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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Rumors of Egypt planning to send peacekeeping forces to Syria is very interesting. This could be a huge game changer.
Egypt knows these terrorists won't benefit Syria or the region in the long run
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:15 P.M.) - Egypt will send peacekeeping forces to Syria in the coming days, as they attempt to administer the nationwide ceasefire among their Russian, Iranian, and Turkish diplomatic partners.

Egypt will partake in this diplomatic mission to freeze the bloodshed that is obstructing peace talks in Syria, Al-Arabiya reported on Friday.

In November, the Egyptian Army sent a group of officers to Syria, marking the first time in several years that any Egyptian military personnel have made this journey.

Despite breaking ties with Syria under the now deposed president, Mohammad Morsi, the Egyptian government has actively worked to restore ties with Damascus and end the conflict plaguing the country.


This will free up small number of the syrian army.

Russians vs ISIS
When Iraqi army loses its mind things go wrong for alqaeda and isis terroist I wish thease guys take over Syria . SAA is too kind for thease animals
Syrian Army modified T-72 tanks hold a position during Syrian forces' assault to capture the rebel-held village of Hawsh Nasri, which is located near the rebel-held town of Douma on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus



In 2016 Russia’s UralVagonZavod Corporation doubled its exports of tanks and armored vehicles, Rossiiskaya Gazeta wrote citing the company’s press service.

UralVagonZavod, based in Nizhny Tagil, owes some of these skyrocketing sales to the successful performance of its tanks in Syria.

Meanwhile, the corporation offers ever more advanced weapons, including the T-72BZ, which is a radically modernized version of the T-72 workhorse tank. The T-72BZ boasts a more powerful engine and a state-of-the-art fire control system.



Russia’s legendary GAZ-3308 Sadko truck is winning enthusiastic thumbs-up in Syria with its maintenance-friendly design and great off-road performance.

Used to move around soldiers, weapons and ammunition, the Sadko truck is now being used as a platform for a 57 mm gun and for the rocket-powered mine-clearing system UR-83P.

Photographs of a Sadko truck with a Vulkan multiple rocket launcher mounted on its chassis recently appeared online.


PHOTO: #SAA 4th Armoured Division "Shams" MRLS on BMP-1 & Volcano MRLS.

The Vulkan was developed by Syrian engineers and uses ordnance from other systems, including 122 mm shells fired by Grad multiple rocket launchers.

The Vulkan system, which has a comparatively short effective range of fire, is predominantly used against visible targets, above all terrorist positions. It can also be mounted on a BMP-1 and other types of armored vehicles. The GAZ-3308 Sadko is a 2.5-ton, four-wheel-drive truck developed on the basis of its predecessor – the GAZ-66. It is an excellent off-road vehicle capable of moving fast on rugged terrain – a quality that makes it especially dear to the Syrian military.

Sat Dec 31, 2016 | 7:42pm EST
Two suicide bombers detonated their explosives, killing at least two security officers in the Syrian coastal city of Tartous, Syrian state television reported after midnight on Sunday.

It said the officers were part of a security patrol that stopped the bombers, who then blew themselves up. Others were injured in the blasts, including civilians, state TV said. It gave no further details.

British-based monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said there had been explosions from suicide bombers in Tartous and that at least two people were killed.

Tartous has not been targeted for several months, and has largely escaped the violence that has engulfed other areas of the country.

The city is part of President Bashar al-Assad's coastal heartland.

The incident took place as a fragile Russian and Turkish-backed ceasefire, welcomed by the United Nations, entered its third day with ongoing violations including clashes and air raids.

A series of bombings in May killed scores of people in Tartous and another city on the Mediterranean coast near government-controlled territory that hosts Russian military bases.

Russia supports Assad in the nearly six-year conflict, which has killed more than 300,000 people and made more than 11 million homeless.
So called SAA (Khamenai thugs) is million times worse. 11 million refugees are result of their attacks.
Syrian army should sit back and let all alqaeda animals slaughter Syrian that's what pig like u want +++++ ur opinion doesn't matter u r just in love with all Isis and Alqaeda gangsters and do all kind of dirty work to satisfy make horny gangster happy them u don't even live in Syria . She is Syrian if Syrian army don't intervend she would be starved to death savinv her life is more important than her home house can be rebuilt anytime
poor innocent rebels never possed any artillery any barrel bombs which destroyed any property
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