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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

haven't been keeping up with this lately, how long before Aleppo falls ?

Hard to say, this city has come close to falling several times. If this actually falls that will be a major victory for Syria for propaganda and a big morale boost but the war will go on
Nope. Israel militray is too advanced and one of the best trained

Israel uses modern aircrafts with modern guided weapons. Either Israel was randomly bombing buildings in Gaza or intionally attacking UN sites.
No UN site was destroyed. All attacks mentioned are just nearby attacks. Palestinian militants all the time operate near and even inside UN sites.

Syria uses old cold war era bombers with old unguided bombs
Lack of guided weapons does not justify indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas. Thats war crime.
FSA Colonel Zaidan Nesariat was tortured to death by other FSA terrorists because he tried to reach a peaceful settlement with gov forces in a town in Deraa.



So they don't want a peaceful settlement, they love to be forced to submission or have a bullet in their forehead. I prefer the latter. Savages need bullets in the end.
First Published: Friday, October 14, 2016 - 03:11

Amman: At least 20 people, mostly Syrian rebel fighters, were killed after a car bomb exploded on Thursday near a checkpoint close to the Bab al Salam crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in northern Syria, two witnesses said.

They said the blast took place near a checkpoint manned by a group of Free Syrian Army`s (FSA) Jabhat al Shamiya close to a car depot nearly two km (one mile )away from the border crossing, a major conduit for traffic between northern Syria into Turkey.

The Bab al Salam crossing is close to the city of Azaz, a major stronghold of Turkish-backed moderate Syrian rebel fighters involved in a major operation to the east against Islamic State militants` remaining presence along the border.

I know. But then again so what? They are ready to spend the necessary amount and gain influence across the region. :-)
The purpose of the state is to bring prosperity to its citizens. What profit Iranian people have from its regime adventures? - NOTHING. They spend billions upon billions on terrorists in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq ,Yemen, Palestine and in return they got nothing but sanctions. Meanwhile tens of millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty.
Daily kids slaughter to keep a corrupt dictator in power:



Filaq Alsham targeted bunch of communist Russian soldiers and killed 6 of them in Hamah.

I guess when you live in a country where Isis style laws of beheading innocent people, subjugating minorities and forcing women to wear bedsheets over there bodies you would also be ignorant enough to refer to Russians as communists.

Russia has lost about 20 soldiers, if ever time the terrorists claims were true about killing Russians there would be 10 million dead Russian soldiers.

Khamenai/Putin terrorists use incendiary cluster bombs in Aleppo city:

Spare the crocodile tears. Funny how when Israel uses white phosphorous in populated areas you justify it. Before when someone posted this photo you said something similar to:

' there is no any fire look at the man and look at the van' :lol:

The man and van is not buring because they got lucky but you tried to convince everyone that Israel has some magical voodo "smoke" canisters that although they burn at 5000 degrees they somehow don't hurt people.



Look it's just a smoke screen right? There is a lot of graphic images of victims with severe burns from Israeli "smoke".
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' there is no any fire look at the man and look at the van' :lol:

The man and van is not buring because they got lucky but you tried to convince everyone that Israel has some magical voodo "smoke" canisters that although they burn at 5000 degrees they somehow don't hurt people.
1) M825 used by Israel dont burn 5000 degrees nothing even near, they contain felt wedges designed to stay in the air for long time and create smoke.
2) M825 are smoke and nothing else.
3) The guy and the ambulance who stood i the middle of M825 attack are unharmed.
4) Your graphic pics have nothing to do with M825.


RBK-500 ZAB-2,5 used by Russia contain 300 small bombs, each filled with thermite designed to create fires and burn through metal + shrapnel designed to kill everyone around.


1) M825 used by Israel dont burn 5000 degrees nothing even near,


The M825 contains white phosphorus and white phosphorous does burn at 5000 degrees:

The WP filler burns for about 60 seconds at a temperature of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This intense heat causes the smoke produced by the grenade to rise quite rapidly, especially in cool climates.

they contain felt wedges designed to stay in the air for long time and create smoke.
2) M825 are smoke and nothing else.

You are BSing through your teeth.


The M825A1 White Phosphorus shell deploys 116 WP impregnated felt wedges that provide screening for about 5-10 minutes over a 125-250 meter area

Those felt wedges contain white phosphorous but please continue....

3) The guy and the ambulance who stood i the middle of M825 attack are unharmed.

Are f-Ing serious?

He did not get burned because he did not get hit with anything. Your argument is beyond moronic, it's like saying, look, that fire next to me can not burn me or harm anyone. Of course if you stick your hand in the fire it will burn you. :lol:

There are plenty of pictures of people burned by Israeli white phosphorous.
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The M825 contains white phosphorus and white phosphorous does burn at 5000 degrees:

The WP filler burns for about 60 seconds at a temperature of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This intense heat causes the smoke produced by the grenade to rise quite rapidly, especially in cool climates.
First of all u did not mention first its Farenheit. Secondly burning temperature depends a lot on conditions of burning. You are quoting M15 grenade which contains WP in closed space, while M825 has saturated felt wedges.

You are BSing through your teeth.


The M825A1 White Phosphorus shell deploys 116 WP impregnated felt wedges that provide screening for about 5-10 minutes over a 125-250 meter area
And how your bold contradicts my words? You have serious reading comprehension problems. Here is the quote from the link:

"The M825 is a 155mm Smoke projectile used to provide screening or marking smoke."

This shell designed only for screening and marking. It has no any other function, not even secondary. Israel used these shells close to its own troops to cover them.

RBK-500 ZAB 2,5 on the other hand is bomb which is specially designed to burn and maim.

Are f-Ing serious?

He did not get burned because he did not get hit with anything. Your argument is beyond moronic, it's like saying, look, that fire next to me can not burn me or harm anyone. Of course if you stick your hand in the fire it will burn you. :lol:

There are plenty of pictures of people burned by Israeli white phosphorous.
All are fake. There are many people with burns, injuries and skin disease.
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