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Mar 9, 2014
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IT'S A GIFT, no its a loan, its a donation into " Friends of democratic Pakistan, I mean money given on PM Nawaz Sharif's personal guarantee....hard for the Finance Minister of Pakistan to justify One and half billion us dollars payment. Opposition Leader Kursheed Shah called 1.5 billion gift to be included in Guinness book of world records. A motion is filed in the lower house( Senate) by opposition to explain the purpose of the gift.

With no clear response from Nawaz government, Pakistani media tied those funds to Saudi Arabia seeking Military personal for Syrian war or sales of Pakistani weapons to the Syrian rebels....all of which has been denied by PM Nawaz Sherif in recent days.

I wonder, if Prime Ministers Arab friends can donate 1.5 billion as gift, just for nothing, why than we went to IMF seeking 5 Billion loan with interest, a few months back? Why Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait didn't pitch in 5 billion to help " Nuclear Armed Pakistan." There is more to this story than told to the Pakistani public.

Under the current international laws, if the source and the purpose of the funds can't be justified, its considered suspicious money and comes under money laundering laws. In this story, first the government of Pakistan tried to hide the source. Under media pressure, few days later Saudi Arabia's name was declared as donor and then the funds justification rhetoric started with endless flip flopping and no clear justification.

Mind wonders, if Pro-Taliban regime of Nawaz Sherif can't justify those funds to his own public, how will they justify it to international community? Nawaz government may succeed deceiving Pakistani public but the world and especially the Western powers are watching each move closely. Let's see what the West is thinking about all this?

With Democrats in control of United States, policing of the world is never been a policy of their party and it is therefore, since President Obama's goodwill speech in Cairo to Calling the Iranian President, shows a clear shift in American policy in Arabia and other place around the world. The pain of the US policy shift is trickling down to US Imperialism wishing Republican Party and their supporters like Saudi Arabia and Israel.

In "Eating the Grass", his semi-official history of the Pakistani nuclear program, Major General Feroz Hassan Khan wrote "Saudi Arabia provided generous financial support to Pakistan that enabled the nuclear program to continue." Since 2009, when King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia warned visiting US special envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross that if Iran crossed the threshold, "we will get nuclear weapons".

BBC reported in November, 2013 that Saudi Nukes are on order in Pakistan and ready for delivery. The BBC report backs by increasing circumstantial evidence and now 1.5 billion payment as " GIFT" makes the case more strong.

Earlier this year, a senior NATO decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery. Gary Samore, until March 2013 President Barack Obama's counter-proliferation adviser, has told Newsnight: "I do think that the Saudis believe that they have some understanding with Pakistan that, in extremes, they would have claim to acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan."

Its a known fact that sudden U turn in US foreign policy towards Iran, made the Saudi Royals feel betrayed and they have openly showed there displeasure. Lack of US interest in the region and Iran's Geneva deal has Saudi Arabia felt NAKED against powerful foe Iran which has grown its interest in the region with IRAQ, LEBANON and SYRIA, all under Iranian influence.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Saudi financier of terror in Syria, is something of a black sheep in the ruling family, but a public criticism of Obama that he made last week reflects a strong sentiment among Saudi élites. “America is shooting itself in the foot,” Alwaleed told Wall Street “It’s just complete chaos. Confusion. No policy.”

A few days later, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in London, Prince Mohammed bin Nawwaf bin Abdulaziz, called the negotiations with Iran “appeasement,” and indirectly threatened that Saudi Arabia would obtain its own nuclear weapons if necessary.

The only extreme theological "Wahabi Muslim" country Saudi Arabia finds itself standing alone after the West agreed to sign peace deal with Iran. Adding fuel to the Saudi frustration was avoiding the Syrian conflict giving Iranian more influence and another victory in the region. Russia protected Iran and its Syrian interests while America gave into Saudi and Israeli interests in the peace deal.... just a complete chaos for Saudis as per Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

Saudi Kingdom has now to look for its own interest and what better place to start than Pakistan. The Royal Wahabi regime has donated billions to Pakistan in last 30 years in military and public funding. Military funding to seek military assistance and weapons if needed in a war and public funding to Madrassas( Religious schools), banned terrorist organizations like TTP, LeJ and SSP to change Pakistani into a Sunni wahabi country to increase its influence in the region.

With Saudi backed Pro-Taliban government in Islamabad, Saudi's believe its time Saudi's to cash their long held endowments. Tahreek-e-Taliban and their fighters for Syria conflict and a nuclear warheads for Saudi Arabia. This wish has serious ramification for both countries as they are signatory to NPA(Non Nuclear proliferation agreement) and very well know the consequences of any breach, especially for Pakistan after AQ Khans episode of the past.

A carefully "crafted sneaky deal" brought a win win situation for both countries without breaking any international law. Pakistan will guarantee delivery of full armed nuclear weapon to protect the House of Allah, if Iran acquires nukes weapons and Pakistan will also give safe passage to Tahreek-e- Taliban and its subsidiaries to relocate to Syrian Jihad for which Pakistan was handsomely rewarded US 1.5 Billion. The 30 days seize fire with Pakistani Taliban fits perfectly in this grater scheme of protecting Saudi interests as 4000 jihadist have already dispatched for Syria according to the reported in Pakistani media. Sadly for Pakistan, its another sneaky way of export terrorism, only this time getting cash advance in billions with the big B.

omg, a western naukar, order taking qaum (since 50's) taking $$$ from jahil arabs.this is the end.
we need to returns all their money and recall all our expats from arabia. & demnad our indian culture & religion back tht Mo had them hijack from us, seriously!
Having a reliable partner like Pakistan, I don't get why we havent gone for a joint venture with PK regarding nuclear weapons...

You ain't gonna get no cooperation from us on this ! :bunny:

Not until you've finally gotten down on your knee, held out a ring & asked 'that' question to that Russian Lady you met ! :)
The thread starter is an iran worshipper shia, I have been observing his activity under the same ID name on many other forums and his target for years has always been "Saudi arabia"
What foolishness.. we all know the true purpose of the donation:

Lifetime licence to hunt the Houbara Bustard..
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