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Syria opposition leader praises Benjamin Netanyahu

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Syria opposition leader praises Benjamin Netanyahu

A Syrian opposition leader has praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for expressing support for militants wounded during the conflict in Syria.

Muhammad Badie told Israel Radio Friday that the Syrian opposition is grateful to Netanyahu for his February 18 tour to a field hospital in the (occupied) Golan Heights.

Speaking from Istanbul, the Syrian opposition leader added that Netanyahu’s pubic presence near the wounded militants sent an “important message.”

Badie also said that he and his friends thanked the Israeli premier for publicly voicing support for injured militants, especially after the collapse of the recent talks between the Syrian government and the opposition in Geneva, Switzerland.

Israel Channel 2 News recently aired footage of a secret Israeli field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights that has treated over 700 Syrians including militants over the past months.

Last year, the Israeli military carried out at least three airstrikes against Syria.

Damascus says Tel Aviv and its Western allies are aiding al-Qaeda-linked militant groups operating inside Syria.

PressTV - Syria opposition leader praises Benjamin Netanyahu
What syrian opposition? They are all zionist Al Qaeda dogs fighting for their paradise and screaming Allah Ackbar to ashame Islam, the same in Libya, Egypt, Iraq.

Nothing to see with syrians

The title is so different from what PressTV is trying to market :lol:

Press TV copied it from theirs.
See time in links,

Press TV : Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:56AM
Times of Israel : February 22, 2014, 1:19 am

Press TV copied it from theirs.
See time in links,

Press TV : Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:56AM
Times of Israel : February 22, 2014, 1:19 am


You really are a piece of work :lol:

I was referring to title not the article :rofl: :omghaha: :lol: :D :laugh:

You really are a piece of work :lol:

I was referring to title not the article :rofl: :omghaha: :lol: :D :laugh:


Yes, you wanted to tell us that the Times of Israel got it from Press TV, however DATE proved you wrong.

Now this is confirmed by Israeli media itself :
Syria opposition leader praises Benjamin Netanyahu

Iran shows its inhumanity. What has this criminal pariah nation which executes it's own people at the rate of 13 people a week, done for Syrian victims?

What has this pariah regime done in terms of humanity? all you have done is send Hezbollah and your terrorist Quds force (which by the way will never set foot in Jerusalem).

Even if ALL the patients are Al Qaeda (most have been civilians) it's the duty for doctors to care for any human regardless of their religion and political affiliation.

I don't like the fact we patch up a global Jihadist and send him back out, but what is the alternative? act like Iran and kill them?
Dude, Give it a rest. PressTV's title suggests one thing, and the Israeli-based New Agencies made a different title, that is another thing.
Yes, you wanted to tell us that the Times of Israel got it from Press TV, however DATE proved you wrong.

Now this is confirmed by Israeli media itself :
Syria opposition leader praises Benjamin Netanyahu


You will always be next if you continue this kind of a low-IQ utilization :lol:

Didn't you see the video of those munafiq/kafir Arabs like you together with Netanyahu? :)

And they say we're Takfiris :lol: ^
The title is so different from what PressTV is trying to market :lol:
read the article the first paragraph says it all...

Syrian opposition leader praised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu late Friday for publicly voicing support for rebels wounded in the drawn-out struggle against Syrian President Bashar Assad, now entering its fourth year after talks in Geneva between the Assad regime and the opposition collapsed

Read more: Syrian rebel leader thanks PM for standing by wounded | The Times of Israel Syrian rebel leader thanks PM for standing by wounded | The Times of Israel
Now everyone can see what a dishonest piece of garbage Yzd Khalifa is, every day his lies become worse and worse.
Now everyone can see what a dishonest piece of garbage Yzd Khalifa is, every day his lies become worse and worse.

Piece of garbage? Wow interesting. I never thought that I could make your blood boil to such a degree where you can lose your temper.
Piece of garbage? Wow interesting. I never thought that I could make your blood boil to such a degree where you can lose your temper.
No, your blatant lies that insult everyone's intelligence should be pointed out once in a while, instead trying to spread knowledge your only mission on this forum is to hide the truth, when it comes down to it you are a cancer to this forum.
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