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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Pathetic secterians with propaganda movies, the fact is assad and russian bombed every hospital in allepo. The result is no basic treatment and old women dead. Imagine how many didn't reach the news.

Shouldnt you been be bombing Kurds or training and supplying ISIS with your rogue disfunctional military instead of making baseless claims?

Russia hasn't been flying missions over Aleppo for almost two months.

Russia has been sending mobile hospitals, medics, doctors and medicine and recently your beloved terrorist shelled a mobile Russian hospital killing two people.

The "moderates" were discovered to have been hording warehouses with medical supplies for themselves instead of helping civilians.

Russia, has been sending food and and bomb disposal experts to remove mines and IEDs that your beloved terrorist placed in residential areas.
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Syrian government soldiers gather in Al-Haidariya neighbourhood after government forces took control of the area in Aleppo, Syria December 2, 2016. REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki
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^^^^^ reality all medicines were taken off from hospitals to terroist headquarters so only terroist can get use off medicines Civilians were denied to use any medicnes.White Helmets are only good at making fake videos to gain sympathy

old from iraq...

you are good propaganda boy...:-)

Shouldnt you been be bombing Kurds or training and supplying ISIS with your rogue distinctional military instead of making baseless claims?

Russia hasn't been flying missions over Aleppo for almost two months.

Russia has been sending mobile hospitals, medics, doctors and medicine and recently your beloved terrorist shelled a mobile Russian hospital killing two people.

The "moderates" were discovered to have been hording warehouses with medical supplies for themselves instead of helping civilians.

Russia, has been sending food and and bomb disposal experts to remove mines and IEDs that your beloved terrorist placed in residential areas.

That video is from iraq, go watch video instead talking propaganda:-).
Humanity First
11 hrs

Syrian army discovered huge amounts of toxic chemicals stored in the warehouse of the rebels in Aleppo.

Cristina Rizzi
10 hrs
Brussels now "consents" to Assad remaining head of the Syrian government, but wants a “devolution of power to Syria’s provinces, which would allow for ‘moderate rebel’ forces to be integrated into local security forces.”
The EU is reportedly - http://www.thetimes.co.uk/…/eu-offers-cash-to-assad-regime-… - planning to offer Damascus financial aid in exchange for allowing rebel forces stay in power in some regions of Syria.

The new "proposal" from the EU was voiced by its foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini (an epic IDIOT) at a meeting with opposition leaders two weeks ago, the British newspaper reported. As the Syrian Army scored several victories and is about to take complete control over Aleppo, the EU is looking at securing a “political transition” - a term used by all foreign stakeholders in the Syrian conflict to describe the forming of a new system of governance in the country, under the guise of ending the war.
So whilst European people are under austerity experiencing misery, these bastards are spending to secure moderate rebels into Syria!


#Syria #Aleppo #westernmedia #EU #USagenda #USgreedwars#syrianconflict #USpolitics #EUpolitics #federicamogherini #moderaterebels#lies #mediamanipulation
EU offers cash to Assad regime for Syria peace deal
Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent


December 3 2016, 12:00pm, The Times


The siege of Aleppo has ruined efforts by western powers to end the warGEORGE OURFALIAN/GETTY IMAGES
The EU is offering financial support for a Syria still ruled by President Assad in a last-ditch effort to retain western influence on the outcome of the war, The Times has been told.

As the battle for Aleppo reaches an endgame, EU officials are said to have accepted that previous western demands that Assad step down are unrealistic. There is a growing sense that America has been sidelined as a western negotiating partner.

Instead, the EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, put new proposals to opposition leaders at a meeting two weeks ago, with an offer of aid and investment as a sweetener for all sides.

The proposals were in line with United Nations resolutions calling for a “political transition” in Syria. The United States,…

Kissell Mathew shared Humanity First's video.
1 hr


Humanity First
2 December at 21:05
Proof the mainstream media spreads fake news
. . . .
Syria's war: What went wrong in east Aleppo?
The collapse of the armed opposition in Aleppo has removed the major military threats to regime advancement.

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  • by
    Samer Abboud

    Samer N Abboud is an Assistant Professor of International Studies at Arcadia University, Pennsylvania. His current focus is on Syrian capital flight.

    When the Russian intervention into the Syrian conflict accelerated in mid-2016, many analysts and partisans declared the "Battle of Aleppo" to hold the key to the future of the Syrian conflict.

    Decisive victory one way or another, or the re-establishment of a military stalemate, would dramatically affect the course of the conflict and the possibilities of a political solution, no matter how flawed or unjust.

    As 2016 draws to a close, the Russian-led intervention into Aleppo has led to virtually the entire city falling under the control of regime-aligned forces, begging the question: What next?

    While sound prediction and analysis in this moment is a challenging, if not entirely flawed, exercise, there are certain trajectories that point to what the future may hold.

    READ MORE: Why Syria's Bashar al-Assad is still in power?

    There were no restrictions or limitations to the extent of destruction wrought on Aleppo and the approach of full military force is unlikely to change.

    The strategy has been validated by sustained territorial gains and the collective indifference of most of the world. Most importantly, however, was the decimation of armed groups' capacity and their increasing inability to resist regime-led advances.

    What is emerging then is a new Syrian order, one in which Russian-led forces are able to impose new military and political realities on the conflict.

    Rebel groups have thus suffered from both the decreased patronage of their regional sponsors and the serious material degradations caused by the Russian-led intervention.

    Groups had consolidated in Aleppo and received displaced fighters from other areas, integrating them into their ranks. This meant that the most significant and potentially powerful concentration of armed oppositionists congealed in Eastern Aleppo, including Ahrar al-Sham, Fateh al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra front), Jaysh al-Mujahideen, and key brigades associated with the Free Syrian Army.

    For all intents and purposes, the collapse of the armed opposition in Aleppo has removed the major military threats to regime advancement.

    The strategy employed to bring this about was quite clear: bombard and besiege specific areas; cut off supply routes; intensify attacks against any existing infrastructure; and impose ceasefires and related agreements that forced armed groups out of the areas.


    Aleppo December 4 who controls what [Daylife]
    Slowly, over the past few months, this strategy has put the death knell to any serious opposition's ability to shape the course of the conflict. Having now been validated by the events in Aleppo, the strategy is sure to be exported to other areas now in the sightline of the Russian-led forces, mainly Eastern Ghouta and the Hama countryside.

    While these areas may soon serve as refuges to fighters from Aleppo, these fighters are unlikely to be able to mount any serious military challenge to any further Russian-led advances. Supply routes from both the southern and northern borders have been effectively cut off and there is virtually no hope for any sort of coordination among armed groups' ranks.

    Compounding this reality is the total unwillingness on the part of regime allies to contemplate any political compromise that is not consistent with the regime advances. For example, the UN Security Council attempt to impose a ceasefire on Aleppo was vetoed by Russian and China, while armed groups' calls for a ceasefire and humanitarian corridor were similarly rejected.

    What is emerging then is a new Syrian order, one in which Russian-led forces are able to impose new military and political realities on the conflict. Recent events in Homs portend what this may mean for the future.

    In that city, as in Hama, a series of car bombs and continued low levels of violence have persisted even in the aftermath of the cities' so-called "liberation". This is merely a repackaging of violence and it is not an insignificant development. It does not mean that violence has gone away or that it is not a threat to Syrians who live in these cities. In just this past month, Homs has seen aid and reconstruction money flow into the city to the point where the United Nations has declared that 99 percent of all war debris is cleared from the city centre.

    READ MORE: Syria's future is shaped by Russian designs

    Meanwhile, Russian and regime jets continue to bomb and besiege the countryside around the city.

    This is, unfortunately, the kind of future that the Russian intervention is making possible, one in which violence persists amidst the facade of normality and reconstruction. How else could we explain this dichotomy in which Homs gets labelled as free and safe and international organisations rush in to participate in its reconstruction, while a few miles outside of the city violence persists?

    Inside Story - Who's benefiting from the war industry?
    The post-Aleppo order is thus unlikely to be defined by the same geography and fragmentation of the country into competing areas of control by different groups. Pockets of control may persist, but it seems unlikely that the contraction of territory will be reversed anytime soon.

    With the regime and its allies already unwilling to surrender political concessions, and any sort of external military solution seemingly off the table, we seem to be entering a totally new phase of the conflict in which we need to be serious and pragmatic about what is politically possible moving forward.

    In the meantime, as the conflict map changes, so too will the dynamics of violence and human suffering that are unlikely to be alleviated anytime soon.

    Source: Al Jazeera News
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Palestinian Assad cannon fodder POW captured in Aleppo.

There weer also Iraqis and afghan. So far not a single Syrian was captured as POW. Looks like Syrians only give interviews and looting.
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Reuters / Thursday, December 08, 2016
Rebel fighters carry their weapons as they pose in a rebel-held area of Aleppo, Syria. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail
Don´t have to, i saw that 3 years ago. Go and let your arab friends read the letters...

In other words you have zero proof. Debates work like this, if you have proof you provide it, usually when someone can't provide any proof they are full of crap.

So, like I said post this supposed video.

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