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Sweden: "Turkey wants things we can't give"

Some Turkish military officers and I think police too,fled to Greece and asked for political asylum. The Turkish government since then,has been demanding that we hand them over. They insist that they are "terrorists". it's ridiculous.

They are FETO Terrorists who tried to make military coup to kill president of Turkiye for American/Israeli interests

The Helicopter used by 8 soldiers who fled to Greece after the coup attempt of FETO terror organization was received by Turkish personnel

terrorist supporter Greece,USA,France,Germany,Sweden

You know what Erdogan did after the coup? He started sacking and arresting anyone he didn't like,accusing them of being FETO. Tens of thousands of military. Can tens of thousands be involved in a coup? It's ridiculous.

Bravo ERDOGAN who kicked all FETO terrorists out of the Turkish Armed Forces

and USA lost control over the Turkish Armed Forces

in 1991 USA used KESNIZANI Organization ( similar to FETO ) to take Iraq so easy
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Nothing to do with each other.
You are comparing apples to oranges because they are fruits.

Of course Turkey wants weapons from Sweden
, which is why one of the conditions was the lifting of the embargo.

either you're lying, or you don't know.

Turkey is not only asking for that, but the handover of Kurdish political refugees and Turkish dissidents, because they are simply against the authoritarian Erdogan government, which considers every opponent as.....terrorists.
In Sweden, the Liberal Democracy works, with a separation of powers, that is, a separation of judicial and executive power, something that does not exist in today's Turkey, where everything is controlled by an authoritarian regime.
So you interfere in others nations internal matters and obviously then you get what you deserve. Why is that some brutal regime gets European support ?
Its reality you liar troll

Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years
still hypocrite Greek trolls are talking about Turkiye

You've been barking day and night for years on every Turkish thread
COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS! What can't you understand? Do you want us to translate it in Turkish?

They are FETO Terrorists who tried to make military coup to kill president of Turkiye for American/Israeli interests

The Helicopter used by 8 soldiers who fled to Greece after the coup attempt of FETO terror organization was received by Turkish personnel
Sure,everyone who doesn't like Erdogan is FETO. Hundreds of thousands of people.

All FETO and PKK. Doesn't matter if they have nothing to do with it,if Sultan Erdogan says they are,they are. And like a good boy,MMM-E believes it. Good boy. That's the kind of people Erdogan likes. No thinking,no brains. You're the perfect example of AKP voter.
COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS! What can't you understand? Do you want us to translate it in Turkish?


Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years .. why ? for Greek interests
Now Turkiye is trying for its own interests

even if Turkiye trying to join NATO today , Greece would block Turkiye

Greeks have no right to say anything about Turkiye to do it

Sure,everyone who doesn't like Erdogan is FETO. Hundreds of thousands of people.

All FETO and PKK. Doesn't matter if they have nothing to do with it,if Sultan Erdogan says they are,they are. And like a good boy,MMM-E believes it. Good boy. That's the kind of people Erdogan likes. No thinking,no brains. You're the perfect example of AKP voter.

You are still barking Erdogan , Erdogan
You can fool only anti-Erdogan losers

I am MHP voter for decades
but I prefer ERDOGAN , instead of American puppets

FETO tried but failed ..

I am very well know what about FETO from Turkiye to Germany and Kazakhstan
even My ex-friends are in prison now ...

btw when FETO Terrorists bombed Police Special Forces , Turkish Parliament and Turkish People

I was in Istanbul/Turkiye ... I saw everything with my own eyes in Istanbul

while you were asleep in your bed on july 15 ,2016
We were losing our lives for our country
the blood thirsty traitors turned against their own country , their own people , and even perhaps their own family

USA backed military coups in Turkiye
1960,1971,1980,1996 and last one 2016
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Sweden banned selling armor steel to Turkiye in 2019
now Turkiye produce its own armor steel
You are such a fanatic that you deny even the statements of your authoritarian president.
And we are talking about an amount of only 30 million euros(FIY 2019), but it has nothing to do with the amount, but FOR THE REASONS the embargo was imposed.

We are angry because Sweden support PKK/YPG terrorism
Well you are also angry with your shadow, which you can call as.....terrorist!!!
Sweden officially condemns terrorism, but this is of little interest to you, because Turkey labels everyone as a terrorist, imprisons them without trial, even party leaders, such as those in the HDP.
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They are FETO Terrorists who tried to make military coup to kill president of Turkiye for American/Israeli interests
If the Americans are behind the coup, then why do you want American weapons?
You are such a fanatic that you deny even the statements of your authoritarian president.
And we are talking about an amount of only 30 million euros(FIY 2019), but it has nothing to do with the amount, but FOR THE REASONS the embargo was imposed.

President ERDOGAN lacks authoritarian , I would kill all traitor scums as USA and UK how killing traitors/terrorists

in 2019-2020 Turkiye kicked PKK/YPG Terrorists and took Afrin
therefore , Sweden,Finland, France,Canada,Netherlands,Belgium,Czech Republic,Italy, etc decided arms embargo on Turkiye

because Turkey labels everyone as a terrorist, imprisons them without trial, even party leaders, such as those in the HDP.

Selahattin DEMIRTAS is a terrorist , He ordered PKK supporters to kill 52 civilians ( muslim Kurds )

if you know nothing about HDP-PKK .. better don't talk about things you don't know

If the Americans are behind the coup, then why do you want American weapons?

because Turkish Air Force based on USA/NATO Systems/Weapons
and USA crying like little boy if Turkiye buys weapons from Russia or China
USA also made it out in a freak law called CAATSA

Turkiye develops its own defense Industry .. sooner or later Turkish Armed Force won't need anyone else's weapons
Lol That law was a stupid law in the first place. Once you make a law that every single member must agree for a rule to pass, then you are bound to handicap that organisation. Just like the EU is hampered by the same thing, as only a single member can cripple the whole group.
It should have been an absolute majority needed to pass a resolution/rule. Anyway vith sides will sort out their own issues at one point.

Hmm funny how EU members were leading Turkey by the nose back in the 90s and 2000s about it joining EU..... how the roles have reversed.
There is a saying out here, be nice to the people you climb on top of to get to the top, as you will be seeing them when you come down.
Wait, why will Turkey be trying so hard for so long to join à haram organisation like the E.U instead of joining a grouping with its islamic brother's in the Middle east and South Asia?
Seems those clueless members who were proclaiming Turkey being the flag bearer for islam was just bullshit??

Anyway, I guess no country wants to be associated with backward countries then. 😵‍💫

Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years .. why ? for Greek interests
Now Turkiye is trying for its own interests
Interests? Yes. Situations and gravity of reasons? Completely different. The naming dispute was deeper,than just a disagreement on the name. The name was about identity,historical and cultural heritage and with them came irridentist claims of the Slavs in FYROM.

Another difference is that FYROM was not in fear of a massive invasion by Russia. Sweden and Finland,as they see it...are.

Now,I don't care actually,but the big ones in NATO see it as a priority.They want Sweden and Finland in NATO.

even if Turkiye trying to join NATO today , Greece would block Turkiye

Greeks have no right to say anything about Turkiye to do it
That is completely false. Greece would have believed (just like with the EU membership candidacy),that becoming a NATO member would help solve a lot of problems and protect Greece from Turkey's warmongering threats. That's why Greece would have been the warmest supporter of Turkey's membership for NATO.

I am MHP voter for decades
but I prefer ERDOGAN , instead of American puppets

Well there you go,you just admitted you are a Grey Wolf. An ultranationalist who supports a party with extremist ideology and very dark past.

Also,what decades? You're just a teenager.
Now,I don't care actually,but the big ones in NATO see it as a priority.They want Sweden and Finland in NATO.

We dont care about your reasons
Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years

if Sweden and Finland wants to join NATO , stop hosting terrorists and work with Turkiye

We dont care about what USA want to surround Russia

That is completely false. Greece would have believed (just like with the EU membership candidacy),that becoming a NATO member would help solve a lot of problems and protect Greece from Turkey's warmongering threats. That's why Greece would have been the warmest supporter of Turkey's membership for NATO.

Dont talk tales to the Turks
Greece and Greek Cypriots even blocking Turkiye to join the EU

Well there you go,you just admitted you are a Grey Wolf. An ultranationalist who supports a party with extremist ideology and very dark past.

a party with extremist ideology = HDP which support PKK terrorism

I am a Turk ... not Grey Wolf
I proud to be a MHP voter
And we have great history and past .. We Turks are not puppet to anyone ... never

Big powers as Turks and vassals ....

Also,what decades? You're just a teenager.

I am older than you .... if you are 39
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We dont care about your reasons
Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years
When you say that you don't care about the reasons,you completely discredit your post.

Dont talk tales to the Turks
Greece and Greek Cypriots even blocking Turkiye to join the EU
You're knowledge of geopolitical events and history is minimal.

Greece has been one of the biggest supporters of Turkey's candidacy for EU. We have been trying to help a country get in the European Union,even though this country itself seems not to want to. Because it's doing everything that is possible to NOT get in.

I am older than you .... if you are 39
How old? Just saying you're older,doesn't mean you are. You constantly refuse to say your age and your occupation. It shows that you're lying and are afraid of admitting it.
Lol That law was a stupid law in the first place. Once you make a law that every single member must agree for a rule to pass, then you are bound to handicap that organisation. Just like the EU is hampered by the same thing, as only a single member can cripple the whole group.

Where were you when Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years ?

It should have been an absolute majority needed to pass a resolution/rule. Anyway vith sides will sort out their own issues at one point.

We dont care about your fantasies against Russia

Wait, why will Turkey be trying so hard for so long to join à haram organisation like the E.U instead of joining a grouping with its islamic brother's in the Middle east and South Asia?

Turkiye is aready member to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Turkiye is already member to Organization of Turkic States

Turkiye is already member to D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation
( Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkiye )

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You're knowledge of geopolitical events and history is minimal.

Greece has been one of the biggest supporters of Turkey's candidacy for EU.

so funny I am very well know about politics

Especially after PASOK came to power in 1981, Greece began to openly reveal its negative attitude towards Turkiye ...

After the Greek Cypriots became a member in 2004, another country with the right to veto against Turkiye was added to the EU Council.

now Greeks and Greek Cypriots are even pressing for the EU to impose sanctions on Turkeiye

How old? Just saying you're older,doesn't mean you are. You constantly refuse to say your age and your occupation. It shows that you're lying and are afraid of admitting it.

My private information is none of your business.
I am not asking your private information

If you are 39 , I am older than you
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Where were you when Greece blocked Macedonia for 11 years ?
Reason i said i dont think its not good for an organisation to adopt laws whereby every single member have to agree before anything gets done. A significant majority should be more than enough to push things through, else it paralyses the organisation. Same way India delayed and held hostage most Asian countries for years during the passing/ rectification of RCEP due to its single objections . Same way EU has been paralysed during some major decisions due to a single member's opposition etc
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now Greeks and Greek Cypriots are even pressing for the EU to impose sanctions on Turkeiye
What exactly do you expect when you're not collaborating with the EU and threatening to start a war with two EU members?

My private information is none of your business.
I am not asking your private information
See? You're a coward or a liar. One of the two. You're not proud of your job(if you have one)and you're probably lying about your age. That's making you even more unreliable as a poster and suspicious.

Especially after PASOK came to power in 1981, Greece began to openly reveal its negative attitude towards Turkiye ...
Oh you just googled PASOK now? Lol. Negative attitude towards Turkey? Because maybe you took the Sismik out and they weren't gonna tolerate that,unlike now?

Reason i said i dont think its good for an organisation to adopt laws whereby every single member have to agree before anything gets done. A sigbificant majority shiuld be more than enough to push tjings through, else it paralyses the organisation. Same way India delayed for years the rectification of RCEP due to its single objections . Same way EU has been paralysed during some.major decisions due to à single member opposition etc
EU is pretty darn weird.
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