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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Swarms of Khamenai terrorists are sent to Aleppo. Since Syrians dont want to fight for retarded dictator Assad.

Swarms of Khamenai terrorists are sent to Aleppo. Since Syrians dont want to fight for retarded dictator Assad.


Meanwhile 500 Uyghur terrorists are participating in battle, while hundreds of foreigners are fighting in ranks of Nusra rodents, while absolute majority of Aleppo defenders are SAA soldiers, mostly from the city itself.
Well, now you can see who stands where ,yesterday news sources was getting crazy. It was almost like opposition offensive will succeed but now we can see. :pop:
yep, the mood on twitter for the pro jihadists has soured quite visibly. :)
Apparently, 250 just for those belonging to Jaish Fateh & Fateh Halab. Some are claiming that total militant deaths might be 500, or even as high as 1000.

Given how aggressive the battles has been these last few days, I wouldn't be surprised at any high number. This last week has had more intense action than any moment during last 4 years. Both sides are pouring everything in. All the opposition are fighting as one group (including ISIS), which is unprecedented. If, IF, the SAA succeeds in the Battle for Aleppo, the militants will face a drastic setback, which I think they might not be easily able to recover. They are going all in.

Detailed map of the situation,

Considering the loss of men, materials , leadership and equipment and resources invested by the Jihadis, if they fail here which it very much looks like it will. Then the Offensive capabilities of the Rebels would have been deteriorated to a considerable extent for them to not be able to start any large scale offensive in the near future...
Another humanitarian convoy destroyed by Russian terrorists:

This moron is peddling a lost cause, there is no 'epic battle' taking place, like the kind of religious terminology he gives it. They are going to lose the battle, the 'revolution' is done and over and failed. Might as well surrender arms, and gain amnesty from the government. He's calling people to death, for whatever foreign state agenda he has, that is very obvious ....

It's been a failed revolution for years, 2013 was the last year for any 'hope' by the opposition but people don't want to accept that. Even the US has dropped the opposition, now they support the NSA which is a small group heavily dependent on US support but they're a minor asset just used to pressure IS and keep the SAA busy. It's the Kurds who the US bets on in Syria and they're exploiting both Syrian sides to grab land, US special forces are even embedded with them, that goes beyond the help the ISF receives in Iraq. That only leaves Islamist terrorist Erdogan to support Nusra and other groups in Northern Syria which clearly won't triumph over the SAA either.

Doesn't look like much will change, we'll have to wait and see what the next US president will be like. In the end Syria will need heavy US or Russian presence to deter neighboring terrorist states. Every neighbor in the middle east is your worst enemy especially when you're in a weak vulnerable state after war. I'm sure people know what examples to take.
How do you know thats a humanitarian convey?
U can see that firefighters come at blank range to convoy in fire. If there was ammo it would be dangerous to approach from 100 m.


What Russians are doing here is worse than terror, its actually a genocide, because they are trying to starve and cut medicine supplies to millions of people.
U can see that firefighters come at blank range to convoy in fire. If there was ammo it would be dangerous to approach from 100 m.


What Russians are doing here is worse than terror, its actually a genocide, because they are trying to starve and cut medicine supplies to millions of people.

You think there are only two items trucks carry? Either weapons or humanitarian aid?

The trucks can be anything. If it was humanitarian aid, where was it coming from ? Which aid? Where was it going?
You think there are only two items trucks carry? Either weapons or humanitarian aid?
Indeed. There is no time for luxury things in Syria now. People in rebel parts of Syria live in extreme poverty and misery every convoy is crucial for survival. Those who attack them are worse than terrorists they are genociders.
Indeed. There is no time for luxury things in Syria now. People in rebel parts of Syria live in extreme poverty and misery every convoy is crucial for survival. Those who attack them are worse than terrorists they are genociders.

So like your every other post, you have no proof for the things you say.

Typical. Why aren't you banned?

According to terroist who use civilians as shields they were transferring injured puppies out of city in this convoy lol

That's all their claims. You'd think they have been fighting the war for the past 4 years by throwing medicine and food at the SAA, since that's all they seem to have.

You really made this war your daily entertainment, sick isn't it?

It's started to become really weird. I honestly cant think of any other reason than it being an actual job.
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