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Suspicions rise of Indian involvement in car bomb at Pakistani jihadi Hafiz Saeed’s home

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
Alarm bells are ringing in Pakistan after a car bomb exploded near the home of jailed jihadist leader Hafiz Muhammad Saeed in the eastern city of Lahore.

Nobody has claimed responsibility for the June 23 attack, which killed three people and wounded 27 others.
Nonetheless, it has fuelled speculation among Pakistan journalists and analysts that the bombing could have been a covert warning to Pakistan from
India’s intelligence services against loosening curbs on Saeed’s Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) and other
Kashmir-focused militant groups under international pressure, after Indian warplanes crossed into Pakistani airspace in February 2019 to carry out a revenge attack on a jihadist training camp.

“The Lahore attack appears to be more symbolic in nature, a warning of sorts,” said Salman Masood, editor-in-chief of the English-language newspaper The Nation.

Is the attack location a coincidence, or a shot across the bow?Michael Kugelman, Wilson Centre

While Pakistani police officials investigating the bombing were initially reluctant to blame India, “the fact that it occurred close to JuD leader Hafiz Saeed’s home looms large”, said Michael Kugelman, senior South Asia associate at the Wilson Centre in Washington. “Is the attack location a coincidence, or a shot across the bow?”

The JuD chief’s son Talha Saeed, who is being groomed as his successor, was injured in a similar bomb attack in Lahore in December 2019, hours after his father appeared in court to face terror financing charges.

Pakistani security officials downplayed the prospect of Indian involvement in the incident, blaming it on a gas cylinder explosion.
Police and locals near the site of the June 23 car bomb that killed three people in Lahore. Photo: AFP

Police and locals near the site of the June 23 car bomb that killed three people in Lahore. Photo: AFP

With remaining US-led Nato combat forces on course to depart within July, “this could be a glimpse of the India-Pakistan proxy war in post-US Afghanistan”, said Abdul Basit, an associate research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.
“This is perhaps a warning of sorts by India to Pakistan not to touch its interests/investments in Afghanistan, or India has the capability to stir trouble in Pakistan,” he wrote on Twitter.

Writing for the website of Indian television channel CNN-News18 on June 23, security analyst Praveen Swami said the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), New Delhi’s external intelligence agency, “is believed to have slowly escalated the tempo of covert operations against jihadist groups inside Pakistan, targeting training camps, key field commanders and logistics facilities” in recent years.

Locals scout for their belongings at the site of the June 23 explosion in Lahore. Photo: AFP

Locals scout for their belongings at the site of the June 23 explosion in Lahore. Photo: AFP
He said that there was no evidence that the RAW had anything to do with the car bombing near Saeed’s home.

“But should it be involved, the attempted assassination of the JuD leader would mark a significant step up in lethality and reach” of the RAW within Pakistan, Swami wrote.
His analysis was borne out by the police chief of Pakistan’s Punjab province Inam Ghani, at a press conference in Lahore on Monday to announce that 10 Pakistanis had been arrested for carrying out the June 23 attack at the behest of “a hostile intelligence agency” - a phrase often used by officials to describe the RAW.

Ghani declined to name the agency, saying it would be “inappropriate”, and said the matter had been referred to the federal government for further investigation.

Rather than deploying its own operatives to carry out the attack on Saeed’s home, he said the unnamed spy agency had hired locals through a Pakistani national resident in the United Arab Emirates, identified as Peter Paul David, who was arrested on June 24 at Karachi airport.

“These hostile agencies cannot come inside Pakistan because of how our [intelligence] agencies and immigration [department] are working. They find agents in Middle East countries. So, no person of an external agency comes and carries out [attacks] himself,” Ghani said.
Speculation about Indian involvement in the car bombing is due largely to its target and timing.

The absence of a claim of responsibility seems to discount an attack by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other insurgent jihadist groups at war with Islamabad.
Although the pro-Pakistan JuD has criticised the TTP, it has not previously been targeted by the insurgents.

Suspicion about an Indian role in the June 23 car bombing has grown because it coincided with three major events of critical importance to both Pakistan and India.

The day of the attack, members of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) a Paris-based multilateral anti-money-laundering organisation backed by the G7, were gathered to determine whether Pakistan had taken sufficient action to prevent fundraising by jihadist groups like Saeed’s JuD.
Pakistani courts last year convicted and imprisoned Saeed and two other high-ranking JuD militants on charges of
terrorism financing.

Pakistan’s government has also carried out 26 of 27 actions prescribed by the FATF.
However, the Paris-based body on June 24 declined to remove Pakistan from its so-called grey list, and said it would not do so unless Islamabad prosecuted the leaders of other jihadist groups.
Prominent among them is the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) group, blamed by India for most of the high profile attacks on its security forces in Kashmir in recent years.
They included the February 2019 car bombing of a paramilitary convoy which killed 40 troops and sparked India’s aerial revenge attack on the training camp operated by the JeM near the town of Balakot, 200km north of Islamabad.

India revokes Kashmir’s long-held special status, raising opposition from Pakistan and China

India revokes Kashmir’s long-held special status, raising opposition from Pakistan and China
The car bombing near Saeed’s residence in Lahore also came before a June 24 meeting between India’s Prime Minister
Narendra Modi
and mainstream Kashmiri political parties – the first to be held since New Delhi rescinded the Himalayan state’s semi-autonomous status under India’s constitution in August 2019.

A week before the meeting, Pakistan warned India against taking further “illegal steps” to divide the half of Kashmir that it administers, or to change the demography of the
-majority territory by encouraging settlers from India’s Hindu-majority population to buy property there.

Furthermore, the explosion came as the national security advisers of India and Pakistan attended a counterterrorism meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Dushanbe.
Backchannel talks held in the United Arab Emirates since January between Indian national security adviser Ajit Doval and the chief of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed on February 24 yielded the reinstatement of a ceasefire along the Line of Control which divides Kashmir, ending years of heavy skirmishes.

The Kashmir conflict
The Kashmir conflict

The Kashmir conflict
However, the two governments are yet to conduct any public bilateral meetings, in part because New Delhi has not entertained Pakistan’s demands to roll back its August 2019 decision.
Likewise, Doval did not meet his Pakistani counterpart Moeed Yusuf on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation conference in the Tajikistan capital.
Coming amid an escalating campaign by TTP insurgents based in Afghanistan and by separatists in restive Balochistan province, the Lahore attack has reinforced fears that Pakistan could face hostile borders on both of its lengthy flanks if ongoing efforts to normalise relations with India were to fail.
“Needless to say, it’ll be hard for [Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Javed] Bajwa to maintain steadfast adherence to a Line of Control ceasefire if the Pakistan government concludes India is blowing up neighbourhoods in Lahore,” said Christopher Clary, a non-resident fellow at the Stimson Centre, a Washington-based think tank


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I don't know when will we reply in kind? There needs to be a blast near PM Modi's residence. Hope Nov 2022 comes fast and maybe change in leadership would mean change in attitude towards India.

You opened Kartarpur, what you got? Nothing in return, and the world paid no attention.
They came and violated your territory. The world was silent, even if it was a blatant act of war.
They revoked articles for Kashmir, put them under harsh curfew, you did lipservice and the world was almost silent.
Look at Taliban, learn from them, Road to peace is only through aggression. You can't beat India at their own game, which is munn pe raam raam, baghail me chura. They have mastered tc, we are blunt and simpleton, we shouldn't imitate or mold ourselves into something we are not.
We have ruled them for over 1000 years, learn from our ancestors, these slave fks, would be the first to run when they see millions in-front of them dying.
It's high time we learn some self respect, stop being apologist and go for the offensive, what are we waiting for better weapons, better economy? Until, the main issue Kashmir isn't resolved it would keep on going like this.

Kafir hai tou shamsheer pe karta hai bharosa,
Momin hai tou be-taigh bhi larta hai sipahi.
Pakistan is unable to do anything. It hasn't done anything in 20 years to India.
I don't know when will we reply in kind? There needs to be a blast near PM Modi's residence. Hope Nov 2022 comes fast and maybe change in leadership would mean change in attitude towards India.

You opened Kartarpur, what you got? Nothing in return, and the world paid no attention.
They came and violated your territory. The world was silent, even if it was a blatant act of war.
They revoked articles for Kashmir, put them under harsh curfew, you did lipservice and the world was almost silent.
Look at Taliban, learn from them, Road to peace is only through aggression. You can't beat India at their own game, which is munn pe raam raam, baghail me chura. They have mastered tc, we are blunt and simpleton, we shouldn't imitate or mold ourselves into something we are not.
We have ruled them for over 1000 years, learn from our ancestors, these slave fks, would be the first to run when they see millions in-front of them dying.
It's high time we learn some self respect, stop being apologist and go for the offensive, what are we waiting for better weapons, better economy? Until, the main issue Kashmir isn't resolved it would keep on going like this.

Kafir hai tou shamsheer pe karta hai bharosa,
Momin hai tou be-taigh bhi larta hai sipahi.
Pakistanis have no fight left in themselves. They are a nation that gets bullied by their immediate neighbours.
Pakistan is unable to do anything. It hasn't done anything in 20 years to India.

Pakistanis have no fight left in themselves. They are a nation that gets bullied by their immediate neighbours.

wrong pak government is b itch not ppl.
wrong pak government is b itch not ppl.
Sorry bud, the people are also to blame as they are focused on making money on Tiktok, YouTube pranks, watching pathetic saas bahu drama serials. We dont care about our people or soliders being murdered. We are too kind hospitable people offering freebies to foreign travellers. Need a strong nationalist movement.
Sorry bud, the people are also to blame as they are focused on making money on Tiktok, YouTube pranks, watching pathetic saas bahu drama serials. We dont care about our people or soliders being murdered. We are too kind hospitable people offering freebies to foreign travellers. Need a strong nationalist movement.

you are talking bout middle class tatoos but i bet the poor working class will fight to death.
pakistan citizens tend to be gay friendly but uk paks are diff creature. Unfortunately **** ppl always look down on UK paks as diff race and need to be excluded except draining their wallet. I agree with nationalist movement.
you are talking bout middle class tatoos but i bet the poor working class will fight to death.
pakistan citizens tend to be gay friendly but uk paks are diff creature. Unfortunately **** ppl always look down on UK paks as diff race and need to be excluded except draining their wallet. I agree with nationalist movement.
I'm not referring to Brit Pakistanis. They are a confused identity.
Pakistan is unable to do anything. It hasn't done anything in 20 years to India.

Pakistanis have no fight left in themselves. They are a nation that gets bullied by their immediate neighbours.
Those that are bullied turn out to be the strongest...
I don't know when will we reply in kind? There needs to be a blast near PM Modi's residence. Hope Nov 2022 comes fast and maybe change in leadership would mean change in attitude towards India.

You opened Kartarpur, what you got? Nothing in return, and the world paid no attention.
They came and violated your territory. The world was silent, even if it was a blatant act of war.
They revoked articles for Kashmir, put them under harsh curfew, you did lipservice and the world was almost silent.
Look at Taliban, learn from them, Road to peace is only through aggression. You can't beat India at their own game, which is munn pe raam raam, baghail me chura. They have mastered tc, we are blunt and simpleton, we shouldn't imitate or mold ourselves into something we are not.
We have ruled them for over 1000 years, learn from our ancestors, these slave fks, would be the first to run when they see millions in-front of them dying.
It's high time we learn some self respect, stop being apologist and go for the offensive, what are we waiting for better weapons, better economy? Until, the main issue Kashmir isn't resolved it would keep on going like this.

Kafir hai tou shamsheer pe karta hai bharosa,
Momin hai tou be-taigh bhi larta hai sipahi.
I think we used these tactics earlier and as usual they are backfiring now.
Pakistan lost the media narrative over the past 20 years. India has been able to influence the world how they are the victims of Pakistani sponsered terrorism, when in reality Pakistan has witnessed bloody hell on its soil with weekly bombings, assassinations of military, police politician, teachers, students, academics, civilians and religious clerics from all faiths.
Indian media has successfully manipulated its masses and the wider world.
This is very dangerous for Pakistanis as the coming war between these neighbours will influence who is the aggressor and who is the victim. It is predictable Pakistani casualties and innocent victims will be meaningless numbers, whereas indian civilians will be humanized and glorified with sympathy, similer to what is occuring with Israels bombing campaign against the Palestinians.
This strategy will also play upon the soliders tactics who will commit crimes against humanity.
American soliders committed various human rights abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan which were brought to the attention of the world after Wikileaks.
Thus Pakistanis civilians should organise themselves into armed militias and protect/guard their families and land.

The Indian airforce pilot came to Pakistan to bomb and kill our civilians, yet we sent him home with dignity and made useless memes to troll indian cyber punks.
The key issue is that foreign agencies and their local poodles are running amok in Pakistan murdering our soldiers and civilians and what are we doing about it?
The key issue is that foreign agencies and their local poodles are running amok in Pakistan murdering our soldiers and civilians and what are we doing about it?
Nothong. Indians have built their network to target Pakistanis in every province.
Pakistan is unable to do anything. It hasn't done anything in 20 years to India.

Pakistanis have no fight left in themselves. They are a nation that gets bullied by their immediate neighbours.
This is done by years of politics and thugs in ruling throwing the nonsense narrative of "India is big we can't compare ourselves with them".
I don't know when will we reply in kind? There needs to be a blast near PM Modi's residence. Hope Nov 2022 comes fast and maybe change in leadership would mean change in attitude towards India.

You opened Kartarpur, what you got? Nothing in return, and the world paid no attention.
They came and violated your territory. The world was silent, even if it was a blatant act of war.
They revoked articles for Kashmir, put them under harsh curfew, you did lipservice and the world was almost silent.
Look at Taliban, learn from them, Road to peace is only through aggression. You can't beat India at their own game, which is munn pe raam raam, baghail me chura. They have mastered tc, we are blunt and simpleton, we shouldn't imitate or mold ourselves into something we are not.
We have ruled them for over 1000 years, learn from our ancestors, these slave fks, would be the first to run when they see millions in-front of them dying.
It's high time we learn some self respect, stop being apologist and go for the offensive, what are we waiting for better weapons, better economy? Until, the main issue Kashmir isn't resolved it would keep on going like this.

Kafir hai tou shamsheer pe karta hai bharosa,
Momin hai tou be-taigh bhi larta hai sipahi.

Last time I said something I got warning if I say again the truth I will get warning too or maybe blocked because some people's on here can't digest truth.
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