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Neo-Nazi? Are you braindead?

This is the MAIN theory that has consensus in the scientific community.

Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What an absolute imbecile.

There's no point in listing the literally hundreds of thousands of studies that have already concluded that this is what happened.

Here are a few snippets Australoid:

Like I said there's no use debating a nincompoop like you who has already made up his mind about his fake racial superiority. There are many hypothesis on the topic, you just picked the one that suites your case. Here's some food for thought :

" The Aryan theory has gone through many revisions: Historians and archaeologists like A L Basham and Mortimer Wheeler advocated an invasion theory where invaders triumphed over the natives due their military prowess and superior weapons. These invaders originated in Central Asia: one branch migrated to Europe and the other to Iran, eventually reaching India. By the time of historian Romila Thapar, the invasion theory morphed into a migration theory. According to Ms Thapar there is no evidence of large scale invasion, but migrations by Indo-Aryan speakers who bought their language and culture to India.

Though the theory changed, two factors remained constant: the existence of two separate groups (Dravidians and Aryans) and their identification as natives and foreigners. The scholarly consensus is that the Indo-Aryan speakers arrived in North-West India following the decline of the Harappan civilisation. These horse riding migrants introduced Vedic religion and Sanskrit language and culturally transformed a region bigger than ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt combined, non-violently.

Now a new paper published in the American Journal of Human Genetics states that current Indian population is derived from two ancestral populations—the Ancestral North Indians (ANI) and Ancestral South Indians (ASI)—both of which are older than 3500 Years Before Present (YBP). Though this seems to confirm the Aryan-Dravidian divide and the migration which happened after 1900 BCE, the paper actually does the opposite; it refutes the large scale migration version of the Aryan theory.

Researchers led by Mait Metspalu of Evolutionary Biology Group of Estonia studied 600,000 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers among 30 ethnic groups in India. The human genomes consists of chromosomes, represented by the double helix and specific locations on the chromosome can be identified using markers with the common ones being micro-satellite markers and SNP markers. Among the two, SNP markers are popular for gene fine mapping. The study takes data from existing genetic studies and combines it with new data from North Indian and South Indian population to trace the external influences from Europe.

One of the ancestral components—the ANI—is common not just in South Asia, but also in West Asia and Caucasus while the ASI is limited to South Asia. While this may seem to clearly demarcate the natives and the foreign migrants, it does not. Except for some Astroasiatic tribes and two small Dravidian tribes in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, all other South Indians have more than 40% of the ANI component. This means that everyone except these few groups are not purely native.

The important question then is this: When did the ANI mix with the ASI?. If that period is between 1900 BCE and 1500 BCE, then it would confirm the many versions of Aryan theory in existence right now. When these researchers modeled the data, they could not find any evidence of a dramatic Central Asian migration for this period. So they went back and till about 12500 Years Before Present (YBP) they could not find any evidence. Thus the mixing of the ANI and ASI did not happen 140 generations before as was believed, but probably more than 500 generations back (Each generation is 25 years). The paper explicitly mentions Max Muller’s theory and says that it is hard to find evidence for such a migration following the collapse of the Harappan civilization.

Few years back, researchers working on this project suggested that the ANI emerged 40,000 years back and mixed with the ASI at a later date. So as it stands now, the mixing between the two groups happened some time between 40,000 YBP and 12,500 YBP. So if there is a European component in Indian genes, that event happened much earlier than the decline of the Harappan civilisation and not because of the hypothetical Aryan migration around 1500 BCE.

Going back 12,500 years we have to wonder what event was responsible for this shared ancestry between the ANI and Europeans? Did it happen during the Out of Africa migration phase? Humans reached India first before moving to Europe in which case the European gene pool would be derived from the much diverse South Asian pool. Or was there any other incident much later which was responsible for this?

Coming back to the period following the decline of the Harappan civilisation there are more questions for scholarly head scratching. Even though the ANI-ASI mixture may happened quite earlier, there must have been constant migration of people in both directions which was not large enough to leave a genetic footprint. If you accept that premise, how did this minor trickle of people change the region culturally. If these are the people who bought horses to India, why don’t we see a proliferation of horse bones following this period?

The current models don’t have a convincing explanation for many such questions.
There are many hypothesis on the topic, you just picked the one that suites your case. Here's some food for thought

Beginning in the 1970s, the mainstream consensus among Indo-Europeanists favors the "Kurgan hypothesis", placing the Indo-European homeland in the Pontic steppe of the Chalcolithic period (4th to 5th millennia BCE). The Pontic steppe is a large area of grasslands in far Eastern Europe, located north of the Black Sea, Caucasus Mountains and Caspian Sea and including parts of eastern Ukraine, southern Russia and northwest Kazakhstan. This is the time and place of the earliest domestication of the horse, which according to this hypothesis was the work of early Indo-Europeans, allowing them to expand outwards and assimilate or conquer many other cultures.

Get it?

As for the study you posted, you are basically positing ONE study, with literally NO large backing, against the number one theory with the most evidence, in existence today?

And you were implying I had preconceptions? The NUMBER ONE theory states what I stated. The NUMBER TWO theory still states what I stated. The NUMBER THREE theory states what I stated. The NUMBER FOUR theory states what I stated.

Sorry, it's just a fact you're going to have to get over.

Neo-Nazi? Are you braindead?

This is the MAIN theory that has consensus in the scientific community.

Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What an absolute imbecile.

There's no point in listing the literally hundreds of thousands of studies that have already concluded that this is what happened.

Here are a few snippets Australoid:

No need to argue with Mlechas ... their brain works in a different way.....

We dont need their certificate to tell us who we are.....we would rather believe what is in our itihasa.......
No need to argue with Mlechas ... their brain works in a different way.....

We dont need their certificate to tell us who we are.....we would rather believe what is in our itihasa.......

Mleccha (from Vedic Sanskrit म्लेच्छ mleccha, meaning "non-Vedic", "barbarian"), also spelt as Mlechchha, referred to people of foreign extraction in ancient India. Mleccha was used by the ancient Indians as much as the ancient Greeks used barbaros, originally to indicate the uncouth and incomprehensible speech of foreigners and then extended to their unfamiliar behaviour.

The evidence is so hilariously obvious I'm really having a good time watching you guys ignore it... It's like you KNOW, in your heart, that it's true, but you just can't get yourselves to say it... :yay:
Get it?

As for the study you posted, you are basically positing ONE study, with literally NO large backing, against the number one theory with the most evidence, in existence today?

And you were implying I had preconceptions? The NUMBER ONE theory states what I stated. The NUMBER TWO theory still states what I stated. The NUMBER THREE theory states what I stated. The NUMBER FOUR theory states what I stated.

Sorry, it's just a fact you're going to have to get over.


What large backing? are you talking about the large backing of stormfront :lol:

Stop living in 50s and see the latest study that debunks any invasion or large scale migration .

Some excerpts from the study :

" The study is comprehensive, unlike previous studies of human genome and is unique, because it focuses on large number of populations in South Asia, and India, a region which harbours one of the highest levels of genetic diversity in Eurasia and currently accounts for one sixth of human population in the world.

The study analysed human genetic variation on a sample of 1310 individuals that belong to 112 populations, using new genome-wide data contains more than 600,000 single nucleotide polymorphic sites among 142 samples from 30 ethnic groups of India. The most important scientific findings of the study are:

• South Asian genetic diversity is 2nd in the world, next only to Africa, mainly due to long periods of indigenous development of lineages and with complex population structure where one can see the different caste and tribal populations.

• Two genetic components among Indians are observed: one is restricted to India and explains 50% genetic ancestry of Indian populations , while, the second which spread to West Asia and Caucasus region. Technically called “haplotype diversity”, it is a measure of the origin of the genetic component. The component which spread beyond India has significantly higher haplotype diversity in India than in any other part of world. This is clear proof that this genetic component originated in India and then spread to West Asia and Caucasus. The distribution of two genetic components among Indians clearly indicates that the Aryan-Dravidian division is a myth, Indian population landscape is clearly governed by geography.

&#8226; A remarkable finding is that the origin of these components in India is <u>much older than 3500 years which clearly refutes Aryan Invasion theory of the type enunciated by Max Mueller!</b> The study also found that haplotypic diversity of this ancestry component is much greater than in Europe and the Near East (Iraq, Iran, Middle East) thus pointing to an older age of the component and/or long-term higher effective population size (that is, indigenous evolution of people).

&#8226; Haplotype diversity associated with dark green ancestry is greatest in the south of the Indian subcontinent, indicating that the alleles underlying it most likely arose there and spread northwards.

&#8226; The study refutes Aryan migrations into India suggested by the German orientalist Max Muller that ca. 3,500 years ago a dramatic migration of Indo-European speakers from Central Asia shaping contemporary South Asian populations, introduction of the Indo-European language family and the caste system in India. A few past studies on mtDNA and Y-chromosome variation have interpreted their results in favor of the hypothesis, whereas others have found no genetic evidence to support it. The present study notes that any migration from Central Asia to South Asia should have introduced readily apparent signals of East Asian ancestry into India. The study finds that this ancestry component is absent from the region. The study, therefore, concludes that if such at all such a dispersal ever took place, it should have occurred 12,500 years ago. On the contrary, there is evidence for East Asian ancestry component reaching Central Asia at a later period. "

Shared and Unique Components of Human Population Structure and Genome-Wide Signals of Positive Selection in South Asia
Wow, another two-flag waving idiot. Let's flood China with 160 million Blacks, 200 million Hispanics, and 800 million Whites. Those are the proportions at which they would consist of the same percentage in your country. What? You don't want 1.2 billion non-Chinese flooding into your country every year?

TOO BAD! If you don't like it then you are a RACIST!

Seriously, F off with that White mans guilt bull-****. It's not going to work.

Not only a two false flagger, by using chinese flag, he's intention is incited interlocutor to bash China and he can bash China at the same time, very evil intention but it's ok we can handle type like him.
What large backing? are you talking about the large backing of stormfront :lol:

Stop living in 50s and see the latest study that debunks any invasion or large scale migration .

Some excerpts from the study :

" The study is comprehensive, unlike previous studies of human genome and is unique, because it focuses on large number of populations in South Asia, and India, a region which harbours one of the highest levels of genetic diversity in Eurasia and currently accounts for one sixth of human population in the world.

The study analysed human genetic variation on a sample of 1310 individuals that belong to 112 populations, using new genome-wide data contains more than 600,000 single nucleotide polymorphic sites among 142 samples from 30 ethnic groups of India. The most important scientific findings of the study are:

&#8226; South Asian genetic diversity is 2nd in the world, next only to Africa, mainly due to long periods of indigenous development of lineages and with complex population structure where one can see the different caste and tribal populations.

&#8226; Two genetic components among Indians are observed: one is restricted to India and explains 50% genetic ancestry of Indian populations , while, the second which spread to West Asia and Caucasus region. Technically called &#8220;haplotype diversity&#8221;, it is a measure of the origin of the genetic component. The component which spread beyond India has significantly higher haplotype diversity in India than in any other part of world. This is clear proof that this genetic component originated in India and then spread to West Asia and Caucasus. The distribution of two genetic components among Indians clearly indicates that the Aryan-Dravidian division is a myth, Indian population landscape is clearly governed by geography.

&#8226; A remarkable finding is that the origin of these components in India is <u>much older than 3500 years which clearly refutes Aryan Invasion theory of the type enunciated by Max Mueller!</b> The study also found that haplotypic diversity of this ancestry component is much greater than in Europe and the Near East (Iraq, Iran, Middle East) thus pointing to an older age of the component and/or long-term higher effective population size (that is, indigenous evolution of people).

&#8226; Haplotype diversity associated with dark green ancestry is greatest in the south of the Indian subcontinent, indicating that the alleles underlying it most likely arose there and spread northwards.

&#8226; The study refutes Aryan migrations into India suggested by the German orientalist Max Muller that ca. 3,500 years ago a dramatic migration of Indo-European speakers from Central Asia shaping contemporary South Asian populations, introduction of the Indo-European language family and the caste system in India. A few past studies on mtDNA and Y-chromosome variation have interpreted their results in favor of the hypothesis, whereas others have found no genetic evidence to support it. The present study notes that any migration from Central Asia to South Asia should have introduced readily apparent signals of East Asian ancestry into India. The study finds that this ancestry component is absent from the region. The study, therefore, concludes that if such at all such a dispersal ever took place, it should have occurred 12,500 years ago. On the contrary, there is evidence for East Asian ancestry component reaching Central Asia at a later period. "

Shared and Unique Components of Human Population Structure and Genome-Wide Signals of Positive Selection in South Asia

What an imbecile.

The Kurgan hypothesis is the number one theory on the planet today.

Are you dumb brownskin monkeys denying this?

There are four competing basic models (with variations) that have academic credibility (Mallory (1997:106)):

the Kurgan hypothesis (Pontic-Caspian area): Chalcolithic (5th to 4th millennia BCE)

the Anatolian hypothesis (Anatolia in Asia Minor): Early Neolithic (7th to 5th millennia BCE)

the Baltic hypothesis: Mesolithic to Neolithic (Ertebølle to Corded Ware horizon, 6th to 3rd millennia BCE)

the Balkan hypothesis, excluding the Anatolian languages (a variant of the Anatolian hypothesis): Neolithic (5th millennium BCE)

As mentioned above, the Kurgan hypothesis is currently dominant in Indo-European studies. The Anatolian hypothesis is the primary competitor. This hypothesis is primarily associated with Colin Renfrew, although it has also been supported by Russell Gray and Quentin Atkinson, based on Bayesian analysis studies.[1][2]

So basically, everyone agrees you turd-worlders were displaced.

A number of fringe hypotheses also exist, e.g.:

the Armenian hypothesis (proposed in the context of Glottalic theory), with a homeland in Armenia in the 4th millennium BCE (excluding the Anatolian branch);

a 6th millennium BCE or later origin in Northern Europe, according to Lothar Kilian's and, especially, Marek Zvelebil's[3] models of a broader homeland;

Koenraad Elst's Out of India theory (often championed by Hindu nationalists), with a homeland in India in the 6th millennium BCE;[4] :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

The Paleolithic Continuity Theory, with an origin before the 10th millennium BCE.


LOL! The scientists have had enough of your 'fringe' hypothesis! Idiot!
LOL at dozens of Indians up at arms against WMB. If Pakistanis can allow Hindutvas who are even more then Pakistani members on this site then why not someone from Stormfont? At the same time Indians dont allow any Pakistani to get past 100 posts on their forums before getting permanent banned.

This is what i found searching on this subject.

"One recognizes a biological continuuum of many of their morphological variables in the modern populations of Punjab and Sindh."

The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective - Gregory L. Possehl - Google Libros

So IVC people and later on Vedic people were related to modern day Punjabis and Sindhis. Punjabis make about 2% of Indian population while Sindhis make 0.5% who migrated in last century, Sindh didnt get cut in half like Punjab in 1947. These two groups make 65-70% of Pakistan population. So i dont know how Indians can claim ancestory when 97% of Indians have nothing to do with IVC & Vedic people genetically. Culturally? Yes because of Brahmins who moved to India but genetically?

The only other group in India who may have any claim are non-punjabi Brahmins who mixed with local woman, but they make 4% Indian population. Thats why usually these non-Punjabi Brahmins trace back their ancestory to Punjab if they do DNA test.
What an imbecile.

The Kurgan hypothesis is the number one theory on the planet today.

Are you dumb brownskin monkeys denying this?

So basically, everyone agrees you turd-worlders were displaced.


LOL! The scientists have had enough of your 'fringe' hypothesis! Idiot!

Lol . As i said earlier there's no point presenting facts to an inbred moron like yourself whose only comeback is 'it's number 1 theory on planet', 'most acceptable' blah blah blah :lol:

Indo-Aryan migration theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indo-Aryan migration is a theory based primarily on linguistics and the Kurgan hypothesis.

According to Shaffer, archaeological evidence for a mass population movement, or an invasion of South Asia in the pre- or proto- historic periods, has not been found.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the change from the Indus Valley civilization to Vedic civilization could have been a gradual cultural change.

Linguistics has been the primary basis of Aryan Immigration theories; no evidence of massive migration has been found through examination of skeletal remains. :cheesy:

My bad i tried to debate a braindead donkey.
Lol . As i said earlier there's no point presenting facts to an inbred moron like yourself whose only comeback is 'it's number 1 theory on planet', 'most acceptable' blah blah blah :lol:

Indo-Aryan migration theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indo-Aryan migration is a theory based primarily on linguistics and the Kurgan hypothesis.

According to Shaffer, archaeological evidence for a mass population movement, or an invasion of South Asia in the pre- or proto- historic periods, has not been found.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the change from the Indus Valley civilization to Vedic civilization could have been a gradual cultural change.

Linguistics has been the primary basis of Aryan Immigration theories; no evidence of massive migration has been found through examination of skeletal remains. :cheesy:

My bad i tried to debate a braindead donkey.

Turd-licker, go and take a look at your brown-skinned Negroid-looking population, and tell me if any of them have blue or green eyes, and blonde hair.

No? Then they were NOT your people. That's that.

Did you even bother to read the rest of the page that you linked? ANOTHER FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE HINDU! :yahoo:

In the case of paternal-line Y-chromosome DNA, the Indo-Aryan migration is associated with the R1a haplogroup, especially the R1a1a subgroup, which clusters in Eastern Europe and the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, and nicely dovetails with the observed similarities between Lithuanian and Sanskrit, and more broadly, satem languages as a whole. The strongest such claims, though, are based upon studies of autosomal DNA, not only Y DNA. Several such studies have isolated two major components of ancestry amongst Indians, one being more common in the south, and amongst lower castes, and the other more common amongst upper caste Indians, Indians speaking Indo-European languages, and also Indians living in the northwest. This second component is shared with populations from the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia, and is thought to represent at least one ancient influx of people from the northwest.[61] According to one researcher, there is "a major genetic contribution from Eurasia to North Indian upper castes" and a "greater genetic inflow among North Indian caste populations than is observed among South Indian caste and tribal populations."

Recent genetic research indicates that the Indian subcontinent was subjected to a series of massive Indo-European migrations about 1500 BC.[61] The Austro-Asiatic tribals are hypothesized to have been the earliest inhabitants of India, while incoming Indo-European tribes may have displaced Dravidian-speaking tribals southward. However, the study's authors posit that a major influx into India occurred from the Northeast as well. It has also been noted that there is an underlying unity of present-day female lineages in India, and that historical gene flow has led to the obliteration of congruence between genetic and cultural affinities. A more recent study has provided support for an influx of Indo-European migrants into the Indian subcontinent, but not necessarily an "invasion of any kind", further corroborating the findings of previous investigators, such as Bamshad et al. (2001), Wells et al. (2002) and Basu et al. (2003). For example, Reich et al. (2009) writes: "It is tempting to assume that the population ancestral to ANI [Ancestral North Indian] and CEU spoke 'Proto-Indo-European', which has been reconstructed as ancestral to both Sanskrit and European languages, although we cannot be certain without a date for ANI&#8211;ASI [Ancestral South Indian] mixture."
Turd-licker, go and take a look at your brown-skinned Negroid-looking population, and tell me if any of them have blue or green eyes, and blonde hair.

No? Then they were NOT your people. That's that.

Did you even bother to read the rest of the page that you linked? ANOTHER FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE HINDU! :yahoo:

Blue green eyes, blonde hair??? :lol: There's a thing called genetic diversity and India is most gentically diverse after Africa, but whom am I telling all this , a braindead idiot who's too glad living in his own parallel universe.

Goodluck with your fake racial superiority. I shouldn't have disturbed you in the first place. Now spare me your BS. :wave:
Blue green eyes, blonde hair??? :lol: There's a thing called genetic diversity and India is most gentically diverse after Africa, but whom am I telling all this , a braindead idiot who's too glad living in his own parallel universe.

Goodluck with your fake racial superiority. I shouldn't have disturbed you in the first place. Now spare me your BS. :wave:

There's a thing called genetic diversity.... LOL! I can imagine... a blue-eyed, blonde-haired Indian walking around! BAHAHAHAHA!!! You wish.

90% of the skeletons that were sequenced were of West Eurasian origin. Of them around half had blue or green eyes. Half of your people are NOT walking around with blue or green eyes, as much as you wish they were.
For god's sake, move your racial war to Stormfront or make a new thread. Is Mode taking vacation? lol
For god's sake, move your racial war to Stormfront or make a new thread. Is Mode taking vacation? lol

Expect more white nationalist type in here after Indians created the one movie that make white people slaves and have it posted on the white nationalist web site. Their presence is just a result of someone post the movie in that forum. And of course, the Indians that believe they are blonde hair/blue eyes are getting their heads smacked up side down.
Are indians in this aryan delusion too? They think their white and blonde or something? Persians have this delusion as well when they are dark skinned they are in delusion world.
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