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Syria: Tremseh killings targeted rebels, UN says

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
BBC News - Syria: Tremseh killings targeted rebels, UN says

The government attack on the Syrian village of Tremseh mainly targeted the homes of rebels and activists, the UN mission in the country has said.

It said heavy weaponry including artillery and mortars were used.

A UN spokeswoman issued a statement after inspectors visited the scene of Thursday's attack, in which at least 200 people are said to have died.

The BBC's Jim Muir says the initial findings seem to contradict earlier reports of a massacre of civilians.

Instead, the inspectors' preliminary findings are more in line with the government's claims that it was attacking what it calls "nests of terrorists" or rebel hideouts, our correspondent says.
The U.N. to Syrian opposition: "You are on your own however; we will condemn the killing of your wife and children in the strongest possible terms."
Sadly some civilians died but mostly rebels soldiers was killed it was an operation so no need to jump to conclusion

Syria Army was targeting rebels
The U.N. to Syrian opposition: "You are on your own however; we will condemn the killing of your wife and children in the strongest possible terms."

Are you supporting al qaeda terrorists? shame on you.

BBC News - Syria: Tremseh killings targeted rebels, UN says

The government attack on the Syrian village of Tremseh mainly targeted the homes of rebels and activists, the UN mission in the country has said.

It said heavy weaponry including artillery and mortars were used.

A UN spokeswoman issued a statement after inspectors visited the scene of Thursday's attack, in which at least 200 people are said to have died.

The BBC's Jim Muir says the initial findings seem to contradict earlier reports of a massacre of civilians.

Instead, the inspectors' preliminary findings are more in line with the government's claims that it was attacking what it calls "nests of terrorists" or rebel hideouts, our correspondent says.

BBC is propaganda man.They call terrorists ,activists. They help in cover up of Libor scandal.
Annan condemns Syria massacre, says Assad forces have used heavy weaponry


International mediator Kofi Annan said on Friday that Syrian forces had used heavy weaponry against the village of Tremsa site of a massacre in the rebellious Hama region, in violation of its commitments to his peace plan.

In a statement condemning the “atrocities,” Annan voiced shock at the “intense fighting, significant casualties, and the confirmed use of heavy weaponry such as artillery, tanks and helicopters.”

Meanwhile, U.N. observers in Syria are ready to go to the central village of Treimsa, site of a reported massacre of more than 150 people, if a ceasefire is in place, mission chief Major General Robert Mood said on Friday.

“UNSMIS stands ready to go in and seek verification of facts if and when there is a credible ceasefire,” Mood, the head of the U.N. Supervision Mission in Syria, told a news conference in Damascus.
Annan condemns Syria massacre, says Assad forces have used heavy weaponry

Syrian mosques: from places of worship to morgues


With the harrowing rise in the number of Syrians civilians being killed at the hands of the regime, bodies found on the streets find temporary sanctuary in the mosques of Syria which have now turned from places of worship to morgues.

In the village of al-Tremsa, which had witnessed a horrid massacre that took the lives of more than 200 Syrians, dozens of bodies were lined up in the main mosque waiting to be identified by families.

A video clip posted on the Internet featured the blood-soaked bodies of 15 youth wearing jeans and t-shirts; there were no women or children in the clip.

In another clip, shrouded bodies still leak blood and a man uncovers a burned body. A few men then began to bury the bodies in a tunnel.

Men stood with stunned expressions and women wailed as the bodies were prepared for burial as several children felt their way between the bodies that filled the place.

The Hama Revolutionary Council said the attack on the predominantly Sunni al-Tremsa was an attempt at ethnic cleansing on the part of the regime especially since the village and all the roads leading to it had been besieged by army barricades for six months.

The Council added that Tremsa is surrounded by six Alawite villages and that regime thugs who carried out the massacre came from there.

According to a report on the massacre, 200 tanks and armored vehicles besieged al-Tremsa in the morning and five helicopters were seen hovering above the village at the start of the attack.

When the attack started, the report added, opposition militants from neighboring areas hurried to defend the village and engaged in a battle that lasted for seven hours. When the fighting stopped, at least 150 bodies were found in the rubble, the surrounding fields, and al-Asi River.

The report said that 40 people were executed without trial, 30 bodies were burned until it was almost impossible to identify them, and members of three families were tortured to death.

According to an Al Arabiya correspondent in Syria, international observers arrived in Tremsa two days after activists announced the death of 220 people following an attack by regime thugs and simultaneous strikes by military helicopters.

Observers arrived to carry out investigations on the massacre and evaluate its aftermath after the U.N. was notified of a ceasefire in Tremsa. The delegation comprises both civilian and military experts, according to delegation spokesperson in Damascus Suzanne Ghouseh.
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