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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Nazi style...
oy vey, you just invoked Godwin's law.. o_O

let's just agree to disagree.

Aleppo now is a really pivotal battle, I hope the SAA can retake it from the jihadis and deliver a crippling blow to the islamist crazies.
The Rebels seems to be literally wasting commanders, i lost count how many have been killed in last 4 days...
Again, you are not using words the way words mean. Humanitarian convey indicates a truck that has specifically a humanitarian aide project. There are many things that are non-weapon that does not count as humanitarian aid. It might even be a truck full of medicines, but used purely for rebels during battles and treat their sick. Or it could be a truck full of food but ordered by a business man who controls the food market. It could be material used for building, but used mainly to dig tunnels. It could be drones, cell phones, tablets, telecommunication devices, power generations, etc.

Or it could be red cross's humanitarian convey. But unless there is evidence for any of them, why lie?
I am not want ti enter semantics game with u. It was a peaceful convoy which carried goods for people in terrible need. Those who attack such convoys are terrorists and genociders. You are trying to defend this shameful crime and thats sick.

why are you so worried about sunnis of syria when israel itself is killing Sunnis in Palestine what a hypocrisy . ONTOP of that we know Syria was a peaceful country until wahhabi gangs were brought by Saudi America Israel from all over the world in Syria they thought just like they overthrew qaddafi they will now overthrow ASSAD and weaken Iran Obama's ultimate goal was Iran by ousting ASSAD and then trying to dictate terms to Iran regarding nuclear program that was the main goal of America but sadly America failed and it's puppet dogs .
I'll bring u one example. Even when Gaza fired dozens or rockets at Israeli towns per day, Israel still sent over a hundred trucks with food medicines fuel and other supplies into Gaza EACH DAY.

On the other hand rebel Daraya does not fire any rockets, yet Assad allowed only one small aid convoy in 5 years! And even then he removed most of the goods leaving mainly mosquito nets.

See the difference?

Syrian Army started a Massive Offensive in Latakia....

Every day Assadists destroy more tanks than rebels ever had there.
Phase 5 of fSA terrorist gangster offensive.
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But what does it mean? Does it mean it's a Saudi civilian wearing an emblem? Is it donated shirts with an emblem?
Can be anything even sa military officer who knows I would think everything is possible because of sa
Jaish al-Fath pigs had named the '4th phase' of their offensive (which failed miserably, again) as 'Martyr Ibrahim Yousef'.

But who was 'Ibrahim Yousef'?

He was a Muslim Brotherhood member in Syrian army who plotted and conducted execution of unarmed Alawite cadets in Aleppo artillery school in 1979 with his accomplices, in which they killed between 60-80 unarmed cadets for sole reason of being Alawites.

The massacre occurred on June 16, 1979, in the Ramouseh district of the city of Aleppo, Syria. An officer on duty, Ibrahim el-Youssef, and members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood calling themselves the Fighting Vanguard (Attali’a el-Moukatillah) and led by `Adnan `Uqla, massacred between 50 and 83Alawi cadets in the Aleppo Artillery School.[1][2][3] The duty officer in charge of the school called Alawite cadets to an urgent morning meeting in the mess hall of the school; when they arrived, he and his accomplices opened fire on the unarmed cadets with automatic weapons and grenades.

Yes, a pig who lived 4 decades ago is the symbol and hero of today's pigs aka Nusra/Ahrar al-Sham/Jaish al-Islam/Faylaq al-Sham/FSA, etc.

A Nusra member said in beginning of operation that we are going to do the same thing 'Ibrahim Yousef' did 37 years ago, separating Alawis and kill them all and drink their blood.

The morale of the story? U.S, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey actively support these animals who don't have even slighest difference with ISIS in ideology, and are even worse in many cases.
Jaish al-Fath pigs had named the '4th phase' of their offensive (which failed miserably, again) as 'Martyr Ibrahim Yousef'.

But who was 'Ibrahim Yousef'?

He was a Muslim Brotherhood member in Syrian army who plotted and conducted execution of unarmed Alawite cadets in Aleppo artillery school in 1979 with his accomplices, in which they killed between 60-80 unarmed cadets for sole reason of being Alawites.

Yes, a pig who lived 4 decades ago is the symbol and hero of today's pigs aka Nusra/Ahrar al-Sham/Jaish al-Islam/Faylaq al-Sham/FSA, etc.

A Nusra member said in beginning of operation that we are going to do the same thing 'Ibrahim Yousef' did 37 years ago, separating Alawis and kill them all and drink their blood.

The morale of the story? U.S, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey actively support these animals who don't have even slighest difference with ISIS in ideology, and are even worse in many cases.

@500 denying incoming.

"Armed alewite cadets killed poor unarmed Ibrahim Yousef, an innocent civilian, his family was gased."
Jaish al-Fath pigs had named the '4th phase' of their offensive (which failed miserably, again) as 'Martyr Ibrahim Yousef'.

But who was 'Ibrahim Yousef'?

He was a Muslim Brotherhood member in Syrian army who plotted and conducted execution of unarmed Alawite cadets in Aleppo artillery school in 1979 with his accomplices, in which they killed between 60-80 unarmed cadets for sole reason of being Alawites.

Yes, a pig who lived 4 decades ago is the symbol and hero of today's pigs aka Nusra/Ahrar al-Sham/Jaish al-Islam/Faylaq al-Sham/FSA, etc.

A Nusra member said in beginning of operation that we are going to do the same thing 'Ibrahim Yousef' did 37 years ago, separating Alawis and kill them all and drink their blood.

The morale of the story? U.S, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey actively support these animals who don't have even slighest difference with ISIS in ideology, and are even worse in many cases.

You forgot to mention that he was punished and transferred to lower position in Aleppo artillery school because the Alawite army caught him praying in break time, when they asked him in the army court why he was praying he said some generals drink Alcohol in the break time but I prefer to pray, they didn't like any Sunni to be in the army and Ibrahim noticed that all promotions are giving for those who are Alawite. Since 1979 to 1991 no Sunni was allowed to serve in the army because of that incident.

Russian terrorists must have messed up vodka, they showed one of Assadist terrorist on RT as a FSA member who got caught by Assadist, but ANNA showed him as an Assadist trying to retake 1070 apt.


Media 101: cover the whole damn head, don't forget the beard.
You forgot to mention that he was punished and transferred to lower position in Aleppo artillery school because the Alawite army caught him praying in break time, when they asked him in the army court why he was praying he said some generals drink Alcohol in the break time but I prefer to pray, they didn't like any Sunni to be in the army and Ibrahim noticed that all promotions are giving for those who are Alawite. Since 1979 to 1991 no Sunni was allowed to serve in the army because of that incident.

Russian terrorists must have messed up vodka, they showed one of Assadist terrorist on RT as a FSA member who got caught by Assadist, but ANNA showed him as an Assadist trying to retake 1070 apt.


Media 101: cover the whole damn head, don't forget the beard.
BS story... Nice try however...

And regarding the picture you fail, notice the beard, specifically the center and you can see they are different persons.. RIGHT WHERE YOUR ARROW IS POINTING!
unarmed cadets

Yet hundreds of times more ppl die in syria just because they are not alawi.. And still you ppl don't blame the monster wich causes this..

Its like brainwashed nazi kids of germany or like north korean communist crying for Kim.. Some ppl only see their own personal view.. If you are told that Everytime something bad unrighteous happened to you and that this always happened than you will get a special point of view.. Wich nobody can change
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