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Swedish newspapers reprint Mohammed cartoon

Jesus is not a Prophet ,But God(Holy Trinity) for Christians as You May Know.I feel ,Muslims impose their views?for Muslims ,Jesus is a Prophet ,Hindus in General Compare Jesus to Buddha or Some Divine Men.Mileage Vary..

not to buddha(we treat him as some divine one).....Lord Buddha is the ninth avatar of Lord Vishnu....eighth avatar was Lord Krishna.....

so many hindu actually worship buddha,,,,,

""""With the departure of Lord Krishna (Krishna Avatar), the age of Kali set in, in this age, the true devotion to Vedas was replaced by empty rituals. To enlighten the world in such times, Lord Vishnu descended the earth as Buddha, the enlightened one.""""
You guys who get very aggressive here are aware that nowhere in the Qu'ran does it say anything about a prohibition against the depiction of Mohammed right? You are aware that Muslim artist have done such depictions many times for hundreds of years?

Furthermore you are also aware that even those Islamic rules that are in the Qu'ran are obviously of no concern to non-Mulims, just like you can eat cows while they are holy for the Hindus... and can work on the Sabbath which is holy for Jews

Even if I grant you that religious laws have any real meaning they apply only to the followers of the particular religion.

Since Mohammed himself said that he is "Just a man" (freely translated) and there is no ban on depicting him mentioned in the Qu'ran, what are you even angry about?

Is it possible that many of you just redirect their frustrations about something in life towards the West for any reason you are given?

Most of you haven't even seen the cartoons and how harmless they in fact are..

Are you also aware that they were distributed in Arabia and beyond by Muslim Imams from Denmark and 3 cartoons that these Imans knew were much more insulting to Muslim and not part of the Danish publishing were created by them to get people to riot..?
That these riots were instigated half a year after publishing mainly by Al Karadani (over Al Jaazeera) who in typical fashion of clerical delusions of grandeur called for a "day of anger" by all Muslims? Well, some were happy to be exploited it seems.

Who is really the one with an agenda? Be Sincere..

Also stop speculating on how the cartoonists and the West wanted to "make you angry" and "insult you to keep you violent" with the cartoons.
Even if it were the case that would not give you the right to be violent, but it also happens to be completely ridiculous...
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In my opinion my faith(ISLAM) does not need to be defended by me when some a**hole decides he is going to draw and insulting picture of the Prophet(pbuh),sticks and stones will break my bones and all that !.We have to use our minds,these people will always offend and attack our FAITH throughout time and they wish us to react with violence so they can further demonise us under the guise of FREE SPEECH.
The depiction is pathetic, so is the attempt by Islamists to execute those cartoonists, I guess the paper wanted to earn publicity and send a message to these people that they won't cow down and in that attempt created a mess.

Also to all the people who want to react violently here, will you people support the be-heading of M.F Hussein because he somehow managed to hurt the sentiment of Hindu, if no why such double standards?
Friends, please calm down. If you are muslim and are offended by this, please consider the following in a cool fashion.

There are certain things so holy, that God Himself protects them. The Kaaba, the Quran, the Prophet and his Family are some examples. Now, throughout history evil people have attempted to destroy or insult these holiest of holies. However, the Quran itself tells us what happened to them. Recall the time when Abraha, a mighty King, decided to invade Mecca and attack the Kaa'ba. The Prophet's grandfather, who was the Keeper of the Kaa'ba and a monotheistic Haneef (before the time of Islam), said openly, "The Owner of this House is its Defender, and I am sure He will save it from the attack of the adversaries and will not dishonor the servants of His House."

You all know what happened after this. When the Prophet's grandfather, Hazrat Abdulmuttalib entrusted the defence of the Kaaba to Allah, Abraha was destroyed forever.

It is our belief that the Prophet and his family are the beloveds of Allah. If it angers us to see these cartoons being published, imagine how much it angers God. Why should we attempt to lessen the punishment of these swines by taking revenge as humans, when Allah has told us in the Quran:

[Yusufali 8:30] Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.

Allah has promised us the day when no one will be able to abuse the Prophet or his true ummah:

[Yusufali 66:8] O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for Thou hast power over all things."

Why are we then, so impatient? Let these swines continue their evil so that their punishment is made ever more miserable. Why should any muslim kill these people? Let them dig a deeper hole for themselves. The more punishment they get, the better. These are people from amongst the Jahiliya... they only deserve to be ignored.

TechLahore brother,
What is this [Yusufali 66:8] and [Yusufali 8:30]?
Which sura of Quran is this? I do not understand it.


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