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Missiles are not changed like u are suggesting,everything is predetermined and a payload will remain the same for them and not decreased /increased for more/less payload.

A .5 tonnes tonnes payload is practically useless thats why it will not be used in first place on a costly icbm.
A .5 ton payload is very capable. Especially if guided to the right target. That's why you see the accuracy of less than x% or x metre being shown in articles of Indian missile tests.
Missile payloads are configurable, see prithvi 1/2/3 and others, I have heard from the mouth of VKS saying that exactly. "Right now our strategic needs are sufficiently addressed by current systems, however if we need a longer range, all we need to do is reconfigure the payload, we have already done that, just don't need to publicize it. Those who are supposed to know, know our capabilities."
With MIRV you get a lot of different configurations, depending on the weights of the payloads.
A .5 ton payload is very capable. Especially if guided to the right target. That's why you see the accuracy of less than x% or x metre being shown in articles of Indian missile tests.
Missile payloads are configurable, see prithvi 1/2/3 and others, I have heard from the mouth of VKS saying that exactly. "Right now our strategic needs are sufficiently addressed by current systems, however if we need a longer range, all we need to do is reconfigure the payload, we have already done that, just don't need to publicize it. Those who are supposed to know, know our capabilities."
With MIRV you get a lot of different configurations, depending on the weights of the payloads.

Read my post again.....i said not practical on an ICBM
Read my post again.....i said not practical on an ICBM
Why not? As long as it serves the strategic purpose its practical. For example elimination of political or military leadership.
0.5 ton payload can be nuclear.
Not sure about Surya but today DRDO's spokesperson said that they are being ready for another round of test firings one after another very soon. Expecting all Agmi3/4/5 to be fired within 7 days.
Why not? As long as it serves the strategic purpose its practical. For example elimination of political or military leadership.
0.5 ton payload can be nuclear.

Because .5 tonne won't cause the intended amount of destruction to justify its cost on a costly >5500 km icbm.
If ur idea was good,it would have been already done putting .5 tonne on agni 4 to increase its range but it was never done.
Not sure about Surya but today DRDO's spokesperson said that they are being ready for another round of test firings one after another very soon. Expecting all Agmi3/4/5 to be fired within 7 days.

Only thing worthwhile is canister launch of agni 5.
Agni4 too. Its a light weighted, high apogee, 4000 km range with 1000 kg warhead missile.

I find it wasteful when we develop a 5500 km missile as both will be china specific.
I think Surya ICBM has already been developed and tested. I am not a 100% as I am no missile engineer, but I doubt that range of Agni 5 is just 5500 KM. It can go way more than that.
Because .5 tonne won't cause the intended amount of destruction to justify its cost on a costly >5500 km icbm.
If ur idea was good,it would have been already done putting .5 tonne on agni 4 to increase its range but it was never done.
You are assuming that ICBM can be used for massive damage to population and infrastructure only. I said in the last post that it can be used for targeting political or military leadership as well as strategic targets. What you said is the general purpose of ICBM, MAD and what not. What I am saying is not completely excluded by that. You are saying it would be a waste, but the cost benefit would vary in various scenarios, and in quite a few scenarios that benefit outweighs the cost. Not to mention various last resort scenarios.
Not sure about Surya but today DRDO's spokesperson said that they are being ready for another round of test firings one after another very soon. Expecting all Agmi3/4/5 to be fired within 7 days.
A4,A5 where already sechdule for testing but A3 aswell, are they preparing for war?,that is what it seems like. Whatever it is we are having a good time :D
I remember reading about Surya ICBM in a newspaper back in early 2000s.It said US was putting pressure on India to go slow on Surya using "carrot and stick" approach.Seems we are finally strong enough to resist both.

Rightly said about Carrot and stick approach by Americans towards its e e my and foe .but it won't work with India anymore we have our own vast carrot plantations to give financial aids to poor countries ad unstable countries . And with sticks India can defend from any threats . Only if anyone want to be a friend with India Tey must accept our sentiments and nee
to boost our economy . ICBM with 16000 km is not a tough task for Indian scientists . I alsoe end about couple of tests carried out in late 1990s-2000 . Is it true and we about future testing ? Sure this will be collaborated with kaveri series missiles which can be launched from Submarines. We can be par with many superior nuclear state in 20 years if not in the next 10 years .

I hope US will empower India like they did with Israel . More over the technology produced by Israel are same technology of Americans or later updated with Israel own effort .

They may happen this the reason Russia is starting to put pressure on India with their latest developments with Pakistan counter part . But Russia must stop being like mal like who ever has money Tey will sell the house weapons .The point of note is that we get angry over Russians arms sales to pak or Chin but happy with usa approach towards arming our enemies . May because we belive Russians and their relationship with India . Modi ha to balance every one . Because inviting Obama was unthinkable move by Modi . That too for Republic parade . But Russians might already know this was to counter China and sending a strong support of us in case of Chinese starting a war with India .
A missile with 5k range with 3 warheads of total 1.5 ton weight, will have how much range with a single warhead of .5 ton. Guys do the math.
PS agni5 has 5k range with 3warheads.
Actually Surya is already in development as a technology for many it er missiles .They must be maturing the technology with latest udates . We must have separate 14000 km with submarine launched capabilities . Agni will be our back bone of our deterrence with Surya our global influence will increase to many folds . Serious game changer of us
A4,A5 where already sechdule for testing but A3 aswell, are they preparing for war?,that is what it seems like. Whatever it is we are having a good time :D
It's the best time I ever seen . Wasn't it our dream to see MODI as a PM and the good things happen to India . For ur kind information we are already living our dreams . From rifle to Howitzers From trainer to 5 gen fighter jets from tracking device to world fasted super computers will be built in India . It's like shutting down the imports completely. The this pace we will achieve 80% indigenous force in just few years . Still lots of time to plan and induct many different weapon to upgrade our army SO NO NATION MUST DARE TO LOOK at us .

Golden era just began ... waiting for 800 Arun MK2 and upstage to infantry division .

I have a doubt can Agni series be use for conventional bombing ? Will it seems d false alarm as a Nuclear tipped missile ? How will the enemy reacts to this situation ?
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