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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

not my forces, i enjoy them killing wahhabi slaves of zionist and america 8-). Russia reduced its presence, i remember the gulfies cheering over that ! Poorly trained rebels fighting for money and gulfie royal interests was never going to win the war, your brethren needed intervention but your royals had other plans and assumed that USA would do it for them. Millions and millions get real, where are they gonna come from? Where were they for Palestine? Are you packing your bags for syria, buddy? Aleppo fell because half terrorists went to fight kurds for higher pay and now are killing each other for power and not for Allah. These mujahideen happen to be al qaeda :what: and they are dying a dogs death indeed and you can thank the saudi king on my behalf for that. Lol that paranoid sectarian rant shows the volatile nature of a wahhabi. Still waiting for your kings men march into syria, after all this is a cause for Allah :omghaha:
So called poorly trained rebels made Asshead beg Russia and Iran to intervene. To defeat those poorly trained rebel;s Asshead had to kill more thn half a million Syrians by using barrel and chemical bombs.. instead of Syrians moving to Assad's controlled areas they preferred taking dangerous routes and living in refugee camps! You live in UK go ask any Syrian what he thinks about Assad and you will get your answer. Being a f***** cheerleader for Iran and Assad wont change the facts on ground. Do you see any Irani pigs conquering Palestine? You only see them killing helpless Syrians for a brutal dictator and yet twisted sons of dirty cunts like you just support Assad just because your loyalty lies with Khameini pig. yalla f off now Meet me anywhere in Pakistan If you like to talk to me more on this topic.
So called poorly trained rebels made Asshead beg Russia and Iran to intervene. To defeat those poorly trained rebel;s Asshead had to kill more thn half a million Syrians by using barrel and chemical bombs.. instead of Syrians moving to Assad's controlled areas they preferred taking dangerous routes and living in refugee camps! You live in UK go ask any Syrian what he thinks about Assad and you will get your answer. Being a f***** cheerleader for Iran and Assad wont change the facts on ground. Do you see any Irani pigs conquering Palestine? You only see them killing helpless Syrians for a brutal dictator and yet twisted sons of dirty cunts like you just support Assad just because your loyalty lies with Khameini pig. yalla f off now Meet me anywhere in Pakistan If you like to talk to me more on this topic.

We got a big boy in the thread who is too scared to go syria and fight for his coward king...so much for the million and millions o_O. Further proof your kind don't want the syrian war to end. There's many arabs and muslims in UK who support syrian government and honestly you think the government killed half a million and your beloved al qaeda is innocent. People in UK can think for themselves, even the leader of the opposition hates your terrorists. Most civilians live in government controlled areas that's a fact. Facts are wahhabis are getting eradicated on all fronts and you can keep on ranting and there's nothing you or your king can do about it. The thing about saudi wannabes, they deflect any criticism of how pathetic the royal family have been in all of this and try to hide the fact they support al qaeda. Still waiting for the saudi army to save your al qaeda ;)
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Anti-Daesh coalition forces are patrolling the Turkey-Syria border in the wake of Turkey's counter-terrorism operation in Iraq and Syria, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) told Anadolu Agency on Saturday.

"Coalition forces are conducting joint patrols along the northeastern Syria-Turkey border to assess reports from both the SDF and Turkey regarding skirmishes and cross-border fires between their respective security forces," the statement said, referring to U.S.-allied Syrian Democratic Forces.

The purpose is "to discourage escalation and violence between two of our most trusted partners in the fight to defeat" Daesh, the statement said, adding that all parties in the region should remain focused on defeating the terror group.

Forty terrorists were killed at Iraq’s Mt. Sinjar, and another 49 at Syria’s Mt. Karacok in April 25 airstrikes by Turkish forces against the PKK and its Syrian offshoots, PYD and YPG.

The U.S. cooperates with YPG fighters among SDF ranks, which Ankara protests.

The Turkish military said the strikes, of which local governments as well as the U.S. and Russia had been notified, were meant to prevent the PKK from sending terrorists, arms, ammunition, and explosives to Turkey.

Ankara on Wednesday offered condolences to Kurdish Regional Government President Masoud Barzani over the deaths of up to six Peshmerga troops in the airstrikes.

The U.S. expressed concern about the deaths, saying that the operation lacked coordination with the rest of the coalition.


The Turkish military “retaliated” to a rocket attack on a Turkish border post in the province of Şanlıurfa from areas controlled by the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) in Syria on April 28, the army said, killing 11 militants.

This added to an earlier statement, which said 11 border posts had been subjected to 13 attacks from areas controlled by YPG, following military air strikes on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and YPG in Syria and Iraq.

The April 28 statement said the Aksoy border post in the Ceylanpınar district of Şanlıurfa came under rocket fire in the early hours of the day.

The military responded, killing three militants using the rocket launcher and eight others in a vehicle carrying machine guns, according to information it took from local sources.

Seven other militants were killed and another vehicle carrying a machine gun was destroyed in similar retaliation a day earlier, according to the military. The mortar shells hit an army command post in the Akçakale district of Şanlıurfa province on April 27, injuring one soldier lightly.

The military said in an earlier statement that 11 border posts had been subjected to 13 attacks from YPG-controlled areas.

Six of the attacks came on April 27, the military said in a statement the same day, adding that the Turkish forces reciprocated.

The YPG is seen as a terror group by Ankara due to its links to the PKK.

This was the second day in a row in which clashes have been reported across the border after the Turkish Air Force carried out a number of air strikes against PKK targets in Sinjar, Iraq, and Karaçok, Syria. In northeast Syria, strikes targeted the YPG.

“Forty terrorists were killed in northern Iraq, and 30 terrorists were killed in northeastern Syria in an air strike,” the Turkish General Staff said.

Village guard killed in PKK attack in Turkey’s east

Meanwhile, one village guard was killed and three others were wounded in an outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) attack in the eastern province of Van, state-run Anadolu Agency quoted local sources as saying.
The attack was carried out in the Erciş district of Van, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.
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