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Swiss Reject Gripen Jet Purchase


Mar 5, 2014
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Source: swissinfo.ch

Voters have rejected the purchase of Swedish fighter jets for Switzerland’s air force. It is the first major defeat for the government in a ballot on military matters for 20 years.


Voters decided that the Gripen won't take off (Keystone)

Final results show 53.4% of voters came out against the acquisition of 22 JAS-39 Gripen fighter jets by the Swedish Saab company.

Political analyst Claude Longchamp of the leading GfS Bern research and polling institute says opposition by both the political left and some centrist parties made the difference.

“It gives the armed forces something to think about,” says Longchamp. It is the first time that the left, who had challenged a parliament decision to a nationwide vote, has been successful.

The defeat for the government and a majority in parliament comes more than 20 years after voters approved the acquisition of F/A-18 fighter jets.

Financial aspect
Opponents of the CHF3.1 billion ($3.5 billion) credit for the Gripen say the ballot box verdict is based on financial aspects, but not a vote against the armed forces.

“A majority of voters decided for financial reasons and against the scaremongering by the defence ministry,” says Evi Allemann, a senior Social Democratic parliamentarian.

The opposition said the purchase and maintenance of the 22 Gripen planes would cost about CHF10 billion – money better spent on education and social security.

Roland Fischer of the centrist Liberal Green Party said the protracted political procedure, including a U-turn by the government, contributed to the result.

“Many technical and financial questions about an acquisition of the Gripen remained unanswered,” he said.

The pacifist Switzerland without an Army group the outcome of the vote for peace.

However, Jakob Büchler a leading centre-right supporter of the Gripen, says the result is a setback for the air force. He said the campaign had failed to show the importance of the vote for the armed forces.

The Gripen was due to replace the fleet of F-5 Tiger aircraft which will be taken out of service by 2017. But Switzerland still has 32 F/A-18 jets.

Convoluted history
The vote is the latest stage in a convoluted procedure to partially renew the Swiss Air Force.

The government temporarily shelved plans for new jets before it changed its mind. The Gripen was eventually chosen over France’s Rafale and EADS’ Eurofighter Typhoon four years ago.

But a logjam continued to delay the acquisition. Although the House of Representatives had given its green light, the Senate blocked it. It was only last September that both parliamentary chambers finally gave their approval.

In the meantime pacifist groups sought to impose a moratorium on the purchase of fighter jets. They had collected enough signatures for a nationwide vote, but decided to withdraw their initiative for tactical reasons.

However, it did not stop an alliance of centre-left groups from challenging the parliamentary decision, collecting the necessary signatures to force a nationwide vote.

Army issues – including conscription, fighter jet acquisitions, arms exports and the keeping of army-issue firearms at home – have enjoyed broad backing at the ballot box.

Gripen fighter jets: Wings of air force clipped in nationwide ballot - swissinfo.ch
Damn liberal fascists are everywhere we just got rid of them in India thank god!
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Supporters of the Gripen who argued that Switzerland needed to maintain its aerial defenses saw their contention undermined in February after a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise plane landed in Geneva. It had to be escorted by French and Italian jets because the Swiss air force wasn’t able to operate outside business hours.

Swiss Reject Gripen Jet Purchase, World’s Highest Wage - Bloomberg
Why does it matter for an advanced nation like Switzerland, which is not going to fight anyway? Good riddance. They have money but they still want to save. That's called being a developed nation.

Supporters of the Gripen who argued that Switzerland needed to maintain its aerial defenses saw their contention undermined in February after a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise plane landed in Geneva. It had to be escorted by French and Italian jets because the Swiss air force wasn’t able to operate outside business hours.

Swiss Reject Gripen Jet Purchase, World’s Highest Wage - Bloomberg

What BS. Airforce cannot work outside business hours? I am sure the F-18s and F-5s can work day/night, plus how much firepower do you need to escort a civilian airliner?
Supporters of the Gripen who argued that Switzerland needed to maintain its aerial defenses saw their contention undermined in February after a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise plane landed in Geneva. It had to be escorted by French and Italian jets because the Swiss air force wasn’t able to operate outside business hours.

Swiss Reject Gripen Jet Purchase, World’s Highest Wage - Bloomberg

They have the highest minimum wage in the world but the living costs there is sky high lol
They have the highest minimum wage in the world but the living costs there is sky high lol

Happiest people on earth. They dont pester themselves with military like we do. Their people are happy, their jails are empty. Education is high, have the best passport to travel anywhere in the world. Why do they need to worry? They have the whole world's money!
Happiest people on earth. They dont pester themselves with military like we do. Their people are happy, their jails are empty. Education is high, have the best passport to travel anywhere in the world. Why do they need to worry? They have the whole world's money!

Sure the place is so pretty and they live a good life it would make the majority of them real happy! even in WW2 they were neutral it makes sense for people to park their money in such a place where the banking laws protect the rights of overseas held accounts.
Happiest people on earth. They dont pester themselves with military like we do. Their people are happy, their jails are empty. Education is high, have the best passport to travel anywhere in the world. Why do they need to worry? They have the whole world's money!
That's all great, but what would they do if an aggressor invaded them to plunder their wealth?
What BS. Airforce cannot work outside business hours? I am sure the F-18s and F-5s can work day/night, plus how much firepower do you need to escort a civilian airliner?

The reason their airforce cannot work outside business hours is a matter of internal policy.
And for the records, Swiss F-5 fighters are all old model, not fitted for night operations.
That's all great, but what would they do if an aggressor invaded them to plunder their wealth?

It's Europe. The days of plunder and invasions are long gone in that part. Plus they are surrounded by France and Germany, and neither of them have appetite for war. Europe has seen too much war in its history.

The reason their airforce cannot work outside business hours is a matter of internal policy.
And for the records, Swiss F-5 fighters are all old model, not fitted for night operations.

Not fitted for night combat ops, but still they can fly and escort a civilian airliner in. And if airforce cannot work outside 'business hours' due to internal policy, then how does Gripen help?

They have the highest minimum wage in the world but the living costs there is sky high lol

And yet the poverty levels are so less........
Not fitted for night combat ops, but still they can fly and escort a civilian airliner in. And if airforce cannot work outside 'business hours' due to internal policy, then how does Gripen help?

According to what they say, operations outside business hours take plane just in case of a national security emergency. Seems they don't consider a hijacked plane a treat serious enough.
The Swiss are also not building any nuclear plants as is Germany which will get rid of Nuclear plants also! but who are going to attack the Swiss? nobody lol they have billions of $$ of parked money much of which is black money.
That's all great, but what would they do if an aggressor invaded them to plunder their wealth?

All the RICHEST people in the world, all the top bureaucrats of every country has their money in Swiss accounts, all the people with power have their wealth stored up in there. If there is one nation where no matter what power be it will not invade is the Swiss. The Ruskies have their wealth stashed there. NATO is their ally. China aint the invading kind.

Who will attack them?
Swiss are in no rush to buy fighter planes as they still have F18's which can do the job for many years still and having 32 is enough of any needs they could have.
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