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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Shame, such a beautiful country destroyed. It will take decades for Syria to rebuild to even achieve a semblance of what it looked like. I hope the Jihadis are happy with their new found freedom under the likes of ISIS and Al Nusra. Such a beautiful country destroyed.


In other news, ISIS celebrates Eid in Syria by slaughtering 19 Syrians like sheep. Warning, its very graphic.

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These Syrians killed many Ottomans, I am glad to see them suffer today.
These Syrians killed many Ottomans, I am glad to see them suffer today.

It seems Allah punished you turks as well with the countless terrorist attacks in turkey. Perhaps punishment for supporting ISIS in the past till they bite you in the face and now are continuing supporting more terrorists i.e FSA.
Shame, such a beautiful country destroyed. It will take decades for Syria to rebuild to even achieve a semblance of what it looked like. I hope the Jihadis are happy with their new found freedom under the likes of ISIS and Al Nusra. Such a beautiful country destroyed.


In other news, ISIS celebrates Eid in Syria by slaughtering 19 Syrians like sheep. Warning, its very graphic.

Syria is destroyed by Assad and his allies.

Daraya in 2011:

Daraya today:


Assad or we will burn the country. Moto of Assadists:

Syria is destroyed by Assad and his allies.


Destroyed by your terrorists buddies such as ISIS. Irony is a zionist is talking about destruction when you have actively occupied Palestine for years and committed genocide. No one is a bigger terrorist than your apartheid state.

Don't you have Palestinian organs to be harvesting?

Burn in hell you Shia.

@Irfan Baloch Takfiri terrorist alert bro.
Destroyed by your terrorists buddies such as ISIS.
There were no any ISIS in Daraya. It was barrel bombed by ur scum.

Irony is a zionist is talking about destruction when you have actively occupied Palestine for years and committed genocide. No one is a bigger terrorist than your apartheid state.
Irony that Palestinian population is growing faster than Iranian. While Syria is being murdered and ethnically cleansed.
There were no any ISIS in Daraya. It was barrel bombed by ur scum.

ISIS/FSA/Al nusra are all terrorists like your zionists. No difference. Killing terrorists is a must.

Irony that Palestinian population is growing faster than Iranian. While Syria is being murdered and ethnically cleansed.

Their population is growing and yet their lands are shrinking. :lol:
Your fake apartheid state is based on occupying lands. Whether their population reaches 1 billion, it will not change that fact.

Iranian Kurds are terrorist, this is in your soul. why deny it my friend? We are being punished for letting you disgusting people into our HOMELANDS, that we built.
Look at you, calling me a MONGOL. I bet you look more mongolic than I do. HAHA
Do you not like Mongoloids now huh Sand monkey??? :)

@waz Calling a race of people terrorists.
Iranians you are terrorists like your Kurdish cousins. You have no right to talk. LOL

whatever you say suicide troll. My turk friend, no one is more of a terrorists than those FSA you support and the ISIS you did (and may still) support.
ISIS/FSA/Al nusra are all terrorists like your zionists. No difference. Killing terrorists is a must.

Their population is growing and yet their lands are shrinking. :lol:
On contrary. Israel is first state in history that gave wide autonomy to Palestinians. They never had it before.

Your fake apartheid state is based on occupying lands. Whether their population reaches 1 billion, it will not change that fact.
My state supported you when you were attacked by Saddam and saved many thousands lives to ur people.

In same time Palestinians u love so much supported Saddam:



On contrary. Israel is first state in history that gave wide autonomy to Palestinians. They never had it before.

So you occupy their territory and then grant them autonomy. :lol:
Your fake state is just base purely on occupying their lands:


And you continue to steal more:

Israel’s West Bank land grabs biggest in decades

My state supported you when you were attacked by Saddam and saved many thousands lives to ur people.

In same time Palestinians u love so much supported Saddam:

So basically, here's the gist of this hasbara's comment. They supported Saddam so don't mention our occupation and the fact we are an apartheid state. :rofl:

It does not matter of some Palestinians fought for Saddam or if they all did. It does not change the fact you are an apartheid state based on occupation of Palestinian land and genocide.
So you occupy their territory and then grant them autonomy. :lol:
Your fake state is just base purely on occupying their lands:


And you continue to steal more:

Israel’s West Bank land grabs biggest in decades

So basically, here's the gist of this hasbara's comment. They supported Saddam so don't mention our occupation and the fact we are an apartheid state. :rofl:

It does not matter of some Palestinians fought for Saddam or if they all did. It does not change the fact you are an apartheid state based on occupation of Palestinian land and genocide.

Says the "American" . Why are you ashamed to show your Iranian flag???
Says the "American" . Why are you ashamed to show your Iranian flag???

So an ethnic Iranian cannot be born in the US :crazy:
None is hiding any flag. My avatar makes it more than clear I am of Iranian decent.

Anyway, keep blabbering till you get banned.
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