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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I was talking about number of rebels inside East Aleppo. You can see that by a tiny number of weapons captured by Assad terrorists.

Russia claims have ZERO value. They are lying propagandists.

UN proves Assad regime dropped chemical bombs on civilians


UN investigation finds Bashar al-Assad's regime responsible for third chemical weapons attack in Syria


Actually "several" means more than two.

Its your problem that u can't identify T-90. For instance u cant see Shtora jamers in front of the turret.
Don't believe in un lies . Poor innocent rebels never posses any chemical weapons
I was talking about number of rebels inside East Aleppo. You can see that by a tiny number of weapons captured by Assad terrorists.

Are you serious? So the UN is lying about the number of "rebels" and so are the top FSA respresentatives? Like I said facts and sources mean nothing to you.

There are warehouses full of weapons and ammunition, I'm not sure how that constitutes a "tiny" or how that supports your bogus claim that there was only 3,000 rebels.

There was 10,000 fighters in the city and another 4,000 that attacked on the outskirts of western Aleppo. End of story.

Russia claims have ZERO value. They are lying propagandists.

Yep, Syrian soldiers just gassed themselves and civilians while Russian soldiers just wore gass masks because it was fashionable.

This is just as rediculus as your 'there was only 3,000 fighters in Aleppo conspiracy'.

Its your problem that u can't identify T-90. For instance u cant see Shtora jamers in front of the turret.

No, I can't see shit because the image has no details.

As for shtora, jammers, just because there may be a bulge on the frontal turret does not mean that it is a shtora. This tank must also be a T-90 too right? From far away this tank can be whatever your imagination makes it.

Are you serious? So the UN is lying about the number of "rebels" and so are the top FSA respresentatives? Like I said facts and sources mean nothing to you.

There are warehouses full of weapons and ammunition, I'm not sure how that constitutes a "tiny" or how that supports your bogus claim that there was only 3,000 rebels.

There was 10,000 fighters in the city and another 4,000 that attacked on the outskirts of western Aleppo. End of story.
10,000 were both in East and North West Aleppo at max.

Your friends posted videos of captured weapons in Aleppo: some 20 Mosin Nagant rifles.

Yep, Syrian soldiers just gassed themselves and civilians while Russian soldiers just wore gass masks because it was fashionable.

This is just as rediculus as your 'there was only 3,000 fighters in Aleppo conspiracy'.
According to UN its Assadists who used gas not the rebels. Gas masks they weared just for media show. Just as everything Russia does in Syria is purely for show, just like that joke aircraft carrier was just for show.

No, I can't see shit because the image has no details.

As for shtora, jammers, just because there may be a bulge on the frontal turret does not mean that it is a shtora. This tank must also be a T-90 too right? From far away this tank can be whatever your imagination makes it.
Luna flashlight is only from one side of the turret and its very flat. Shtora is from both sides and its square:

One of Islamic State's top commanders in Syria was probably killed in combat as the jihadists sought to stave off an advance by U.S.-backed Syrian forces towards a strategic dam in northern Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Tuesday.

The commander known as Abu Jandal al-Kuwaiti was killed as Islamic State fighters tried to drive the Syrian Democratic Forces from the village of Jabar captured from the jihadists on Monday, Observatory Director Rami Abdulrahman said.

The Islamic State counter attack, launched overnight, failed. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), including the powerful Kurdish YPG militia, have advanced to within 5 km (3 miles) of the dam, Abdulrahman said.

(Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)
10,000 were both in East and North West Aleppo at max.

Wow, this is the first time you somewhat acknowledged you were wrong. I like how your claim went from "3,000" max to 10,000 max.

And I'm sorry but 10,000 "Rebels" were only trapped inside Aleppo according to both the UN and FSA and a counter attack involving 4,000 fighters to get to those 10,000 took place again according to the FSA.

Your friends posted videos of captured weapons in Aleppo: some 20 Mosin Nagant rifles.

I seen that video, it had pallets of ammunition and weapons and its not the only video where weapons and ammunition were captured from the "moderates".

According to UN its Assadists who used gas not the rebels. Gas masks they weared just for media show. Just as everything Russia does in Syria is purely for show, just like that joke aircraft carrier was just for show.

According to the UN Israel is butthurt and if you want to talk about putting on a show:


When the Israeli "navy" acquires something more then some donated submarines and rubber dinghies and its special forces beat up and restrained then come talk.

Luna flashlight is only from one side of the turret and its very flat. Shtora is from both sides and its square:

View attachment 363611

You think I can't tell the difference? The problem is that the picture you posted is so pixelated and blurry that it's impossible to make out any details on that picture.





This file photo shows an aerial view of Aleppo, including a damaged mosque. — Reuters
AMMAN — Jets stepped up strikes on several towns in Syria’s rebel-held Idlib province and rural Aleppo two days after the evacuation of rebels from their last pocket in the northern city of Aleppo, rebels and residents said on Saturday.

They said at least eight strikes targeted Binish, Saraqeb and Jisr Al-Shaqour — main towns in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib. There were reports of several casualties, mainly among civilians.

Idlib province for months has been a target of heavy bombing campaign against rebel-held areas. It came even while the former eastern part of Aleppo under insurgent control faced an escalation in aerial raids and shelling until its defenses collapsed and the rebels were forced to agree to an evacuation deal.

The Syrian army has hinted the next major campaign after its victory in Aleppo was to rout insurgents in their stronghold of Idlib province, where brigades operating under a coalition known as Jaish Al-Fateh are in control.

Residents and rebels said jets also staged heavy strikes on rebel-held parts of western and southern parts of rural Aleppo for the second day since the last rebels left their remaining pocket of territory in Aleppo city.

They raided the town of Khan Al-Asal, about 14 km (9 miles) west of Aleppo, with cluster bombs while several strikes hit Hreitan and Andan, according to a rebel fighter from Jaish Al-Mujahdeen. The nearby town of Atareb was also hit. Although the Syrian army, with the help of Iranian-backed militias, was able to take full control of Aleppo city, large swathes of western and southern Aleppo countryside remain in rebel hands. — Reuters


Fifteen people, including 13 Daesh terrorists and two Syrian opposition fighters were killed during clashes in Syria’s Al-Bab on Monday, the Turkish military said in a statement Tuesday.

An opposition fighter was also wounded.

According to the Turkish Armed Forces, Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army also hit 158 Daesh targets, including shelters, command-and-control centers and vehicles.

Operation Euphrates Shield began in late August to rid Syria's northern border area of terrorists. Tuesday marks the 126th day of the operation.

In total, 42 landmines and 2,387 improvised explosives have been defused since the start of the operation on Aug. 24.

A lot of myths debunked by some one who has been to Syria & spent time inside the country.

Two Turkish soldiers who were wounded in northern Syria during the ongoing Operation Euphrates Shield succumbed to their injuries on Dec. 27 in Ankara, Doğan News Agency has reported.

The soldiers, who had been wounded in Syria’s al-Bab province and previously transferred to Kilis, succumbed to their wounds at the Gülhane Training and Research Hospital in Ankara.

Meanwhile fifteen people, including 13 Islamic state Iraq and Levant (ISIL) militants and two Free Syrian Army(FSA) fighters were killed during clashes in Syria's Al-Bab on Dec.26, the Turkish military said in a statement on Dec.27. One FSA fighter was also wounded.

According to the Turkish Armed Forces, Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army hit 158 ISIL targets, including shelters, command-and-control centers and vehicles.

In total, 42 landmines and 2,387 improvised explosives have been defused since the start of the operation on Aug. 24.
Major Ivan Gromov, the commander of the mine-clearing group, told the Rossiya 24 television news channel that his group has been discovering Western-made ammunition, from large-caliber rounds for small arms to rocket artillery shells, littered across the city. Heavy rounds and shells include ammunition manufactured in the United States, Germany and Bulgaria, he added.

In a sensational discovery, Gromov's team and local pro-government militia also found brand new, pristine 122 mm mortar shells, hand grenades and grenade launchers, missiles for multiple rocket launch systems and howitzer shells in a rebel hideout. The source of many of these weapons is clearly marked, with some of the ammo boxes featuring stickers marked 'From USA for Mutual Defense'.


Until recently, the US was reluctant to provide militias with anti-aircraft weaponry, fearing that it could end up in the hands of Daesh and other jihadist groups. The restrictions were lifted December 8 by outgoing US President Barack Obama, who stated that arming militants in Syria with US-made weapons is "essential to national security interests."


Reuters / Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Turkish military vehicles drive in al-Rai town, northern Aleppo province, Syria. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi


The Russian embassy in Damascus was shelled twice on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement said the first shell hit the inner yard of the embassy complex at 1 p.m. local time (1000GMT), while the second one landed near the embassy building at 1.19 p.m. local time (1019GMT).

The statement said the shell that landed in the inner yard of the embassy did not explode.

Russian Foreign Ministry called the incident a "provocation of extremists that do not want peace in Syria".

This is not the first time the embassy has been shelled. On Oct. 28, two mortars shells had also hit the embassy compound.
This is pretty funny lol. (If its true)

Anyways, is there a ceasefire being discussed currently in Syria? Not sure why honestly.

ceasefire doesnt include idlib, the last bastion of the rebels

Syrian fsa hardworking gangster doing all jobs Diplomat - Rescuer - journalist - injured - dead - humanitarian - fighte ..writer .r.PUBLIC SPEAKERView attachment 363875
man of many talents...still the gulf will not accept him as a refugee.
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