for the incident.

On Saturday, Netanyahu told Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone that Israel intended to counter Iran's actions, while Putin urged the Israeli leader to avoid any steps that could escalate tensions.

Russia, a strategic ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has maintained close relations with Netanyahu, who has been blaming Iranian paramilitary units in Syria of breaching its sovereignty by carrying out over-the-border attacks over the past six years.

The frequency of Israeli raids has intensified since 2012 when Iranian paramilitary fighters entered Syria following the start of the Syrian civil war.

Israel has never publicly admitted to such attacks, which vary from firing rockets to air raids.

Experts believe that the latest development forced Israel into admitting that it had launched attacks due to the shooting down of its F-16 fighter jet - the first time Israel had lost an aircraft to enemy fire.

"This was a major loss and defeat for Israel, and I don't think that this is something the [Israeli] regime could cover up," Mohammad Marandi, an academic at the University of Tehran, told Al Jazeera.

"The Israelis are using Iran as a scapegoat ... to be able to carry out attacks on regional countries and justify the continued subjugation of the Palestinian people."

Iran's presence in Syria has officially been aimed at combating ISIL, al-Qaeda and its affiliates. Marandi says Israel is supporting these groups on its borders.

'Weakening neighbours'
Israel and Syria have been at the brink of war ever since Israel occupied a part of the strategic Golan Heights that it annexed following the 1967 Six Day War.

The move played a role in Israel's decision to refrain from getting involved in the Syrian conflict.

Its occasional attacks against Syrian targets have been to stop what it describes as the delivery of advanced weaponry to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, whose fighters are present in southern Lebanon.

Marandi says the issue is not Iran and its influence. Rather, it is Israel's attempt at weakening the Syrian
government, which along with Iran, is attempting to push al-Qaeda out of the country.

In 2016, former Mossad director Efraim Halevy revealed to Al Jazeera that Israel maintained "tactical" relations with al-Nusra Front - al-Qaeda's former affiliate in Syria.

"It's always useful […] to deal with your enemies in a humane way," Halevy said, revealing that Israel used to treat wounded fighters from al-Nusra Front.


A new flash point between Israel, Syria and Iran

He also said that he would not support the treatment of wounded Hezbollah fighters because Hezbollah had targeted Israel.

When asked if a war between Hezbollah and Israel is imminent, Marandi said that it would not be in Israel's favour.

However, others believe that Russia - an ally of Syria, Iran, and Israel - is the only party that can limit the possibility of an upcoming regional war.

Following the latest attacks, Israel protested against Iran's presence and growing power in Syria.

"At the beginning, Israel and the US did not object to its [Iran] presence in Syria because back then, the opposition had the upper hand and the Syrian regime was on brink of defeat," Omar Kouch, a Syrian political analyst, told Al Jazeera.

"Up until 2016, when Russia intervened, the balance of power shifted in favour of the Syrian regime," Kouch explained.

"Israel did not want the fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government. Its issue is not with the regime; its issue is with Iran, which threatens its security," he said.

"This is why several Israeli attacks in 2016, 2017, and today in 2018, were carried out."

'Rockets of various kinds'
According to Kouch, Iran knew that such attacks would occur.

"Iran and Syria were prepared, and several rockets of various kinds were fired," he said.

On Saturday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said his country was ready to defend the region and warned that "increasing terrorism … bombing neighbouring countries" would not achieve Israel's objectives.

But a full-frontal war is unlikely at this time, Kouch believes, as Russia is trying to maintain its alliance with Iran and Israel simultaneously.

"These two equations [Iran's influence in the region and Israel's security concerns] are very difficult to balance - both projects are colonialist projects that are hugely conflicted," he said.

WATCH: Syria war escalates: International push for territory (2:06)

"And the presence of the many players make such frictions inevitable."

Last month, Netanyahu met Putin in Moscow to discuss Israeli concerns over Iran's presence in Syria.

"I will discuss with President Putin Iran's relentless efforts to establish a military presence in Syria, which we strongly oppose and are also taking action against," Netanyahu had said.

Ofer Zalzberg, an Israeli analyst with the International Crisis Group, said that Israel would inspect the drone from Saturday's incident and try to "demonstrate that it was indeed Iranian, in spite of Tehran's denials".

Zalzberg also agreed that Russia's alliance with both parties could thwart a potential escalation and perhaps meet each party's demands.

"If anyone can broker a reality in which Israel succeeds in its endeavour to stop Iranian bases from being permanently set up in Syria, and Iran succeeds in keeping Damascus a cooperative partner - it is Russia," he said.

The ongoing border violence is unlikely to stop, experts Al Jazeera spoke to predicted, a fact that puts civilian lives continuously at risk.

"Ultimately, the only losers here are the Syrian people and the Syrian revolution," said Kouch.


Safir jeep??

Is Iran arming YPG fighters in Afrin?
What about their partners SDF in Deir Ezzor and northeast Syria? SDF is playing dirty games with their ally (US).
Soon or Later we will see civil war in civil war in North east Syria (inside SDF forces). American are playing dirty game to revive ISIS there and include them in SDF forces.
Kurds can not tolerate this dirty game of Americans and will fight for their countries against American terrorism.

Normalising Assad's chemical weapon savagery

For tyrants around the world, Assad is reasserting their right to power by the most brutal means.

The illusion of the US in the Obama era as an imperfect world police force was shattered, even by those who bought into the idea in the first place. Evan McMullin, a senior adviser to Congress on national security, tells a chilling story of when he confronted a senior state department official on the lack of US action over Assad's use of chemical weapons.

At the time, regime use of chlorine bombs had first been documented, and McMullin asked the official why the Obama administration wasn't "more forcefully condemning the atrocities". The official's reply was cruel but honest, "We're afraid the media will then ask us what we're going to do about it."
US intelligence now reports that the Assad regime is developing new chemical weapons, almost certainly with Iranian support, while Russia, following the shooting down of one of its war planes in Idlib, seems to have for the first time overtly sanctioned the use of poison gas.

The Trump regime might make tokenistic noises about all this, but there's no indication that either Assad or Russia are deterred.

You can't simply claim to oppose one method of genocide, such as poison gas, while tacitly endorsing the genocide in its totality.

It was the great horrors of imperialism in the 19th and early 20th centuries that provided a zeitgeistal impetus for the rise of European fascism.

One might say there was blood in the air, whether from the British use of concentration camps against Africans and Boers, or the German empire's genocide in Namibia or WWI itself. The past decades had normalised new industrial forms of brutality.

It's no surprise that the Syrian civil war with its internationally accepted brutality should be rumbling away as democracy recedes and authoritarian brutality breaks through once more around the globe. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/comment/2018/2/9/normalising-assads-chemical-weapon-savagery
US National Security Adviser Herbert McMaster met an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the growing tensions. US Defense Secretary James Mattis is also set to meet his Turkish counterpart Nurettin Canikli in Brussels this week.

The US acknowledges that Turkey has legitimate security concerns regarding its southern border, but has urged Ankara to show restraint in its operations against the Daesh guerrillas. About 2,000 American troops are stationed in northern Syria


A footage captured by Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle on February 13, 2018 shows YPG/PKK terrorists dressed in civilian clothes, launching rockets, targeting Turkey's border areas, in Jinderes district of Afrin, Syria on February 13, 2018.

By Mumin Altas

Turkish army drones have captured on film the Daesh terror group’s attacks on Turkey’s border provinces of Hatay and Kilis from western Afrin in Syria.

The footage shows scenes from the suburbs of Jinderes town in Afrin and it clearly shows who the perpetrators of such attacks are.

The Daesh can be seen launching attacks on Turkey from between houses in residential area inside Syria.

Jinderes is one of the places from where the Daesh launches attacks on civilians in Turkey.

Daesh terrorists can also be seen in the footage using civilian disguises in residential area.

Terrorists also use vehicle-mounted cannons to launch their assault.


Following the rocket attacks, terrorists are seen fleeing to nearby houses.

At least seven civilians have been killed and 113 others injured during such attacks.

The drones record every move of the terrorists, including the deployment of a vehicle to target Turkish territory and their arrival at a Daesh terror base.

Another striking detail seen in the footage is how the terrorists burn tires in order to block the view of drones.

Turkish Armed Forces later destroyed the hideouts of terrorists at the base that had been identified by the drones.

Following the rocket attacks, terrorists are seen fleeing to nearby houses.

At least seven civilians have been killed and 113 others injured during such attacks.

The drones record every move of the terrorists, including the deployment of a vehicle to target Turkish territory and their arrival at a Daesh terror base.

Another striking detail seen in the footage is how the terrorists burn tires in order to block the view of drones.

Turkish Armed Forces later destroyed the hideouts of terrorists at the base that had been identified by the drones.


Since the launch of the military operation in Afrin, 98 rockets and howitzers have been fired by Daesh terror group at civilians living within Turkish borders.

Turkey on Jan. 20 launched Operation Olive Branch to remove Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as protect Syrians from terrorist cruelty and oppression.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, the military said.

The military has also said that only terrorist targets are being destroyed and "utmost care" is being taken to avoid harming civilians.

Afrin has been a major hideout for the Daesh since July 2012 when the Assad regime in Syria left the city to the terror group without a fight.


Turkish military, FSA free another village from PYD/PKK
Village of Omar Simo in northwestern Syria cleared of terrorists during Operation Olive Branch


Turkish Firtina (Storm) howitzers, produced with local means, are seen as they continue to help for hittingterrorist members targets by the help of unmanned air vehicles and support to Turkish commandos and armoured forces after being deployed on the border line within the 'Operation Olive Branch' launched in Syria's Afrin, on February 12, 2018 in Kilis, Turkey.

By Levent Tok and Selen Temizer

AZAZ, Syria

Turkish and Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces liberated another northwestern Syrian village from terrorists on Tuesday, according to Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground.

Operation Olive Branch cleared terrorists from the village of Omar Simo in Afrin, Syria.

Including Omar Simo, to date Turkish forces and the FSA have liberated a total of 52 zones, including 34 villages and 14 strategic mountains or hills.

Turkey on Jan. 20 launched Operation Olive Branch to remove Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as protect Syrians from terrorist cruelty and oppression.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey’s rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, the military said.

The military has also said that only terrorist targets are being destroyed and "utmost care" is being taken to avoid harming civilians.

Afrin has been a major hideout since July 2012 when the Assad regime in Syria left the city to the terror group without a fight.


U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis late Sunday acknowledged that some members of the terrorist had shifted to Afrin, Syria amid Turkey’s ongoing operation against terror groups in the border region.

"The distraction of what's going on up in Afrin right now, which is drawing off some of the [SDF] forces, which have got about 50 percent," Mattis told reporters during his flight to Europe, adding that the percentage could be less or more.

As for the reason for the terror group's mobilization to Afrin, he said the terror group believes "their fellow Kurds" in Afrin to be under attack, referring to Turkey's Operation Olive Branch in the northwestern Syrian province to clear elements from there.

The U.S. has long supported the as a “reliable ally” in its fight against Daesh, over the strong objections of Ankara, which had documented that it is the Syrian branch of the terrorist PKK.
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