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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

To be honest, the Syrian incompetent military (backed mostly by massive Russian air support and Iranian troops and mercenaries) finally took Allepo after over 5years of war/fighting also thanks to Turkey .

First off Russia had not bombed targets in Aleppo since October. And if you think Aleppo is easy to take and Syria that incompetent, then how is team NATO doing in Afghanistan after 14 years? If other countries supplied the Taliban with weapons, training and intelligence like the west does in Syria then NATO losses would probably be 10 fold in Afghanistan.

There was a constant supply of fighters, ammunition and weapons coming in from Turkey and other parts of Syria strait into Aleppo, yet when we compare Al-Bab it's like 1/20 the size of Aleppo and has no outside entities flooding the city with fighters, weapons and ammunition, yet in comparison Turkey has lost 16 soldiers in one day and somewhere around 20 armored vehicles were either destroyed, damaged or captured trying to take Al-Bab and they only got to the outskirts which they then were forced to retreat.

So don't compare the two.

That's the irony:agree:. Since Turkey seems to have come to some agreement with Russia after Turkey launched Europhrates shield operation. Turkey called back thousands of FSA Fighters from Alleppo to the north to battle ISIS and carry on the operation they launched in northern Syria.

No they didn't. Those fighters were going to be turned into beef stew. Turkey just recommended that they take the offer from the Syrian side and leave the city.

They were also bussed to Idlib. It's unlikely that anyone of them were involved in Euphrates Shield.

This permitted Syrian army and it's backers to finally break through in Allepo.

Zero truth to that statement. All those "moderates" in Aleppo were in trouble once Castello road was cut off, this cut off much reinforcements and supplies. Then the 'pocket' started to close in the north, after that Al-Quida backed groups launched 2 massive offensives around the 1070 projects in order to break the seige and rescue their jihadists brothers. Those rescue attempts were repulsed and the jihadists cut off, thereafter each district fell at an unprecedented rate.

And like I said Russia did not send a single warplane to Aleppo since October so it had nothing to do with massive Russian bombing or even a bunch of Iranians. It had a lot to do with Russian/Iranian generals and advisers and the fact that Syria used it elite units such as the Tiger forces, Russia probably also used some special forces where resistance was stiff.

This helped the regime alot in capturing Allepo which they had failed to do all these years until Turkey operation in northern Syria.

Euphrates Shield has nothing to do with Aleppo.
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A Turkish soldier being treated for injuries sustained during the ongoing Operation Euphrates Shield succumbed to his wounds Monday, making him a martyr to the Turkish state.

Private Mehmet Unal had been undergoing treatment at Gaziantep University’s Sahinbey Training and Research Hospital after being wounded in Syria on Dec. 19, security sources said.

After forensic procedures Unal was taken to Asri Cemetery, said the security sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on talking to the media.

Following a ceremony at Gaziantep Airport, Unal will be taken to his hometown Yozgat in Turkey’s central Anatolia region.

The Turkish-led Operation Euphrates Shield began in late August to improve security, support coalition forces, and eliminate the terror threat along Turkey’s southern border using Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters backed by Turkish artillery and jets.

Since the launch of Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkish explosive ordnance disposal teams have neutralized 2,261 handmade explosives and 42 mines in areas cleared of Daesh.

Reportinb by Adsiz Gunebakan; Writing by Didar Yüsra Dilruba Öz


At least 30 civilians fleeing Al-Bab in northern Syria were killed by explosives planted by the Daesh terrorist group on Sunday, the Turkish military said Monday.

According to the Turkish Armed Forces’ written statement, a combination of explosives were used in the attack, including mines camouflaged with improvised explosive devices.

At least 400 to 500 iron balls to increase the effectiveness of the explosives were also used, which were then placed near the doorsteps of civilians, it said.

Moreover, Daesh had used RDX-type military grade explosives that are usually used by regular armies around the world, it added.

The terror group reportedly plans to carry out more such attacks on residential areas through such lethal devices.

The Turkish military also said Daesh was threatening civilians and telling them to stay in Al-Bab as it built several barricades on main roads and streets to prevent them from leaving the area.

Last Friday, Daesh shot and executed a civilian, Moustafa Hazzuri, for trying to escape from Al-Bab. Hazzuri's body was then displayed until Sunday night in the town square as a warning to other civilians.

As part of the ongoing Turkey-led Operation Euphrates Shield in northern Syria, 113 Daesh targets were hit on Monday. Several shelters, command and control facilities, weapons and vehicles of the terrorist group were rendered useless in the operation, according to the Turkish army.

Bomb squads also demolished 74 improvised explosives of Daesh on Monday. Since the Operation Euphrates Shield started last August in northern Syria, 2,335 handmade explosives and 42 mines have been destroyed.

Demolishing an explosive takes three to four hours, but sometimes experts spend eight to 12 hours to deactivate more complicated explosives, according to an Anadolu Agency correspondent.

The city of Al-Bab in northern Syria is currently completely surrounded by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) backed by Turkish Armed Forces, according to Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak.

The operation in al-Bab is part of the Turkey-led Operation Euphrates Shield which began in late August to improve security, support coalition forces, and eliminate the terror threat along Turkey’s border using FSA fighters backed by Turkish artillery and jets. Monday marks the 125th day of the Operation Euphrates Shield.
There was about 10,000 fighters not 3,000 and they had everything from tanks to poison gas.
3,000 at most. Poison gas was used by Assadists.

It was a big achievement, look at how many men Turkey has lost trying to take one area on the outskirts of Al-Bab, in fact they had to pull back because ISIS repulsed their advantage.
Assad and his allies wage battle of Aleppo for 4.5 years. Swarms of Khamenai thugs died there, uncounted bombs dropped. More than half of huge city leveled.

:lol: there is almost no fighting in Ukraine for a year besides some sparatic shelling. No one lost over 200 tanks in 2 months.
I am talking about battles in summer 2014 and early 2015.

Yes it's a T-90. No there is no visible damage to the tank. But you claim it's damaged so show us where.
Yep they gave up newest tank to rebels.

Yes, it's a blury picture, no you can't destinguish between the type of tank.
Thats T-90.

So called "Islamic" Iran expelled millions of Muslim kids for sake of corrupt atheist dictator:



Then they will also cluster bomb them.
turks keep sponsoring ISIS with weapons.

Another abandoned Leo2 tanks


Destroyed (judging by the smoke from the turret) american made M60 "sabre". Sabre - is a jewish modernisation of turkish m60 tanks. This is also not the first m60 "sabre" destroyed in Syria. Well, this is what happened if you let the israelis to "modernise" your weapons.
Allah is justice These people were cheering when it fail in isis hands

While it was a mere conspiracy planned and implemented by turks qataris and the filth governor of mosul and the baathist.

Im not gloating or cheering at all actually feeling sad ?? since the loss of life is ours too those handsome men and kidds that martyred by the terrorists are surely considered ours.
Meanwhile back in 2013, 2 very well known western terrorist supporters who wrote books about Syrian war and ISIS discussing how ISIS helped FSA win battle of Menegh airbase and how they should cooperate even more to achieve more gains.

When I say rebels and ISIS are same shit in essence, it's the pure truth.




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Meanwhile back in 2013, 2 very well known western terrorist supporters who wrote books about Syrian war and ISIS discussing how ISIS helped FSA win battle of Menegh airbase and how they should cooperate even more to achieve more gains.

When I say rebels and ISIS are same shit in essence, it's the pure truth.




"Huge amounts of brand new weapons":

1) Several pallets with 7.62x39 ammo (mod 1943).
2) Little amount of Yugoslavian 12.7x108 ammo (mod 1935).
3) Tiny number of Yugoslavian mortars shells.
4) Couple dozen of Mosin Nagant rifles (mod 1882).

All that amount u can easily load into one KAMAZ truck.
"Huge amounts of brand new weapons":

1) Several pallets with 7.62x39 ammo (mod 1943).
2) Little amount of Yugoslavian 12.7x108 ammo (mod 1935).
3) Tiny number of Yugoslavian mortars shells.
4) Couple dozen of Mosin Nagant rifles (mod 1882).

All that amount u can easily load into one KAMAZ truck.

Lol way to nitpick.
3,000 at most.

This is a laughable claim, both the UN and high ranking FSA dirtbags confirmed that there was 10,000 jihadists inside Aleppo and this is not counting the 4,000 that launched a counter attack in western Aleppo to try to break the seige. I was being generous with the 10k number, the actual number was 14,000 counting the counter offensive launched around the Al-Assad neighborhood and sourounding areas.

The 14,000 jihadists that were in Aleppo was only in the last phase before the city was liberated, if you take into account all the jihadists that participated in the battle of Aleppo in the past 5 years it probably exceeded 20,000 because many were killed, surrendered, deserted, were evacuated or moved to different fronts.


There were about 10,000 armed rebels in Aleppo, according to the UN special envoy.


Rashed said the first wave of attacks in the Aleppo offensive would include 4,000 men, and will allow them to link up with around 10,000 rebels inside east Aleppo.

Poison gas was used by Assadists.

Poison gas was used by "rebels", Syrian soldiers and civilians reported being exposed to it and Russia confirmed it as well. Then again there is a video of Russian sappers removing a exploded mortar when toxic gas started coming out of it once they removed it.

I am talking about battles in summer 2014 and early 2015.

You claimed over 200 tanks were destroyed in "several months". Several mean 2 months. This never happened.

Thats T-90.

Sorry to tell you but the image quality in that video is trash. Just because someone on YouTube said it's a T-90 does not make it true. Either post definitive proof or don't post at all.
ptldM3 said:
There was about 10,000 fighters not 3,000 and they had everything from tanks to poison gas. It was a big achievement, look at how many men Turkey has lost trying to take one area on the outskirts of Al-Bab, in fact they had to pull back because ISIS repulsed their advantage

They are skilled fighters who have spent lot of time in war area ,so it's not easy way for extermination like on army simulations..
That is one reason why now Hezbollah has big advantage over the Israeli army.

A U.S. military image of IS fuel trucks in Syria targeted by air strikes earlier in December. | Photo Credit: NYT

Flying at 30,000 feet, the powerful radar aboard this Air Force jet peered deep into Syrian territory, hunting for targets on the ground to strike in the looming offensive to seize Raqqa, the Islamic State’s capital.

It was on a mission like this several weeks ago that analysts discovered a hiding place in the central Syrian desert where the Islamic State was stashing scores of oil tanker trucks that provide the terrorist group with a crucial financial lifeline. Acting on that tip and other intelligence, two dozen U.S. warplanes destroyed 188 of the trucks in the biggest airstrike of the year, eliminating an estimated $2 million in oil revenue for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

Even as the U.S.-led air campaign conducts bombing missions to support Iraqi troops fighting the Islamic State in Mosul, U.S. commanders said the air war would probably play an even greater role in Syria over the coming weeks in the battle to retake Raqqa.

Newly recruited Syrian Arab militia fighters, allied with experienced Kurdish fighters, are encircling Raqqa. But they need allied bombing to weaken and dislodge enemy forces dug in there, and to cut off the ability for the Islamic State to rearm, refuel and reinforce its fighters.

But with few spies in the city, U.S. officials say assessing the enemy is difficult.

“We’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand the situation on the ground in Raqqa,” Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, air war commander, said in an interview from his headquarters in Qatar. “It’s improving. It’s still not at the level we’d like it to be.”

The air operation is a pivotal component of a military campaign that has cost $12.5 million per day in Iraq and Syria. The effort has destroyed hundreds of tanks, artillery pieces, military vehicles, command centers and fighting positions, and killed more than 50,000 fighters, according to U.S. estimates. Since the air war began in late summer 2014, U.S. and allied aircraft have conducted about 17,000 strikes in both countries.

The Islamic State has lost about half of the territory it seized in Iraq and Syria in 2014. But as ISIS loses ground in its physical caliphate, or religious state, the threat of hundreds of foreign fighters returning home and of the expansion of its virtual caliphate through social media is certain to accelerate, U.S. and European officials say. That raises fears of more terrorist attacks in cities outside the Middle East.

For instance, the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for last week’s truck attack on a Christmas market in Berlin even though the links between the group and the main suspect, Anis Amri, a 24-year-old Tunisian, are not completely clear. After Amri’s death, the Islamic State released a video of him pledging allegiance to the group.

President Barack Obama has vowed to deal the Islamic State crippling blows in Mosul and Raqqa before he leaves office. This month, he ordered 200 more U.S. Special Operations forces to Syria to help local fighters advancing on Raqqa, nearly doubling the Pentagon’s boots on the ground there. Commanders are uncertain, however, about the level of support President-elect Donald Trump will maintain for rebel groups in Syria combating the Islamic State.

Allied airstrikes have picked up as Arab and Kurdish fighters have moved closer to the capital, and as commanders seek to pressure Mosul and Raqqa simultaneously. About 30 percent of the 1,300 strikes in and around Raqqa since the war began in 2014 have been conducted in the past three months.

“The pressure in Raqqa is bearing fruit as ISIL leaders come out of hiding, which allows us to kill them,” Brett H. McGurk, Obama’s envoy to the international coalition fighting the Islamic State, said this month.

Tracking the enemy’s ground movements falls largely to the crew of the Joint Stars plane, a 1960s-era, reconfigured Boeing 707 jetliner packed with sensitive electronics that is part of an eclectic and unsung mix of odd-shaped surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft with names like Compass Call and Rivet Joint. These planes suck up some enemy communications, jam others and help paint a picture of the Islamic State on the ground for U.S. fighters and bombers to attack.

Islamic State fighters know from experience that they are being watched and often try to deceive the surveillance planes, hiding in schools or mosques or using camouflage. At one point, analysts said, ISIS even appeared to be trying to smuggle weapons strapped to the bellies of herds of sheep.

“They’re extremely smart,” Master Sgt. Caylon Kimball, 31, an airborne intelligence technician from Anadarko, Oklahoma, said of the militants.

Several weeks ago, as the air campaign intensified against the Islamic State’s oil-production and distribution network, analysts noticed an intriguing development in the central Syrian desert, about 35 miles north of Palmyra.

Comparing months-old radar data from Joint Stars and other surveillance imagery with newer versions, analysts discovered that the Islamic State was moving much of its oil tanker truck fleet to an obscure area of sandy gullies, about 20 miles by 20 miles in size.

“They were trying to hide from us,” Harrigian said. “They were adapting to what we were doing. They were going into the desert and just parking.”

For several more weeks, analysts watched the clandestine desert truck stop grow, wanting to ensure it was the Islamic State trucking fleet. Confident in that assessment, Harrigian ordered an attack plan, code-named Olympus. In two waves of strikes — on Dec. 8 and 9 — about two dozen Air Force and Navy warplanes destroyed 188 of the trucks. Empty truck cabs were struck first to scare off drivers sleeping in their rigs, and Harrigian said it appeared there were no civilian casualties.

Besides wiping out a sizable portion of the Islamic State’s tanker truck fleet and depriving the group of more than $2 million in oil sales, commanders said the strike was also meant to cripple the enemy’s morale.

“There would be a larger strategic message we sent to them: Nice try. We found you,” Harrigian said. “Keep trying to hide, we will hunt you down again.” — New York Times News Service
This is a laughable claim, both the UN and high ranking FSA dirtbags confirmed that there was 10,000 jihadists inside Aleppo and this is not counting the 4,000 that launched a counter attack in western Aleppo to try to break the seige. I was being generous with the 10k number, the actual number was 14,000 counting the counter offensive launched around the Al-Assad neighborhood and sourounding areas.

The 14,000 jihadists that were in Aleppo was only in the last phase before the city was liberated, if you take into account all the jihadists that participated in the battle of Aleppo in the past 5 years it probably exceeded 20,000 because many were killed, surrendered, deserted, were evacuated or moved to different fronts.
I was talking about number of rebels inside East Aleppo. You can see that by a tiny number of weapons captured by Assad terrorists.

Poison gas was used by "rebels", Syrian soldiers and civilians reported being exposed to it and Russia confirmed it as well. Then again there is a video of Russian sappers removing a exploded mortar when toxic gas started coming out of it once they removed it.
Russia claims have ZERO value. They are lying propagandists.

UN proves Assad regime dropped chemical bombs on civilians


UN investigation finds Bashar al-Assad's regime responsible for third chemical weapons attack in Syria


You claimed over 200 tanks were destroyed in "several months". Several mean 2 months. This never happened.
Actually "several" means more than two.

Sorry to tell you but the image quality in that video is trash. Just because someone on YouTube said it's a T-90 does not make it true. Either post definitive proof or don't post at all.
Its your problem that u can't identify T-90. For instance u cant see Shtora jamers in front of the turret.
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