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It's the best time I ever seen . Wasn't it our dream to see MODI as a PM and the good things happen to India . For ur kind information we are already living our dreams . From rifle to Howitzers From trainer to 5 gen fighter jets from tracking device to world fasted super computers will be built in India . It's like shutting down the imports completely. The this pace we will achieve 80% indigenous force in just few years . Still lots of time to plan and induct many different weapon to upgrade our army SO NO NATION MUST DARE TO LOOK at us .

Golden era just began ... waiting for 800 Arun MK2 and upstage to infantry division .

I have a doubt can Agni series be use for conventional bombing ? Will it seems d false alarm as a Nuclear tipped missile ? How will the enemy reacts to this situation ?
Yes that is what we have chosen him for,he has done many things till now from improving defence industry, internal security and foreign relation and business sentiments,but there's still a lot to be done. And if we talk about a surya,if it exists,then still its not a good time to test it,A5 is enough to show off rest can be kept secret for the time being,if at all they exist. All we need to care about for now are, investment and a strong a economy which would help us strenghten our defences in the future. testing anything as such would perhaps hamper our growth.
For now 118 Arjun mk2's had been cleared by MoD back in August this year. 800no's are not in IA's radar for now.
I have a doubt can Agni series be use for conventional bombing ? Will it seems d
false alarm as a Nuclear tipped missile ? How will the enemy reacts to this
situation ?
Well i guess yes? if so then say if we use an agni series missile then they would use their nuke tipped missiles in retaliation,simply because they couldn't figure it out if it's a nuke tipped missile or a conventional one. It's jus like asking how would India react if Pakistan would use a long range nuclear capable missiles with conventional warhead,it wouldn't matter much nuke or not,once anyone uses such missiles it will be a nuclear retailation and a complete disaster.my 2 cents.
Agni-6 with 5,000+km range and a whopping 3,000kg payload and K-5 SLBM with 6,500km range & 2,000kg payload
(both with MIRVed warheads) are the answer for all of India's present deterrence needs of the highest order.
Have we got an Air Force base in Mauritania after Tajikistan? Surya comes later. In my opinion, priority should be given to build bases across the globe rather than ICBMs. ICBMs can take their own sweet time to come up but India should focus on cultivating countries with large number of PIOs to have defence pact with India. Fiji, Surinam, Mauritius, West Indies, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain etc etc can serve as permanent bases for Indian Army, Air Force and Navy. This will help India to encircle the globe.
Wah What do you mean by that ? Pakistan needs long range ICBMs and at least 3 with different ranges

Can you describe more? And about the reasons of such requirements?
Have we got an Air Force base in Mauritania after Tajikistan? Surya comes later. In my opinion, priority should be given to build bases across the globe rather than ICBMs. ICBMs can take their own sweet time to come up but India should focus on cultivating countries with large number of PIOs to have defence pact with India. Fiji, Surinam, Mauritius, West Indies, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain etc etc can serve as permanent bases for Indian Army, Air Force and Navy. This will help India to encircle the globe.

We don't need the bases out side at very distant location ... I believe AC can serve our purpose to secure our interest..... Our military power(in proportionate to our economy) to be clubbed with foreign policy is enough deterrent for any adversaries......
We don't need the bases out side at very distant location ... I believe AC can serve our purpose to secure our interest..... Our military power(in proportionate to our economy) to be clubbed with foreign policy is enough deterrent for any adversaries......
You can take an indian out of India but you cant take India out of an Indian. thats why the PIOs are so important to us and India is so important to PIOs. My comments were with a view to having ICBMs. First o all, we dont need ICBMs but if at all need arises my vote will be for having military bases at every 10k kilometers with Agni-v missiles rather than having 15K range of ICBMs. I am not against ICBMs but option 1 should precede ICBMs. This will be more of part of our foreign policy rather than Diego garcia type bases.
You can take an indian out of India but you cant take India out of an Indian. thats why the PIOs are so important to us and India is so important to PIOs. My comments were with a view to having ICBMs. First o all, we dont need ICBMs but if at all need arises my vote will be for having military bases at every 10k kilometers with Agni-v missiles rather than having 15K range of ICBMs. I am not against ICBMs but option 1 should precede ICBMs. This will be more of part of our foreign policy rather than Diego garcia type bases.

Mam having/maintaining bases is very costliest affair(as per our current economical situation) at far location whereas ICBM n AC are not... Moreover we are not Americans whose has interest in evey nook n corner around the globe to contain others n uphold military supremacy.... Otherside its not easy task to convince other country allows to have military base ....
Mam having/maintaining bases is very costliest affair(as per our current economical situation) at far location whereas ICBM n AC are not... Moreover we are not Americans whose has interest in evey nook n corner around the globe to contain others n uphold military supremacy.... Otherside its not easy task to convince other country allows to have military base ....
First thing is about the need. Second is about the cost. If India can have an airbase in Tajikistan and sign a defence treaty with Qatar providing it naval security, I am sure the nations with PIO population will be more reliable and economical to have defence bases. All NATO members are natural allies. India can also have such a treaty with like minded nations. Its not just about the safety and security of India but Indian diaspora. May not be today but soon this angle needs to be looked at.
DRDO already said range is not an issue for them.
But now we dont need such a range.We should cap our land
missiles with A6 and should develop SLBM version of A6.
First thing is about the need. Second is about the cost. If India can have an airbase in Tajikistan and sign a defence treaty with Qatar providing it naval security, I am sure the nations with PIO population will be more reliable and economical to have defence bases. All NATO members are natural allies. India can also have such a treaty with like minded nations. Its not just about the safety and security of India but Indian diaspora. May not be today but soon this angle needs to be looked at.

Mam I m not a defence expert, my comments are as layman but all NATO nations has bigger economy n better HDI indicator n some of allies had even ruled various parts of globe .... You gave me two examples where India has some military bases but why India wanted to have base in west indies coast where we don't have any interest foreseeable future....
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