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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


  • Tuesday, November 15, 2016
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    Elder of Ziyon
The occupiers: Hezbollah holds a military parade - in Syria

From Now Lebanon:

In its first-ever military parade on foreign soil, Lebanon’s Hezbollah flaunted a sizeable fleet of heavy weaponry in the Syrian city of Qusayr Friday, according to news reports and photos circulated by social media accounts close to the organization.

Among the arms and vehicles on display were Soviet-made T-72 tanks and KS-12A anti-aircraft cannons; Russian Kornet anti-tank missiles (mounted, in some cases, on quad bikes); dune buggy-mounted machine guns; and off-road motorbikes. Significantly, the parade also featured American-manufactured M113 armored personnel carriers (APCs).

Al Asharq al Awsat notes:

Member of the Syrian Coalition opposition, Michel Kilo told Asharq Al-Awsat that the party’s military parade in Syria proves that “Hezbollah” was not only a force fighting there, but also rather an occupation force. “The presence of Hezbollah in Syria is not an emergency and is not temporary anymore. The party wants to assert that its presence is part of the widespread Iranian presence that covers Syria entirely,” Kilo said.

He's right. A military parade only makes sense for those who claim sovereignty over the area the parade is being held. It is an assertion of power.

Of course, Hezbollah can only do this with Iranian support, and Iran's support comes in no small part because the US has allowed the world to resume pouring money into Iran in exchange for a temporary slowdown in its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Legal scholars seem to have taken both sides on the question of whether the definition of military occupation includes occupation at the invitation of the host government. This parade indicates that the line has been crossed into an actual occupation; Syria's government has turned into a puppet of the forces that it is asking to help it and it can no longer say no even if it wanted to.

The proof? There was no Syrian involvement in the parade. If Hezbollah just wanted to show off how it was helping Syria fight off what they call "terrorists," then why not invite their benevolent hosts?

In addition, locals were not allowed to even view the parade.

Iran and its proxies control Syria, they are not acting on behalf of Syria.

Hezbollah is, of course, a designated terrorist organization. But it is also a foreign occupier as a proxy for Iran, whose goal is to inexorably take over the Middle East - from Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen.

While human rights activists are generally vocal about Syria, it is interesting how silent the human rights community is specifically about this occupation of Syrian territory.
The terrorists weapons factory and underground bunker had been destroyed by Kalibr and Onyx missiles.
The photos from the place on 0:33 sec


By Ellen Francis and Angus McDowall | BEIRUT

Intense air strikes resumed in rebel-held districts of eastern Aleppo after a weeks-long pause on Tuesday, killing at least three people, residents and a war monitor said.

Syrian state television said the Damascus government's air force took part in strikes against "terrorist strongholds" in Aleppo's Old City while Russia said it had struck Islamic State and former Nusra Front sites elsewhere in Syria, without mentioning Aleppo.

The bombardment appeared to mark the end of a pause in strikes on targets inside the city declared by Syria's government and Russia on Oct 18.

"Our houses are shaking from the pressure. Planes are soaring above us and the bombardment is around us," said Modar Shekho, a resident of eastern Aleppo. Both rocket strikes by jets and barrel bombs dropped by helicopters were used, residents and a war monitor said.

The renewed violence in Aleppo will be closely followed in Washington where President-elect Donald Trump has signaled he intends to take a different approach to Syria from that of President Barack Obama, who has backed some rebel groups.

Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose approach in Syria has been praised by the U.S. president-elect, spoke by phone on Monday and agreed to "combine efforts to tackle international terrorism and extremism", the Kremlin said.

Aleppo has become the fiercest front in Syria's five-and-a-half-year war, pitting President Bashar al-Assad, supported by Russia, Iran and Shi'ite militias against Sunni rebels including groups backed by Turkey, the United States and Gulf monarchies.

Damascus describes all the rebels fighting to oust Assad, which include both jihadist factions banned by Western countries and nationalist groups, as terrorists.

Islamic State does not operate in rebel-held areas, including eastern Aleppo, but the former Nusra Front, now known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, does.

Aleppo has for years been divided into government-held western and rebel-held eastern sectors but the Syrian army and its allies managed to isolate and besiege the insurgent districts during the summer. Its allies include Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iraqi Shi'ite militias.


A government offensive to retake eastern districts raged from late September to late October, backed by an intense aerial bombardment that the United Nations said killed hundreds and drew condemnation from western countries and rights groups.

However, after Damascus and Moscow announced their pause in strikes last month, a move they said was to let those who wished to quit besieged areas, rebels launched their own assault that killed dozens of civilians in west Aleppo according to the U.N.

Syria's army and its allies reversed all the gains made by the rebels, who had attacked Aleppo's government-held western fringes from outside the city, and then intensified their bombardment in insurgent-held areas nearby, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, said.

On Monday and early Tuesday, air strikes hit hospitals in three towns and villages in rebel-held areas to the west of Aleppo, putting them all out of action. Damascus and Moscow both deny targeting hospitals.

Other strikes, including some by suspected Russian cruise missiles, hit Saraqeb in Idlib, a province near Aleppo where many of the rebel factions have a large presence.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday Russia had launched attacks in Idlib and Homs provinces using missiles and jets from the country's only aircraft carrier, which recently arrived in the eastern Mediterranean.

"We carried out exhaustive advance research on all targets," said Shoigu. "We are talking about warehouses with ammunition, terrorist training centers ... and factories," said Shoigu, adding the strikes would continue.

Rebels and residents in eastern Aleppo have said for more than a week that they expected a resumption in air strikes and a new assault by the army and its allies after the aircraft carrier arrived near Syria and Moscow said the pause would end.

Strikes hit the Haidariya, Hanano and Sakhour neighborhoods, said civil defense official Ibrahim Abu al-Laith. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the strikes also hit the Sheikh Faris, Bab al-Nairab, Qadi Askar and Qaterji districts.

The Observatory and the Civil Defence rescue organization both reported that three people had been killed and others wounded in the air strikes.

"It's all air strikes and parachute bombs. Today, the bombing is violent... There hasn't been this kind of attack in more than 15 days," said Abu al-Laith in Aleppo.

(Reporting By Ellen Francis; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Janet Lawrence)

A still image taken from a video footage and released by Russia's Defence Ministry on November 15, 2016, shows Russian Bastion coastal missile launchers launching Oniks missiles at an unknown location in Syria. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Handout via REUTERS TV

A still image taken from a video footage and released by Russia's Defence Ministry on November 15, 2016, shows cruise missiles being launched from Russian Admiral Grigorovich frigate deployed off Syria coast. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Handout via REUTERS TV

A still image taken from a drone footage and released by Russia's Defence Ministry on November 15, 2016, shows missiles hitting what Defence Ministry said was militants' ammunition warehouse at an unknown location in Syria. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Handout via REUTERS TV

A still image taken from a video footage and released by Russia's Defence Ministry on November 15, 2016, shows a jet taking off from Russian Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier near the coast of Syria. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Handout via REUTERS TV

A still image taken from a video footage and released by Russia's Defence Ministry on November 15, 2016, shows jets on a deck of Russian Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier near the coast of Syria. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Handout via REUTERS TV

A still image taken from a video footage and released by Russia's Defence Ministry on November 15, 2016, shows cruise missiles being launched from Russian Admiral Grigorovich frigate deployed off Syria coast. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation/Handout via REUTERS TV

Reuters / Monday, November 14, 2016
A Free Syrian army fighter sits on a pick-up truck mounted with a weapon, as the supermoon partly covered by clouds is seen in the background, in the west of the rebel-held town of Dael, in Deraa Governorate, Syria. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Faqir

The terrorists weapons factory and underground bunker had been destroyed by Kalibr and Onyx missiles.
The photos from the place on 0:33 sec


This empty place was bombed 1 year ago:

4 cruise missiles attack empty barracks, 3 miss:

Another day, more perpetual conflict, and more people gloating over that state, and nobody seeking any relief for the people. Humans can be horrible. :smokin:
Interfax news
November 15, 2016
Russian Armed Forces naval group in Syria reliably protected, including by Bastion systems - Shoigu (Part 3)

15:03 15.11.2016(updated 17:15 15.11.2016) Get short URL

The Russian naval group in Syria is protected by the Bastion coastal defense system, S-300, S-400 and Pantsir systems, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Tuesday.

"As you know, S-400 system had been deployed [in Syria] a long time ago. In addition, we have deployed the S-300 system to cover the sea, practically reaching the territory of Cyprus,"

Shoigu said at Russian President Vladimir Putin's meeting with the ministry’s leadership and defense enterprises. Moreover, Bastion coastal systems which virtually cover the entire coast are deployed, he said.

"These complexes are able to destroy both sea and ground targets at a distance of 350 kilometers of the sea and almost 450 kilometers of land," Shoigu said.

He also confirmed that the Russian naval group in Syria is defended by the Bastion, moreover the Russian bases in Syria are now secure from low-flying targets.

"Pantsir systems are supplied there because of that. In addition, over the past four months the Syrian S-200 systems have been restored, which cover the Syrian territory from the east among other things and support the protection of our bases in Tartus and Hmeymim from the air."

The Russian president ordered to protect the Russian Armed Forces in Syria from the air and sea. In October, the Russian Defense Ministry said that a S-300 system was sent to Syria to ensure the safety of the Russian naval base in Tartus.

According to media reports, the system deployed in Syria is S-300V4 — NATO designation SA-23 Gladiator — that is capable of striking tactical and strategic aircraft, medium-range ballistic missiles, tactical missiles as well as cruise missiles. *An earlier version of this article inaccurately reflected the number of S-300 systems deployed in Syria

Assad aka Khamenai terrrosist burn people alive in Waer suburb of Hims:


Rebel fighters were evactuated, yet Assad Khamenai still decided to slaughter them just for fun.

More random bombing of Aleppo city full of civilians by Assad aka Khamenai terrorists:

Some rebels left Al Waer, but the district is not under goverment control

Some sources indicated, they carried some actions, against public safety in Homs, very recently. Goverment decided, to teach them a lesson. There were more then one evacuation from Al Waer, but they are fond of being a smartasses

Burn them until they come to some senses
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-backed Kurdish-Arab alliance, sit on the back of a pick-up truck in the village of Abu al-Ilaj, near the Syrian town of Ain Issa, some 50 kilometres north of Raqa. File photo

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